Trametopsis cervina (Schwein.) Tomšovský 2008 resmi
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Trametopsis cervina (Schwein.) Tomšovský 2008

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Guidance for identification

Trametes cervina ( Pms )

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Drapò piemontèis.png Vos an lenga piemontèisa Për amprende a dovré 'l sistema dle parlà locaj ch'a varda sì.

Cost capìtol a l'é mach në sbòss. Da finì.


A chërs an dzora a latifeuje, dzortut an dzora al fò.


WHMIS Class D-1.svg A venta mai mangé un bolè trovà se un a l'é nen un bon conossidor dij bolè!
As peul nen mangesse.

Arferiment bibliogràfich për chi a veul fé dj'arserche pì ancreuse

Trametes cervina (Schwein.) Bres.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
kaynağı ziyaret et
ortak site
wikipedia PMS

Trametes cervina: Brief Summary ( Pms )

wikipedia PMS tarafından sağlandı

Cost capìtol a l'é mach në sbòss. Da finì.


A chërs an dzora a latifeuje, dzortut an dzora al fò.


WHMIS Class D-1.svg A venta mai mangé un bolè trovà se un a l'é nen un bon conossidor dij bolè!
As peul nen mangesse.

telif hakkı
Wikipedia authors and editors
kaynağı ziyaret et
ortak site
wikipedia PMS

Trametopsis cervina ( Szl )

wikipedia SZL tarafından sağlandı

Trametopsis cervina je grzib[22], co go nojprzōd ôpisoł Ludwig David von Schweinitz, a terŏźnõ nazwã doł mu Tomšovský 2008. Trametopsis cervina nŏleży do zorty Trametopsis i familije Polyporaceae.[23][24] Żŏdne podgatōnki niy sōm wymianowane we Catalogue of Life.[23]


  1. Spirin, W.A.; Zmitrovich, I.V. (2008) [Rare and noteworthy species of Antrodiella and Diplomitoporus in Russia], In: Nov. sist. Niz. Rast. 41:159–166
  2. Pieri, M.; Rivoire, B. (2008) Autor du genre Trametes, In: Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. 123(1):49–66
  3. Dai, Y.C. (1996) Changbai wood-rotting fungi 7. A checklist of the polypores, In: Fungal Science, Taipei 11(3, 4):79–105
  4. Kotl. & Pouzar (1983), In: Ceská Mykol. 37(1):50
  5. S. Ahmad (1972), In: Basidiomyc. W. Pakist.:97
  6. Kotl. & Pouzar (1957), In: Ceská Mykol. 11(3):161
  7. Bondartsev (1953), In: Trut. Grib Evrop. Chasti SSSR Kavkaza [Bracket Fungi Europ. U.S.S.R. Caucasus] (Moscow–Leningrad):493
  8. Murrill (1947), In: Lloydia 10:258
  9. Velenovský (1922), In: Ceské Houby 4–5:656
  10. Murrill (1912), In: Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden 8:153
  11. Murrill (1912), In: Bulletin of the New York Botanical Garden 8:141
  12. Bres. (1903), In: Annls mycol. 1(1):81
  13. Kuntze (1898), In: Revis. gen. pl. (Leipzig) 3(2):495
  14. Kuntze (1898), In: Revis. gen. pl. (Leipzig) 3(2):497
  15. Bres. (1896), In: Malpighia 10:262
  16. 16,0 16,1 Cooke (1886), In: Grevillea 14(no. 71):81
  17. 17,0 17,1 Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1872), In: Grevillea 1(no. 4):52
  18. Berk. & M.A. Curtis (1849), In: Hooker's J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 1:102
  19. Lév. (1846), In: Annls Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 3 5:301
  20. E.M. Fries (1833), In: Linnaea 6:486
  21. Schwein. (1822), In: Schr. naturf. Ges. Leipzig 1:96
  22. Tomsovsky, M. (2008) Molecular phylogeny and taxonomic position of Trametes cervina and description of a new genus Trametopsis., In: Czech Mycol. 60(1):1–11
  23. 23,0 23,1 Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.): Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2019 Annual Checklist.. Species 2000: Naturalis, Leiden, the Netherlands., 2019. [dostymp 24 września 2012].
  24. Species Fungorum. Kirk P.M., 2010-11-23
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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia SZL

Trametopsis cervina: Brief Summary ( Szl )

wikipedia SZL tarafından sağlandı

Trametopsis cervina je grzib, co go nojprzōd ôpisoł Ludwig David von Schweinitz, a terŏźnõ nazwã doł mu Tomšovský 2008. Trametopsis cervina nŏleży do zorty Trametopsis i familije Polyporaceae. Żŏdne podgatōnki niy sōm wymianowane we Catalogue of Life.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia SZL