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Ocellularia exanthismocarpa (Leight.) Zahlbr.

Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Smithsonian Contributions to Botany tarafından sağlandı
Ocellularia exanthismocarpa

Ocellularia exanthismocarpa (Leighton) Zahlbruckner, 1923:590.

Thelotrema exanthismocarpum Leighton, 1869:169 [type-collection: Central Province, Ceylon, Thwaites C.L. 97 (BM, lectotype; H, isotype); Figure 11c].

Thelotrema porinoides Montagne and von der Bosch, 1855: 484 [type-collection: Java, Junghuhn 151 (L, lectotype; FH, G, P, W, isotypes); Figure 11e].

Ocellularia multiloocularis Zahlbruckner, 1912:369 [type-collection: Lanai, Hawaii, Rock 17 (W. holotype); Figure 5a].

Ocellularia isertii Vainio, 1915:40 [type-collection: Guadeloupe, Isert 87 (C, lectotype; TUR, isotype); Figure 11f].

Thelotrema homothecium Vainio, 1921:190 [type-collection: Irosin, Mt. Bulusan, Prov. Sorsogon, Philippines, Elmer 14852 (TUR, lectotype; FH, G, L, S, US, W, isotypes); Figure 11d].

Ocellularia homothecia (Vainio) Zahlbruckner, 1923:593.

Ocellularia porinoides (Montagne and von der Bosch) Zahlbruckner, 1923:599 [not O. porinoides (Acharius) Sprengel, 1827:242].

Thallus white to ashy, thin, smooth, in part hypophloeodal, forming colonies 1–4 cm across; apothecia numerous, semi-emergent, the rim becoming erect, noncarbonized and without a columella, the inner exciple distinct, intact, forming an apical pore within the main pore; main pore open, 0.2–0.4 mm in diameter; hymenium 160μ–180μ high; spores 4–8/ascus, 18–22 loculate, 12μ–18μ × 60μ–l00μ, I+ deep blue (Figure 11g).

CHEMISTRY.—Stictic and constictic acids and rarely the higher “quintaria” unknown B.

HABITAT.—Trunks, canopy branches, fence posts, and planted trees (300–900 m).

This common pantropical species is unique because of the pore-within-a-pore arrangement. The large spores are also distinctive but it is not unusual to find sterile specimens. It is also one of the few species in the family to invade secondary forests, fence posts, etc., in wet areas up to very high elevation.

SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—8 (38114), 11 (38009), 16b (37982), 17 (35605), 20a (37780, 37781, 37786, 37788, 38019, 38025), 25a (37708, 37709, 37713, 37714, 37715, 37716, 37849, 37996, 38069), 25b (35473, 35516), 26a (37692, 37944), 27 (38042, 38055).
bibliyografik atıf
Hale, Mason E., Jr. 1974. "Morden-Smithsonian Expedition to Dominica: The Lichens (Thelotremataceae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-46. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.16