Rare and endangered wild Civet-Runover and killed in JIM CORBET National park-India

Description: English: Photographed by me, an endangered wild civet, on the night of 4th Oct'2011 inside Jim Corbett National Park in India in the state of Uttrakhand. It shows the human atrocity on wild life and failure on part of the people and authority responsible for its preservation. It was overrun by an speeding jeep inside the jungle. Date: 17 October 2011. Source: Own work. Author: Verity67.
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota (真核生物)
- Opisthokonta
- Metazoa
- Bilateria
- Deuterostomia (後口動物)
- Chordata (脊索動物門)
- Vertebrata (脊椎動物亞門)
- Gnathostomata (有頜類)
- Osteichthyes (硬骨魚)
- Sarcopterygii (肉鰭魚)
- Tetrapoda (四足類)
- Amniota
- Synapsida (合弓綱)
- Therapsida
- Cynodontia (犬齒獸亞目)
- Mammalia (哺乳動物)
- Theria (獸亞綱)
- Eutheria (真獸下綱)
- Placentalia
- Boreoeutheria (北方真兽高目)
- Laurasiatheria (勞亞獸總目)
- Scrotifera (有陰囊類)
- Carnivora (食肉目)
- Feliformia (貓型亞目)
- Viverridae (靈貓科)
- Viverrinae (靈貓亞科)
- Viverricula
- Viverricula indica (小靈貓)