
Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico tarafından sağlandı
The higher classification of the Encyrtidae used in this catalog differs drastically from that proposed in the 1951 edition. Some explanation is necessary. Burks has considered the Signiphoridae and Aphelinidae as subfamilies of the Encyrtidae. In the 1951 catalog the aphelinids were considered a subfamily of the Eulophidae and the signiphorids were treated as a distinct family (Thysanidae). The aphelinids and signiphorids appear more nearly related to the Encyrtidae than to other families of chalcidoids. In placing the aphelinids under the Encyrtidae, the subfamilies of aphelinids (sensu Ferriere, 1965, Faune de l'Europe Bassin Medit., 1: 1-206) have been relegated to tribal status. ~Recently Trjapitzin (1973, Ent. Rev. 52 (1): 118-125; Ent. Rev. 52 (2): 287-295) has treated the higher classification of the Encyrtidae (sensu stricto) and provided a radical reorganization at the tribal and subfamilial levels. His classification has been adopted in the present treatment of the Encyrtidae. In so doing, however, the placement of several genera remains undecided. These will be treated in a separate publication. ~In this section the term "cosmopolitan" means the species is found throughout North America. ~I thank D. Miller and M. Stoetzel (Systematic Entomology Laboratory, IIBIII, U. S. Dept. Agr., Beltsville, Maryland) for providing correct names for homopterous hosts. D. P. Annecke (Plant Protect. Res. Inst., Pretoria, South Africa) gave his advice on the placement of several species earlier referred to Aphycus. ~The hosts cited in this section are only those reported for North America.
bibliyografik atıf
Catalog of Hymenoptera in America North of Mexico. 1979. Prepared cooperatively by specialists on the various groups of Hymenoptera under the direction of Karl V. Krombein and Paul D. Hurd, Jr., Smithsonian Institution, and David R. Smith and B. D. Burks, Systematic Entomology Laboratory, Insect Identification and Beneficial Insect Introduction Institute. Science and Education Administration, United States Department of Agriculture.


Deans Deitz Wharton et al tarafından sağlandı
See page on Tachinaephagus zealandicus.
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Robert Wharton

Encyrtidae ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Encyrtidae is a large family of parasitic wasps, with some 3710 described species in about 455 genera. The larvae of the majority are primary parasitoids on Hemiptera, though other hosts are attacked, and details of the life history can be variable (e.g., some attack eggs, some attack larvae, others are hyperparasites, and some Encyrtidae develop as parasitoids of ticks). They are found throughout the world in virtually all habitats, and are extremely important as biological control agents. They may also present as an ecological threat to the population of some species. For example, the endangered Papilio homerus butterfly is parasitized at a rate of 77%,[1] making them the main contributor to egg mortality in this (and other) butterfly species.

Some species exhibit a remarkable developmental phenomenon called "polyembryony", in which a single egg multiplies clonally in the host and produces large numbers of identical adult wasps. Even more remarkably, some of the larvae are larger than the others and act in a similar way to the "soldiers" of eusocial insects, attacking any other wasp larvae already in the body of the host, and dying without reproducing ("altruism").

Wasps in this family are relatively easy to separate from other Chalcidoidea by features of the wing venation, the migration of the cerci forwards on the metasoma (and accompanying distortion of the tergites), and a greatly enlarged mesopleuron with anteriorly positioned mesocoxae.

Encyrtid thorax; "h" is the mesopleuron, and "j" is the mesocoxa

An extinct genus Archencyrtus has been described from the Middle Eocene age Sakhalin amber in Eastern Russia.[2]


  1. ^ Garraway, Eric; Bailey, A. J. A.; Freeman, B. E.; Parnell, J. R.; Emmel, T. C. (2008). Insect Conservation and Islands. Springer, Dordrecht. pp. 189–203. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-8782-0_16. ISBN 9781402087813.
  2. ^ Simutnik, S.A. (2014). "The first record of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from the Sakhalin amber". Paleontological Journal. 48 (6): 621–623. doi:10.1134/s0031030114060124. S2CID 86655697.

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wikipedia EN

Encyrtidae: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Encyrtidae is a large family of parasitic wasps, with some 3710 described species in about 455 genera. The larvae of the majority are primary parasitoids on Hemiptera, though other hosts are attacked, and details of the life history can be variable (e.g., some attack eggs, some attack larvae, others are hyperparasites, and some Encyrtidae develop as parasitoids of ticks). They are found throughout the world in virtually all habitats, and are extremely important as biological control agents. They may also present as an ecological threat to the population of some species. For example, the endangered Papilio homerus butterfly is parasitized at a rate of 77%, making them the main contributor to egg mortality in this (and other) butterfly species.

Some species exhibit a remarkable developmental phenomenon called "polyembryony", in which a single egg multiplies clonally in the host and produces large numbers of identical adult wasps. Even more remarkably, some of the larvae are larger than the others and act in a similar way to the "soldiers" of eusocial insects, attacking any other wasp larvae already in the body of the host, and dying without reproducing ("altruism").

Wasps in this family are relatively easy to separate from other Chalcidoidea by features of the wing venation, the migration of the cerci forwards on the metasoma (and accompanying distortion of the tergites), and a greatly enlarged mesopleuron with anteriorly positioned mesocoxae.

Encyrtid thorax; "h" is the mesopleuron, and "j" is the mesocoxa

An extinct genus Archencyrtus has been described from the Middle Eocene age Sakhalin amber in Eastern Russia.

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Encyrtidae ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Encyrtidae es una familia numerosa de avispas parásitas, con aproximadamente 3700 especies en 460 géneros. Las larvas de la mayoría son parasitoides de Hemiptera, aunque también tienen otros huéspedes. Su biología es muy variable (por ejemplo, algunas atacan huevos o larvas de insectos, otras garrapatas. Aun otras parasitan a otros parásitos, es decir que son hiperparasitoides.

Son cosmopolitas y se las encuentra en una gran variedad de hábitats. Se las considera valiosos agentes de control biológico.

Algunas especies presentan una forma de desarrollo poco común llamada poliembrionía, en la que un solo huevo se multiplica en forma clonal produciendo un gran número individuos genéticamente idénticos. Aún más notable es que algunos ejemplares son más grandes que los otros y se comportan como una casta de soldados de los insectos eusociales, atacando a otras larvas de avispas de la misma u otras especies en el huésped. Mueren sin reproducirse, lo cual es una forma de "altruismo".

Es fácil distinguir a estas avispas de otras de la superfamilia Chalcidoidea por detalles de la venación de las alas, la migración del cerco hacia el metasoma con una acompañante distorsión de los terguitos y por un mesopleuron ensanchado.

Se ha descrito un género extinto, Archencyrtus, del Eoceno Medio en ámbar de Sajalín (Isla de Sajalín) en Rusia oriental.[1]

Tórax de Encyrtidae (Tachinaephagus zealandicus). "h" es el mesopleuron
Encyrtus infelix


Esta familia tiene por lo menos 460 géneros diferentes (algunos con una sola especie).
Los géneros más importantes están presentes abajo con una indicación del mínimo número de especies incluidos en ellos entre paréntesis:


  1. Simutnik, S.A. (2014). «The first record of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from the Sakhalin amber». Paleontological Journal 48 (6): 621-623. doi:10.1134/s0031030114060124.

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wikipedia ES

Encyrtidae: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Encyrtidae es una familia numerosa de avispas parásitas, con aproximadamente 3700 especies en 460 géneros. Las larvas de la mayoría son parasitoides de Hemiptera, aunque también tienen otros huéspedes. Su biología es muy variable (por ejemplo, algunas atacan huevos o larvas de insectos, otras garrapatas. Aun otras parasitan a otros parásitos, es decir que son hiperparasitoides.

Son cosmopolitas y se las encuentra en una gran variedad de hábitats. Se las considera valiosos agentes de control biológico.

Algunas especies presentan una forma de desarrollo poco común llamada poliembrionía, en la que un solo huevo se multiplica en forma clonal produciendo un gran número individuos genéticamente idénticos. Aún más notable es que algunos ejemplares son más grandes que los otros y se comportan como una casta de soldados de los insectos eusociales, atacando a otras larvas de avispas de la misma u otras especies en el huésped. Mueren sin reproducirse, lo cual es una forma de "altruismo".

Es fácil distinguir a estas avispas de otras de la superfamilia Chalcidoidea por detalles de la venación de las alas, la migración del cerco hacia el metasoma con una acompañante distorsión de los terguitos y por un mesopleuron ensanchado.

Se ha descrito un género extinto, Archencyrtus, del Eoceno Medio en ámbar de Sajalín (Isla de Sajalín) en Rusia oriental.​

 src= Tórax de Encyrtidae (Tachinaephagus zealandicus). "h" es el mesopleuron  src= Homalotylus  src= Encyrtus infelix
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Encyrtidae ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Les Encyrtidae sont une famille d'insectes hyménoptères apocrites de la super-famille des Chalcidoidea. Ils sont d'une grande importance en lutte biologique car tous sont entomophages.


  • Très petits insectes de 0,5 à 3,5 mm (1 mm en moyenne).
  • Aspect robuste, court et aplati, à éclat métallique jaune, orange, rouge ou marron.
  • Ailes teintées.
  • Tête transversale, avec bord postérieur en arc de cercle.
  • Antenne de 5 à 13 segments chez la femelle et en massue, rameuse chez le mâle.
  • Tarse de 5 articles, tarière très courte.

Ils se caractérisent par :

  • même structure des tarses médians que les Eupelmidae ;
  • hanches médianes insérées au milieu ou à la partie antérieure du segment ;
  • Mésoscutum convexe ;
  • cerques migrant vers l'avant, déformant les derniers tergites en "V" (peu visibles sur l'insecte mort).


Tous sont des insectes entomophages : deux Encyrtidae sur trois sont des endoparasitoïdes solitaires d'hémiptères, essentiellement de cochenilles du genre Leucanium. Le restant parasite des œufs, larves ou nymphes de lépidoptères, chrysomèles, punaises, cécidomyies et tiques. Les Copidosomatini sont tous parasites de lépidoptères.

Trechnites psyllae et Prionomitus mitratus sont endoparasites de Psylla pyri (psylle du poirier). Compercia merceti parasite la blatte Supella longipalpa.

Des espèces sont également hyperparasites d'Encyrtidae, Aphelinidae, Cynipidae, Pteromalidae, Braconidae, Dryinidae. C'est le cas de Syrphophagus mamitus sur Psylle.

L'œuf est encyrtiforme (tube) et souvent polyembryonnique (fragmentation de l'œuf en de multiples embryons). Leur cycle est de 5 à 50 jours, la fécondité de 100 à 200 œufs. Les adultes lèchent le miellat des homoptères. Le sex ratio varie selon les espèces de 2 à 9 femelles par mâle. Il y a 1 seul œuf par hôte et tous les individus issus d'un même hôte sont de même sexe.


Cette famille contient deux sous-familles regroupant autour de 460 genres pour 3 600 espèces décrites :

  • La sous-famille des Encyrtinae comprenant 350 genres et 2 800 espèces.
  • La sous-famille des Tetracnemynae comprenant 100 genres et 800 espèces.

Liste des genres

Sous-famille Encyrtinae Walker 1837 :

  • Acerophagus Smith 1880
  • Achalcerinys Girault 1915
  • Adelencyrtoides Tachikawa & Valentine 1969
  • Adelencyrtus Ashmead 1900
  • Adencyrtus Prinsloo 1977
  • Admirencyrtus Hoffer 1960
  • Aenasiella Girault 1914
  • Aenasomyiella Girault 1915
  • Aesaria Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Aethognathus Silvestri 1915
  • Agarwalencyrtus Hayat 1981
  • Agekianella Trjapitzin 1981
  • Ageniaspis Dahlbom 1857
  • Agromyzaphagus Gahan 1912
  • Allencyrtus Annecke & Mynhardt 1973
  • Allocerchysius Hoffer 1963
  • Aloencyrtus Prinsloo 1978
  • Amauroencyrtus De Santis 1985
  • Ameromyzobia Girault 1916
  • Amicencyrtus Hayat 1981
  • Amicroterys Myartseva 1983
  • Amira Girault 1913
  • Ammonoencyrtus De Santis 1964
  • Anagyrodes Girault 1915
  • Anasemion Annecke 1967
  • Andinoencyrtus Blanchard 1940
  • Anicetus Howard 1896
  • Anisophleps Fidalgo 1981
  • Anthemus Howard 1896
  • Aphidencyrtoides Ishii 1928
  • Aphycinus Trjapitzin 1962
  • Aphycoides Mercet 1921
  • Aphycomastix De Santis 1972
  • Aphycomorpha Timberlake 1919
  • Aphycopsis Timberlake 1916
  • Aphyculus Hoffer 1954
  • Aphycus Mayr 1876
  • Apsilophrys De Santis 1964
  • Archinus Howard 1897
  • Argutencyrtus Prinsloo & Annecke 1974
  • Arhopoidiella Noyes 1980
  • Arrhenophagoidea Girault 1915
  • Arrhenophagus Aurivillius 1888
  • Arzonella Pagliano & Scaramozzino 1990
  • Aschitus Mercet 1921
  • Aseirba Cameron 1884
  • Asterolecanobius Tachikawa 1963
  • Astymachus Howard 1898
  • Atelaphycus Blanchard 1940
  • Atropates Howard 1898
  • Australanusia Girault 1922
  • Australaphycus Girault 1923
  • Austrochoreia Girault 1929
  • Austroencyrtoidea Girault 1922
  • Austroencyrtus Girault 1923
  • Austromira Girault 1924
  • Avetianella Trjapitzin 1968
  • Aztecencyrtus Timberlake 1926
  • Baeoanusia Girault 1915
  • Baeocharis Mayr 1876
  • Baeoencyrtus De Santis 1964
  • Beethovena Girault 1932
  • Bennettisca Noyes 1980
  • Blanchardiscus De Santis 1964
  • Blastothrix Mayr 1876
  • Blatticidella Gahan & Fagan 1923
  • Bolangera Hayat & Noyes 1986
  • Borrowella Girault 1923
  • Bothriocraera Timberlake 1916
  • Bothriophryne Compere 1937
  • Bothriothorax Ratzeburg 1844
  • Boucekiella Hoffer 1954
  • Brachyencyrtus Hoffer 1959
  • Brachyplatycerus De Santis 1972
  • Brethesiella Timberlake 1920
  • Caenohomalopoda Tachikawa 1979
  • Caldencyrtus Noyes & Hanson 1996
  • Carabunia Waterston 1928
  • Casus Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Ceballosia Mercet 1921
  • Centencyrtus Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Cerapteroceroides Ashmead 1904
  • Cerapterocerus Westwood 1833
  • Ceraptroceroideus Girault 1916
  • Cerchysiella Girault 1914
  • Cerchysius Westwood 1832
  • Cercobelus Walker 1842
  • Charitopsis Trjapitzin 1969
  • Cheiloneurella Girault 1915
  • Cheiloneuromyia Girault 1915
  • Cheiloneurus Westwood 1833
  • Cheilopsis Prinsloo 1983
  • Choreia Westwood 1833
  • Chrysomelechthrus Trjapitzin 1977
  • Cibdeloencyrtus De Santis 1964
  • Cicoencyrtus Noyes 1980
  • Cirrhencyrtus Timberlake 1918
  • Coagerus Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Coccidaphycus Blanchard 1940
  • Coccidencyrtus Ashmead 1900
  • Coccidoctonus Crawford 1912
  • Coccopilatus Annecke 1963
  • Coelopencyrtus Timberlake 1919
  • Comones Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Comperia Gomes 1942
  • Comperiella Howard 1906
  • Conchynilla Girault 1923
  • Copidosoma Ratzeburg 1844
  • Copidosomopsis Girault 1915
  • Copidosomyia Girault 1915
  • Cowperia Girault 1919
  • Cyderius Noyes 1980
  • Deilio Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Deloencyrtus De Santis 1967
  • Diaphorencyrtus Hayat 1981
  • Diasula Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Dionencyrtus De Santis 1985
  • Discodes Förster 1856
  • Diversinervus Silvestri 1915
  • Doddanusia Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Ebito Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Echthrobaccella Girault 1915
  • Echthrogonatopus Perkins 1906
  • Echthroplexiella Mercet 1921
  • Echthroplexis Förster 1856
  • Ectroma Westwood 1833
  • Encyrtoalces De Santis 1985
  • Encyrtoidea Girault 1923
  • Encyrtus Latreille 1809
  • Epiblatticida Girault 1915
  • Epicerchysius Girault 1915
  • Epiencyrtus Ashmead 1900
  • Epistenoterys Girault 1915
  • Epitetracnemus Girault 1915
  • Epitetralophidea Girault 1915
  • Eremencyrtus Trjapitzin 1972
  • Erencyrtus Mahdihassan 1923
  • Ethoris Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Eucoccidophagus Hoffer 1963
  • Eugahania Mercet 1926
  • Euogus Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Eupoecilopoda Novicky & Hoffer 1953
  • Euscapularia Hoffer 1976
  • Eusemion Dahlbom 1857
  • Exoristobia Ashmead 1904
  • Forcipestricis Burks 1968
  • Formicencyrtus Girault 1916
  • Fulgoridicida Perkins 1906
  • Gahaniella Timberlake 1926
  • Gentakola Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Ginsiana Erdös & Novicky 1955
  • Globulencyrtus Hoffer 1976
  • Gonzalezia De Santis 1964
  • Grissellia Noyes 1980
  • Gwala Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Habrolepis Förster 1856
  • Habrolepoidea Howard 1894
  • Habrolepopteryx Ashmead 1900
  • Hadrencyrtus Annecke & Mynhardt 1973
  • Hadzhibeylia Myartseva & Trjapitzin 1981
  • Haligra Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Helegonatopus Perkins 1906
  • Helygia Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Hemencyrtus Ashmead 1900
  • Hemileucoceras Hoffer 1976
  • Hengata Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Hesperencyrtus Annecke 1971
  • Heterococcidoxenus Ishii 1940
  • Hexacladia Ashmead 1891
  • Hexacnemus Timberlake 1926
  • Hexencyrtus Girault 1915
  • Homalopoda Howard 1894
  • Homalotyloidea Mercet 1921
  • Homalotylus Mayr 1876
  • Homosemion Annecke 1967
  • Hoplopsis De Stefani 1889
  • Hypergonatopus Timberlake 1922
  • Iceromyia Noyes 1980
  • Ilicia Mercet 1921
  • Indaphycus Hayat 1981
  • Ioessa Erdös 1955
  • Islawes Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Isodromoides Girault 1914
  • Isodromus Howard 1887
  • Ixodiphagus Howard 1907
  • Kataka Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Koenigsmannia Trjapitzin 1982
  • Kurdjumovia Trjapitzin 1977
  • Laccacida Prinsloo 1977
  • Lakshaphagus Mahdihassan 1931
  • Lamennaisia Girault 1922
  • Leefmansia Waterston 1928
  • Leiocyrtus Erdös & Novicky 1955
  • Leurocerus Crawford 1911
  • Lirencyrtus Noyes 1980
  • Lochitoencyrtus De Santis 1964
  • Lohiella Noyes 1980
  • Lombitsikala Risbec 1957
  • Mahencyrtus Masi 1917
  • Manmohanencyrtus Singh 1995
  • Mariola Noyes 1980
  • Mashhoodiella Hayat 1972
  • Mayrencyrtus Hincks 1944
  • Mayridia Mercet 1921
  • Melys Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Meniscocephalus Perkins 1906
  • Merlen Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Meromyzobia Ashmead 1900
  • Mesanusia Girault 1922
  • Mesastymachus Girault 1923
  • Mesocalocerinus Girault 1922
  • Mesorhopella Girault 1923
  • Metablastothrix Sugonjaev 1964
  • Metanotalia Mercet 1921
  • Metaphycus Mercet 1917
  • Metapsyllaephagus Myartseva 1980
  • Microterys Thomson 1876
  • Moorella Cameron 1913
  • Mozartella Girault 1926
  • Mucrencyrtus Noyes 1980
  • Muluencyrtus Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Nassauia Girault 1932
  • Nathismusia Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Neabrolepoideus Girault 1917
  • Neapsilophrys Noyes 1980
  • Neastymachus Girault 1915
  • Neblatticida Girault 1915
  • Negeniaspidius Trjapitzin 1982
  • Neocladella Girault 1915
  • Neocladia Perkins 1906
  • Neococcidencyrtus Compere 1928
  • Neocyrtus Trjapitzin 1985
  • Nerissa Trjapitzin 1977
  • Nezarhopalus Girault 1915
  • Oesol Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Olypusa Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Oobius Trjapitzin 1963
  • Ooencyrtus Ashmead 1900
  • Oophagus Liao 1987
  • Orianos Noyes 1990
  • Oriencyrtus Sugonjaev & Trjapitzin 1974
  • Ovaloencyrtus Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Ovidoencyrtus Girault 1924
  • Paksimmondsius Ahmad & Ghani 1974
  • Papaka Noyes 1980
  • Papuna Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Parablastothrix Mercet 1917
  • Parablatticida Girault 1915
  • Parachalcerinys Girault 1925
  • Paracladella Girault 1920
  • Paraenasomyia Girault 1915
  • Paramucrona Noyes 1980
  • Paraphaenodiscus Girault 1915
  • Paraphycus Girault 1915
  • Parasauleia Hoffer 1968
  • Paraschedius Mercet 1925
  • Parastenoterys Girault 1915
  • Paratetracnemoidea Girault 1915
  • Paratetralophidea Girault 1915
  • Parechthrodryinus Girault 1916
  • Parectromoides Girault 1915
  • Parencyrtomyia Girault 1915
  • Parencyrtus Ashmead 1900
  • Pareupelmus Kryger 1951
  • Pareusemion Ishii 1925
  • Pasulinia Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Pawenus Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Pentacladocerus Erdös 1963
  • Pentelicus Howard 1895
  • Perpolia Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Phauloencyrtus Girault 1940
  • Philosindia Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Pistulina Hoffer 1976
  • Plagiomerus Crawford 1910
  • Platencyrtus Ferrière 1955
  • Prionomastix Mayr 1876
  • Prionomitoides Girault 1915
  • Prionomitus Mayr 1876
  • Prochiloneurus Silvestri 1915
  • Proleuroceroides Shafee, Alam & Agarwal 1975
  • Proleurocerus Ferrière 1935
  • Protyndarichoides Noyes 1980
  • Pseudaphycus Clausen 1915
  • Pseudectroma Girault 1915
  • Pseudencyrtoides Gordh & Trjapitzin 1975
  • Pseudencyrtus Ashmead 1900
  • Pseudhomalopoda Girault 1915
  • Pseudococcobius Timberlake 1916
  • Pseudorhopus Timberlake 1926
  • Psilophryoidea Compere 1928
  • Psilophrys Mayr 1876
  • Psyllaephagus Ashmead 1900
  • Psyllaphycus Hayat 1972
  • Psyllechthrus Ghesquière 1958
  • Pulexencyrtus Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Quadrencyrtus Hoffer 1952
  • Raffaellia Girault 1922
  • Rhopalencyrtoidea Girault 1915
  • Rhytidothorax Ashmead 1900
  • Ruandella Risbec 1957
  • Ruskiniana Girault 1923
  • Saera Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Sanghalia Risbec 1955
  • Saprencyrtus Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Sarisencyrtus Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Satureia Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Sauleia Sugonjaev 1964
  • Scotteus Masi 1917
  • Sectiliclava Hoffer 1957
  • Semen Hoffer 1954
  • Shenahetia Noyes 1980
  • Simmondsiella Noyes 1980
  • Solenaphycus De Santis 1972
  • Solenoencyrtus De Santis 1964
  • Spaniopterus Gahan 1927
  • Stemmatosteres Timberlake 1918
  • Stenoteropsis Girault 1915
  • Subprionomitus Mercet 1921
  • Syrphophagus Ashmead 1900
  • Szelenyiola Trjapitzin 1977
  • Tachardiaephagus Ashmead 1904
  • Tachardiobius Timberlake 1926
  • Tachinaephagus Ashmead 1904
  • Tanyencyrtus De Santis 1972
  • Tassonia Girault 1921
  • Teleterebratus Compere & Zinna 1955
  • Tetarticlava Noyes 1980
  • Tetracyclos Kryger 1942
  • Thomsonisca Ghesquière 1946
  • Tineophoctonus Ashmead 1900
  • Tobiasia Trjapitzin 1962
  • Trechnites Thomson 1876
  • Tremblaya Trjapitzin 1985
  • Trichomasthus Thomson 1876
  • Trigonogaster Guérin-Méneville 1844
  • Trjapitzinellus Viggiani 1967
  • Tyndarichus Howard 1910
  • Tyndaricopsis Gordh & Trjapitzin 1981
  • Vietmachus Sugonjaev 1995
  • Viggianiola Trjapitzin 1982
  • Whittieria Girault 1938
  • Xenoencyrtus Riek 1962
  • Xenostryxis Girault 1920
  • Xerencyrtus Trjapitzin 1972
  • Xylencyrtus Annecke 1968
  • Zaomma Ashmead 1900
  • Zaommoencyrtus Girault 1916
  • Zarhopaloides Girault 1915
  • Zelaphycus Noyes 1988
  • Zelencyrtus Noyes 1988
  • Zooencyrtus Girault 1915
  • Zozoros Noyes & Hayat 1984

Sous-famille Tetracneminae Howard 1892 :

  • Acerophagoides Blanchard 1940
  • Adektitopus Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Aenasius Walker 1846
  • Aeptencyrtus De Santis 1964
  • Aglyptus Förster 1856
  • Alamella Agarwal 1966
  • Allocerellus Silvestri 1915
  • Amasyxia Noyes 2000
  • Ameniscocephalus Girault 1915
  • Anagyrietta Ferrière 1955
  • Anagyrus Howard 1896
  • Ananusia Girault 1917
  • Anomalencyrtus Hayat & Verma 1980
  • Anomalicornia Mercet 1921
  • Anusia Förster 1856
  • Anusioptera Brues 1910
  • Apoleptomastix Kerrich 1982
  • Aquaencyrtus Hoffer 1952
  • Asencyrtus Trjapitzin 1972
  • Asitus Erdös 1955
  • Avernes Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Bactritopus Trjapitzin 1989
  • Blepyrus Howard 1898
  • Bureshiella Hoffer 1983
  • Callaincyrtus Prinsloo & Annecke 1979
  • Callipteroma Motschulsky 1863
  • Ceraptrocerella Girault 1918
  • Charitopus Förster 1856
  • Chrysoplatycerus Ashmead 1889
  • Cladiscodes Subba Rao 1977
  • Clausenia Ishii 1923
  • Coccidoxenoides Girault 1915
  • Cryptanusia Girault 1917
  • Cryptoplatycerus Trjapitzin 1982
  • Cyrtocoryphes Timberlake 1926
  • Dicarnosis Mercet 1921
  • Dinocarsiella Mercet 1921
  • Dinocarsis Förster 1856
  • Dusmetia Mercet 1921
  • Ectromatopsis Compere 1947
  • Eotopus Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Epanusia Girault 1913
  • Eremophasma Sugonjaev & Trjapitzin 1979
  • Ericydnus Haliday 1832
  • Euzkadiella Mercet 1922
  • Extencyrtus Noyes & Woolley 1994
  • Gafsa Thuroczy & Trjapitzin 1990
  • Gavria Noyes 2000
  • Gyranusoidea Compere 1947
  • Hambletonia Compere 1936
  • Hipponactis Noyes 2000
  • Hofferencyrtus Boucek 1977
  • Holanusomyia Girault 1915
  • Holcencyrtus Ashmead 1900
  • Incisencyrtus Prinsloo 1988
  • Leptomastidea Mercet 1916
  • Leptomastix Förster 1856
  • Lutherisca Ghesquière 1946
  • Lyka Mercet 1921
  • Manicnemus Hayat 1981
  • Marxella Girault 1932
  • Mashhoodia Shafee 1972
  • Metaphaenodiscus Mercet 1921
  • Mira Schellenberg 1803
  • Mohelencyrtus Hoffer 1969
  • Mohelniella Hoffer 1964
  • Monodiscodes Hoffer 1953
  • Monstranusia Trjapitzin 1964
  • Moraviella Hoffer 1954
  • Neocharitopus Hayat, Alam & Agarwal 1975
  • Neodusmetia Kerrich 1964
  • Neoplatycerus Subba Rao 1965
  • Neorhopus Girault 1917
  • Nesebaria Hoffer 1970
  • Notodusmetia Noyes 1988
  • Odiaglyptus Noyes 1988
  • Paraclausenia Hayat 1980
  • Paracopidosoma Hoffer 1957
  • Paraenasioidea Hoffer 1953
  • Paramasia Hoffer 1953
  • Paranathrix Myartseva 1980
  • Parapyrus Noyes 1984
  • Parectromoidella Girault 1915
  • Pelmatencyrtus De Santis 1964
  • Peneax Noyes 2000
  • Phasmocephalon Trjapitzin 1977
  • Phasmocera Trjapitzin 1971
  • Phasmopoda Trjapitzin 1977
  • Praleurocerus Agarwal 1974
  • Pseudleptomastix Girault 1915
  • Rhopus Förster 1856
  • Ruanderoma Noyes & Hayat 1984
  • Sakencyrtus Hayat 1981
  • Savzdargia Trjapitzin 1979
  • Schilleriella Ghesquière 1946
  • Taftia Ashmead 1904
  • Tetracnemoidea Howard 1898
  • Tetracnemus Westwood 1837
  • Tricladia Mercet 1918
  • Tropidophryne Compere 1931
  • Vosleria Timberlake 1926
  • Xanthoectroma Mercet 1925
  • Xenanusia Girault 1917
  • Yasumatsuiola Trjapitzin 1977
  • Zaplatycerus Timberlake 1925
  • Zarhopalus Ashmead 1900

Utilisation en lutte biologique

C'est une famille de la plus grande importance en lutte biologique car la plus utilisée : une cinquantaine d'espèces ont été employées à ce jour contre les cochenilles. Anagyrus lopezi (De Santis,1964), (Hym. Tetracneminae) originaire d'Amérique du sud, fut utilisé à vaste échelle contre la cochenille du manioc Phenacoccus manihoti (Matile-Ferrero) (Hom. Pseudococcidae) en Afrique.

L'utilisation d'Ageniapis fuscicollis dans les vergers d'Union soviétique pour lutter contre l'Yponomeute fut un succès.

Encyrtus infelix et E. lacaniorum sont utilisés contre Saissetia sur cultures en serre.

Originaire d'Amérique du Sud, Copidosoma uruguyensis a été lâché en 1968 sur les régions tabacoles de Madagascar pour lutter contre la teigne des feuilles, Phthorimaea operculella.


  • Annecke, D.P.; Insley, H.P. (1971). Catalogue of Ethiopian Encyrtidae and Aphelinidae. Entomology Memoir of the Department of Agricultural Technical Services of the Republic of South Africa. 23:53pp.
  • Noyes, J. S. (2002). Interactive catalogue of World Chalcidoidea (2001 – second edition). Cdrom. Taxapad and the Natural History Museum.

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Encyrtidae: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

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Les Encyrtidae sont une famille d'insectes hyménoptères apocrites de la super-famille des Chalcidoidea. Ils sont d'une grande importance en lutte biologique car tous sont entomophages.

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Encyrtidae ( İtalyanca )

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Gli Encirtidi (Encyrtidae Walker, 1837) costituiscono una grande famiglia di insetti (Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea) comprendente specie parassitoidi spesso impiegate nella lotta biologica contro insetti dannosi.


Questa famiglia costituisce un vasto raggruppamento di specie. In generale gli Encirtidi presentano affinità morfologica con gli Eupelmidi e con i Tanaostigmatidi, con i quali condividono in particolare il grande sviluppo delle mesopleure. Possono essere distinti per la presenza dei cercoidi nella parte anteriore o mediana del gastro e spesso per la marcata riduzione della vena marginale. Possono essere confusi con alcuni Afelinidi che mostrano le mesopleure convesse, ma a differenza di questi i notauli sono appena accennati o del tutto assenti.

Insieme agli Afelinidi, gli Encirtidi sono i Calcidoidi di più largo impiego nel settore della lotta biologica.


Gli Encirtidi sono insetti di piccole dimensioni, con il corpo lungo 1-2 mm, di forma tozza e aspetto robusto. Il capo porta antenne composte da 11 articoli e prive di anello.

Il torace mostra un marcato sviluppo delle mesopleure, di forma convessa e prive di sculture sia nelle femmine sia nei maschi. Il mesonoto presenta notauli superficiali e ricurvi oppure ne è completamente privo. Metanoto e propodeo sono in genere piuttosto brevi.

Le zampe del secondo paio sono saltatorie e presentano un robusto sperone all'estremità distale delle tibie. Le ali hanno in genere vena marginale e vena postmarginale molto brevi e in questa famiglia le ali sembrano spesso provviste di un vero e proprio pterostigma. Non mancano forme attere o microattere.

L'addome è subsessile per il ridottissimo sviluppo del peziolo. I cercoidi sono spostati nella parte dorsale e anteriore o intermedia del gastro invece che all'apice.


Gli Encirtidi sono generalmente endoparassiti a spese principalmente di stadi preimmaginali di cocciniglie (Rhynchota Homoptera, famiglie dei Coccidae, Pseudococcidae, Diaspididae), ma sono spesso parassitizzati anche altri Rincoti e, meno frequentemente, insetti appartenenti a svariati ordini e Chelicerata (acari e ragni). Nei generi Ixodiphagus e Hunterellus sono comprese anche specie che parassitizzano le zecche.

Gli Encirtidi sono inoltre parassiti oofagi oppure possono comportarsi come iperparassiti usando come ospite secondario un altro parassitoide appartenente per lo più alla famiglia dei Braconidi o alla superfamiglia dei Calcidoidi.

In Encirtidi che parassitizzano larve di Lepidotteri si riscontra il fenomeno della poliembrionia, generalmente con la formazione di pochi individui a spese di piccole larve. Singolare è il caso di alcune specie del genere Copidosoma che attaccano grosse larve: da un solo uovo possono generarsi per poliembrionia anche oltre 2000 individui che si sviluppano a spese dello stesso ospite. Spesso la poliembrionia causa malformazioni e crescita abnorme del corpo dell'ospite.


Insieme ai Pteromalidi e agli Eulofidi, la famiglia degli Encirtidi è una delle più ricche fra i Calcidoidi. Il numero di specie descritto è di circa 3700, appartenenti ad oltre 450 generi e ripartite in due sottofamiglie.


  • Viggiani Gennaro. Lotta biologica ed integrata. Liguori editore. Napoli, 1977. ISBN 88-207-0706-3

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Encyrtidae: Brief Summary ( İtalyanca )

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Gli Encirtidi (Encyrtidae Walker, 1837) costituiscono una grande famiglia di insetti (Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea) comprendente specie parassitoidi spesso impiegate nella lotta biologica contro insetti dannosi.

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Encyrtidae ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

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De Encyrtidae zijn een grote familie van parasitaire wespen, met ongeveer 3710 beschreven soorten in ongeveer 455 geslachten.

  • (nl) Encyrtidae op Soortenregister.nl, geraadpleegd 12 juni 2015
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Encyrtidae ( Norveççe )

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Encyrtidae er en gruppe som hører til blant parasittvepsene og er en familie av årevingene. Gruppen er artsrik og omfatter rundt 3700 kjente arter fordelt på ca. 450 slekter. Det er funnet 765 arter i Europa, og det er nå funnet 123 arter i Norge [1],[2],[3].


Encyrtidae er små, kompakte snylteveps. Antennene er svært variable, de kan være enkelt trådformede eller med forstørret første og/eller ytterste ledd, knebøyde eller svært tykke og kraftige, ganske korte eller like lange som insektet. Hodet er nokså stort og bredt, med store fasettøyne og tre punktøyne i pannen. Forkroppen (thorax) er bred, midtplaten (mesoscutum) er bredere enn lang. Pronotum er ganske smalt og ofte knapt synlig ovenfra. Scutellum er stort og trekantet. På sidene er minst halve sideflaten dekket av en stor plate (mesopleuron). Beina er spinkle. Forvingen er avrundet uten vingefrynser, ofte med tverrbånd eller andre fargemønstre. Mange er vingeløse. Bakkroppen er nokså bred, knapt synlig avsnørt fra forkroppen. Hunnens eggleggingsrør er kort.


De fleste artene er parasitoidernebbmunner (Hemiptera), rundt halvparten av de kjente artene snylter på skjoldlus (Coccoidea). Det er også mange arter som snylter på bladlopper (Psylloidea) og på sommerfugl-larver. Blant de sistnevnte finnes det interessante eksempler på polyembryoni: vepsehunnen legger bare ett egg i verten, men dette deler seg og gir opphav til mange larver, i ekstreme tilfeller opptil 2000. Hos noen av disse artene utvikler det seg to slags larver: normale, små larver og store "vokter"-larver som danner et vern for sine søsken. De sistnevnte blir aldri voksne, men dør som larver samtidig med at de "normale" søsknene klekkes. Denne familien er svært viktig i biologisk kontroll av skadeinsekter.

Systematisk inndeling



  1. ^ Japoshvili, George og Hansen, Lars Ove (2013) New records of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Norway II. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 60: 68-72.
  2. ^ Hansen, L.O., Thuróczy, C.K. og Japoshvili, G. (2012) New records of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Norway, with additional information on host associations. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 59: 72-77.
  3. ^ Hansen, Lars Ove og Japoshvili, George (2015) New records of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Norway V. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 62: 104-109.
  4. ^ Lars Ove Hansen og George Japoshvili (2013) New records of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Norway III. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 60: 196-200.
  5. ^ Japoshvili, George og Hansen, Lars Ove (2017) Chalcid wasps of the family Encyrtidae (Hyemnoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Oslo Municipality, Norway, with description of a new species. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64: 53-60.
  6. ^ Japoshvili, George og Hansen, Lars Ove (2017) Chalcid wasps of the family Encyrtidae (Hyemnoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Oslo Municipality, Norway, with description of a new species. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64: 53-60.
  7. ^ Japoshvili, George og Hansen, Lars Ove (2017) Chalcid wasps of the family Encyrtidae (Hyemnoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Oslo Municipality, Norway, with description of a new species. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64: 53-60.
  8. ^ Japoshvili, George og Hansen, Lars Ove (2017) Chalcid wasps of the family Encyrtidae (Hyemnoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Oslo Municipality, Norway, with description of a new species. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64: 53-60.
  9. ^ Japoshvili, George og Hansen, Lars Ove (2017) Chalcid wasps of the family Encyrtidae (Hyemnoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Oslo Municipality, Norway, with description of a new species. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64: 53-60.
  10. ^ Japoshvili, George og Hansen, Lars Ove (2017) Chalcid wasps of the family Encyrtidae (Hyemnoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Oslo Municipality, Norway, with description of a new species. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64: 53-60.
  11. ^ Japoshvili, George og Hansen, Lars Ove (2017) Chalcid wasps of the family Encyrtidae (Hyemnoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Oslo Municipality, Norway, with description of a new species. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64: 53-60.
  12. ^ Japoshvili, George og Hansen, Lars Ove (2017) Chalcid wasps of the family Encyrtidae (Hyemnoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Oslo Municipality, Norway, with description of a new species. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 64: 53-60.
  13. ^ George Japoshvili og Lars Ove Hansen (2014) New records of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from Norway IV. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 61: 180-185.


  • Natural History Museum, Universal Chalcidoidea Database [1]
  • Fauna Europaea, utbredelsesdatabase over europeiske dyr: [2]
  • Ottesen, P.S. (1993, revidert 1999) Norske insekter og deres artsantall. NINA utredning 55: 1-40. [3]

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Encyrtidae: Brief Summary ( Norveççe )

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Encyrtidae er en gruppe som hører til blant parasittvepsene og er en familie av årevingene. Gruppen er artsrik og omfatter rundt 3700 kjente arter fordelt på ca. 450 slekter. Det er funnet 765 arter i Europa, og det er nå funnet 123 arter i Norge ,,.

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Энциртиды ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı
Царство: Животные
Подцарство: Эуметазои
Без ранга: Первичноротые
Без ранга: Линяющие
Без ранга: Panarthropoda
Надкласс: Шестиногие
Класс: Насекомые
Надотряд: Hymenopterida
Надсемейство: Хальциды
Семейство: Энциртиды
Международное научное название

Encyrtidae Walker, 1837

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 153945NCBI 29051EOL 733FW 150533

Энцирти́ды[1][2] (лат. Encyrtidae) — семейство паразитических наездников надсемейства хальцид. Размеры очень мелкие (от 0,5 до 3,5 мм). Голова относительно крупная. Голени средних ног с длинной шпорой. Крылья с сильно редуцированным жилкованием.


Паразиты Coccoidea, Hemiptera, Lepidoptera, клещей. Используются в биологической защите. Известен гиперпаразитизм, полиэмбриония (когда единственное яйцо, попадая в тело хозяина, клонируется там) и аналог социальных черт (наличие касты крупных личинок-«солдат», проявляющих альтруизм и в итоге погибающих, защищая своих братьев-клонов).




3600 видов, 450 родов, 2 подсемейства.

  • подсемейство Encyrtinae — 350 родов, 2800 видов.
  • подсемейство Tetracneminae — 100 родов, 800 видов.

Считавшийся около 100 лет вымершим вид Oobius depressus был обнаружен в 2015 году[3].


Известны следующие ископаемые виды:[4][5][6][7][8]

См. также


  1. Определитель насекомых европейской части СССР. Т. III. Перепончатокрылые. Вторая часть. // Подотряд Apocrita – Стебельчатобрюхие (Алексеев В. Н. и др.) / под общ.ред. Г.С. Медведева. — Ленинград: «Наука», 1978. — С. 236. — 757 с. — (Определители по фауне СССР, издаваемые Зоологическим институтом АН СССР; вып.120.). — 3150 экз.
  2. Стриганова Б. Р., Захаров А. А. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных: Насекомые (латинский-русский-английский-немецкий-французский) / Под ред. д-ра биол. наук, проф. Б. Р. Стригановой. — М.: РУССО, 2000. — С. 287. — 1060 экз.ISBN 5-88721-162-8.
  3. Rediscovering a Wasp After 101 years. By Sean Nealon On JUNE 20, 2016. — The University of California, Riverside (www.ucr.edu)
  4. Simutnik, S.A. (2007) Fossil encyrtids (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Encyrtidae) from the Rovno amber. Izvestiya Kharkovskogo Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva, 15 (1-2), 137—141.
  5. Simutnik, S.A. (2014) First Record of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from the Sakhalin Amber. Палеонтологический журнал, 6, 46—49. [in Russian, English translation: Paleontological Journal, 48 (6), 621—623] https://doi.org/10.1134/S0031030114060124
  6. Simutnik, S.A., Perkovsky, E.E. & Gumovsky, A.V. (2014) Review of the Late Eocene Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) with a description of the first fossil genus with filum spinosum. Палеонтологический журнал, 1, 65—74. [in Russian, English translation: 2014. Paleontological Journal, 48 (1), 65—73]
  7. 1 2 Simutnik, S.A. (2015a) A new fossil genus of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from Late Eocene Danish amber. Russian Entomological Journal, 24 (1), 73—75.
  8. 1 2 Simutnik, S.A. (2015b) Description of two new monotypical genera of encyrtid wasps (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea: Encyrtidae), based on males from the Middle Eocene Sakhalin amber. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 94 (2), 463—466. [in Russian, English translation: Entomological Review, 95 (7), 937—940] https://doi.org/10.1134/S0013873815070118
  9. Simutnik, S.A. 2014. The first record of Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) from the Sakhalin amber. Paleontological Journal 48:621—623
  10. Robert L. Zuparko and Vladimir А. Trjapiтzin. 2013. Copidosoma archeodominica (Rymenoptera: Encyrtidae), а new species from Dominican amber. Тhе Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 89(4):230—233, (2013)
  11. Perkovsky E. E., S. A. Simutnik. Dencyrtus gen. nov. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) from the Late Eocene Danish Amber (англ.) // Paleontological Journal. — 2018-05-01. — Vol. 52, iss. 3. — P. 290–293. — ISSN 0031-0301 1555-6174, 0031-0301. — DOI:10.1134/S0031030118030139.
  12. Simutnik, S.A. 2002. A new genus of encyrtid wasps (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) from Late Eocene Rovno Amber (Ukraine). Vestnik Zoologii 36:99—102
  13. Simutnik, S.A. & Perkovsky, E.E. (2006) A description of the encyrtoid male with archaic structure of metasoma (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) from Rovno amber. Vestnik Zoologii, 40 (6), 283—286.
  14. 1 2 Simutnik, S.A. 2014. Taxonomic names, in Review of the late Eocene Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) with a description of the first fossil genus with filum spinosum. Paleontological Journal 48:65—73
  15. Simutnik, S.A. & Perkovsky, E.E. (2017) Protocopidosoma gen.nov. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) from the Late Eocene Danish amber. Палеонтологический журнал, 3, 64—65. [in Russian, English translation: 2017. Paleontological Journal, 51 (3), 288—290]
  16. Simutnik, S.A. & Perkovsky, E.E. (2015) Rovnosoma gen.nov. (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Encyrtidae) from the Late Eocene Rovno amber. Палеонтологический журнал, 1, 35—36. [in Russian, English translation: 2015. Paleontological Journal, 49 (1), 36—38] https://doi.org/10.1134/S0031030115010116
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Энциртиды: Brief Summary ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı

Энцирти́ды (лат. Encyrtidae) — семейство паразитических наездников надсемейства хальцид. Размеры очень мелкие (от 0,5 до 3,5 мм). Голова относительно крупная. Голени средних ног с длинной шпорой. Крылья с сильно редуцированным жилкованием.

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跳小蜂科 ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı
多樣性 兩個亞科,下轄455屬、3710個物種 亞科


跳小蜂科(學名:Encyrtidae[1]膜翅目細腰亞目寄生蜂下目昆蟲之下的一個大科。作為寄生蜂下目的成員,本科物種的幼蟲大多數均寄生在其他宿主,例如:牠們的卵、若蟲等。牠們的宿主一般都是類,而且廣泛分布於全世界,所以常被用於生物控制手段英语Biological pest control





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跳小蜂科: Brief Summary ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı

跳小蜂科(學名:Encyrtidae)是膜翅目細腰亞目寄生蜂下目昆蟲之下的一個大科。作為寄生蜂下目的成員,本科物種的幼蟲大多數均寄生在其他宿主,例如:牠們的卵、若蟲等。牠們的宿主一般都是類,而且廣泛分布於全世界,所以常被用於生物控制手段(英语:Biological pest control)。

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