Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature
Plebejus aquiloSource: van Swaay C, Collins S, Dušej G, Maes D, Munguira M, Rakosy L, Ryrholm N, Šašić M, Settele J, Thomas J, Verovnik R, Verstrael T, Warren M, Wiemers M, Wynhoff I (2012) Dos and Don’ts for butterflies of the Habitats Directive of the European Union. Nature Conservation 1: 73-153. doi:
Argus Pteraclis.
Olynthus primordialis (Haeck).)-1. Elements males-2; Cellules flagiliferes-3,4
Christophe Faynel, Robert C. Busby, Robert K. Robbins
Figures 1–11.Oenomaus, new species: adults (dorsal surface at left, ventral surface at right). 1 ♂ Oenomaus mancha (holotype, Ecuador) 2 ♀ Oenomaus mancha (paratype, Ecuador) 3 ♀ Oenomaus gwenish (holotype, Panama) 4 ♂ Oenomaus lea (holotype, Peru) 5 ♂ Oenomaus myrteana (holotype, Ecuador) 6 ♀ Oenomaus myrteana (paratype, Ecuador) 7 ♂ Oenomaus mentirosa (holotype, Peru) 8 ♂ Oenomaus andi (holotype, Ecuador) 9 ♀ Oenomaus andi (paratype, Ecuador) 10 ♂ Oenomaus moseri (holotype, Brazil) 11 ♀ Oenomaus moseri (paratype, Brazil).
Robert K. Robbins, Jeffrey Glassberg
Figure 1.Olive green eyes of Ministrymon janevicroy (left, Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico) and the dark brown/black eyes of Ministrymon azia (Chavarrillo, Veracruz, Mexico).
Figures 1–15.Philiris adults (left side upperside and right side underside, where halved) and label data. 1 Philiris petriei holotype ♂ upperside 2 Philiris petriei holotype ♂ male underside 3 Philiris petriei holotype ♂ label data 4 Philiris petriei paratype ♂ (halved) 5 Philiris harterti harterti holotype ♂ (halved) 6 Philiris harterti harterti holotype ♂ label data 7 Philiris harterti leucoma holotype ♂ (halved) 8 Philiris harterti leucoma holotype ♂ label data 9 Philiris albiplaga neoallotype ♂ (halved) 10 Philiris albiplaga neoallotype ♂ label data 11 Philiris albiplaga holotype ♀ (halved) 12 Philiris albiplaga holotype ♀ label data 13 Philiris bubalisatina holotype ♂ upperside 14 Philiris bubalisatina holotype ♂ underside 15 Philiris bubalisatina holotype ♂ label data. Scale bar = 10 mm.
Figures 1–8. Phengaris spp. 1–2 P. atroguttata 3–6 P. xiushani 7–8 P. albida (1 3 5 7 upperside 2 4 6 8 underside); black bar = 1 cm
Plebicula escheri - Escher's blueImage taken: Spain, Sorriba del Esla (LEÓN)23 June 2007Identification confirmed by Jose Manuel SesmaFrom
Christophe Faynel, Robert C. Busby, Robert K. Robbins
Figures 20–25.Oenomaus male genitalia: ventral view at left (setae drawn only on the right side and penis removed), left lateral view in the middle (with the penis and valvae displaced ~45° to make them more visible), and dorsal view at right (with setae drawn only on the right side and penis removed). 20 Oenomaus mancha (holotype, Ecuador) 21 Oenomaus lea (holotype, Peru) 22 Oenomaus myrteana (holotype, Ecuador) 23 Oenomaus mentirosa (holotype, Peru) 24 Oenomaus andi (holotype, Ecuador) 25 Oenomaus moseri (holotype, Brazil).
Robert K. Robbins, Jeffrey Glassberg
Figure 4.Distribution of Ministrymon janevicroy (hearts) based on museum specimens.
Figures 61–70.Philiris male genitalia (a genitalia in ventral view with aedeagus removed, b genitalia in lateral view, c aedeagus in lateral view). 61 Philiris petriei (Whiteman Range, West New Britain Province) 62 Philiris harterti (Nr. Wabo, Gulf Province) 63 Philiris bubalisatina holotype ♂ 64 Philiris baiteta (Hindenburg Range, Western Province) 65 Philiris hemileuca (Telefomin, West Sepik Province) 66 Philiris hypoxantha (Nr. Oetakwa River, Papua) 67 Philiris radicala holotype ♂ 68 Philiris radicala (Hindenburg Range, Western Province) 69 Philiris intensa (Bulolo, Morobe Province), 70 Philiris intensa (Nr. Wabo, Gulf Province). Scale bar = approx. 1 mm.
Figures 9–11. Male genitalia of Phengaris spp. 9 P. xiushani sp. n. 10 P. atroguttata 11 P. albida
Christophe Faynel, Robert C. Busby, Robert K. Robbins
Figures 26–37.Oenomaus female genitalia: ventral view at left, lateral view on right. 26 Oenomaus mancha (paratype, Ecuador) 27 Oenomaus gwenish (holotype, Panama) 28 Oenomaus myrteana (paratype, Ecuador) 29 Oenomaus andi (paratype, Ecuador) 30 Oenomaus moseri (paratype, Brazil) 31 Oenomaus brulei (French Guiana) 32 Oenomaus cyanovenata (French Guiana) 33 Oenomaus cyanovenata (Costa Rica) 34 Oenomaus gaia (Panama) 35 Oenomaus geba (Brazil) 36 Oenomaus magnus (French Guiana) 37 Oenomaus taua (Panama).
Robert K. Robbins, Jeffrey Glassberg
Figure 6.Male genitalia of Ministrymon janevicroy (top) and Ministrymon azia, posterior of butterfly at right, both from Yucatan, Mexico. Ventral aspect with penis removed (top left), lateral aspect with penis removed (left middle), lateral aspect of penis (bottom), penis tip in ventral aspect (right middle), and dorsal aspect of tegumen (top right). Scale 1 mm.
Figures 84–98.Philiris habitats, live adults and early stages. 84 Mt. Otto, West New Britain Province–typical habitat of Philiris petriei 85 Hindenburg Range 1800 m, Western Province–type locality of Philiris hindenburgensis 86 Hindenburg Range, approx. 1000 m, near type locality of Philiris baiteta and Philiris radicala 87 Philiris baiteta male perched in territory (Hindenburg Range) 88 Philiris petriei second instar larva in dorsal view 89 Philiris petriei fourth instar larva in dorsal view 90 Philiris petriei final instar larva in dorsal view 91 Philiris petriei pupa in dorsal view 92 Philiris petriei pupa in lateral view 93 Philiris harterti final instar larva in dorsal view 94 Philiris harterti pupa in dorsal view 95 Philiris harterti pupa in lateral view 96 Philiris harterti final instar larva in lateral view 97 Philiris petriei adult male frons 98 Philiris harterti adult male frons. Scale bar = 1 mm (Fig. 88), = 2 mm (Figs 89–96).
Figure 12. Habitat of P. atroguttata and P. xiushani sp. n. in northwestern Yunnan, alt. 2800 m
Christophe Faynel, Robert C. Busby, Robert K. Robbins
Figures 38–45.Oenomaus, eighth abdominal tergum: ventral view, anterior edge at bottom. 38 ♂ Oenomaus mancha (holotype, Ecuador) 39 ♂ Oenomaus lea (holotype, Peru) 40 ♂ Oenomaus mentirosa (holotype, Peru) 41 ♂ Oenomaus myrteana (holotype, Ecuador) 42 ♂ Oenomaus andi (holotype, Ecuador) 43 ♀ Oenomaus andi (paratype, Ecuador) 44 ♂ Oenomaus moseri (holotype, Brazil) 45 Male genitalia in lateral view: Oenomaus moseri (left) and Oenomaus morroensis holotypes. Diagnostic characters (1), (2) and (3) are explained in the text.
Robert K. Robbins, Jeffrey Glassberg
Figure 9.Male dorsal forewing scent patch showing dark brown wing scales covering tan-colored androconia.
Figures 71–83.Philiris male genitalia. 71 Philiris albiplaga (Mefor Island, Papua) (a sociuncus in ventral view, b valvae in ventral view, c aedeagus in lateral view) 72 Philiris hindenburgensis holotype ♂, (a genitalia in ventral view with aedeagus removed, b genitalia in lateral view, c aedeagus in lateral view) 73 Philiris parsonsi holotype ♂, (a genitalia in ventral view with aedeagus removed, b genitalia in lateral view, c aedeagus in lateral view) 74 Philiris angabunga ♂ (Fane, Central Province) (a genitalia in ventral view with aedeagus removed, b genitalia in lateral view, c aedeagus in lateral view) 75 Philiris lavendula holotype ♂ genitalia in ventral view 76 Philiris marginata holotype ♂ genitalia in ventral view 77 Philiris vicina holotype ♂ genitalia in ventral view with aedeagus at right 78 Philiris fulgens holotype ♂ genitalia in ventral view with aedeagus at right 79 Philiris fulgens septentrionalis holotype ♂ genitalia in ventral view with aedeagus at right 80 Philiris apicalis holotype ♂ genitalia in ventral view 81 Philiris satis holotype ♂ genitalia in ventral view 82 Philiris oreas holotype ♂ genitalia in ventral view 83 Philiris albihumerata holotype ♂ genitalia in ventral view.
Christophe Faynel, Robert C. Busby, Robert K. Robbins
Figures 46–47.Distributions. 46 Oenomaus mancha, Oenomaus gwenish, Oenomaus myrteana, Oenomaus moseri 47 Oenomaus andi, Oenomaus lea, Oenomaus mentirosa.
Robert K. Robbins, Jeffrey Glassberg
Figure 1.Olive green eyes of Ministrymon janevicroy (left, Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico) and the dark brown/black eyes of Ministrymon azia (Chavarrillo, Veracruz, Mexico).