Bullseye rash linked to Lyme disease
Description: English: The pathognomonic erythematous rash in the pattern of a bull’s-eye (erythema migrans). The rash manifested at the site of a tick bite, on this Maryland woman’s posterior upper arm, signifying a case of Lyme disease, caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, and transmitted to humans, by the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. Date: 31 December 2007. Source: https://phil.cdc.gov/Details.aspx?pid=9874. Author: CDC / James Gathany.
- Life
- Cellular
- Bacteria
- Spirochaetes (螺旋體)
- Spirochaetia
- Spirochaetales (螺旋體目)
- Borreliaceae
- Borreliella
- Borreliella burgdorferi (伯氏疏螺旋體)
- 建立者
- CDC / James Gathany
- 來源
- https://phil.cdc.gov/Details.aspx?pid=9874
- 原始內容
- 原始媒體檔案
- 參訪來源
- 合作夥伴網站
- Wikimedia Commons
- ID