
Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology tarafından sağlandı
Smicridea (Smicridea) redunca

This species and smilodon, new species, are closely related. They are readily told apart by the male phallus and less confidently by the female clasper receptacle. The male phallus bears a pair of apical lobes that have a ventral point and the ventral hooks are directed basally in redunca; in smilodon the apical lobes lack ventral points and the ventral hooks point directly ventrad. The females of the two species are exceedingly similar; the venter of the clasper receptacle in redunca bears a dark process that is lacking in smilodon.

ADULT.—Length of forewing 6–6.5 mm. Color generally gray-brown, appendages paler; antennae annulate; forewing with ground color pale brown, heavily irrorate with dark brown. Eye of male in anterior aspect with diameter one-half that of interocular distance. Anterolateral process of fifth sternum slightly longer than sternum; with 2 pairs of internal sacs, small, each slightly shorter than segment in which it lies.

Male Genitalia: Ninth segment with anterior margin vertical. Tenth tergum deeply divided dorsomesally, tergite almost truncate posteriorly in dorsal and sharply upturned in lateral aspect; ventral margin with a large thin lobe basad. Clasper with basal segment slender, parallel-sided; apical segment short. Phallus with basal opening at right angles to stem, apex enlarged; tip dorsally extending hood-like over ventral complex that consists of a compressed mesal ridge with a single ventral process, a pair of more lateral plates that extend as large ventral hooks that are appressed mesally and bear a more lightly sclerotized process apicodorsally that ends in a small ventral hook; internally with a pair of heavily sclerotized spines directed posteriad; lateral surface of central tube produced as narrow sigmoid flap basolaterally over ventral hooks.

Female Genitalia: Eighth sternite elongate, rectanguloid, with anterolateral angle strongly produced anteriad. Ninth tergum produced anteroventrad. Clasper receptacle shallow, barely pocket-like, slightly developed mesad; in lateral aspect with barely any overhang, with an oblique, dark mark from ventral margin. Posterior vaginal sclerite elongate, darkened sublaterally; anterior sclerite a crescentic band of nearly uniform width.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Holotype, male: CHILE: PCIA. CONCEPCIóN: Fundo Pinares [about 10 km E Concepción on south side of Río Bío-Bío], 30 Dec 1965, Flint & Cekalovic. Type NMNH.

Paratypes: CHILE: PCIA. ARAUCO: Pichinahuel [Nahuelbuta Mountains, 37°47′S], 23–31 Jan 1954, L.E. Peña G., 14 , 1 (CNC); Butamalal [Nahuelbuta Mountains, 37°51′S; 73°12′W], 23–31 Jan 1954, L.E. Peña G., 4 (CNC); Caramávida, 17–19 Oct 1969, Flint & Barria, 20 , 12 (NMNH). PCIA. CAUQUENES: Alto Tregualemu, –20 km S Chovellén, 500 m, 26–27 Jan 1979, Davis et al., 1 (NMNH). PCIA. CONCEPCIÓN: Same data as holotype, 1 (NMNH); same, but 18 Dec 1964, T. Cekalovic K., 1 (NMNH). PCIA. LINARES: Hacienda San Manuel [–31 km SE Parral], 14 Jan 1953, L.E. Peña G., 2 (CNC). PCIA. MALLECO: Río Manzanares [∼10 km W Purén], 2 Jan 1966, Flint & Cekalovic, 1 (NMNH).
bibliyografik atıf
Flint, Oliver S., Jr. 1989. "Studies of Neotropical Caddiflies, XXXIX: The Genus Smicridea in the Chilean Subregion (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-45. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.472

Smicridea redunca ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

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Smicridea redunca is een schietmot uit de familie Hydropsychidae. De soort komt voor in het Neotropisch gebied.

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Smicridea redunca ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Smicridea redunca là một loài Trichoptera thuộc họ Hydropsychidae. Chúng phân bố ở vùng Tân nhiệt đới.

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Smicridea redunca: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Smicridea redunca là một loài Trichoptera thuộc họ Hydropsychidae. Chúng phân bố ở vùng Tân nhiệt đới.

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