
Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology tarafından sağlandı
Sepedonea trichotypa

ADULT.— Head: Lateral facial spot black.

Thorax: Mesonotum, including postpronotum, yellowish; setulae near posterior spiracle dense and strong (Figure 3). Legs: Midfemur posteroventrally with 3–8 spines not extended beyond half distance to base; hindcoxa posteriorly with row of setulae, mostly longer than setulae on dorsum of abdomen, most ventrad setulae longest (Figure 12); hindfemur usually with red dorsal and lateral preapical marks. Wing: Grayish yellow, with crossveins r-m and dm-cu slightly clouded; length 4–6 mm.

Abdomen: Male terminalia: Posterior margin of sternum 4 straight, with short, truncate median lobe that is slightly bifid at apex (Figure 82); anterior plate of sternum 5 with anteriorly directed, triangular flange (Figure 82); distiphallus (Figure 83) strongly curved, with ventral spur, anterior surstylus indistinct; posterior surstyli with lateral lobe larger than median lobe (Figure 84), strongly curved anterad (Figure 85). Female synsternum: In ventral view relatively short and broad, strongly tapered posteriorly (Figure 86); in lateral view ventral surface sinuous; and posterior margin with ridge (Figure 87).

TYPE SPECIMENS.—Holotype : BRAZIL. PARANÁ: Rio Iguassu at Araucaria, 1 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, USNM.

Allotype: same data as holotype, , USNM.

Paratypes: same data as holotype, 83, 32 (field collected), 2, 1 (laboratory reared), 17 eggs. 61 km S Curitiba, Rio Varzea, 16 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 13, 3. 8 km E Imbituva, 30 April 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 4. 19 km W Guarapuava, Rio Coutinho, 28 April 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 1, 6 km W Guarapuava, 28 April 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 1. Morretes (Canoas)?, 22 December 1974, V.P. Daniel, 1 . MINAS GERAIS: 17 km N Belo Horizonte, 18–23 July 1964, CO. Berg, 1. SĀO PAULO: Sāo Paulo, 26 May 1967, J. Abercrombie, 1 (reared from field-collected larva). 7 June 1967, J. Abercrombie, 1, 1 (reared from field-collected pupae). Sāo Paulo, Inst. de Botânica, September 1964, N. Papavero, 8, 8. Sāo Paulo, Parque D. Pedro II, 11 July 1964, Berg and Papavero, 3. Mogi das Crazes, 15 August 1964, N. Papavero, 1. SANTA CATARINA: 5 km W Lajes, 6 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 2. 30 km S Lajes, 12 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 6. 71 km N Lajes, 6 May 1967, J. Abercrombie, 1. 50 km SW Concordia, 14 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 1. 192 km S Curitiba, 16 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 4, 1, and 1, 1 (reared from field-collected pupae). RIO GRANDE DO SUL: Rio Pelotas Valley, 10 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 2. 87 km S Porto Alegre, 10 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 13, 5, 11 eggs. 19 km S Camaqua, 9 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 8, 9 (field collected), 4, 2 (laboratory reared), 2 (reared from field-collected larvae), 7, 2 (reared from field-collected pupae), 23 eggs. Sāo Leopoldo, 3, 11 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 4. ARGENTINA. BUENOS AIRES: 28 km SW Buenos Aires, 15–16 April 1967, J. Abercrombie, 15, 9 (field-collected), 1, 3 (laboratory reared), 1, 1 (reared from field-collected larvae), 2 (reared from field-collected pupae)., Ao. Carnaval, Villa Elisa, 26 November 1979, CM. and O.S. Flint, Jr., 1.



ETYMOLOGY.—This species is named after its setulose posterior spiracle.

IMMATURE STAGES.—Egg: White. Length 0.90–1.06 mm (average = 1.01); greatest width 0.22–0.34 mm (average = 0.27). Elongate-ovoid, tapered at both ends. Similar to S. incipiens in ridging, reticulation, and globose ends. (Based on 12 specimens: 19 km south of Camagua, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil).

First-instar Larva: White. Integument transparent. Length 1.2–2.3 mm (average = 1.7); greatest width 0.3–0.4 mm (average = 0.35). Cephalopharyngeal skeleton length 0.30–0.32 mm. Mandible composed of 3 separate sclerites; 0.05–0.07 mm long. Epistomal and hypopharyngeal sclerites fused to paired tentoropharyngeal sclerite; latter light brown in color with vague L-shaped obfuscation anterodorsally. Indentation index 38–40. Segment 1 bilobed anteriorly, each lobe with sensory papilla. Segments 2 and 4 each with 2 lateral setae. Segment 3 as in S. lagoa. Segments 5–11 each with prominent dorsolateral patch of setulae, with setulae somewhat shorter than in other species of Sepedonea: lateral tubercle group of 3 contiguous tubercles, middle one slightly anterior to dorsal and ventral ones; latter 2 each usually bearing a seta; main ventral tubercle group of 4 quite small tubercles in transverse row; intrasegmental tubercles even smaller. Posterior spiracular disc with 5 pairs of lobes: ventral pair subconical, annulate; ventrolateral pair two-segmented as in other Sepedonea, with distal part annulate; lateral pair small, subtriangular, each bearing solitary seta at tip; dorsolateral and dorsal pairs very low, inconspicuous, broadly rounded. Entire disc quite hirsute and very similar to those of S. lindneri and S. telson. Two stigmatic tubes separate, each with spiracular plate bearing a B-shaped spiracular slit and 4 irregularly branched, transparent float setulae each with glandular pore at its base. Anal proleg small, inconspicuous, hookless. (Based on 15 specimens: Araucaria, Paraná, Brazil).

Second-instar Larva: Light brown; integument diaphanous. Length 3.4–5.0 mm (average = 4.2); greatest width 0.8–1.3 mm (average = 1.0). Cephalopharyngeal skeleton 0.52–0.54 mm long, with paired mandibles 0.09–0.11 mm in length, each with 3 accessory teeth directed mesally; very similar to that of S. lindneri. Indentation index 39-41. Segment 1 bilobed anteriorly, each lobe with sensory papilla. Segments 2–4 with setae as in S. lagoa. Segment 2 bearing 2 anterior spiracles 0.06–0.08 mm in length, each with 3 small papillae at anterior end. Segments 5–11 each with dorsolateral patch of setulae composed of fine, light-colored setulae; lateral tubercle group as in other species of Sepedonea except each bearing 1 seta; main ventral tubercle group of 4 tubercles in transverse row, many with short, stout setae, frequently borne in groups; intrasegmental tubercles smaller, also with setae. Posterior spiracular disc with 5 pairs of lobes; very similar to that of S. telson. Stigmatic tubes, spiracular plates, spiracular slits, and float setulae very similar to those of S. telson. Anal proleg as in first-instar larva. (Based on 5 specimens: 4 from 87 km south of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, and 1 from Araucaria, Paraná, both in Brazil).

Third-instar Larva (Figures 111, 114, 131, 137): Light brown, with dark brown middorsal stripe, narrower than in S. telson; also, dark brown dorsolateral V-shaped markings anteriorly but not posteriorly; irregular dark brown lateral stripe extended length of body; integument opaque. Length 6.2–8.3 mm (average = 7.1); greatest width 1.5–2.3 mm (average = 1.9). Cephalopharyngeal skeleton 0.83–0.84 mm long, with paired mandibles, each with 4 accessory teeth; mandible 0.15–0.16 mm in length, very similar to that of other Sepedonea. Ventral arch (Figure 111) fused posterolaterally to mandibles, with 21–23 rounded denticles anteriorly. Epipharyngeal sclerite similar to S. telson, with parastomal bars connected to paired tentoropharyngeal sclerite. Hypopharyngeal sclerite (Figure 114) roughly H-shaped, narrow, free from tentoropharyngeal sclerite. Labial sclerite (Figure 114) heavily sclerotized, resting between anterior arms of hypopharyngeal sclerite. tentoropharyngeal sclerite with small clear areas near dorsal margin of dorsal cornu; ventral window indistinct in light, ventral cornu. Indentation index 30–32. Segment 1 as in second-instar larva. Segment 2 bearing on each side an anterior spiracle (Figure 137) 0.07–0.09 mm long with 5–8 papillae. Segment 3 bearing 1 dorsolateral seta and 1 ventral seta, differing from other Sepedonea in lacking lateral seta. Segment 4 with setae as in S. lindneri. Segments 5-11 each with dorsolateral patch of setulae, less prominent than in other species of Sepedonea; lateral tubercle group of 3 contiguous tubercles, more or less in vertical row but with middle one slightly anterior to other 2 and bearing small patch of short setulae; other 2 each bearing a seta; ventral tubercles as in second-instar larva. Posterior spiracular disc with 5 pairs of lobes: ventral pair subconical; ventrolateral pair two-segmented, basal section truncate and distal section digitiform; lateral, dorsolateral, and dorsal lobes low, broadly rounded. Disc moderately hirsute, with glabrous area in center. Stigmatic tubes (Figure 131) separate, scalloped at base as in other Sepedonea. Spiracular plate (Figure 131) with 3 spiracular slits, a stigmatic scar, and 4 large, semitransparent, irregularly branched float setulae, each with glandular pore at base. Anal proleg as in second-instar larva. (Based on 5 specimens: Araucaria, Paraná, Brazil).

Puparium (Figure 99): Light to dark brown. Variable in color pattern, but always marked by 2 prominent dorsolateral V-shaped marks near anterior end; light areas usually well separated but sometimes with borders merging; these marks much more prominent than in other species of Sepedonea with dorsolateral markings; integument opaque. Length 4.5–5.7 mm (average = 5.1); greatest width 2.2–2.6 mm (average = 2.3). Barrel-shaped, with ends of cephalic caps projecting anteriorly dorsal to the longitudinal body axis and parallel to it. Anterior spiracles protruding from anterolateral corners of dorsal cephalic cap. Lateral and main ventral tubercles usually appearing as very distinct, conspicuous light brown spots, with all 3 lateral and all 4 ventral tubercles clearly apparent; spots sometimes obscured by large, light brown splotches laterally and ventrally. Color pattern dull or absent on dried specimens. Posterior segments sharply upturned; stigmatic tubes forming an angle of 130–140 degrees with longitudinal body axis. Lobes of posterior disc shrunken. Float setulae large and prominent. Anal plate invaginated. Anal proleg lacking. (Based on 5 specimens: 3 from Araucaria, Paraná; 1 from 87 km south of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul; and 1 from 19 km south of Camaqua, Rio Grande do Sul; all in Brazil).
bibliyografik atıf
Freidberg, Amnon, Knutson, Lloyd V., and Abercrombie, Jay. 1991. "A revision of Sepedonea, a neotropical genus of snail-killing flies (Diptera:Sciomyzidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-48. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.506