Adenoides spec., a so far undescribed taxon. Left lateral view, mid cell focus, note the granula reserve material in the cell.
Left lateral view, mid cell focus. Note the centrally located nucleus and storage material (granules).
Adenoides (add-en-oi-dees) eludens (Herdman) Balech 1956. The image on the left shows the left lateral view of a cell, with yellow-brown plastids with a ring -like pyrenoid. The small epicone is almost not visible. The image on the right shows a mid-focus plane through a cell, with a pusule near the anterior end and the nucleus near the posterior end.
Adenoides (add-en-oi-dees) eludens (Herdman) Balech 1956. The image shows the left lateral view of a cell, with yellow-brown plastids with a ring-like pyrenoid. The small epicone is almost not visible.
Adenoides eludens (Herdman) Balech 1956 is shown here from its right lateral cell side. Note the large pusule in the upper part of the cell and the nucleus in the lower part.
Right lateral view. Note the ring-like structure. It is a starch sheath around the pyrenoid, a structure of the plastid.
Mid cell focus showing the nucleus in the lower part of the cell and the pusule in the upper half.