Prunus necrotic ringspot virus resmi

Prunus necrotic ringspot virus

Nekrotisches Ringflecken-Virus ( Almanca )

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Das Nekrotische Ringflecken-Virus (offiziell Prunus necrotic ringspot virus, PNRSV) ist eine Spezies (Art) von Pflanzenviren aus der Familie Bromoviridae. Es infiziert unter anderem Kirschbäume, (Süß- und Sauerkirsche, Prunus avium respektive P. cerasus) sowie Pflaume (P. domestica) und Pfirsich (P. persica).[3] Bei Kirschbäumen führt eine Infektion mit PNRSV zu geringeren Erträgen und wenn es gemeinsam mit dem Kirschenblattrollvirus (en. Cherry leaf roll virus, CLRV) vorkommt zu einem raschen Absterben des Baumes.[4] Es gibt verschiedene Stämme dieser Virenspezies (A, E, G).[3]

Wirte und Verbreitung

Die Infektion von Sauerkirschen mit PNRSV kann bei der Pfropfung, durch Samen, Pollen, Wurzelkontakt und den Nematoden Longidorus macrosoma erfolgen.[5][3] Bei europäischen Sauerkirschen ist die durch das Virus verursachte Krankheit als „Stecklenberger Krankheit“ bekannt. Die Krankheit zeigt sich darin, dass die Blüten- und Blattknospen an einzelnen Trieben oder Teilen von Ästen beim Aufbrechen verbraunen und vertrocknen. Die betroffenen Triebe und Astteile sterben daraufhin häufig ab. Ältere Blätter weisen hellgrüne und braune Ringe sowie unregelmäßige, nekrotische Flecke auf, die sich herauslösen, der sogenannte Schrotschusseffekt.[3][6] In einer Erholungsphase von der Krankheit treten auf Blattunterseite blattähnliche Enationen auf.[6]

Eine Bekämpfung der Krankheit ist nicht möglich, daher sollten befallene Bäume entfernt werden.[3]


  1. a b c d ICTV: ICTV Master Species List 2019.v1, New MSL including all taxa updates since the 2018b release, March 2020 (MSL #35)
  2. ICTV Master Species List 2018b v1 MSL #34, Feb. 2019
  3. a b c d e [1]
  4. David Pimentel: Encyclopedia of Pest Management 2007, ISBN 1-4200-5361-2, S. 77.
  5. Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, S. 41
  6. a b [2]
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Nekrotisches Ringflecken-Virus: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı

Das Nekrotische Ringflecken-Virus (offiziell Prunus necrotic ringspot virus, PNRSV) ist eine Spezies (Art) von Pflanzenviren aus der Familie Bromoviridae. Es infiziert unter anderem Kirschbäume, (Süß- und Sauerkirsche, Prunus avium respektive P. cerasus) sowie Pflaume (P. domestica) und Pfirsich (P. persica). Bei Kirschbäumen führt eine Infektion mit PNRSV zu geringeren Erträgen und wenn es gemeinsam mit dem Kirschenblattrollvirus (en. Cherry leaf roll virus, CLRV) vorkommt zu einem raschen Absterben des Baumes. Es gibt verschiedene Stämme dieser Virenspezies (A, E, G).

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Prunus necrotic ringspot virus ( İngilizce )

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Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) is a plant pathogenic virus causing ring spot diseases affecting species of the genus Prunus, as well as other species such as rose (Rosa spp.) and hops (Humulus lupulus).[1][2] PNRSV is found worldwide due to easy transmission through plant propagation methods and infected seed.[3] The virus is in the family Bromoviridae and genus Ilarvirus. Synonyms of PNRSV include European plum line pattern virus, hop B virus, hop C virus, plum line pattern virus, sour cherry necrotic ringspot virus, and peach ringspot virus.[4]

Hosts and symptoms

More subtle patterning indicating rose mosaic virus.

All cultivated species of the genus Prunus, which includes plums, cherries, apricots, almonds, and peaches, are susceptible to one or more strains of PNRSV. Hops and rose are also susceptible to infection by the virus.[5][6] Other susceptible hosts used for diagnosis include Chenopodium quinoa Willd.,[7] sunflower (Helianthus annus), and Momordica balsamina.[6]

Symptoms on orchard trees can include death of buds and roots, reduced tree survival and uniformity,[8] and increased susceptibility to winter injury.[2] Some common symptoms also include necrotic “shot holes” in leaves or rugosity and mosaic symptoms.[9] In sweet cherries, PNRSV causes reduced leaf size and produces diffused chlorotic rings and/or spots.[10] Generally, symptoms of PNRSV appear in the year following infection, and then becomes symptomless,[11] although some strains cause recurrent symptoms annually. Although adult trees can show recovery from initial symptoms, keeping young trees virus-free is important because the virus can cause long-lasting stunting compared to healthy trees.[11] It is important to note that symptom severity varies due to host cultivar and viral isolate.

Transmission and epidemiology

PNRSV can be transmitted through plant propagation methods, making spread through tree nursery stock and root grafting in orchards problematic.[2] The virus also has been shown to infect and transmit through pollen and seeds.[12][13] PNRSV has been shown to be transmitted by bees carrying infected pollen into orchards.[14] PNRSV infects all seed parts, therefore infection of seed can occur from an infected pollen grain, ovule, or both.[13] Seed transmission incidence can be different among different species or varieties of hosts;[9] host factors that control viral seed transmission, however, are unknown. Cross pollination with PNRSV infected pollen to healthy plants has shown that the virus can also infect the fruit and not just seeds. The virus can also be transmitted by thrips,[15] however the contribution and importance of thrips transmission is unknown.

As of September 2021, there have been 631 PNRSV isolates from 33 countries deposited in NCBI GenBank, showing that the virus is a great international traveler. The long-distance transmission among countries is most likely in plant materials carried by human. Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses indicated that the common ancestor of current PNRSV isolates was originated from America continent.[16]

Management and control

The most important measure in controlling PNRSV is through planting of certified virus-free trees.[9] Tree nurseries producing propagative material can use thermotherapy (keeping cultures at 38˚ C for at least 20 days), and/or apical meristem cultures to eliminate PNRSV.[17] Prompt removal of infected trees is often recommended as a control strategy, but is not practical for most growers. Field studies have shown that planting of same or similar cultivars near an infected orchard favored earlier infection than when different cultivars were grown,[18] indicating that planting of unrelated cultivars could help slow spread of the virus and allow healthy trees to bear fruit before infection. Genetically engineered resistance may be a possibility for control in the future using RNA interference silencing.[19]


  1. ^ Nemeth, M (1986). Virus, Mycoplasma, and Rickettsia Diseases of Fruit Trees. Norwell, MA: Marianus Nijhoff Publishers.
  2. ^ a b c Mink, G. I. (1992). "Prunus necrotic ringspot virus". Diseases of Fruit Crops. 3: 335–356.
  3. ^ Kryczynski, S.; et al. (1992). "Prunus necrotic ringspot virus spread in sour cherry orchard and in rootstock production". Acta Horticulturae. 309: 105–110. doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.1992.309.12.
  4. ^ Hammond, R. W. (2011). Prunus necrotic ringspot virus in Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Pome and Stone Fruits. St. Paul, MN: APS Press. pp. 207–213.
  5. ^ Bock, K. R. (1967). "Strains of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus in hop (Humulus lupulus L.)". Annals of Applied Biology. 59 (3): 437–446. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7348.1967.tb04460.x.
  6. ^ a b Fulton, R. W. (1970). "Prunus necrotic ringspot virus". CMI/ABB Descriptions of Plant Viruses. 5.
  7. ^ Crosslin, J. M.; et al. (1992). "Biophysical differences among Prunus necrotic ringspot ilarviruses". Phytopathology. 82 (2): 200. doi:10.1094/phyto-82-200.
  8. ^ Topchiiska, M. (1983). "Effect of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus and prune dwarf virus on some biological properties of peach". Acta Horticulturae. 130: 307–312. doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.1983.130.53.
  9. ^ a b c Pallas, V.; et al. (2012). "Ilarviruses of Prunus spp.: A continued concern for fruit trees". Phytopathology. 102 (12): 1108–1120. doi:10.1094/phyto-02-12-0023-rvw. PMID 23148725.
  10. ^ Jones, A. L.; et al. (1996). Prunus necrotic ringspot in Diseases of Tree Fruits in the East. MI: Michigan State University. pp. 92–93.
  11. ^ a b Davidson, T. R. and George, J. A. (1965). "Effects of necrotic ring spot and sour cherry yellows on the growth and yield of young sour cherry trees". Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 45 (6): 525–535. doi:10.4141/cjps65-103.
  12. ^ Amari, K.; et al. (2007). "Prunus necrotic ringspot virus early invasion and its effects on apricot pollen grains performance". Phytopathology. 97 (8): 892–899. doi:10.1094/phyto-97-8-0892. PMID 18943628.
  13. ^ a b Amari, K.; et al. (2009). "Vertical transmission of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus: Hitch-hiking from gametes to seedling". Journal of General Virology. 90 (7): 1767–1774. doi:10.1099/vir.0.009647-0. PMID 19282434.
  14. ^ Howell, W. E.; et al. (1998). "Natural spread of cherry rugose mosaic disease in two Prunus necrotic ringspot virus biotypes in a central Washington sweet cherry orchard". Plant Disease. 72 (7): 636–640. doi:10.1094/pd-72-0636.
  15. ^ Greber, R. S. (1992). "Thrips-Facilitated Transmission of Prune Dwarf and Prunus Necrotic Ringspot Viruses from Cherry Pollen to Cucumber". Plant Disease. 76 (10): 1039. doi:10.1094/pd-76-1039.
  16. ^ Çelik, Ali; Santosa, Adyatma Irawan; Gibbs, Adrian J.; Ertunç, Filiz (February 2022). "Prunus necrotic ringspot virus in Turkey: an immigrant population". Archives of Virology. 167 (2): 553–562. doi:10.1007/s00705-022-05374-1. PMID 35076793.
  17. ^ Manganaris, G. A.; et al. (2003). "Elimination of PPV and PNRSV through thermotherapy and meristem-tip culture". Plant Cell Reports. 22 (3): 195–200. doi:10.1007/s00299-003-0681-y. PMID 12898177. S2CID 22544618.
  18. ^ Uyemoto, J. K.; et al. (2003). "Horizontal spread of ilarviruses in young trees of several peach cultivars". Plant Disease. 87 (1): 75–77. doi:10.1094/pdis.2003.87.1.75. PMID 30812704.
  19. ^ Song, G.; et al. (2013). "Engineering cherry rootstocks with resistance to Prunus necrotic ringspot virus through RNAi-mediated silencing". Plant Biotechnology Journal. 11 (6): 702–708. doi:10.1111/pbi.12060. PMID 23521804.

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Prunus necrotic ringspot virus: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) is a plant pathogenic virus causing ring spot diseases affecting species of the genus Prunus, as well as other species such as rose (Rosa spp.) and hops (Humulus lupulus). PNRSV is found worldwide due to easy transmission through plant propagation methods and infected seed. The virus is in the family Bromoviridae and genus Ilarvirus. Synonyms of PNRSV include European plum line pattern virus, hop B virus, hop C virus, plum line pattern virus, sour cherry necrotic ringspot virus, and peach ringspot virus.

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Virus des taches annulaires nécrotiques des Prunus ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Le virus des taches annulaires nécrotiques des Prunus (PNRSV, Prunus necrotic ringspot virus) est une espèce de phytovirus du genre Ilarvirus (famille des Bromoviridae) à répartition cosmopolite. Ce virus a été initialement décrit par Cochran & Hutchins en 1941 sous le nom de Peach dwarf virus (DPV, virus du nanisme du pêcher)[1].

Ce virus provoque des maladies de taches annulaires chez les espèces de plantes du genre Prunus , ainsi que chez d'autres espèces, notamment dans le genre Rosa sp. (rosiers), ainsi que chez le houblon (Humulus lupulus)[2],[3]. Le PNRSV a une distribution mondiale dans les régions tempérées du fait de sa transmission facile par les méthodes de propagation des plantes et par les graines infectées[4]. Le PNRSV a plusieurs synonymes, notamment European plum line pattern virus, Hop B virus, Hop C virus, Plum line pattern virus, Sour cherry necrotic ringspot virus et Peach ringspot virus[5]

Notes et références

  1. (en) V. Pallas, F. Aparicio, M. C. Herranz, K. Amari, M. A. Sanchez-Pina, A. Myrta et J. A. Sanchez-Navarro, « Ilarviruses of Prunus spp.: A Continued Concern for Fruit Trees », Phytopathology, vol. 102, no 12,‎ décembre 2012, p. 1108-1120 (DOI , lire en ligne).
  2. (en) M Nemeth, Virus, Mycoplasma, and Rickettsia Diseases of Fruit Trees, Norwell, MA, Marianus Nijhoff Publishers, 1986.
  3. (en) G. I. Mink, « Prunus necrotic ringspot virus », Diseases of Fruit Crops, vol. 3,‎ 1992, p. 335–356.
  4. (en) S. Kryczynski, « Prunus necrotic ringspot virus spread in sour cherry orchard and in rootstock production », Acta Horticulturae, vol. 309,‎ 1992, p. 105–110 (DOI ).
  5. (en) R. W. Hammond, Prunus necrotic ringspot virus in Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Pome and Stone Fruits, St. Paul, MN, APS Press, 2011, 207–213 p..

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wikipedia FR

Virus des taches annulaires nécrotiques des Prunus: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Le virus des taches annulaires nécrotiques des Prunus (PNRSV, Prunus necrotic ringspot virus) est une espèce de phytovirus du genre Ilarvirus (famille des Bromoviridae) à répartition cosmopolite. Ce virus a été initialement décrit par Cochran & Hutchins en 1941 sous le nom de Peach dwarf virus (DPV, virus du nanisme du pêcher).

Ce virus provoque des maladies de taches annulaires chez les espèces de plantes du genre Prunus , ainsi que chez d'autres espèces, notamment dans le genre Rosa sp. (rosiers), ainsi que chez le houblon (Humulus lupulus),. Le PNRSV a une distribution mondiale dans les régions tempérées du fait de sa transmission facile par les méthodes de propagation des plantes et par les graines infectées. Le PNRSV a plusieurs synonymes, notamment European plum line pattern virus, Hop B virus, Hop C virus, Plum line pattern virus, Sour cherry necrotic ringspot virus et Peach ringspot virus

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