Calliopiidae G. O. Sars 1893的圖片
Description: Large amphipod Cleippides quadricuspis
Item Type: Image
Title: Amphipod
Copyright: SERPENT project
Species: Cleippides quadricuspis
Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- Faroe-Shetland Channel -- Brugdan
North Sea -- West of Shetland -- Faroe-Shetland Channel -- Brugdan
Site Description: Seafloor
Depth (m): 480
Countries: Faroe Islands
Habitat: Benthic
Rig: Stena Don
Project Partners: Statoil, Oceaneering
ROV: Magnum 070, Sea Owl 590
Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean
Deposited On: 15 December 2010
- Life
- Cellular
- Eukaryota (真核生物)
- Opisthokonta
- Metazoa
- Bilateria
- Protostomia
- Ecdysozoa (蜕皮动物总门)
- Arthropoda (節肢動物)
- Pancrustacea
- Multicrustacea
- Malacostraca (軟甲綱)
- Eumalacostraca (真軟甲亞綱)
- Peracarida (囊蝦總目)
- Amphipoda (端足目)
- Calliopioidea
- Calliopiidae
- Cleippides
- Cleippides quadricuspis
- Panarthropoda