Bombylius major gathering nectar on a pink flower
Description: Deutsch: Grosser Wollschweber (Bombylius major). English: Bee fly (Bombylius major) gathering nectar on a pink flower. Français : Un Grand Bombyle (Bombylius major) butinant. Date: 2009. Source: Own work. Author: Yann (talk). Attribution(required by the license)InfoFieldThis file is not in the public domain. Therefore you are requested to use the following next to the image if you reuse this file: © Yann Forget / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA. If you want other conditions, or have further questions about the terms of licence, please contact me. If you use one of my picture, I appreciate very much if you send me an email. The CC-BY-SA license is incompatible with Facebook's licensing terms. It is not allowed to upload this file to Facebook. InfoFieldThis file is not in the public domain. Therefore you are requested to use the following next to the image if you reuse this file: © Yann Forget / Wikimedia Commons. Camera location45° 45′ 08.76″ N, 6° 00′ 54.36″ E View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap 45.752433; 6.015100.