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Melanospora townei Griffiths 1899

Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

North American Flora tarafından sağlandı
Melanospora townei D. Griff. Bull. Torrey Club 26 : 434. 1899
Perithecia superficial, scattered, thin, membranaceous, transparent, globose, covered uniformly with long, straight or slightly wavy, irregularly outlined hairs, and surmounted by a cylindric beak which terminates in a loose aggregation of straight or slightly wavy hairs of unequal length, white turning to light transparent umber and finally black, 225300// in diameter ; beak about equal in length to the diameter of the perithecium and 60 // in diameter ; asci very evanescent, broadly clavate to ovoid, short-stipitate, 30-40 X 60-75 //, 8-spored; spores crowded, olivaceous, becoming dark and opaque, ellipsoid, 15-17/^X2025 fJ-j with a hyaline pore in the flat, truncate ends.
On decaying Russian thistle {Salsola Tragiis L.)Type locality : Aberdeen, South Dakota. Distribution : Known only from the type locality.
bibliyografik atıf
Fred Jay Seaver, Helen Letitia Palliser, David Griffiths. 1910. HYPOCREALES, FIMETARIALES. North American flora. vol 3(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY