

Description ( İngilizce )

NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates tarafından sağlandı

“Genus Eusamytha, new genus

Type Eusamytha sexdentata, new species

Paleae are present. The body consists of 15 thoracic and about 15 ab­dominal setigerous segments, and uncini are first present on the fourth setigerous segment. Branchiae number three pairs; they are inserted on a raised membrane. The prostomium is trilobed and not glandular. A large folded membrane fills the oral cavity. Thoracic uncini have six teeth in a single row.

Eusamytha approaches A mythas Benham in having paleae, an oral membrane and three pairs of branchiae; it differs in having 15 thoracic setigerous segments, and thoracic uncini with teeth in one row.”

(Hartman, 1967)