
Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology tarafından sağlandı
Anthrax innubilipennis

MALE.—Body black, mostly brown and gray pruinose, margins of eyes and lower part of occiput silver pruinose. Front with black setae and a few linear black scales. Face with mixed black and white setae extending almost to antennae. Occiput with black setae and scales on upper half, with white setae and scales on lower half; fringe of hairs on posterior margin black externally and white internally on upper half, white on lower half. First antennal segment about twice as long as apical width; second segment globular; base of third segment flattened laterally, narrowing abruptly to styliform part, about as wide as second segment; styliform part of third segment about as long as base, about 1.5 times longer than style (Figure 109).

Disc of mesonotum mostly with linear black scales; lateral and anterior margins and triangular area on posterior margin with linear gold scales. Disc of scutellum with linear black scales; anterior and posterior margins with linear gold scales. Sternopleuron with fine yellow setae and linear yellow scales; mesopleuron and anterior half of pteropleuron with yellow and gold setae and hairs, some coarse black and gold setae above, and some white pile anteriorly on mesopleuron. Pile on prosternum, propleuron, and anterior margin of mesonotum white, some gold hairs on propleuron. Postalar tuft of pile mixed gold and black. Metapleuron with linear scales posteroventral to spiracle; hypopleuron with some hairs and scales on anteroventral corner. Fore coxa with gold setae and lanceolate white scales; middle and hind coxae with gold and black setae and linear gold scales.

Wing (Plate 5c) mostly hyaline, cells C and Sc, extreme bases of cells R, M, 1A, and 2A, small spot below base of vein R5 and base of wing grayish brown. Sectoral crossvein present; vein R4, evenly curved at medial angle; cell R2+3 narrow, less than half as wide medially as apically; r–m crossvein located at basal third of cell 1M2, vein R2+3 arising slightly basad of r–m crossvein; contact of cells 1M2 and Cu1 more than twice as long as width of base of cell Cu1; posterior part of wing narrowed, cell 2A narrower than cell 1A, but not incurved; alula greatly reduced, posterior margin straight. Opening of anal cell half the width of r–m crossvein. Halter brown, knob brown above except at extreme tip, yellow below except on margins.

Fore and middle femora with cuneate gold and yellow scales posteriorly, mixed gold and black scales anteriorly; hind femur with black scales along ventral margin and apically, with yellow scales elsewhere. Fore and middle tibiae with black scales anteriorly and gold and yellow scales posteriorly; hind tibia with black scales and a few yellow ones basally. Middle femur with three or four weak macrochaetae anteroventrally toward base and one or two strong macrochaetae postmedially on anterior side; hind femur with a row of weak macrochaetae anteroventrally; fore femur with a postmedial bristle anteriorly. Fore tibia with complete row of macrochaetae anterodorsally; hind tibia with single row of macrochaetae anterodorsally.

Lateral margins of first abdominal tergum with white pile, few gold hairs present posteriorly; lateral margins of terga two through four with sparse black setae and pile, and long, linear, erect, black and gold scales; terga five through seven with gold setae laterally. Discs of terga two through four and medial part of five with linear black scales; posterior margins of one through four with linear and lanceolate gold scales. Remainder of terga with overlapping, ovate and ovate-truncate, shining white scales. Venter with lanceolate white scales and fine, sparse white, yellow, and gold hairs, gold predominating posteriorly.

MALE GENITALIA (Figure 73).—Gonocoxites broad, tapering upward from ventral margins to a sharp apical angle in lateral view, apices with acute lateral angles in ventral view, setae extending about halfway to base, densest medially. Basal segment of gonostylus greatly enlarged and flattened, appearing as a broad, apically rounded, flat plate in ventral view, lateral margin angled upward and medial line raised as a sharp ridge in lateral view. Distal segment of gonostylus formed dorsally to apex of gonocoxites, quadrangular with an outfolded dorsoapical margin and a long truncate basal lobe in lateral view, with a short, truncate lobe apicolaterally and a broad, lanceolate, acute lobe basolaterally in ventral view. Apex of epiphallus with a rounded medial part dorsally from which long, upcurved, sharp horns extend laterally; ventrolateral part broad and rounded apically in lateral view, with medial longitudinal fold. Dorsal bands united mesally, with a hump just after the junction, without setae. Base of aedeagus bulbous, bent sharply downward apically; junction with basal bands not visible in lateral view.

VARIATION.—The bristles on the coxae may be predominantly black. The scales on the femora and tibiae may be more extensively black than in the type.

DISTRIBUTION.—This species is known only from the three specimens listed below, although it probably has a wider range throughout the mountains of southern Mexico. The holotype and one paratype were collected “hovering on sunny side of cement culvert.”

HOLOTYPE.— 25 mi. S Iguala, Guerrero, IX–14–1963, 2400 feet (R. H. and E. M. Painter) (RHP).

PARATYPES.—Mexico: Guerrero, , 25 mi. S Iguala, IX-14-1963, 2400 feet (R. H. and E. M. Painter) (NLM). Morelos, , 3 mi. N Alpuyeca, V-9-1959, 3400 feet (H. E. Evans) (RHP).
bibliyografik atıf
Marston, Norman L. 1970. "Revision of New World species of Anthrax (Diptera: Bombyliidae), other than the Anthrax albofasciatus group." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-148. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.43

Anthrax innubilipennis ( Endonezce )

wikipedia ID tarafından sağlandı

Anthrax innubilipennis adalah spesies lalat yang berasal dari genus Anthrax dan famili Bombyliidae. Lalat ini juga merupakan bagian dari ordo Diptera, kelas Insecta, filum Arthropoda, dan kingdom Animalia.

Lalat ini biasanya memakan nektar dan polen yang ada dalam bunga.


  • Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (2011). "Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.". Species 2000: Reading, UK. Diakses pada 24 September 2012.

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Anthrax innubilipennis: Brief Summary ( Endonezce )

wikipedia ID tarafından sağlandı

Anthrax innubilipennis adalah spesies lalat yang berasal dari genus Anthrax dan famili Bombyliidae. Lalat ini juga merupakan bagian dari ordo Diptera, kelas Insecta, filum Arthropoda, dan kingdom Animalia.

Lalat ini biasanya memakan nektar dan polen yang ada dalam bunga.

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Penulis dan editor Wikipedia
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wikipedia ID

Anthrax innubilipennis ( Minangkabau dili )

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wikipedia MIN