Olearia colensoi, commonly known as tūpare (from the Māori tūpare) or leatherwood,[1] is a sub-alpine shrub that is endemic to New Zealand. Other names it is known by in Māori are kūmarahou and kūmararaunui.[2]
Olearia colensoi can grow into a tree 10 metres high that has thick, serrated leaves. The bark is light brown and papery with branches covered in woolly hairs. The flowers are typically dark red or yellow.[3]
Olearia colensoi, commonly known as tūpare (from the Māori tūpare) or leatherwood, is a sub-alpine shrub that is endemic to New Zealand. Other names it is known by in Māori are kūmarahou and kūmararaunui.
Olearia colensoi can grow into a tree 10 metres high that has thick, serrated leaves. The bark is light brown and papery with branches covered in woolly hairs. The flowers are typically dark red or yellow.
Olearia colensoi (Maori: tūpare) is een soort uit de composietenfamilie (Asteraceae). Het is een subalpiene soort die endemisch is in Nieuw-Zeeland. De soort groeit in gebieden met een hoge regenval en kan een groeihoogte van tien meter bereiken. De boom heeft een papierachtige schilferige schors met een lichtbruine kleur. De takken zijn bedekt met wollig haar en de bladeren zijn dik, leerachtig en getand. De bloemen hebben een dieprode of gele kleur.[1]
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesOlearia colensoi là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được Hook.f. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1853.[1]
Olearia colensoi là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được Hook.f. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1853.