Inocarpus fagifer (Parkinson) Fosberg resmi
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Inocarpus fagifer (Parkinson) Fosberg

Physical Description ( İngilizce )

USDA PLANTS text tarafından sağlandı
Perennial, Trees, Woody throughout, Stems erect or ascending, Stems greater than 2 m tall, Stems solid, Stems or young twigs glabrous or sparsely glabrate, Leaves alternate, Leaves petiolate, Stipules inconspicuous, absent, or caducous, Leaves simple, or appearing so, Leaf or leaflet margins entire, Leaflets 1, Leaves glabrous or nearly so, Inflorescences spikes or spike-like, Inflorescence ament-like, Inflorescence axillary, Inflorescence or flowers lax, declined or pendulous, Bracts very small, absent or caducous, Flowers actinomorphic or somewhat irregular, Calyx 5-lobed, Calyx 2-lipped or 2-lobed, Calyx glabrous, Petals separate, Petals white, Stamens 9-10, Stamens or anthers dimorphic, alternating large and small, Filaments glabrous, Style terete, Fruit a legume, Fruit stipitate, Fruit unilocular, Fruit indehiscent, Fruit oblong or ellipsoidal, Fruit orbicular to subglobose, Fruit fleshy, Fruit coriaceous or becoming woody, Fruit exserted from calyx, Fruit glabrous or glabrate, Fruit hairy, Fruit 1-seeded, Seeds embedded in gummy or spongy pulp, Seeds ovoid to rounded in outline, Seed surface smooth, Seeds olive, brown, or black.
Dr. David Bogler
Missouri Botanical Garden

Inocarpus fagifer ( Asturyasça )

wikipedia AST tarafından sağlandı

Inocarpus fagifers ye una especie de plantes con flores perteneciente a la familia Fabaceae.



Ye un árbol de gran tamañu que puede algamar más 30 m d'altor, con tueru rectu de 1,50 m de diámetru, que crecen con grandes contrafuertes planos. Les fueyes son simples, alternes y con flores blanques bien fragantes. El frutu ye una drupa arrondada y esplanada de 5-9 cm de llargu, de color verde tornando a mariellu o anaranxáu cuando ta madura y que contién una almendra. La temporada de collecha de la fruta tien llugar nel hemisferiu sur alredor de marzu a mayu y de setiembre a payares nel hemisferiu norte.


En Tahití, el zusmiu de los frutos verdes, entemecíu col zusmiu de la corteza de Erythrina indica usar pa curar la picadura del pez piedra y l'inflamación consecuente. Les fueyes utilizar en remedios contra la disentería.

Los granos cuécense y cómense como bocáu nel nome de "Mape caliente." De cutiu viéndense na carretera, el consumu escesivu puede causar flatulencia.

Inocarpus fagifers apurre una madera bien buscada pa faer carbón de lleña. Amás, la cazumbre de la corteza de la fruta foi utilizada como un mediu de contraste (negru, azul, verde, moráu o colloráu).


Exemplos del folclore local sobre l'árbol
  • Creíase que los seres humanos en Samoa aniciar a partir del árbol de castaña de Tahití.
  • En Vanuatu na primer muyer yera un home que fuera capáu por tener les fueyes calientes aplicaes nos xenitales.
  • Na islla de Choiseul nes Islles Salomón, un home que traicionó a un xefe de la tribu foi encalorada pola flatulencia que se produz como resultáu de la xente a la so alredor que comen los granos cocíos.[1]


Inocarpus fagifer foi descritu por (Parkinson) Fosberg y espublizóse en Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 31(3): 95–96. 1941.[2]

  • Aniotum edulis J.R.Forst.
  • Aniotum fagiferum Parkinson
  • Bocoa edulis (J.R. Forst. & G.Forst.) Baill.
  • Cajanus edulis (J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.) Kuntze
  • Inocarpus edulis J.R. Forst.
  • Inocarpus eludis J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.
  • Inocarpus fagiferus (Parkinson) Fosberg

Ver tamién


  1. «Inocarpus fagifer (Tahitian Chestnut)». Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry. Permanent Agriculture Resources: Hawaii (abril de 2006). Consultáu'l 13 de payares de 2010.
  2. «Inocarpus fagifer». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultáu'l 29 d'abril de 2013.


  • Verdcourt, B. (1979) A Manual of New Guinea Legumes. Office of Forests, Lae, PNG
  • Polhill, R, M. (1990) Legumineuses. In: Flore des Mascareignes, Vol 80. J. Bosser et a
  • Fosberg, F.R. et al. (1979) A Geographical Checklist of the Micronesian Dicotyledonae
  • CAVP - Database, Canberra (1995) Census Australian Vasc. Plants - Database, Bureau Fl. & Fauna
  • Parham, J.W. (1972) Plants of the Fiji Islands
  • Merrill, Y.D. (1923) An Enumeration of Philippine Flowering Plants 2 (3): 241-323
  • Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Baltimore, MD 31:95. 1941 "fagiferus"
  • Merrill (Chron. Bot. 14: 347, 1954), for a discussion about the better of the names I. fagifer and I. edulis.

Enllaces esternos

  •  src= Wikimedia Commons acueye conteníu multimedia sobre Inocarpus fagifer.
  • USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN) [Data from 07-Oct-06]. [1]
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Inocarpus fagifer: Brief Summary ( Asturyasça )

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Inocarpus fagifer

Inocarpus fagifers ye una especie de plantes con flores perteneciente a la familia Fabaceae.

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Inocarpus fagifer ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı
Unreife Frucht

Inocarpus fagifer oder die Tahiti Kastanie, ist ein Baum in der Familie der Hülsenfrüchtler aus der Unterfamilie der Schmetterlingsblütler. Er kommt in Malaya, Indonesien, Osttimor bis nach Neuguinea sowie in Melanesien und Polynesien vor.


Inocarpus fagifer wächst als immergrüner Baum mit dichter Krone bis zu etwa 30 Meter hoch. Der Stammdurchmesser erreicht bis zu 90 Zentimeter und der Stamm ist oft geriffelt mit kleineren Brettwurzeln.

Die einfachen, wechselständigen und dünnledrigen, kahlen Laubblätter sind kurz gestielt. Der kurze Blattstiel ist bis 1,5 Zentimeter lang. Die Blätter sind ganzrandig, eiförmig bis elliptisch, länglich oder verkehrt-eiförmig, bespitzt, spitz bis zugespitzt und bis 10–30 (50) Zentimeter lang. Die Blattbasis ist abgerundet bis leicht herzförmig. Die Nebenblätter sind klein und abfallend.

Es werden achselständige, einfache oder zusammengesetzte Ähren gebildet. Die duftenden, weißen bis gelben, fünfzähligen und sitzenden Blüten sind mit doppelter Blütenhülle. Sie haben nicht die typische Form einer Schmetterlingsblüte. Der becherförmige, weißlich-grüne, etwa 5 Millimeter lange und leicht ledrige Kelch ist 2–5-zipflig, -lappig. Die 5 länglichen, knittrigen Petalen sind leicht ungleich, im unteren Teil röhrig verwachsen und bis 1,5 Zentimeter lang. Es sind 10 ungleich lange, kurze und knapp eingeschlossene Staubblätter in zwei Kreisen vorhanden, 5 sind kürzer und 5 länger. Sie sind im unteren Teil miteinander und mit der Kronröhre verwachsen. Der oberständige Fruchtknoten ist behaart, mit sehr kurzem Griffel.

Die einsamige, abgeflachte und nicht öffnende, etwa rundliche bis eiförmige, gelblich-grüne bis gelbe, ledrige, kahle, steinfruchtartige Hülsenfrucht ist 5–12 Zentimeter groß. Die Samen mit harter, holzig-fibröser Samenschale sind bis 8 Zentimeter groß.


Die Erstbeschreibung des Basionyms Aniotum fagiferum erfolgte 1773 durch Sydney C. Parkinson in Journal of a voyage to the South Seas 39. Die Umteilung in die Gattung Inocarpus zu Inocarpus fagiferus; später zu fagifer korrigiert, erfolgte 1941 durch Francis Raymond Fosberg in J. Washington Acad. Sci. 31: 95. Weitere Synonyme sind Bocoa edulis (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Baill., Cajanus edulis (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Kuntze und Inocarpus edulis J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.


Die Samen werden roh und gekocht gegessen. Sie werden noch nicht ganz reif verwendet. Die Wurzeln und Blätter werden medizinisch verwendet.


  • Flora of Australia. Volume 50: Oceanic Islands 2, AGPS, 1993, ISBN 0-644-14446-7, online (PDF; 16 MB).
  • P. B. Tomlinson: The Botany of Mangroves. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1986, 2004, ISBN 0-521-25567-8, S. 259.
  • Jules Janick, Robert E. Paull: The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. CABI, 2008, ISBN 0-85199-638-8, S. 394 f.
  • T. K. Lim: Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants. Volume 2: Fruits, Springer, 2012, ISBN 978-94-007-1763-3, S. 726–730.
  • O. N. Allen, Ethel K. Allen: The Leguminosae. Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1981, ISBN 0-299-08400-0, S. 354.


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Inocarpus fagifer: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

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 src= Unreife Frucht

Inocarpus fagifer oder die Tahiti Kastanie, ist ein Baum in der Familie der Hülsenfrüchtler aus der Unterfamilie der Schmetterlingsblütler. Er kommt in Malaya, Indonesien, Osttimor bis nach Neuguinea sowie in Melanesien und Polynesien vor.

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Gayam ( Sundaca )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

Gayam (Inocarpus fagiferus) téh nyaéta ngaran salah sahiji tangkal atawa kai gedé di leuweung kalawan buahna sok diala jeung didahar. Ieu tangkal sok aya ogé nu nyebut Kigayam (Kai gayam), Gatep (Bali jeung Lombok), tahitian chestnut (basa Inggris). Gayam kaasup kana wanda tutuwuhan polong-polongan (Fabaceae) anu jangkungna bisa nepi kana 20 méter kalayan diaméterna 4 nepi ka 6 méter.[1]

Mangpaat buah

Tangkal Gayam Buahan.

Buah gayam téh loba pisan mangpaatna anu bakal diunggelkeun ieu di handap.[2]



  1. "Gayam | Mekarsari Taman Buah". mekarsari.com (dalam en-US). Diakses tanggal 2017-12-15.
  2. "15 Manfaat dan Khasiat Buah Gayam untuk Kesehatan" (dalam bahasa en-US). Khasiat. 2016-12-26. http://www.khasiat.co.id/buah/gayam.html. Diakses pada 2017-12-15
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Gayam ( Cava dili )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

Gayam (Incarpus fagifer) inggih punika woh-wohan ingkang sampun langka. Gayam dumunung ing désa kemawon. Gayam punika gadhah kulit ingkang alot kados klapa. Mangsa gayam sami kaliyan mangsa pari inggih punika mangsa rendheng lan katiga.[1]


Gayam gadhah wit ageng ingkang nginggilipun 30 ngantos 40 m. Diameter watangipun saged ngantos 1,5 m. Kulit watang gayam wernanipun cokelat cemeng kaijoan. Watang gayam boten rata nanging gelombang. Pérangan pangkal watang kados akar papan. Kayunipun saged dipunmanfaataken kanggé kayu obong. Godhong gayam wentukipoun elips panjang. Panjang godhong 25 cm lan lebar 10 cm. Godhong gayam kandhel lan wernanipun ijem cemeng lan lumahipun gelombang. Tajuk gayam rapat sanget, nanging arahipun ing wentuk panjang dhuwur. Kembang gayam ukuranipun alit kanthi kelopak putih lan modhot ing sisihipun godhong pérangan pucuk pekeng.

Buah Gayam

Papan Urip

Gayam inggih punika tuwuhan asli Indonesia. Panggènipun ing dhataran cendhèk ngantos manengah (0 ng. 800 m. dpl.) kanthi curah udan nginggil. Tuwuhan punika lajeng remen urip ing papan rawa-rawa utawi pinggiran lepen. Saking sipat-sipatipun gayam cocog kanggé tuwuhan panghijoan ing pinggir waduk, tlaga utawi rawa. Amargi tajukipun ingkang rapat lan oyotipun kiyat. Amargi kayunipun boten saged dipunmanfaataken kanggé yasan, pramila gayam aman saking panjaraan.


Gayam ngrembaka kanthi generatif saking wiji. Wit gayam ingkang sampun tuwa, dipunkum ing toya ngantos 1 wulan. Salajengipun wiji dipunsemai ing kranjang ingkang wonten pasiripun. Panyemaian dipunlajengaken kanthi sap-sap. Setunggal sap pasir dipunparingi wiji gayam ingkang sampun dipunkum, diparingi pasir malih. Ing satunggal kranjang saged dipunsemai kathah sap wiji gayam. Sesampunipun 3 wulan, semaian dipunbongkar lan wiji gayam sampun dados kecambah. Sanèsipun punika, ugi saged dipunpindhah ing polybag, lajeng dipunentosi ngantos nginggilipun 150 cm nembé dipunpindhah ing lapangan.[2]

Cathetan suku

  1. kesehatan.kompasiana.com(dipuntingali tanggal 5 Fèbruari 2012)
  2. foragri.blogsome.com(dipuntingali tanggal 5 Fèbruari 2012)
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Gayam: Brief Summary ( Cava dili )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

Gayam (Incarpus fagifer) inggih punika woh-wohan ingkang sampun langka. Gayam dumunung ing désa kemawon. Gayam punika gadhah kulit ingkang alot kados klapa. Mangsa gayam sami kaliyan mangsa pari inggih punika mangsa rendheng lan katiga.

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Penulis lan editor Wikipedia

Gayam: Brief Summary ( Sundaca )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

Gayam (Inocarpus fagiferus) téh nyaéta ngaran salah sahiji tangkal atawa kai gedé di leuweung kalawan buahna sok diala jeung didahar. Ieu tangkal sok aya ogé nu nyebut Kigayam (Kai gayam), Gatep (Bali jeung Lombok), tahitian chestnut (basa Inggris). Gayam kaasup kana wanda tutuwuhan polong-polongan (Fabaceae) anu jangkungna bisa nepi kana 20 méter kalayan diaméterna 4 nepi ka 6 méter.

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Ivi ( Fiji dili )

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Ivi (kau)
Ivi (vua)

Ivi (Inocarpus fagifer) — E dua na vu ni kau.

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Inocarpus fagifer ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Inocarpus fagifer, commonly known as the Tahitian chestnut or Polynesian chestnut,[1] is a species of flowering plant in the subfamily Faboideae of the legume family, Fabaceae. The tree has a wide range in the tropics of the south-west Pacific and south-east Asian regions, and a history of traditional use by the peoples of Polynesia and Melanesia. It is the only edible and culturally important member of the genus Inocarpus.


There is great diversity in the size, form, shape and colour of the Tahitian chestnut, and of its leaves, flowers and fruit. Because of its long history of cultivation and its tendency to become naturalised where introduced, it is likely that, over its wide range, the species contains several originally farmer-selected cultivars that have not been recognised or described.[2]

Size, form and lifespan

The Tahitian chestnut is a medium-sized, evergreen tropical tree. It may grow to 30 m in height, though 20 m is more usual, with a crown diameter of 4–6 m. Mature tree trunks have a typical diameter at breast height of 300 mm, although some grow to a diameter of 900 mm. The trunks are distinctively buttressed at the base and fluted. The branches are arranged spirally, with secondary branching forming a dense network within the canopy. The bark is rough, flaky and brown, becoming greyer with age. From the buttresses a dense network of lateral roots extends through the topsoil around the tree, which has only a shallow taproot. It has a lifespan of 80–90 years.[2]


The dark green leaves are simple, oblong, alternate, and leathery. They are 160–390 mm long and 70–130 mm wide. The petiole is 5 mm long. The apex is pointed and the base lobed, with an entire margin. The veins are opposite and yellow.[2]


The fragrant flowers cluster along a short rachis at the ends of the branches and twigs. About 10 mm long, they have five white to cream or pale yellow petals. Trees begin flowering at 3 to 5 years old, with the flowering season usually taking place in November and December, and fruiting in the following January and February, though this varies through the tree's range and from year to year.[2]



The tree starts bearing fruit at about eight years old.[3] The fruits are slightly flattened, irregularly ovoid, rounded or oblong, and flanged at one end. Produced singly or in clusters, they weigh 50–110 g and are 46–130 mm long, 34–120 mm wide, and 40 mm thick. The smooth skin covers a fibrous shell which holds the kernel. As the fruits ripen their colour changes from green to yellow or orange brown. The mature fruits are usually indehiscent.[2]

The seed is white and kidney-shaped and is contained within the thin brown, fibrous shell. It is relatively large, weighing 5–50 g, 20–70 mm long by 16–40 mm wide. The seed is toxic when raw but edible when cooked. It is perishable, with a short shelf life. The fleshy mesocarp, or pulp, of the fruit is eaten by cockatoos and flying foxes which act as seed dispersal agents.[2]

Distribution and habitat

The Tahitian chestnut grows in the humid lowland tropics with a moderate to high, uniformly distributed or mainly summer rainfall of 1,500–4,300 mm (59–169 in) annually, at altitudes ranging from 0–500 m (0–1,640 ft). It grows in a wide range of soils, including those that are highly calcareous and saline, poorly drained to waterlogged, or those with medium to very low fertility, as well as in mildly acidic to very alkaline coastal soils.[2]

The tree was evidently cultivated more intensively in the past, as it has become extensively naturalised, and is now found mainly in the wild. Its distribution spreads from Malaysia in the west across Melanesia, north-eastern Australia and Micronesia, to the Marquesas of Polynesia in the east. It is commonly found in secondary forest, along the edges of old gardens, riverbanks, in swamps, coastal areas, coconut plantations and mangroves.[2]


The tree has a wide variety of traditional uses, exploiting almost every part of the plant. The leaves and bark have found uses in herbal medicine, in Fiji the ivi leaves also are one of the traditional materials for thatching the bure, fallen branches serve as firewood, green wood is burned to dry copra, and the timber is used for crafts such as carvings and tool handles, as well as for building canoes and for general light construction.[2] Young ivi leaves are used to cover food in the traditional lovo oven.[4]

The fleshy mesocarp is inedible for humans, but the seed kernels serve as an important indigenous food in many island countries in the Pacific. The kernel has a protein content of about 5% and carbohydrate content of 22%, and needs to be cooked to make it edible. Methods of preparation include roasting, grilling, boiling and baking. In Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji and in Polynesia the cooked kernels are often mashed into a pudding.[2]

The tree has uses in agroforestry in coastal and soil stabilisation, as an overstorey for crops needing shade, such as cocoa, and as a windbreak. The main products are the edible kernels and the timber. Trees over 25 years old can produce up to 75 kg of fruit a year.[2]


Examples of local folklore about the tree:

  • It was believed in Samoa that humans originated from the Tahitian chestnut tree.[5]
  • In Vanuatu the first woman was a man who had been emasculated by having the hot leaves applied to his genitals.[5]
  • On Choiseul Island in the Solomons, a man who betrayed a tribal chief was suffocated by the flatulence produced as a result of the people around him eating the cooked kernels.[2]
  • In Fiji, there are stories about a now submerged island named Vuniivilevu, meaning large ivi tree.


  1. ^ a b Thomson, L. (2019). "Inocarpus fagifer". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T136055142A136055148. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-3.RLTS.T136055142A136055148.en. Retrieved 20 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Pauku, Richard L. (April 2006). "Inocarpus fagifer (Tahitian Chestnut)" (PDF). Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry. Permanent Agriculture Resources: Hawaii. Retrieved 2010-11-13.
  3. ^ "Inocarpus fagifer". Helping the Hungry Feed Themselves. Food Plants International. Retrieved 2010-11-13.
  4. ^ Keppel, Gunnar; Ghazanfar, Shahina A. (2011). Trees of Fiji: A Guide to 100 Rainforest Trees (third, revised ed.). Secretariat of the Pacific Community & Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit. pp. 158–9.
  5. ^ a b Walter, A.; Sam, C. (2002). Fruits of Oceania (PDF). Canberra: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. p. 186. Retrieved 20 October 2022.
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Inocarpus fagifer: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Inocarpus fagifer, commonly known as the Tahitian chestnut or Polynesian chestnut, is a species of flowering plant in the subfamily Faboideae of the legume family, Fabaceae. The tree has a wide range in the tropics of the south-west Pacific and south-east Asian regions, and a history of traditional use by the peoples of Polynesia and Melanesia. It is the only edible and culturally important member of the genus Inocarpus.

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Inocarpus fagifer ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Inocarpus fagifers, conocido como castaño de Tahití[1]​ (del inglés tahitian chesnut) o castaño de Polinesia o mape es una especie de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Fabaceae.



Es un árbol de gran tamaño que puede alcanzar más 30 m de altura, con tronco recto de 1,50 m de diámetro, que crecen con grandes contrafuertes planos. Las hojas son simples, alternas y con flores blancas muy fragantes. El fruto es una drupa redondeada y aplanada de 5-9 cm de largo, de color verde tornando a amarillo o anaranjado cuando está madura y que contiene una almendra. La temporada de cosecha de la fruta tiene lugar en el hemisferio sur alrededor de marzo a mayo y de septiembre a noviembre en el hemisferio norte.


En Tahití, el jugo de los frutos verdes, mezclado con el jugo de la corteza de Erythrina indica se usa para curar la picadura del pez piedra y la inflamación consecuente. Las hojas se utilizan en remedios contra la disentería.

Los granos se cuecen y se comen como bocadillo en el nombre de "Mape caliente." A menudo se venden en la carretera, el consumo excesivo puede causar flatulencia.

Inocarpus fagifers proporciona una madera muy buscada para hacer carbón de leña. Además, la savia de la corteza de la fruta fue utilizada como un medio de contraste (negro, azul, verde, morado o rojo).


Ejemplos del folclore local sobre el árbol
  • Se creía que los seres humanos en Samoa se originaron a partir del árbol de castaña de Tahití.
  • En Vanuatu en la primera mujer era un hombre que había sido castrado por tener las hojas calientes aplicadas en los genitales.
  • En la isla de Choiseul en las Islas Salomón, un hombre que traicionó a un jefe de la tribu fue sofocada por la flatulencia que se produce como resultado de la gente a su alrededor que comen los granos cocidos.[2]


Inocarpus fagifer fue descrito por (Parkinson) Fosberg y publicado en Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 31(3): 95–96. 1941.[3]

  • Aniotum edulis J.R.Forst.
  • Aniotum fagiferum Parkinson
  • Bocoa edulis (J.R. Forst. & G.Forst.) Baill.
  • Cajanus edulis (J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.) Kuntze
  • Inocarpus edulis J.R. Forst.
  • Inocarpus eludis J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.
  • Inocarpus fagiferus (Parkinson) Fosberg


  1. «FLORA Y FAUNA DE TAHITÍ». Consultado el 16 de agosto de 2016.
  2. Pauku, Richard L. (abril de 2006). «Inocarpus fagifer (Tahitian Chestnut)». Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry. Permanent Agriculture Resources: Hawaii. Consultado el 13 de noviembre de 2010.
  3. «Inocarpus fagifer». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 29 de abril de 2013.

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wikipedia ES

Inocarpus fagifer: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Inocarpus fagifers, conocido como castaño de Tahití​ (del inglés tahitian chesnut) o castaño de Polinesia o mape es una especie de plantas con flores perteneciente a la familia Fabaceae.

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Châtaignier tahitien ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Inocarpus fagifer

Inocarpus est un genre d'arbre appartenant à la famille des Fabacées et composé d'une seule espèce, le châtaignier tahitien (Inocarpus fagifer (Parkinson) Fosberg).

Noms vernaculaires

L'inocarpus porte différents noms suivant les langues utilisées pour le désigner :


Le châtaignier tahitien est un grand arbre pouvant atteindre plus de 30 m de hauteur au tronc droit de 1,50 m de diamètre sur lequel se développent de grands contreforts plats.

Les feuilles sont simples, alternes et les fleurs blanches très odorantes.

Le fruit est une drupe arrondie et aplatie de 5 à 9 cm de long de couleur verte virant au jaune puis à l'orange à maturité et contenant une amande. La saison de récolte des fruits dure dans l'hémisphère sud environ trois mois de mars à mai et de septembre à novembre dans l'hémisphère nord par exemple à Hawaii[10].


Fruit de l'inocarpus

Les contreforts du tronc étaient utilisés pour transmettre les informations par le frappement des minces parois afin de faire résonner un battement dans la vallée ou sur la mer.

A Tahiti, le suc des fruits verts de mape, mélangé avec le suc de l'écorce d'atae (Erythrina indica) est utilisé pour guérir la piqûre du poisson-pierre et l'inflammation consécutive. Les feuilles sont utilisées dans des remèdes contre la dysenterie.

Les amandes bouillies sont communément dégustées sous forme d'amuse-gueule sous le nom de "mapé chaud”. Souvent vendu au bord des routes, une consommation excessive à la réputation de provoquer des flatulences. On peut également les mélanger à du lait de coco pour fabriquer du po’e māpē ou de l'eau de coco et de la farine pour fabriquer du faraoa māpē, du pain de châtaigne tahitienne.

Le mape fournit un bois très recherché pour en faire du charbon de bois. La sève issue de l'écorce ou de jeunes fruits était utilisée comme teinture (noir, bleu, vert, violet ou rouge), grâce à des substances telles l'inocarpine (rouge) la xantocarpine (jaune)[11].

Traditionnellement à Rarotonga, des rangées de i'i servaient à délimiter les différents tapere[12]. Il pouvait être également planté dans l'espace du marae

Selon le mythe de la création, les fruits viennent des reins, la sève rouge du sang, et les contorsions du tronc du nez de l'être humain.


Présent d'Indonésie jusqu'en Polynésie orientale, le mape a été introduit lors des migrations polynésiennes. Il se rencontre fréquemment dans toutes les îles hautes à proximité de cours d'eau et dans les fonds de vallées.


  1. Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden., consulté le 2 août 2020
  2. (en-US) « nocarpus fagifer (Parkinson) Fosberg », The Plant List (consulté le 3 juin 2018)
  3. API : /maːpeː/
  4. API : /ihi/
  5. API : /mami/
  6. API : /maːɾaɾe/
  7. API : /pauhuru/
  8. Dictionnaire de l'Académie tahitienne
  9. API : /iʔi/
  10. D'où son nom de châtaignier
  11. Dictionnaire usuel des sciences médicales, A. Dechambre, Mathias Duval et L. Lereboullet, Éd. Masson, Paris 1885, page 818
  12. Campbell, M. 2006. Memory and monumentality in the Rarotongan landscape. Antiquity 80, p.103

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Châtaignier tahitien: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

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Inocarpus fagifer

Inocarpus est un genre d'arbre appartenant à la famille des Fabacées et composé d'une seule espèce, le châtaignier tahitien (Inocarpus fagifer (Parkinson) Fosberg).

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Gayam ( Endonezce )

wikipedia ID tarafından sağlandı
Untuk artikel dengan nama sama, lihat Gayam (disambiguasi)

Gayam (Inocarpus fagifer (Parkinson ex Zollinger) Fosberg) adalah jenis pohon anggota suku polong-polongan (Fabaceae) yang dapat tumbuh setinggi 20 meter dengan diameter 4 hingga 6 meter. Nama lainnya adalah gatep (Bali dan Lombok), tahitian chestnut (bahasa Inggris).

Pohon ini biasa ditanam di pedesaan sebagai peneduh pekarangan dan kuburan. Pohon ini seringkali tumbuh berdekatan dengan kolam atau mata air sehingga diduga memiliki kemampuan menyerap air yang kuat dari sekitarnya. Karena anggapan itu, gayam juga merupakan salah satu tumbuhan penghijauan.

Isi bijinya biasa dimakan setelah direbus terlebih dahulu untuk menghilangkan racun saponin yang terkandung di dalamnya. Biasa dimakan begitu saja atau diolah lagi menjadi keripik.

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Gayam: Brief Summary ( Endonezce )

wikipedia ID tarafından sağlandı
Untuk artikel dengan nama sama, lihat Gayam (disambiguasi)

Gayam (Inocarpus fagifer (Parkinson ex Zollinger) Fosberg) adalah jenis pohon anggota suku polong-polongan (Fabaceae) yang dapat tumbuh setinggi 20 meter dengan diameter 4 hingga 6 meter. Nama lainnya adalah gatep (Bali dan Lombok), tahitian chestnut (bahasa Inggris).

Pohon ini biasa ditanam di pedesaan sebagai peneduh pekarangan dan kuburan. Pohon ini seringkali tumbuh berdekatan dengan kolam atau mata air sehingga diduga memiliki kemampuan menyerap air yang kuat dari sekitarnya. Karena anggapan itu, gayam juga merupakan salah satu tumbuhan penghijauan.

Isi bijinya biasa dimakan setelah direbus terlebih dahulu untuk menghilangkan racun saponin yang terkandung di dalamnya. Biasa dimakan begitu saja atau diolah lagi menjadi keripik.

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Inocarpus fagifer ( Ukraynaca )

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Рослина відома під назвами: гаїтянський каштан, полінезійський каштан, мапе.


Високе дерево до 15 м висоти з міцним рифленим стовбуром, що нагадує велику зв'язку ліан. Припускають, що така будова стовбура є зародком дошкоподібних коренів. Прості продовгуваті листки досягають 30 см довжини. Квітки прості з 5-ма біло-кремовими пелюстками, зібрані у китиці. Плід яйцеподібний до 10 см з твердим покриттям, що не розкривається, містить всередині велику їстівну серцевину.[1]

Життєвий цикл

Квітне у віці 3-5 років зазвичай у листопаді-грудні. Плодоносить у січні-лютому. Плоди розкривають та споживають какаду та крилани.

Поширення та середовище існування

Росте у вологих місцях у тропіках. Поширився з Малайзії на північ Австралії, острови Меланезії, Мікронезії, Полінезії. Поширений у вторинних лісах, мангрових лісах.

Практичне використання

Настоянка з кори використовується проти опіків та діареї.[1]

Плоди дерева токсичні у сирому вигляді, проте їстівні у приготовленому. Слугують важливим джерелом їжі на островах. 25-ти річне дерево може давати до 75 кг плодів в рік. Гаїтянський каштан — єдиний вид у своєму роді Inocarpus, що використовується людьми.



  1. а б Whistler, W. Arthur (1992). Tongan Herbal Medicine (en). University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 9780824815271.


  • Меннинджер Э. Причудливые деревья // Мир, 1970, 371 с. — С. 28
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Inocarpus fagifer ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Inocarpus fagifer là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu. Loài này được (Parkinson) Fosberg miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Inocarpus fagifer. Truy cập ngày 5 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Inocarpus fagifer: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

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Inocarpus fagifer là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đậu. Loài này được (Parkinson) Fosberg miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên.

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Инокарпус съедобный ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı
Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Rosanae
Порядок: Бобовоцветные
Семейство: Бобовые
Подсемейство: Мотыльковые
Триба: Dalbergieae
Вид: Инокарпус съедобный
Международное научное название

Inocarpus fagifer (Parkinson) Fosberg (1941)

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 507340NCBI 114993EOL 644731GRIN t:20108IPNI ???TPL ild-34734

Инокарпус съедобный (лат. Inocarpus fagifer), или Таитянский орех, или Полинезийский орех — вид растений из рода Инокарпус (Inocarpus) семейства Бобовые (Fabaceae), произрастающий на островах Тихого океана. Культивируется также в странах Юго-Восточной Азии и тропических областях Америки[2].

Ботаническое описание

Вечнозелёное дерево высотой обычно до 20 метров, с густой кроной. Листья простые, цельнокрайные, ланцетовидной формы, длиной до 16 см, тёмно-зелёного цвета. Цветки белые или желтоватые, собраны в короткие кисти.

Плоды — крупные односемянные бобы почковидной формы длиной от 4 до 13 см и шириной 3—12 см, с волокнисто-деревянистой кожурой. Внутри них находится овальное или яйцевидное семя с коричневатой кожистой оболочкой. Оно имеет ореховый, слегка горьковатый, вкус, в сыром виде токсично[3], но съедобно после тепловой обработки.

У этого растения отмечено большое разнообразие форм, различающихся размерами самого дерева, листьев, цветом и формой плодов. Имеются разновидности с растрескивающимися и нерастрескивающимися при созревании бобами. У большинства растений спелые бобы обычно становятся желтовато-коричневыми или желтовато-красными, но у некоторых остаются зелёными и в спелом состоянии[3].


Инокарпус съедобный — важная сельскохозяйственная культура в Меланезии, Микронезии и Полинезии. Из его семян готовят различные блюда: их варят, поджаривают, запекают, делают из измельчённых семян кашу и т. п. Древесина применяется для изготовления мебели, каноэ и различных других изделий. Опавшие сухие ветки — хорошее топливо для костров. Листья применяют как упаковочный материал, заворачивая в них пищевые продукты и разные предметы.

Практически все части растения используются в местной народной медицине[2][3].

Плоды инокарпуса являются пищей для различных видов птиц, в частности, попугаев, а плоды, опавшие в воду с растущих на берегу деревьев, поедают некоторые пресноводные рыбы, крабы и креветки.


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. 1 2 Новак Б., Шульц Б. Тропические плоды. Биология, применение, выращивание и сбор урожая / Пер. с нем. — М.: БММ АО, 2002. — С. 82. — 240 с. — ISBN 5-88353-133-4.
  3. 1 2 3 Pauku, R.L. 2006. Inocarpus fagifer (Tahitian chestnut), ver. 2.1. In: Elevitch, C.R. (ed.). Species Profiles for Pacific Island Agroforestry. Permanent Agriculture Resources (PAR), Hōlualoa, Hawai‘i. (PDF) (англ.)

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Инокарпус съедобный: Brief Summary ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı

Инокарпус съедобный (лат. Inocarpus fagifer), или Таитянский орех, или Полинезийский орех — вид растений из рода Инокарпус (Inocarpus) семейства Бобовые (Fabaceae), произрастающий на островах Тихого океана. Культивируется также в странах Юго-Восточной Азии и тропических областях Америки.

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