Peromyscus aztecus 3201040

Description: English: Aztec Mouse (Peromyscus aztecus). Date: 10 March 2001. Source: Author: Juan Cruzado Cortés. Camera location20° 17′ 29.64″ N, 98° 08′ 49.84″ W View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 20.291568; -98.147178. : This media file is part of an observation on tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing. : This image was originally posted to iNaturalist by juancruzado at It was reviewed on 30 October 2020 by INaturalistReviewBot and found to be published under the terms of the Cc-by-sa-4.0 license. Reason: sha1.
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota (真核生物)
- Opisthokonta
- Metazoa
- Bilateria
- Deuterostomia (後口動物)
- Chordata (脊索動物門)
- Vertebrata (脊椎動物亞門)
- Gnathostomata (有頜類)
- Osteichthyes (硬骨魚)
- Sarcopterygii (肉鰭魚)
- Tetrapoda (四足類)
- Amniota
- Synapsida (合弓綱)
- Therapsida
- Cynodontia (犬齒獸亞目)
- Mammalia (哺乳動物)
- Theria (獸亞綱)
- Eutheria (真獸下綱)
- Placentalia
- Boreoeutheria (北方真兽高目)
- Euarchontoglires (靈長總目)
- Glires (啮形类)
- Rodentia (嚙齒目)
- Mouse relatives
- Myomorpha (鼠形亞目)
- Muroidea (鼠)
- Eumuroidea
- Cricetidae (倉鼠科)
- Neotominae (林鼠亚科)
- Peromyscus (白足鼠屬)
- Peromyscus aztecus
- 許可
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- 版權
- Juan Cruzado Cortés
- 原始內容
- 原始媒體檔案
- 參訪來源
- 合作夥伴網站
- Wikimedia Commons
- ID