Figures 1, 2.Basidiomata of Ramaria admiratia. 1 Exterior of two mature basidiomata and one immature 2 Left. Exposed stipe and lower branch trama. Right. Exterior of mature basidioma. Standard lines = 5 cm. Holotype.
Figures 3, 4.Basidiomata of Ramaria admiratia. 3 Stipe exteriors showing extensive brown bruising 4 Upper branches and branch apices. Standard lines = 5 cm. Holotype.
Figure 5.Microstructures of Ramaria admiratia. A Basidia B Acanthodendroidal hyphae of outer stipe tissue C Basidiospores showing cyanophilous ornamentation. Standard line for A, B = 20 µm; for C = 5 µm. Holotype.
Figure 8.PhyML Phylogeny of proposed new species of Ramaria based on nrLSU sequences. Bootstrap support equal or greater than 70% is given to the left of the supported node. GenBank accession numbers are given at the end of each twig.