Pholiota communis is a species of fungus in the family Strophariaceae. It is found in Southeastern Australia. The small brown mushrooms appear in leaf litter of pines and eucalypts in autumn and winter.
The species was originally named Flammula californica var. communis by Cleland and Steel in 1918,[2] its varietal epithet being the Latin adjective communis "common". Australian mycologist Cheryl Grgurinovic transferred the species to Pholiota in 1997.[3]
The fungus produces fruit bodies with caps that are up to 7.5 cm (3.0 in) in diameter, convex when young and flattening out with maturity. The cap surface is orange-brown with flat brown scales, and initially viscid (sticky) before becoming dry. The gills on the underside of the cap are initially bright yellow before turning a duller tan in maturity. The stem has brown scales on its lower half. The spore print is dark brown.[4] Measuring 8.5 x 5.5 micrometres,[5] the spores are elliptical in shape. The flesh has no taste.[6]
Pholiota communis mushrooms appear from April to July, and have been recorded from the Mount Lofty Ranges, Kuitpo Forest, Beck Valley off Inman Valley, Bangham and Kalangadoo in South Australia, as well as New South Wales,[6] and the Yarra Valley in Victoria.[7]
The habitat is eucalypt and pine forest, the mushrooms growing in clumps or tufts (caespitose), or groups in leaf litter,[5] though sometimes grows up the trunks of trees for a few feet. Species associated include messmate stringybark (Eucalyptus obliqua) and white ironbark (E. leucoxylon).[6]
Pholiota communis is a species of fungus in the family Strophariaceae. It is found in Southeastern Australia. The small brown mushrooms appear in leaf litter of pines and eucalypts in autumn and winter.
普通鱗傘(學名:Pholiota communis)是一種鱗傘屬(英语:Pholiota)真菌,分佈於澳大利亞東南部。這種褐色小蘑菇通常會於秋季和冬季在松樹和桉樹的植物凋落物上出現。
普通鱗傘最早是由澳大利亞著名的博物學家約翰·伯頓·克萊蘭(英语:John Burton Cleland)和澳大利亞植物學家埃德溫·切爾(英语:Edwin Cheel)於1918年描述的,其學名為加利福尼亚火菇普通變種(Flammula californica var. communis)。[2]於1997年,澳大利亞真菌學家謝麗爾·格爾古里諾維奇(Cheryl Grgurinovic)將這種真菌的學名改為現名。[3]其學名源自拉丁文形容詞「communis」,意思是「普通」。[4]
普通鱗傘的菌蓋呈橙褐色,直徑最大達7.5 cm(3.0英寸),年輕時形狀為凸面狀,隨著年齡增加會逐漸變平。菌蓋上有著棕色的扁平鱗片,年輕時具粘性,但隨著年齡增加會逐漸變乾。其菌褶起初呈明亮的黃色,但顏色會逐漸變成暗淡的棕褐色。其菌柄的下半部有著棕色的鱗片。其孢子印呈咖啡色[5],而呈橢圓形狀的擔孢子大小則為8.5 x 5.5微米。[6]其菌肉(英语:trama (mycology))並沒有任何味道。[7]
普通鱗傘通常會在四月至七月期間出現,且廣泛地分佈於澳大利亞東南部。南澳大利亞的崇高山山脈(英语:Mount Lofty Ranges)、吉埔森林(英语:Kuitpo Forest)、貝克谷、英曼谷(英语:Inman Valley, South Australia)和巴拉瑞德(英语:Kalangadoo, South Australia),以及新南威爾士州[7]和維多利亞州均有這種真菌出現的紀錄。[8]
這種真菌的棲息地主要為桉樹和松樹林,且它們是以團生或叢生的形式出現。這種真菌大多在枯枝落葉上成群結隊地生長[6],而部份則會在樹幹上生長。這種真菌主要在澳大利亞橡樹(英语:Eucalyptus obliqua)和黃橡膠樹(英语:Eucalyptus leucoxylon)附近出現。[7]