Mature adult located beneath small stone at base of waterfall. Another was situated beneath stone in mud, at base of cliff. At waterfall base, larvae were common and found beneath stones and in exposed water between. Two identically large, chunky, adult females lacking (obvious) vent lobes examined. Olive and blotchy above; below yellowish with profusion of dark blotching. Both measured: SVL 57 mm (2 in.), TL 83 mm (3 in.). In addition, half dozen larvae recognized.
Discovered in muck beneath stones within trickling waterfall on bank of Little River. Others found beneath stones with water running through them from flowing seepage.Adult with huge eyes, olive mottled above; ventral yellowish with dark blotches and obscure pale speckles that increase on sides. Male with squarish vent lobes measured: SVL 57 mm (2 mm (3 in.). Larvae: Large head, relatively smaller eyes, short gills. Olive above and in.), TL 95darkly mottled; below whitish. Two examined: SVL 50 mm (2 in.), TL 89 mm (3 in.); SVL 44 mm (1 in.), TL 64 mm (2 in.).
Adults and larvae easily located beneath stones in seepages and edge of creek. Many found under stones at rapids and waterfalls, possibly seeking areas of turbulent water with high oxygenation. Two Adults examined from this area, were yellowish-brown above; below with few dark blotching.