Figures 61–62.Dactyloscirus key illustrations. 61a–h Pedipalp genu and tibiotarsus with adjoining apophysis present 61i Close up of bifid claw 62a–d Pedipalp genu and tibiotarsus with adjoining apophysis absent 62e Close up of trifid claw.
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota (真核生物)
- Opisthokonta
- Metazoa
- Bilateria
- Protostomia
- Ecdysozoa (蜕皮动物总门)
- Arthropoda (節肢動物)
- Chelicerata (螯肢亞門)
- Arachnida (蛛形綱)
- Acari (蜱蟎亞綱)
- Acariformes (真蟎總目)
- Trombidiformes (絨蟎目)
- Prostigmata (前氣門亞目)
- Eupodina
- Bdelloidea
- Cunaxidae
- Dactyloscirus
- Panarthropoda
- 許可
- cc-by-3.0
- 版權
- Michael J. Skvarla, J. Ray Fisher, Ashley P. G. Dowling
- 書目引用
- Skvarla M, Fisher J, Dowling A (2014) A review of Cunaxidae (Acariformes, Trombidiformes): Histories and diagnoses of subfamilies and genera, keys to world species, and some new locality records ZooKeys 418: 1–103