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Yapraklı Kara Yosunları
Callicostella submicrocarpa Brotherus 1907
genel bakış
Bilimsel İsimler
Tercih Edilen İsimler
Callicostella submicrocarpa Brotherus 1907
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
tarafından tanındı
Moss TROPICOS Database in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life kaynağından referans vergi
Callicostella submicrocarpa
wikipedia VI
Brazil Species List
tarafından tanındı
Callicostella submicrocarpa
Brotherus 1907
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
GBIF classification
, and
GBIF national node type records UK
tarafından tanındı
Callicostella submicrocarpa
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
tarafından tanındı
Callicostella submicrocarpa
BHL data coverage
tarafından tanınıyor
Callicostella submicrocarpa (Geh. & Hampe) Kindb.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
tarafından tanındı
Callicostella submicrocarpa Brotherus 1907
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
tarafından tanındı
Alternatif İsimler
Hookeria submicrocarpa Geh. & Hampe
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
göre Synonym
Genel Adlar
Bu taksonla ilişkilendirilmiş ortak bir ad yoktur.
Callicostella submicrocarpa Brotherus 1907 için küratörlük hiyerarşileri
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Callicostella submicrocarpa Brotherus 1907
(bu sayfa)
Callicostella africana Mitten 1860
Callicostella aiomensis E. B. Bartram 1961
Callicostella apophysata Jaeger 1877
Callicostella aquatica E. B. Bartram ex B. Willis 1939
Callicostella armata Herzog 1916
Callicostella ascensionis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella attenuata Brotherus 1907
Callicostella beccariana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella belangeriana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella bernoullii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella bisexualis Jaeger 1877
Callicostella brevipes Brotherus 1907
Callicostella caledonica Thériot 1908
Callicostella campbelliana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella chevalieri Brotherus ex Corbière 1912
Callicostella chionophylla Brotherus 1907
Callicostella chlorina Brotherus 1907
Callicostella chloroneura C. Müller ex Fleischer 1908
Callicostella ciliata Jaeger 1877
Callicostella circinata Brotherus 1907
Callicostella colombica R. S. Williams 1925
Callicostella constricta Brotherus 1907
Callicostella cruegeri Brotherus 1907
Callicostella daltoniaecarpa Brotherus 1907
Callicostella depressa Jaeger 1877
Callicostella diatomophila Fleischer 1922
Callicostella disticha Ångström 1873
Callicostella eberhardtiana Brotherus & Paris 1908
Callicostella emarginatula Brotherus ex Corbière 1912
Callicostella erosotruncata Cardot 1909
Callicostella fallax Brotherus 1907
Callicostella fissidentella Brotherus 1907
Callicostella frateri Brotherus & Watts 1915
Callicostella gabonensis Brotherus, Potier de la Varde & Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella galipanoana Brotherus 1907
Callicostella guatemalensis Florschütz-de Waard 1990
Callicostella heterophylla Ångström 1873
Callicostella hondurensis H. Crum 1952
Callicostella integrifolia Brotherus 1907
Callicostella irrorata Brotherus 1907
Callicostella jungermannioides Herzog 1924
Callicostella juruensis Brotherus 1906
Callicostella kaernbachii Brotherus ex Fleischer 1908
Callicostella kreaniana Tixier (1964)
Callicostella lacerans Jaeger 1877
Callicostella laeviuscula Mitten 1879
Callicostella leptocladula Brotherus 1907
Callicostella limosa Brotherus 1907
Callicostella loriae Fleischer 1908
Callicostella maclaudii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella martiana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella melanotheca Jaeger 1877
Callicostella merkelii Jaeger 1877
Callicostella mexicana H. Robinson & W. H. Welch ex W. H. Welch 1966
Callicostella microcarpa Ångström 1876
Callicostella monofaria Brotherus 1907
Callicostella mosenii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella nukahivensis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella oblongifolia Jaeger 1877
Callicostella oerstediana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella pallida Ångström 1876
Callicostella paludicola Brotherus 1906
Callicostella papillata Mitten 1859
Callicostella papillosula Brotherus & Potier de la Varde ex Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella parvicellulata Demaret & Potier de la Varde 1952
Callicostella paulensis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella paupera Kindberg 1891
Callicostella pellucida Jaeger 1877
Callicostella perpallida Brotherus 1907
Callicostella perpapillata Brotherus & Potier de la Varde ex Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella perrotii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella pilotrichidioides Brotherus 1924
Callicostella prabaktiana Bosch & Sande Lacoste 1862
Callicostella pterygophylloides Brotherus 1907
Callicostella pusilla Brotherus ex Demaret & Potier de la Varde 1952
Callicostella rivularis Jaeger 1877
Callicostella rufescens Jaeger 1877
Callicostella rugiseta Dixon 1941
Callicostella salaziae Brotherus 1907
Callicostella saxatilis Jaeger 1877
Callicostella scaberrima Brotherus 1924
Callicostella scabripes Brotherus 1907
Callicostella scabriseta Jaeger 1877
Callicostella scabriuscula Jaeger 1877
Callicostella sellowiana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella seychellensis Renauld 1897
Callicostella spurio-pallida Brotherus 1907
Callicostella strumulosa Jaeger 1877
Callicostella subdepressa Brotherus 1907
Callicostella subemarginatula Brotherus & Potier de la Varde ex Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella submonofaria Brotherus 1924
Callicostella subsecunda B. C. Tan ex B. Thiers 1992
Callicostella tenerrima E. B. Bartram 1951
Callicostella torrentium Brotherus 1907
Callicostella tristis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella usambarica Brotherus 1907
Callicostella vesiculata Jaeger 1877
Callicostella virens Renauld & Cardot 1905
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Bryobiotina Trevis.
Bryophyta Schimp.
Bryopsida McClatchie
Bryidae Engl.
Hypnanae W. R. Buck, C. J. Cox, A. J. Shaw & Goffinet
Hookeriales M. Fleisch.
Pilotrichaceae Kindb.
Callicostella (Müll. Hal.) Mitt.
Callicostella submicrocarpa (Geh. & Hampe) Kindb.
(bu sayfa)
Callicostella africana Mitt.
Callicostella aiomensis E. B. Bartram
Callicostella apophysata (Hampe) A. Jaeger
Callicostella armata Herzog
Callicostella ascensionis (Müll. Hal.) Kindb.
Callicostella attenuata (Müll. Hal.) Kindb.
Callicostella beccariana (Hampe) A. Jaeger
Callicostella belangeriana (Besch.) A. Jaeger
Callicostella bernoullii (Hampe) Broth.
Callicostella bisexualis (Besch.) A. Jaeger
Callicostella brevipes (Broth.) Broth.
Callicostella caledonica Thér.
Callicostella callicostelloides (Herzog & Thér.) B. H. Allen
Callicostella campbelliana (Hampe) A. Jaeger
Callicostella chevalieri Broth.
Callicostella chionophylla (Müll. Hal.) Kindb.
Callicostella chlorina (Besch.) Broth.
Callicostella chloroneura Müll. Hal. ex M. Fleisch.
Callicostella circinata (Broth.) Broth.
Callicostella constricta (Müll. Hal.) Kindb.
Callicostella cruegeri (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
Callicostella daltoniaecarpa (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
Callicostella depressa (Hedw.) A. Jaeger
Callicostella disticha Ångstr.
Callicostella eberhardtiana Paris & Broth.
Callicostella emarginatula Broth.
Callicostella erosotruncata Cardot
Callicostella fallax (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
Callicostella fissidentella (Besch.) Kindb.
Callicostella frateri Broth. & Watts
Callicostella gabonensis Broth. & P. de la Varde
Callicostella galipanoana (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
Callicostella glabrata Broth.
Callicostella heterophylla Ångstr.
Callicostella integrifolia (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
Callicostella irrorata (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
Callicostella jungermannioides Herzog
Callicostella juruensis Broth.
Callicostella kreaniana Tixier
Callicostella lacerans (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger
Callicostella laeviuscula Mitt.
Callicostella leptocladula (Müll. Hal. ex Broth.) Broth.
Callicostella limosa (Broth.) Broth.
Callicostella loriae M. Fleisch.
Callicostella maclaudii (Paris & Broth.) Broth.
Callicostella martiana (Hornsch.) A. Jaeger
Callicostella melanotheca (Duby ex Besch.) A. Jaeger
Callicostella merkelii (Hornsch.) A. Jaeger
Callicostella monofaria (Geh. & Hampe) Broth.
Callicostella mosenii (Broth.) Broth.
Callicostella nukahivensis (Besch.) Broth.
Callicostella oerstediana (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger
Callicostella pallida (Hornsch.) Ångstr.
Callicostella papillata (Mont.) Mitt.
Callicostella papillosula Broth. & P. de la Varde
Callicostella parvocellulata Demaret & P. de la Varde
Callicostella paulensis Broth.
Callicostella paupera (Müll. Hal.) Kindb.
Callicostella pellucida (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Callicostella perpallida (Broth.) Broth.
Callicostella perpapillata Broth. & P. de la Varde
Callicostella perrotii (Renauld & Cardot ex Paris) Broth.
Callicostella pilotrichidioides Broth.
Callicostella pterygophylloides (Broth.) Broth.
Callicostella pusilla Broth. ex Demaret & P. de la Varde
Callicostella rufescens (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Callicostella salaziae (Besch.) Kindb.
Callicostella saxatilis (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Callicostella scaberrima Broth.
Callicostella scabriuscula (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger
Callicostella sellowiana (Hampe) A. Jaeger
Callicostella seychellensis (Besch.) Kindb.
Callicostella spuriopallida (Müll. Hal. ex Broth.) Broth.
Callicostella strumulosa (Hampe & Lorentz) A. Jaeger
Callicostella subdepressa (Besch.) Kindb.
Callicostella subemarginatula Broth. & P. de la Varde
Callicostella submonofaria Broth.
Callicostella subsecunda (Mitt.) B. C. Tan
Callicostella torrentium (Broth.) Broth.
Callicostella tristis (Rehmann ex Müll. Hal.) Broth.
Callicostella usambarica (Broth.) Broth.
Callicostella vesiculata (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger
Callicostella virens Renauld & Cardot
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Callicostella submicrocarpa Brotherus 1907
(bu sayfa)
Callicostella africana Mitten 1860
Callicostella aiomensis E. B. Bartram 1961
Callicostella apophysata Jaeger 1877
Callicostella aquatica E. B. Bartram ex B. Willis 1939
Callicostella armata Herzog 1916
Callicostella ascensionis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella attenuata Brotherus 1907
Callicostella beccariana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella belangeriana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella bernoullii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella bisexualis Jaeger 1877
Callicostella brevipes Brotherus 1907
Callicostella caledonica Thériot 1908
Callicostella campbelliana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella chevalieri Brotherus ex Corbière 1912
Callicostella chionophylla Brotherus 1907
Callicostella chlorina Brotherus 1907
Callicostella chloroneura C. Müller ex Fleischer 1908
Callicostella ciliata Jaeger 1877
Callicostella circinata Brotherus 1907
Callicostella colombica R. S. Williams 1925
Callicostella constricta Brotherus 1907
Callicostella cruegeri Brotherus 1907
Callicostella daltoniaecarpa Brotherus 1907
Callicostella depressa Jaeger 1877
Callicostella diatomophila Fleischer 1922
Callicostella disticha Ångström 1873
Callicostella eberhardtiana Brotherus & Paris 1908
Callicostella emarginatula Brotherus ex Corbière 1912
Callicostella erosotruncata Cardot 1909
Callicostella fallax Brotherus 1907
Callicostella fissidentella Brotherus 1907
Callicostella frateri Brotherus & Watts 1915
Callicostella gabonensis Brotherus, Potier de la Varde & Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella galipanoana Brotherus 1907
Callicostella heterophylla Ångström 1873
Callicostella hondurensis H. Crum 1952
Callicostella integrifolia Brotherus 1907
Callicostella irrorata Brotherus 1907
Callicostella jungermannioides Herzog 1924
Callicostella juruensis Brotherus 1906
Callicostella kaernbachii Brotherus ex Fleischer 1908
Callicostella kreaniana Tixier (1964)
Callicostella lacerans Jaeger 1877
Callicostella laeviuscula Mitten 1879
Callicostella leptocladula Brotherus 1907
Callicostella limosa Brotherus 1907
Callicostella loriae Fleischer 1908
Callicostella maclaudii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella martiana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella melanotheca Jaeger 1877
Callicostella merkelii Jaeger 1877
Callicostella mexicana H. Robinson & W. H. Welch ex W. H. Welch 1966
Callicostella monofaria Brotherus 1907
Callicostella mosenii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella nukahivensis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella oblongifolia Jaeger 1877
Callicostella oerstediana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella pallida Ångström 1876
Callicostella paludicola Brotherus 1906
Callicostella papillata Mitten 1859
Callicostella papillosula Brotherus & Potier de la Varde ex Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella parvicellulata Demaret & Potier de la Varde 1952
Callicostella paulensis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella paupera Kindberg 1891
Callicostella pellucida Jaeger 1877
Callicostella perpallida Brotherus 1907
Callicostella perpapillata Brotherus & Potier de la Varde ex Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella perrotii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella pilotrichidioides Brotherus 1924
Callicostella prabaktiana Bosch & Sande Lacoste 1862
Callicostella pterygophylloides Brotherus 1907
Callicostella pusilla Brotherus ex Demaret & Potier de la Varde 1952
Callicostella rivularis Jaeger 1877
Callicostella rufescens Jaeger 1877
Callicostella rugiseta Dixon 1941
Callicostella salaziae Brotherus 1907
Callicostella saxatilis Jaeger 1877
Callicostella scaberrima Brotherus 1924
Callicostella scabripes Brotherus 1907
Callicostella scabriseta Jaeger 1877
Callicostella scabriuscula Jaeger 1877
Callicostella sellowiana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella seychellensis Renauld 1897
Callicostella spurio-pallida Brotherus 1907
Callicostella strumulosa Jaeger 1877
Callicostella subdepressa Brotherus 1907
Callicostella subemarginatula Brotherus & Potier de la Varde ex Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella submonofaria Brotherus 1924
Callicostella subsecunda B. C. Tan ex B. Thiers 1992
Callicostella tenerrima E. B. Bartram 1951
Callicostella torrentium Brotherus 1907
Callicostella tristis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella usambarica Brotherus 1907
Callicostella vesiculata Jaeger 1877
Callicostella virens Renauld & Cardot 1905
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Callicostella submicrocarpa Brotherus 1907
(bu sayfa)
Callicostella africana Mitten 1860
Callicostella aiomensis E. B. Bartram 1961
Callicostella apophysata Jaeger 1877
Callicostella aquatica E. B. Bartram ex B. Willis 1939
Callicostella armata Herzog 1916
Callicostella ascensionis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella attenuata Brotherus 1907
Callicostella beccariana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella belangeriana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella bernoullii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella bisexualis Jaeger 1877
Callicostella brevipes Brotherus 1907
Callicostella caledonica Thériot 1908
Callicostella campbelliana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella chevalieri Brotherus ex Corbière 1912
Callicostella chionophylla Brotherus 1907
Callicostella chlorina Brotherus 1907
Callicostella chloroneura C. Müller ex Fleischer 1908
Callicostella ciliata Jaeger 1877
Callicostella circinata Brotherus 1907
Callicostella colombica R. S. Williams 1925
Callicostella constricta Brotherus 1907
Callicostella cruegeri Brotherus 1907
Callicostella daltoniaecarpa Brotherus 1907
Callicostella depressa Jaeger 1877
Callicostella diatomophila Fleischer 1922
Callicostella disticha Ångström 1873
Callicostella eberhardtiana Brotherus & Paris 1908
Callicostella emarginatula Brotherus ex Corbière 1912
Callicostella erosotruncata Cardot 1909
Callicostella fallax Brotherus 1907
Callicostella fissidentella Brotherus 1907
Callicostella frateri Brotherus & Watts 1915
Callicostella gabonensis Brotherus, Potier de la Varde & Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella galipanoana Brotherus 1907
Callicostella guatemalensis Florschütz-de Waard 1990
Callicostella heterophylla Ångström 1873
Callicostella hondurensis H. Crum 1952
Callicostella integrifolia Brotherus 1907
Callicostella irrorata Brotherus 1907
Callicostella jungermannioides Herzog 1924
Callicostella juruensis Brotherus 1906
Callicostella kaernbachii Brotherus ex Fleischer 1908
Callicostella kreaniana Tixier (1964)
Callicostella lacerans Jaeger 1877
Callicostella laeviuscula Mitten 1879
Callicostella leptocladula Brotherus 1907
Callicostella limosa Brotherus 1907
Callicostella loriae Fleischer 1908
Callicostella maclaudii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella martiana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella melanotheca Jaeger 1877
Callicostella merkelii Jaeger 1877
Callicostella mexicana H. Robinson & W. H. Welch ex W. H. Welch 1966
Callicostella microcarpa Ångström 1876
Callicostella monofaria Brotherus 1907
Callicostella mosenii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella nukahivensis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella oblongifolia Jaeger 1877
Callicostella oerstediana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella pallida Ångström 1876
Callicostella paludicola Brotherus 1906
Callicostella papillata Mitten 1859
Callicostella papillosula Brotherus & Potier de la Varde ex Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella parvicellulata Demaret & Potier de la Varde 1952
Callicostella paulensis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella paupera Kindberg 1891
Callicostella pellucida Jaeger 1877
Callicostella perpallida Brotherus 1907
Callicostella perpapillata Brotherus & Potier de la Varde ex Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella perrotii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella pilotrichidioides Brotherus 1924
Callicostella prabaktiana Bosch & Sande Lacoste 1862
Callicostella pterygophylloides Brotherus 1907
Callicostella pusilla Brotherus ex Demaret & Potier de la Varde 1952
Callicostella rivularis Jaeger 1877
Callicostella rufescens Jaeger 1877
Callicostella rugiseta Dixon 1941
Callicostella salaziae Brotherus 1907
Callicostella saxatilis Jaeger 1877
Callicostella scaberrima Brotherus 1924
Callicostella scabripes Brotherus 1907
Callicostella scabriseta Jaeger 1877
Callicostella scabriuscula Jaeger 1877
Callicostella sellowiana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella seychellensis Renauld 1897
Callicostella spurio-pallida Brotherus 1907
Callicostella strumulosa Jaeger 1877
Callicostella subdepressa Brotherus 1907
Callicostella subemarginatula Brotherus & Potier de la Varde ex Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella submonofaria Brotherus 1924
Callicostella subsecunda B. C. Tan ex B. Thiers 1992
Callicostella tenerrima E. B. Bartram 1951
Callicostella torrentium Brotherus 1907
Callicostella tristis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella usambarica Brotherus 1907
Callicostella vesiculata Jaeger 1877
Callicostella virens Renauld & Cardot 1905
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Callicostella submicrocarpa Brotherus 1907
(bu sayfa)
Callicostella africana Mitten 1860
Callicostella aiomensis E. B. Bartram 1961
Callicostella apophysata Jaeger 1877
Callicostella aquatica E. B. Bartram in B. Willis 1939
Callicostella armata Herzog 1916
Callicostella ascensionis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella attenuata Brotherus 1907
Callicostella beccariana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella belangeriana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella bernoullii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella bisexualis Jaeger 1877
Callicostella brevipes Brotherus 1907
Callicostella caledonica Thériot 1908
Callicostella campbelliana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella chevalieri Brotherus in Corbière 1912
Callicostella chionophylla Brotherus 1907
Callicostella chlorina Brotherus 1907
Callicostella chloroneura C. Müller ex Fleischer 1908
Callicostella ciliata Jaeger 1877
Callicostella circinata Brotherus 1907
Callicostella colombica R. S. Williams 1925
Callicostella constricta Brotherus 1907
Callicostella cruegeri Brotherus 1907
Callicostella daltoniaecarpa Brotherus 1907
Callicostella depressa Jaeger 1877
Callicostella diatomophila Fleischer 1922
Callicostella disticha Ångström 1873
Callicostella eberhardtiana Brotherus & Paris 1908
Callicostella emarginatula Brotherus in Corbière 1912
Callicostella erosotruncata Cardot 1909
Callicostella fallax Brotherus 1907
Callicostella fissidentella Brotherus 1907
Callicostella frateri Brotherus & Watts 1915
Callicostella gabonensis Brotherus, Potier de la Varde & Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella galipanoana Brotherus 1907
Callicostella heterophylla Ångström 1873
Callicostella hondurensis H. Crum 1952
Callicostella integrifolia Brotherus 1907
Callicostella irrorata Brotherus 1907
Callicostella jungermannioides Herzog 1924
Callicostella juruensis Brotherus 1906
Callicostella kaernbachii Brotherus ex Fleischer 1908
Callicostella kreaniana Tixier (1964)
Callicostella lacerans Jaeger 1877
Callicostella laeviuscula Mitten 1879
Callicostella leptocladula Brotherus 1907
Callicostella limosa Brotherus 1907
Callicostella loriae Fleischer 1908
Callicostella maclaudii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella martiana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella melanotheca Jaeger 1877
Callicostella merkelii Jaeger 1877
Callicostella mexicana H. Robinson & W. H. Welch in W. H. Welch 1966
Callicostella monofaria Brotherus 1907
Callicostella mosenii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella nukahivensis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella oblongifolia Jaeger 1877
Callicostella oerstediana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella pallida Ångström 1876
Callicostella paludicola Brotherus 1906
Callicostella papillata Mitten 1859
Callicostella papillosula Brotherus & Potier de la Varde in Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella parvicellulata Demaret & Potier de la Varde 1952
Callicostella paulensis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella paupera Kindberg 1891
Callicostella pellucida Jaeger 1877
Callicostella perpallida Brotherus 1907
Callicostella perpapillata Brotherus & Potier de la Varde in Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella perrotii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella pilotrichidioides Brotherus 1924
Callicostella prabaktiana Bosch & Sande Lacoste 1862
Callicostella pterygophylloides Brotherus 1907
Callicostella pusilla Brotherus ex Demaret & Potier de la Varde 1952
Callicostella rivularis Jaeger 1877
Callicostella rufescens Jaeger 1877
Callicostella rugiseta Dixon 1941
Callicostella salaziae Brotherus 1907
Callicostella saxatilis Jaeger 1877
Callicostella scaberrima Brotherus 1924
Callicostella scabripes Brotherus 1907
Callicostella scabriseta Jaeger 1877
Callicostella scabriuscula Jaeger 1877
Callicostella sellowiana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella seychellensis Renauld 1897
Callicostella spurio-pallida Brotherus 1907
Callicostella strumulosa Jaeger 1877
Callicostella subdepressa Brotherus 1907
Callicostella subemarginatula Brotherus & Potier de la Varde in Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella submonofaria Brotherus 1924
Callicostella subsecunda B. C. Tan in B. Thiers 1992
Callicostella tenerrima E. B. Bartram 1951
Callicostella torrentium Brotherus 1907
Callicostella tristis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella usambarica Brotherus 1907
Callicostella vesiculata Jaeger 1877
Callicostella virens Renauld & Cardot 1905
GBIF classification
Callicostella (Müll. Hal.) Mitt.
Callicostella submicrocarpa Brotherus 1907
(bu sayfa)
Callicostella africana Mitten 1860
Callicostella aiomensis E. B. Bartram 1961
Callicostella apophysata Jaeger 1877
Callicostella aquatica E. B. Bartram 1939
Callicostella armata Herzog 1916
Callicostella ascensionis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella aspera (Mitt.) A. Jaeger
Callicostella attenuata Brotherus 1907
Callicostella beccariana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella belangeriana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella bernoullii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella bescherellei (Paris) M. Fleisch.
Callicostella bisexualis Jaeger 1877
Callicostella brevipes Brotherus 1907
Callicostella caledonica Thériot 1908
Callicostella campbelliana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella chevalieri Brotherus 1912
Callicostella chionophylla Brotherus 1907
Callicostella chlorina Brotherus 1907
Callicostella chloroneura C. Müller ex Fleischer 1908
Callicostella ciliata Jaeger 1877
Callicostella circinata Brotherus 1907
Callicostella colombica R. S. Williams 1925
Callicostella constricta Brotherus 1907
Callicostella cruegeri Brotherus 1907
Callicostella daltoniaecarpa Brotherus 1907
Callicostella depressa Jaeger 1877
Callicostella diatomophila Fleischer 1922
Callicostella disticha Ångström 1873
Callicostella eberhardtiana Brotherus & Paris 1908
Callicostella emarginatula Brotherus 1912
Callicostella erosotruncata Cardot 1909
Callicostella fallax Brotherus 1907
Callicostella fissidentella Brotherus 1907
Callicostella frateri Brotherus & Watts 1915
Callicostella gabonensis Brotherus, Potier de la Varde & Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella galipanoana Brotherus 1907
Callicostella guatemalensis Florschütz-de Waard 1990
Callicostella heterophylla Ångström 1873
Callicostella hondurensis H. Crum 1952
Callicostella integrifolia Brotherus 1907
Callicostella irrorata Brotherus 1907
Callicostella jungermannioides Herzog 1924
Callicostella juruensis Brotherus 1906
Callicostella kaernbachii Brotherus ex Fleischer 1908
Callicostella kreaniana Tixier (1964)
Callicostella lacerans Jaeger 1877
Callicostella laeviuscula Mitten 1879
Callicostella leptocladula Brotherus 1907
Callicostella limosa Brotherus 1907
Callicostella loriae Fleischer 1908
Callicostella maclaudii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella martiana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella melanotheca Jaeger 1877
Callicostella merkelii Jaeger 1877
Callicostella mexicana H. Robinson & W. H. Welch 1966
Callicostella microcarpa Ångström 1876
Callicostella monofaria Brotherus 1907
Callicostella mosenii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella nukahivensis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella oblongifolia Jaeger 1877
Callicostella oerstediana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella paludicola Brotherus 1906
Callicostella papillata Mitten 1859
Callicostella papillosula Brotherus & Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella parvicellulata Demaret & Potier de la Varde 1952
Callicostella paulensis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella paupera Kindberg 1891
Callicostella pellucida Jaeger 1877
Callicostella perpallida Brotherus 1907
Callicostella perpapillata Brotherus & Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella perrotii Brotherus 1907
Callicostella pilotrichidioides Brotherus 1924
Callicostella prabaktiana Bosch & Sande Lacoste 1862
Callicostella pterygophylloides Brotherus 1907
Callicostella pusilla Brotherus ex Demaret & Potier de la Varde 1952
Callicostella rivularis Jaeger 1877
Callicostella rufescens Jaeger 1877
Callicostella rugiseta Dixon 1941
Callicostella salaziae Brotherus 1907
Callicostella saxatilis Jaeger 1877
Callicostella scaberrima Brotherus 1924
Callicostella scabripes Brotherus 1907
Callicostella scabriseta Jaeger 1877
Callicostella scabriuscula Jaeger 1877
Callicostella sellowiana Jaeger 1877
Callicostella seychellensis Renauld 1897
Callicostella spurio-pallida Brotherus 1907
Callicostella strumulosa Jaeger 1877
Callicostella subdepressa Brotherus 1907
Callicostella subemarginatula Brotherus & Potier de la Varde 1925
Callicostella submonofaria Brotherus 1924
Callicostella subsecunda B. C. Tan 1992
Callicostella taylorii (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger
Callicostella tenerrima E. B. Bartram 1951
Callicostella torrentium Brotherus 1907
Callicostella tristis Brotherus 1907
Callicostella usambarica Brotherus 1907
Callicostella vesiculata Jaeger 1877
Callicostella virens Renauld & Cardot 1905
24 ek kardeş kısalık için kesildi.
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wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Callicostella submicrocarpa
(bu sayfa)
Callicostella africana
Callicostella aiomensis
Callicostella apophysata
Callicostella aquatica
Callicostella armata
Callicostella ascensionis
Callicostella aspera
Callicostella asprella
Callicostella attenuata
Callicostella baileyi
Callicostella beccariana
Callicostella belangeriana
Callicostella bernoullii
Callicostella berteriana
Callicostella bescherellei
Callicostella beyrichiana
Callicostella bisexualis
Callicostella brevipes
Callicostella caldensis
Callicostella caledonica
Callicostella callicostata
Callicostella callicostelloides
Callicostella campbelliana
Callicostella chevalieri
Callicostella chionophylla
Callicostella chlorina
Callicostella chloroneura
Callicostella ciliata
Callicostella circinata
Callicostella colombica
Callicostella constricta
Callicostella crenata
Callicostella cruceana
Callicostella cruegeri
Callicostella cuspidatissima
Callicostella daltoniaecarpa
Callicostella depressa
Callicostella diatomophila
Callicostella disticha
Callicostella eberhardtiana
Callicostella frateri
Callicostella gabonensis
Callicostella galipanoana
Callicostella guatemalensis
Callicostella hahniana
Callicostella herminieri
Callicostella heterophylla
Callicostella hondurensis
Callicostella hornschuchiana
Callicostella incurva
Callicostella lorifolia
Callicostella maclaudii
Callicostella martiana
Callicostella melanotheca
Callicostella merkelii
Callicostella mexicana
Callicostella microcarpa
Callicostella mollis
Callicostella monofaria
Callicostella mosenii
Callicostella nukahivensis
Callicostella oblongifolia
Callicostella obtusissima
Callicostella oerstediana
Callicostella pallida
Callicostella papillata
Callicostella papillosula
Callicostella parvicellulata
Callicostella paulensis
Callicostella paupera
Callicostella pellucida
Callicostella perpallida
Callicostella perpapillata
Callicostella pterygophylloides
Callicostella pusilla
Callicostella radicans
Callicostella rivularis
Callicostella rufescens
Callicostella salaziae
Callicostella saxatilis
Callicostella scaberrima
Callicostella scabripes
Callicostella scabriseta
Callicostella scabriuscula
Callicostella sellowiana
Callicostella seychellensis
Callicostella strumulosa
Callicostella subdepressa
Callicostella subemarginatula
Callicostella subfissidentoides
Callicostella submonofaria
Callicostella subsecunda
Callicostella taylorii
Callicostella tenerrima
Callicostella torrentium
Callicostella tristis
Callicostella usambarica
Callicostella vesiculata
Callicostella virens
Callicostella weigeltiana
24 ek kardeş kısalık için kesildi.
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