
Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology tarafından sağlandı
Anthrax repertus Walker

Anthrax repertus Walker, 1852, p. 188.—Kertész, 1909, p. 52. Anthrax inexactus Walker, 1857, p. 140.—Kertész, 1909, p.42.

Anthrax analis.—Macquart, 1840, p. 345 [not Say, 1823].

MALE (TYPICAL).—Body mostly black, femora and tibiae reddish brown or black; integument brownish pruinose. Front with black setae and lanceolate black scales, sometimes a few lateral yellow scales. Face with black setae extending to antennae, a few black or white scales below. Occiput with sparse black setae and lanceolate or linear black scales, sometimes a few yellow scales; fringe of pile on posterior margin black. First antennal segment about as long as apical width; second segment globular; base of third segment slightly compressed laterally, about equal to second segment in lateral view, narrowing abruptly to styliform part which is about 1.5 times longer than base and about 3 times longer than style (Figure 119).

Mesonotum and scutellum with fine black setae and linear black scales, longer and suberect laterally on mesonotum; a few white or yellow lateral scales on mesonotum and scutellum. Mesopleuron, stemopleuron, and anterior part of pteropleuron with black setae, pile, and scales. Pile on presternum and propleuron black, on anterior margin of mesonotum mixed black and white; postalar tuft of pile black or mixed black and white. Hypopleuron and metapleuron bare. Coxae with black setae and black scales.

Wing (Plate 4j) light or dark brown basally, hyaline apically, pigment typically extending out as far as base of cell R4 in cell R1, two-thirds of way from base of R2+3 to base of R4 in cells R2+3 and R5, one-third of way from r–m crossvein to base of M1 in cell 1M2, extreme base of cell 2M2, and thence running to posterior margin in cell 2A, leaving cells 1A and 2A hyaline apically for a distance up to two times length of r–m crossvein. Stigmatic area lightly pigmented. Base of cell R4 evenly rounded. R–m crossvein located at basal third or two-fifths of cell 1M2; contact of cells 1M2 and Cu1 slightly longer to slightly shorter than base of cell Cu1. Cell 1A closed and sometimes petiolate. Alula distinctly rounded posteriorly. Calypter lightly pigmented, fringe of hairs white. Halter dark brown, tip of knob yellow.

Scales on legs cuneate and black; sometimes a few yellow scales on femora and more often on tibiae. Middle femur without macrochaetae anteroventrally or with only one or two; hind femur with three to five macrochaetae anteroventrally. Fore tibia with a complete row of small macrochaetae anterodorsally; hind tibia with single row of macrochaetae anterodorsally.

Pile laterally on first abdominal tergum black, white or mixed; on terga two, three, and four black; some white or yellow setae sometimes present on four; terga five, six, and seven with white or black setae and some white scales laterally. Discs of terga one through four with hairlike black scales and fine setae; some cuneate lateral white scales on four, some linear yellow scales sometimes posteriorly on anterior terga. Discs of terga five and six with yellow or white setae and cuneate or lanceolate scales, yellow or white posterolaterally, black anteromedially; scales on seventh tergum entirely white or yellow, or black scales intermixed medially. Abdominal sterna with fine black setae and hairlike black scales, sometimes a few yellow posterior scales.

MALE GENITALIA (Figure 65).—Gonocoxites broad, dorsal margins tapering convexly to acute apices in lateral view; apices rounded apically in ventral view, mesal margins rounded, mesal sulcus narrow; setae on gonocoxites sparse, evenly distributed basally beyond medial fold. Basal segment of gonostylus sharply angled basally, rounded apically, concave dorsally before apex; distal segment rounded basally, somewhat laterally flattened, with a styliform apical part arising from the dorsal half and slightly curving upward and outward distally; sparse setae on ventrolateral surface. Apex of epiphallus with slightly convex, raised dorsal plate formed at about a 30° angle, the plate right angled basally and slightly rounded apically in dorsal view, curved downward laterally; ventrolateral part broadly rounded ventrally, extending apically as far as middle of dorsal plate. Dorsal bands united mesally. Aedeagus narrow basally, gradually tapering to junction with ventral bands below junction of dorsal bands.

FEMALE.—Similar to male. Femora sometimes yellowish. Pigmentation of wing more extensive, reaching apex of vein R1 in cell Rl, base of cell R4 in cell R2+3 and base of cell M1 in cell R4+5. Light scales on abdomen restricted to lateral margins of fourth and sometimes fifth and sixth terga.

FEMALE GENITALIA (Figure 90).—Tenth tergum with only one spine on each side. Ventral arm of ninth tergum narrow, apex not enlarged. Dorsomedial angle of sclerite on each side of gonopore expanded dorsally and sharply rounded; lateral arm broad, tapering to upturned apex, ventral margin curled under; ventral arm narrow, parallel sided, recurving mesally below. Each spermathecal duct about 2.5 times longer than bulb; first section very short, middle section about 1.5 times longer than straight third section; bulb globoid, symmetrical, slightly contracted just before middle.

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY.—Anthrax repertus occurs throughout northeastern South America from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and central Paraguay to the Caribbean Sea, north into Central America as far as Honduras and south along the Pacific coast into Ecuador and Peru (Map 22). Specimens have been collected by the author in Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara; Guaiba, Rio Grande do Sul; and Remanso, Bahia, Brazil. The first locality was a high hill covered with grass in the dominantly tropical forest of eastern Brazil; the second locality was a dry hillside covered with grass and forbs in the predominantly grassland area of southern Rio Grande do Sul; the third area was an open sandy spot near the Rio São Francisco in the “cerrado” of central Brazil.

TYPES.—According to Painter and Painter (unpublished notes) the type female of Anthrax reperta Walker is in the British Museum. It carries the green type label with “A. reperta Walk.” on the back, another “68–4,” and another “S. America pres. W. W. Saunders, B. M. 1868–4.” The head has been glued on, but otherwise the type is well preserved. The photograph of the wing and redescription of the type show it to be a typical specimen of the taxon described here.

The type of Anthrax inexactus Walker is also in the British Museum. According to notes made by Painter and Painter, the body is greasy and covered with fungus and dust, the wings are mounted on a celluloid square below the specimen, the head is glued on sideways, and the antennae and four and a half legs are missing. It carries the green type label, another label “Amaz,” another “68–4,” and a folded label with “inexacta Wlk.” in Walker’s handwriting. A photograph of the wing and redescription indicate that tins specimen falls within the range of variation of repertus.
bibliyografik atıf
Marston, Norman L. 1970. "Revision of New World species of Anthrax (Diptera: Bombyliidae), other than the Anthrax albofasciatus group." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-148. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.43

Anthrax repertus ( Endonezce )

wikipedia ID tarafından sağlandı

Anthrax repertus adalah spesies lalat yang berasal dari genus Anthrax dan famili Bombyliidae. Lalat ini juga merupakan bagian dari ordo Diptera, kelas Insecta, filum Arthropoda, dan kingdom Animalia.

Lalat ini biasanya memakan nektar dan polen yang ada dalam bunga.


  • Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (2011). "Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.". Species 2000: Reading, UK. Diakses pada 24 September 2012.

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Anthrax repertus: Brief Summary ( Endonezce )

wikipedia ID tarafından sağlandı

Anthrax repertus adalah spesies lalat yang berasal dari genus Anthrax dan famili Bombyliidae. Lalat ini juga merupakan bagian dari ordo Diptera, kelas Insecta, filum Arthropoda, dan kingdom Animalia.

Lalat ini biasanya memakan nektar dan polen yang ada dalam bunga.

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Anthrax repertus ( Minangkabau dili )

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