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Ceratostomella rostrata (Tode) Sacc.

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Cerastoma rostratum (Tode) Quél.
Cerastostomella rostrata (Tode) Massee
Ceratostoma rostratum (Tode) Fuckel
Cryptosphaeria rostrata (Tode) Ces. & De Not.
Dryinosphaera rostrata (Tode) Dumort.
Sphaeria rostrata Tode

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Ceratostomella rostrata (Tode) Sacc.
Tür Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024 and GBIF data coverage tarafından tanındı

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Bu taksonla ilişkilendirilmiş ortak bir ad yoktur.

Ceratostomella rostrata (Tode) Sacc. için küratörlük hiyerarşileri