Katalanca; Valensiyaca
wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı
Novibipalium és un gènere de planària terrestre que es caracteritza per presentar un fals penis o beina allargada del penis constituïda per una prolongació de l'antre masculí.[1] Se'n coneixen sis espècies.[2]
Els Novibipalium comparteixen moltes característiques amb els Bipalium. Es diferencien de la resta de bipalins per tenir la paret de la cavitat masculina molt musculosa. Aquesta paret pot esdevenir una beina del penis o fals penis que proporciona un segon o distal conducte ejaculador. La segona característica diagnòstica dels Novibipalium és que la seva papil·la peniana està reduïda o és absent.[1]
↑ 1,0 1,1 1,2 Kawakatsu, M., Ogren, R. E., Froehlich, E. M. & Sasaki, G.-Y., 2002. Miscellaneous Papers on Turbellarians, Article II. Additions and corrections of the previous land planarian indices of the world (Turbellaria, Seriata, Tricladida, Terricola). Additions and corrections of the previous land planarian indices of the world - 10. Bull. Fuji Women’s Univ., (40), II: 162-177. Kawakatsu’s Home Page. Land planarian indices series: 2002.
↑ 2,0 2,1 Kawakatsu, Masaharu; Sluys, Ronald; Ogren, Robert E. «Seven new species of land planarian from Japan and China (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Bipaliidae), with a morphological review of all Japanese bipaliids and a biogeographic overview of Far Eastern species» (en anglès). Belgian Journal of Zoology, 135, 1, 2005, pàg. 201-204.
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- Autors i editors de Wikipedia
Novibipalium: Brief Summary
Katalanca; Valensiyaca
wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı
Novibipalium és un gènere de planària terrestre que es caracteritza per presentar un fals penis o beina allargada del penis constituïda per una prolongació de l'antre masculí. Se'n coneixen sis espècies.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Autors i editors de Wikipedia
wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı
Novibipalium ist eine Gattung der Landplanarien in der Unterfamilie Bipaliinae.
Arten der Gattung Novibipalium zeigen eine phänotypische Ähnlichkeit mit Arten der nah verwandten Gattung Bipalium, der hauptsächliche Unterschied liegt im Aufbau der Reproduktionsorgane. Novibipalium fehlt eine gut entwickelte Penispapille, während Bipalium eine besitzt. Bei Novibipalium bildet sich bei der Paarung ein temporärer Penis durch Umstülpung von Gewebefalten in der Geschlechtshöhle.[1]
Zu der Gattung Novibipalium gehören die folgenden Arten:
Novibipalium alterifuscatum Kawakatsu, Ogren & Froehlich, 1998
Novibipalium falsifuscatum Kawakatsu, Ogren & Froehlich, 1998
Novibipalium miyukiae Kawakatsu, Sluys & Ogren, 2005[2]
Novibipalium murayamai Kawakatsu, Sluys & Ogren, 2005[2]
Novibipalium trifuscostriatum (Kaburaki, 1922)
Novibipalium venosum (Kaburaki, 1922)
↑ Masaharu Kawakatsu, Robert E. Ogren & Eudóxia Maria Froehlich: The taxonomic revision of several homonyms in the genus Bipalium, family Bipaliidae (Turbellaria, Seriata, Tricladida, Terricola). In: The Bulletin of Fuji Women's College Series 2. Band 36, 1998, S. 83–93.
↑ a b Masaharu Kawakatsu, Ronald Sluys & Robert E. Ogren: Seven new species of land planarian from Japan and China (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Bipaliidae), with a morphological review of all Japanese bipaliids and a biogeographic overview of Far Eastern species. In: Belgian Journal of Zoology. Band 135, Nr. 1, 2005, S. 53–77.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
Novibipalium: Brief Summary
wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı
Novibipalium ist eine Gattung der Landplanarien in der Unterfamilie Bipaliinae.
- lisans
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- telif hakkı
- Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı
Novibipalium is a genus of land planarians of the subfamily Bipaliinae (hammerhead flatworms).
Species of Novibipalium are very similar to those of the related genus Bipalium. The main difference occurs in the copulatory apparatus, which in Novibipalium lacks a well-developed penis papilla, while in Bipalium a penis papilla is present. Novibipalium has a set of folds in the copulatory apparatus that are everted during mating and create a temporary penis.[1]
The genus Novibipalium contains the following species:
Novibipalium alterifuscatum Kawakatsu, Ogren & Froehlich, 1998
Novibipalium falsifuscatum Kawakatsu, Ogren & Froehlich, 1998
Novibipalium miyukiae Kawakatsu, Sluys & Ogren, 2005[2]
Novibipalium murayamai Kawakatsu, Sluys & Ogren, 2005[2]
Novibipalium trifuscostriatum (Kaburaki, 1922)
Novibipalium venosum (Kaburaki, 1922)
^ Kawakatsu, M.; Ogren, R. E.; Froehlich, E. M. (1998). "The taxonomic revision of several homonyms in the genus Bipalium, family Bipaliidae (Turbellaria, Seriata, Tricladida, Terricola)". The Bulletin of Fuji Women's College. Series 2. 36: 83–93.
^ a b Kawakatsu, M.; Sluys, R.; Ogren, R. E. (2005). "Seven new species of land planarian from Japan and China (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Bipaliidae), with a morphological review of all Japanese bipaliids and a biogeographic overview of Far Eastern species". Belgian Journal of Zoology. 135 (1): 53–77.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Wikipedia authors and editors
Novibipalium: Brief Summary
wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı
Novibipalium is a genus of land planarians of the subfamily Bipaliinae (hammerhead flatworms).
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- telif hakkı
- Wikipedia authors and editors
wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı
Vers plats à tête de marteau
Novibipalium est un genre de vers plats terrestres de la sous-famille des Bipaliinae (vers plats à tête en forme de marteau).
L'espèce type est Bipalium trifuscostriatum Kaburaki, 1922.
Les espèces de Novibipalium sont très similaires à celles du genre Bipalium mais en diffèrent par leur appareil copulateur qui ne dispose pas de papille pénienne fortement développée mais, à la place, d'un ensemble de plis qui se retroussent pendant l'accouplement créant un pénis temporaire[1].
Liste des espèces
Novibipalium alterifuscatum Kawakatsu, Ogren & Froehlich, 1998
Novibipalium falsifuscatum Kawakatsu, Ogren & Froehlich, 1998
Novibipalium miyukiae Kawakatsu, Sluys & Ogren, 2005[2]
Novibipalium murayamai Kawakatsu, Sluys & Ogren, 2005[2]
Novibipalium trifuscostriatum (Kaburaki, 1922)
Novibipalium venosum (Kaburaki, 1922)
↑ M. Kawakatsu, R. E. Ogren et E. M. Froehlich, « The taxonomic revision of several homonyms in the genus Bipalium, family Bipaliidae (Turbellaria, Seriata, Tricladida, Terricola) », The Bulletin of Fuji Women's College, vol. 36, 1998, p. 83–93 (lire en ligne)
↑ a et b M. Kawakatsu, R. Sluys et R. E. Ogren, « Seven new species of land planarian from Japan and China (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Bipaliidae), with a morphological review of all Japanese bipaliids and a biogeographic overview of Far Eastern species », Belgian Journal of Zoology, vol. 135, no 1, 2005, p. 53–77
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- telif hakkı
- Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
Novibipalium: Brief Summary
wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı
Vers plats à tête de marteau
Novibipalium est un genre de vers plats terrestres de la sous-famille des Bipaliinae (vers plats à tête en forme de marteau).
L'espèce type est Bipalium trifuscostriatum Kaburaki, 1922.
- lisans
- cc-by-sa-3.0
- telif hakkı
- Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia