
Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology tarafından sağlandı
Cnissostages oleagina Zeller

Cnissostages oleagina Zeller, 1863:147.—Bradley, 1951:184.—Davis, 1984:25.—Nye and Fletcher, 1991:72.

MALE (Figures 94–96).—Forewing length 8–19 mm.

Head: Vestiture white to pale cream. Antennal scaling of similar color; flagellum ∼0.4× length of forewing, 56–58-segmented; flagellum subserrate ventrally, with rounded lobes ∼0.5× diameter of antenna (Figure 13). Labial palpus mostly white to pale cream, with dark fuscous laterally along segments I and II.

Thorax (Figure 33): White to pale cream with small tuft of spatulate, occasionally brown-tipped scales. Forewing predominantly pale cream to pale golden brown variably marked with darker brown to fuscous; a large, roughly oval to rectangular, whitish to cream, semitransparent discal patch covering outer one-half of discal cell; basal one-third of spot sometimes with irregular, light suffusion of brownish scales; outer margin of spot and discal cell usually with dark fuscous border; costal area and often anal area of wing grayish brown; sometimes pale cream banding across darker costal area; area beyond discal spot usually heavily marked with fuscous to black; submarginal area of termen brown to fuscous, with highly variable pattern of small whitish spots; spots often arranged in 1 or 2 rows of 3–6 spots each, parallel to termen; fringe white to darker tornus, with faint banding. Hindwing mostly off-white, variably sprinkled with fuscous scales, forming in more well-marked specimens a distinct pattern of 2 or 3 concentric rows of small whitish spots; the outer, submarginal row usually the smallest; small black spot at lower outer margin of discal cell; larger black spot also present near apex of 3A. Foreleg off-white to pale cream, with dark fuscous suffusion on dorsal-mesal surfaces of coxa, femur, and tibia; mid- and hindlegs uniformly white to pale cream.

Abdomen (Figure 43): Uniformly white to pale cream, often with loose tuft of slender, spatulate scales from tergum of A2.

Genitalia (Figures 149–153): Vinculum-saccus Y-shaped; saccus elongate, more than 0.6× length of valva; anterior end slightly swollen. Apotheca greatly reduced, less than 0.4× length of valva, and only extending to base of saccus. Anellus tapering to slender, ventrally clefted apex. Valva with apical lobe of saccus enlarging to form a chelate process with serrations along its inner margins similar to C. mastictor. Aedeoagus ∼2× length of valva, terminating in a pronounced 90° bend, slightly curved for a short distance and then curving sharply anteriorly for almost one-half length of the aedoeagus (Figure 153).

FEMALE (Figures 14, 97).—Forewing length 18.0–22.2 mm. Color pattern generally similar to male. Antenna ∼0.5× length of forewing, 53–55-segmented; flagellum bilaterally serrated, with short, rounded lobes relatively larger than in male, ∼0.8× diameter of antennal shaft in length (Figures 14, 20–24), decreasing in size distally.

Abdomen: Similar to male except with cream to pale brown corethrogyne scaling encircling A7.

Genitalia (Figures 239, 240): Caudal margin of lamella antevaginalis produced into a short, triangular lobe; caudal lobe of lamella postvaginalis more elongated than in C. mastictor and with an acute, triangular projection. Caudal end of antrum only slightly broader than middle; diameter of ductus bursae then becoming greatly reduced for a moderate distance before dilating again with thickened walls; entire length of ductus bursae (including antrum) almost 3× length of anterior apophysis. Ductus seminalis more than 1.5× length of anterior apophysis, joining ductus bursae midway along its length; corpus bursa moderately reduced, only slightly longer than antrum.

TYPE.—Lectotype (present designation); Venezuela: “Type”; “Zeller Coll., Walsingham Collection, 1910–427, 102204”; “Cnissostages oleagina Z., E.Z. 1863, 147. f.8, Venezuela”; “Cnissostages oleagina Zell., Stett. Ent. Zeit. 24 p 147 (1863), Type ” [sic]; “ genitalia on slide 23652, D.R. Davis”; “Photograph on file USNM”; (BMNH). Because some uncertainty existed as to the correct sex of the two specimens Zeller originally listed in the type series of this species (see “Remarks”), I have selected the one known extant specimen (female) as lectotype.

HOST.—“…lebt die Raupe in Baumschwämmen” [the larva lives in tree fungi] (Zeller, 1863:149).

FLIGHT PERIOD.—Collection records, although often incomplete, indicate that the adults are generally active throughout the year. Captures have been reported for every month except August and September.

DISTRIBUTION (Map 2).—This species ranges widely through the Neotropical Region from Sinaloa, Mexico, to southern Brazil and Paraguay.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—BOLIVIA: [Locality not stated]: 1, [no data] (BMNH). BRAZIL: [Locality, date not stated]: 1 (MNHU). ESPIRITU SANTO: Linhares, 40 m: 1 , 5–9 Apr 1992, V.O. Becker, slide USNM 31740 (VOB). [Locality not stated]: 1 , [no data] (BMNH). PARÁ: Belém, 20 m: 5 , 1, 21–26 Dec 1984, V.O. Becker, 53562 (VOB). RIO DE JANEIRO: Campo Bella: 1, 24 Feb 1927, slide USNM 30995 (USNM). Petrópolis: 1, 1893, Schaus (BMNH). RIO GRANDE DO SUL: Pelotas: 1 , 16 Dec 1960, C.M. Biezanko (BMNH). SANTA CATARINA: Neue Bremen, Rio Laeiss: 1 , Jan 1931; 1 , [no date], Hoffman (BMNH). Hills between Hansa and Jaraguá [do Sul]: 1 , Mar 1935, Maller (BMNH). São Joaquim, 1400 m: 1 , 22–24 Jan 1983, V.O. Becker, slide DRD 3623 (VOB). SÀO PAULO: Alto da Serra: 1 , Mar 1920; 1 , Mar 1922; 1 , Mar 1925; 1 , Apr 1927; 1 , Nov 1928, R. Spitz (BMNH). Est. Biol. Boracéia, near Salesópolis, 850 m: 1 , 11 Mar 1972, E.G. & E.A. Munroe (CNC). Santos: 1 , Mar 1913, Jones (BMNH). COSTA RICA: CARTAGO: Turrialba, 600 m: 1 , 8 Apr 1983, V.O. Becker (VOB). GUANACASTE: Estación Mengo, SW side Volcan Cacao, 1100 m: 1 , Jul 1987, Janzen & Hallwachs, slide USNM 32062 (USNM). PUNTARENAS: Estación Sirena, Parque Nacional Corcovado, 0–100 m: 2, Feb 1992; 2, May 1992; 1, Jun 1992; 2, Nov 1990, G Fonseca (INBIO, USNM). FRENCH GUIANA: SAINT LAURENT DU MARONI: St.-Jean du Maroni: 1 [no date], L. Moult (BMNH); 1, [no date], slide BMNH 23653 (BMNH). [Locality not stated]: 1, [no date], C. Bar (BMNH). GUYANA: WEST DEMERARA-ESSEQUIBO COAST: Essequibo River: 2, [no date], Whiteley (BMNH). MEXICO: GUERRERO: 18 mi [29 km] N. Atoyac: 1 , 9–10 Jun 1994, N. Blumfield (UCB). JALISCO: Estación Biologia Chamela: 1, 20–27 Jul 1984, slide USNM 32318, 1, 28 Jul–2 Aug 1984, J. Chemsak & J. Doyen, at light, slide DRD 4120 (UCB, USNM). SINALOA: Venadío: 2, [no date], B.P. Clark, slide USNM 22987 (USNM). PANAMA: Chiriqui: 1, [no date], Coll. Staudinger, 251 Wish. 1893 (MNHU). PARAGUAY: PARAGUARI: Cerro Acahay: 1, 13–14 Mar 1986, M. Pogue & M. Solis (USNM). PERU: PASCO: Tambo Eneñas to Dos de Mayo, Camino al Pichis: 1, 5 Jul 1920, [no leg] (CU). PUNO: Santo Domingo, S.E. Peru: 1, Nov 1904, Ockenden (BMNH). VENEZUELA: [Locality not stated]: 1, [no data] (BMNH); 1 (lectotype), [no data], “Type,” slide BMNH 23652 (BMNH).

MAP 2.—Distribution of Crissostages oleagina.
bibliyografik atıf
Davis, Donald R. 2003. "A monograph of the family Arrhenophanidea( Lepidoptera: Tineoidea)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-80. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.620

Cnissostages oleagina ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Cnissostages oleagina is a species of moth in the family Arrhenophanidae family. It has a wide range in the Neotropical Region from Sinaloa, Mexico to southern Brazil and Paraguay.

The length of the forewings is 8–19 mm for males and 18–22 mm for females. Collection records indicate that the adults are generally active throughout the year. Captures have been reported for every month except August and September.

The larvae feed on tree fungi.

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wikipedia EN

Cnissostages oleagina: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Cnissostages oleagina is a species of moth in the family Arrhenophanidae family. It has a wide range in the Neotropical Region from Sinaloa, Mexico to southern Brazil and Paraguay.

The length of the forewings is 8–19 mm for males and 18–22 mm for females. Collection records indicate that the adults are generally active throughout the year. Captures have been reported for every month except August and September.

The larvae feed on tree fungi.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN