
Blastobasis aynekiella Adamski

Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology tarafından sağlandı
Blastobasis aynekiella Adamski

DIAGNOSIS. Blastobasis aynekiella is similar to B. kenya and B. acirfa but differs from the latter two species by having the dorsoposterior margin of the gnathos more anterior to the base of the uncus, an aedeagus that is serpentine shaped, and female with two to three irregular rows of spinelike setae on the seventh tergum.


Head: Vertex and frontoclypeus with grayish brown scales tipped with pale grayish brown; outer and inner surfaces of labial palpus with basal segments brown and dark brown scales intermixed with pale grayish brown scales to near apical margin, terminal segment grayish brown intermixed with few brown scales; scape yellowish brown, flagellum gray; first flagellomere of antenna dilated, forming a notch between dilation and flagellomeres 2–4 in male; proboscis grayish brown.

Thorax: Tegula and mesonotum with brown scales tipped with pale brown. Legs dark brown with a pale brown band near middle of segments and apices of all segments and tarsomeres. Forewing (Figure 56) length 6.9–8.3 mm (n = 8), yellowish brown intermixed with yellowish brown scales tipped with pale yellowish brown and brown scales; submedian fascia faint; cell with three small, dark brown spots, one near midcell, two near distal end; marginal spots present. Undersurface brown. Hindwing gray.

Abdomen: Male genitalia (Figure 12): Uncus abruptly narrowed from broadened base, subapically curved ventrally, gradually narrowed to an acuminate apex; gnathos narrow, dorsoposterior margin bidentate medially; vinculum wide; juxta bandlike; valva divided; costa of upper part of valva produced into a setose, digitate process; lower part of valva moderately wide, subventral area reflexed to apicoventral margin; apicoventral margin angular, produced into an inwardly curved, acuminate process; process with a flattened inner surface; proximal flange elongate, apicoventral margin rounded distoventrally, overlaid with dense microtrichiate membrane, narrowed distally, contiguous with digitate process; diaphragma microtrichiate; aedeagus and sclerite of aedeagus serpentine shaped; anellus bearing several conical setae throughout length. Female genitalia (Figure 29): Eighth tergum without a narrow, darkly pigmented streak on median longitudinal axis; membrane surrounding ostium moderately microtrichiate to lateral margin; seventh tergum with two to three irregular rows of spinelike setae on posterior end; ductus bursae shorter than ovipositor, with internal rows of imbricate platelets on anterior half; inception of ductus seminalis slightly anterior to ostium; corpus bursae with a moderately large capitulate signum with a hornlike process.

HOLOTYPE. ♂, “Kenya: Kakamega Forest, 0°14.16'N, 34°51.82'E, 26 April 2001, A & M Coll. # 1215, R.S. Copeland, ICIPE/USAID, r.f. Prunus africana”; “Restrictions Apply, NMK/ICIPE, Agreement # 5” [purple label]; “♂ Genitalia Slide by DA, No. 5045” [yellow label]; “USNM ENT 00196306” [barcode label] [NMK].

PARATYPES (2 ♂, 7 ♀). 1 ♂, 1 ♀, “Kenya: Kakamega Forest, ca. 0°14.13'N, 34°51.87'E, Coll. 14 Aug. 2000, R. Copeland, Lot 821, r.f. Olea welwitschii fruit”; “♂ Slide 4222”; “00196296”; “♂ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83405” [USNM]; “♀ Slide 4350”; “00196330” [NMK]; 1 ♀, data as above except, “31 Oct. 2001, A & M Coll. # 1506, R.S. Copeland; ICIPE/USAID, r.f. Mimusops bagshawei”; “♀ Slide 4915”; “00196321”; “♀ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83448” [USNM]; 1 ♀, data as above except, “0°13.10'N, 34°54.06'E, 31 Oct. 2001, A & M Coll. 1499, R.S. Copeland, ICIPE/USAID, r.f. Prunus africana”; “00196420” [USNM]; 1 ♀, “0°13.44'N, 34°53.44'E, coll. 2 May 2000, R. Copeland, Coll. A & M 651, r.f. Tiliacora funifera fruit”; “♀ Slide 4354”; “00196333”; “♀ Genitalia Slide by DA, USNM 83406” [USNM]; 1 ♀, data as above except, “0°13.14'N, 34°53.76'E, coll. 16 Dec. 1999, R. Copeland, Coll. A & M 390, r.f. Chrysophyllum albidum fruit”; “♂ Slide 4227”; “00196298” [BMNH]; 1 ♂, “Kenya: Western Kakamega Forest on Prunus africana, 0°14.13'N, 34°51.87'E, 29.III.2000, R. Copeland, A & M 574”; “♂ Slide 5036”; “00196303” [MRAC]; 1 ♀, data as above except, “0°13.14'N, 34°54.14'E; Coll. 13 Apr. 1999, R. Copeland, Lot 67, r.f. Prunus africana fruit”; “♀ Slide 4145”; “00196428”; “♀ Genitalia Slide by DA,

MAP 8. Distribution of Blastobasis aynekiella.

USNM 83407” [USNM]; 1 ♀, “0°13.44'N, 34°53.44'E, 2.V.2000, R. Copeland, A & M 658”; “♀ Slide 5078”; “00196345” [NMK]. Paratypes deposited in BMNH, MRAC, NMK, and USNM.

ETYMOLOGY. The species epithet, aynekiella, is taken from the name of the country in which this species is known to occur, but spelled backward, with the Latin suffix -iella (meaning small) added.

DISTRIBUTION. Blastobasis aynekiella is known only from the western highlands of the Kakamega Forest.

HOSTS. Chrysophyllum albidum G. Don (Sapotaceae); Mimusops bagshawei S. Moore (Sapotaceae); Olea welwitschii (Knobl.) Gilg & Schellenb. (Oleaceae); Prunus africana (Hook.f.) Kalkman (Rosaceae); Tiliacora funifera (Miers.) Oliv. (Menispermaceae).
bibliyografik atıf
Adamski, David, Copeland, Robert S., Miller, Scott E., Hebert, Paul D. N., Darrow, Karolyn, and Luke, Quentin. 2010. "A review of African Blastobasinae (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Coleophoridae), with new taxa reared from native fruits in Kenya." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-68. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.630