
Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

North American Flora tarafından sağlandı
Hippobroma longiflora (L.) G. Don, Gen. Hist. 3:717. 1834
iMbelia longiflora L. Sp. PI. 930, 1753.
Rapuntium longiflcrum Mill. Gard. Diet. ed. 8. Rapuntium, no. 7. 1768. Isotoma longiflora Presl. Prodr. Mon. Lob. 42. 1836.
iMurenlia longiflora F. E. Wimmer, Field Mus. Publ. Bot. 13«: 4Z4. 1937. Not Laurentia longiflora Schlechter, 1922.
Roots somewhat fleshy (woody?); stems coarse, with acrid, milky, poisonous juice, erect or decumlient, up to 7 mm. in diameter at base, simple or with a few subordinate side branches^ pubescent at least above, or nearly glabrous, pale yellow-green, 15-50 (90) cm. high; cauline leaves few-25, spreading or ascending, membranous, pubescent on the veins and on the lower surface or almost glabrous, said to be dull blue-green above and glossy gray-green beneath, the blades elliptic to oblanceolate, coarsely rcpand-dentate and minutely callose-dcnticulale on the margin, narrowed abruptly to the obtuse or subacute mucronulate apex and drawn out gradually to the narrow subpetiolar decurrent base, 2.5-6 cm. wide by 10-24 cm. long, usually 3-4 limes as long as wide; flowers 8-35 in the axils of the upper leaves, the "inflorescence" 6-26 cm. long and comprising half to two-thirds the height of the entire plant or even more; i)cdiccls more or less upright in flower (declined in fruit), 7-15 mm. long in fruit, about 1 mm. in diameter, short-hirsute, each normally with a pair of filiform bracteolcs, 2-4 mm. in length, at or near the base; flower 80-160 mm. long, including hypanthiuin; corolla slightly fragrant, pubcrulcnt except on the inner side of the lol>es, the tube narrowly cylindric, 50-135 mm. long, 1.0-2.5 mm. in diameter, the Iol>cs subcqual, spreading, 3-10 mm. wide by 13-27 mm. long; filaments 58-95 mm. long, equaling or somewhat exceeding the corolla-tul>c, connate by I heir edges (or exceptionally free) at af>cx, adnatc to the corolla-lul>c and free from each other from base to a point just Wow the apex of the tulje; anther-tul)c 5-6 mm. long by about 2 mm. in diaiiieirr, all the anthers whitc-l>cardcd at extreme tip, the two shorter ones densely tufted; liypant Ilium in anlhcsis turbinate, sparsely shorl-hirsute, becoming ellipsoid or cllipsoid-campunulalc in fruit, 7-9 mm in diameter; capsule three-fourths inferior or more, 12-17 mm. long, often appearing 100
bibliyografik atıf
Rogers McVaugh. 1943. CAMPANULALES; CAMPANULACEAE; LOBELIOIDEAE. North American flora. vol 32A(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY

Hippobroma longiflora ( Asturyasça )

wikipedia AST tarafından sağlandı

España caballos o ciega güeyu,[1] Hippobroma ye un xéneru monotípicu de plantes perteneciente a la familia Campanulaceae. La so única especie: Hippobroma longiflora (L.) G.Don, Xen. Hist. 3: 717 (1834),[2] ye orixinaria de Xamaica y estendióse por tol mundu,[3] naturalizándose nos trópicos americanos y n'Oceanía.[4]

Vista de la planta


Son yerbes perennes erectas o decumbentes, con un tamañu de 30–50 (–90) cm d'altu. Fueyes elíptiques a oblanceolaes, mayormente (5–) 10–20 cm de llargu y (1–) 2–5 cm d'anchu, gruesa ya irregularmente repando-dentaes con 15–20 dientes grandes según tamién callosu-denticulaes con 4–6 vegaes más dientes pequeños. Flores solitaries nes axiles de les fueyes, pedicelos ca 0.4–0.8 cm de llargu, con un par de bractéoles basales, filiformes y 2–4 mm de llargu; hipanto obcónico, 6–10 mm de llargu, llobos de la mota más o menos lliniares, marxes callosu-denticulaos; corola hipocrateriforme, blanca a blanca colos nervios verde macios, tubu 5–13.5 cm de llargu, llobos subiguales, 1.3–2.7 cm de llargu; filamentos glabros, connaos distalmente, anteres connaes, llixeramente encorvaes, les anteres más curties ca 3 mm de llargu, con fascículos de tricomas trupos nel ápiz y les más llargues ca 5–6 mm de llargu, blancu-barbaes nel ápiz. Cápsules 1.2–2 cm de llargu, 4/5 o más ínferas, biloculaes, loculicidas apicalmente; granes foveolado-reticulaes.[5]


Ye notable por tener principios activos de dos alcaloides: lobelina y nicotina. Los efeutos de la nicotina y lobelina son abondo similares, con efeutos psicoactivos, a dosis pequeñes y con efeutos desagradables como vultures, paralís muscular y temblón en dosis más altes.[6] Por esta razón, H.longiflora (y los sos varios sinónimos) fai referencia tocantes a la so tosicidá nos sos usos de etnobotánica.

Al retirar esta maleza, ye importante usar guantes: la cazumbre ye un irritante que puede ser absorbíu pola piel, y una pequeña cantidá de cazumbre nos güeyos puede causar ceguera.


Hippobroma longiflora describióse por (L.) G.Don y espublizóse en A General History of the Dichlamydeous Plants 3: 717. 1834.[5]

  • Lobelia longiflora L., Sp. Pl.: 930 (1753).
  • Rapuntium longiflorum (L.) Mill., Gard. Dict. ed. 8: n. 7 (1768).
  • Isotoma longiflora (L.) C.Presl, Prodr. Monogr. Lobel.: 42 (1836).
  • Laurentia longiflora (L.) Peterm., Pflanzenreich: 444 (1845).
  • Solenopsis longiflora (L.) M.R.Almeida, Fl. Maharastra 3A: 155 (2001).
  • Isotoma runcinata Hassk., Bonplandia (Hannover) 7: 181 (1859).
  • Laurentia longiflora var. runcinata (Hassk.) Y.Wimm., Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 56: 337 (1948).
  • Isotoma longiflora var. runcinata (Hassk.) Panigrahi, P.Daniel & M.V.Viswan., Indian J. Forest. 4: 151 (1981).[3]

Ver tamién


  1. Echeverry Echeverry, R. (2011). Plantes natives nel xardín botánicu Alejandro Von Humboldt de la Universidá de Tolima-Ibagué. Ibagué:Universidá de Tolima. ISBN 978-958-9243-77-0.
  2. Especies en The International Plant Names Index
  3. 3,0 3,1 «Hippobroma longiflora». Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Consultáu'l 5 de xineru de 2010.
  4. USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. «Hippobroma Longiflora information from GPRS/GRIN». Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN) [Online Database]. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.. Consultáu'l 7 d'avientu de 2007.
  5. 5,0 5,1 «Hippobroma longiflora». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultáu'l 22 de mayu de 2013.
  6. Baldwin, Roger Y.. Hawaii's Poisonous Plants, 1, Filo, Hawaii: The Petroglyph Press, Ltd., 26–27. ISBN 0-912180-34-X.

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Hippobroma longiflora: Brief Summary ( Asturyasça )

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Hippobroma longiflora

España caballos o ciega güeyu, Hippobroma ye un xéneru monotípicu de plantes perteneciente a la familia Campanulaceae. La so única especie: Hippobroma longiflora (L.) G.Don, Xen. Hist. 3: 717 (1834), ye orixinaria de Xamaica y estendióse por tol mundu, naturalizándose nos trópicos americanos y n'Oceanía.

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Hippobroma longiflora ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı

Hippobroma longiflora ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Glockenblumengewächse (Campanulaceae) und die einzige Art der Gattung Hippobroma.


Hippobroma longiflora ist eine ausdauernde, krautige Pflanze, die aufrecht oder niederliegend wächst und eine Wuchshöhe bis zu 50 (selten bis 90) Zentimeter erreicht. Ihre ungestielten Blätter sind elliptisch bis umgekehrt-lanzettlich, 10 bis 20 (selten ab 5) Zentimeter lang und 2 bis 5 (ab 1) Zentimeter breit und wechselnd groß und klein gezähnt.

Die Krone der einzelstehenden Blüten ist weiß, gelegentlich grünlich nerviert, die kahle Kronröhre 5 bis 13,5 Zentimeter lang.

Die Früchte sind 1,2 bis 2 Zentimeter lange, herabhängende Kapseln.

Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 28.[1]


Die Art stammt von den Westindischen Inseln, vermutlich aus Jamaika[2], ist aber heute auch in Mittel- und Südamerika von Mexiko bis nach Peru und Brasilien und in Asien als Neophyt weit verbreitet.[2]


  • Anton Weber, Werner Huber, Anton Weissenhofer, Nelson Zamora, Georg Zimmermann: An Introductory Field Guide To The Flowering Plants Of The Golfo Dulce Rain Forests Costa Rica. In: Stapfia. Band 78, Linz 2001, S. 210. / ISBN 3-85474-072-7, zobodat.at [PDF]


  1. Hippobroma longiflora bei Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
  2. a b Rafaël Govaerts (Hrsg.): Hippobroma. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) – The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, abgerufen am 13. Februar 2018.
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Hippobroma longiflora: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

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Hippobroma longiflora ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Glockenblumengewächse (Campanulaceae) und die einzige Art der Gattung Hippobroma.

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Fetuʻupetelihema ( Tongaca )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

Ko e fetuʻu petelihema (mei he lea fakapilitānia, hingoa taʻefakalakanga) ko e fuʻu ʻakau siʻi ia, ʻomi ki Tongá ni ʻikai fuoloa. ʻOku fakaʻofoʻofa ʻene ʻasi, ka kona ʻaupito ʻene toʻi hinehina, koeʻuhi ko e meʻakemi ko e lobeline ʻi loto ʻi ai.

Ko hono ngaahi ʻuhinga tatau: Isotoma longiflora, Lobelia longiflora, Laurentia longiflora.

Hingoa ʻi he ngaahi lea kehe


Ko e kupu ʻeni ko e potuʻi ia (stub). ʻIo, ko koe, kātaki tokoni mai ʻi hono .
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Fetuʻupetelihema: Brief Summary ( Tongaca )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

Ko e fetuʻu petelihema (mei he lea fakapilitānia, hingoa taʻefakalakanga) ko e fuʻu ʻakau siʻi ia, ʻomi ki Tongá ni ʻikai fuoloa. ʻOku fakaʻofoʻofa ʻene ʻasi, ka kona ʻaupito ʻene toʻi hinehina, koeʻuhi ko e meʻakemi ko e lobeline ʻi loto ʻi ai.

Ko hono ngaahi ʻuhinga tatau: Isotoma longiflora, Lobelia longiflora, Laurentia longiflora.

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Ki tolod ( Sundaca )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

Ki tolod atawa ki koréjat (Hippobroma longiflora) nyaéta tutuwuhan kembangan ti famili Campanulaceae. Asalna mah éndemik India Kulon, ngan kiwari geus sumebar ampir ka sakuliah dunya.[1]

Anu istiméwa, ieu tutuwuhan ngandung dua alkaloid piridin: lobelin jeung nikotin. Pangaruh ieu dua alkaloid téh sarupa, méré pangaruh psikoaktif mun saeutik, tapi mun loba bisa matak utah, paralisis otot, jeung ngadégdég.[2] ku kituna, kitolod mindeng dirujuk dina étnobotani. Tangkalna ulah sakarepna dicagap, sabab geutahna iritan nu bisa nyerep kana kulit sarta bisa matak lolong mun keuna kana panon.


  1. USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. "Hippobroma Longiflora information from GPRS/GRIN". Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN) [Online Database]. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Diakses tanggal 2007-12-07.
  2. Baldwin, Roger E. (1979). Hawaii's Poisonous Plants (1 ed.). Hilo, Hawaii: The Petroglyph Press, Ltd. pp. 26–27. ISBN 0-912180-34-X.

Tutumbu Kaluar

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Ki tolod: Brief Summary ( Sundaca )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

Ki tolod atawa ki koréjat (Hippobroma longiflora) nyaéta tutuwuhan kembangan ti famili Campanulaceae. Asalna mah éndemik India Kulon, ngan kiwari geus sumebar ampir ka sakuliah dunya.

Anu istiméwa, ieu tutuwuhan ngandung dua alkaloid piridin: lobelin jeung nikotin. Pangaruh ieu dua alkaloid téh sarupa, méré pangaruh psikoaktif mun saeutik, tapi mun loba bisa matak utah, paralisis otot, jeung ngadégdég. ku kituna, kitolod mindeng dirujuk dina étnobotani. Tangkalna ulah sakarepna dicagap, sabab geutahna iritan nu bisa nyerep kana kulit sarta bisa matak lolong mun keuna kana panon.

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Kitolod ( Cava dili )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

Kitolod (jeneng latin Longiflora Hippobroma longiflora utawa Isotoma longiflora[1]) ya iku tuwuhan semak kang duwé gagang kembang kang dawa, makutha kembang kang wujud e wujud lintang lan wernane putih resik. sekilas persis wujud kembang melati. jeneng liya saka tuwuhan kitolod iki ing antarané star of bethlehem, madam fate lan star flower [1]. Kitolod iki kalebu ing tuwuhan jamu.


Tuwuhan kitolod duwé dhuwur watara 50 cm, habitus semak, lan minangkka tuwuhan samusim. Tlutuhe putih lan rasané nyegrak uga ngandhut racun. Gagange wujudé bunder, kayu, lan wernane ijo. wujud godhonge dawa, duwé warna ijo, kasar, pucuke lancip lan bonggole sempit, pinggirane mlengkung mlebu, bergerigi mlekuk nyirip. Godhong minangka godhong tunggal kanthi ukuran 2–3 cm lan dawane 5–15 cm. kembang wujudé kaya trompet kanthi makutha bantuk lintang. winihe bunder wujud endhog, cilik lan wernane putih. oyod tuwuhan kitolod ya iku oyod tunggang[1].

Kandhutan bahan kimia

Kitolod duwé akèh kandhutan zat aktif. tuladhané ya iku alkaloid kaya ta lobelin, lobelamin, lan isotomin. godhonge ngandhut alkaloid, saponin, flovonoid, lan polifenol. Tlutuh tuwuhan kitolod iki ngandhut racun, nanging pérangan iyane duwé kandhutan efek antiradang, antineoplastik utawa antikanker, anti inflamasi utawa antiperadangan, analgesik, lan hemostatik [1].

Cathetan sikil

  1. a b c d Kitolod
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Penulis lan editor Wikipedia

Kitolod: Brief Summary ( Cava dili )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

Kitolod (jeneng latin Longiflora Hippobroma longiflora utawa Isotoma longiflora) ya iku tuwuhan semak kang duwé gagang kembang kang dawa, makutha kembang kang wujud e wujud lintang lan wernane putih resik. sekilas persis wujud kembang melati. jeneng liya saka tuwuhan kitolod iki ing antarané star of bethlehem, madam fate lan star flower . Kitolod iki kalebu ing tuwuhan jamu.

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Penulis lan editor Wikipedia

Hippobroma longiflora ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Hippobroma longiflora, also called Star of Bethlehem or madamfate,[1] is a flowering plant in the family Campanulaceae. It is the only species in the genus Hippobroma. It is endemic to the West Indies, but has become naturalized across the American tropics and Oceania.[2]

It is notable for its concentrations of two pyridine alkaloids: lobeline and nicotine. The effects of nicotine and lobeline are quite similar, with psychoactive effects at small dosages and with unpleasant effects including vomiting, muscle paralysis, and trembling at higher dosages.[3] For this reason, H. longiflora (and its various synonyms) is often referenced for both its toxicity and its ethnobotanical uses.

When uprooting this weed, it is important to wear gloves: the sap is an irritant which can be absorbed through the skin, and a small amount of sap in the eyes can cause blindness.


  1. ^ USDA, NRCS (n.d.). "Hippobroma longiflora". The PLANTS Database (plants.usda.gov). Greensboro, North Carolina: National Plant Data Team. Retrieved 15 May 2015.
  2. ^ "Hippobroma". Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). Agricultural Research Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Retrieved 7 December 2007.
  3. ^ Baldwin, Roger E. (1979) [1979]. Hawaii's Poisonous Plants (1 ed.). Hilo, Hawaii: The Petroglyph Press, Ltd. pp. 26–27. ISBN 978-0-912180-34-2.
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Hippobroma longiflora: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Hippobroma longiflora, also called Star of Bethlehem or madamfate, is a flowering plant in the family Campanulaceae. It is the only species in the genus Hippobroma. It is endemic to the West Indies, but has become naturalized across the American tropics and Oceania.

It is notable for its concentrations of two pyridine alkaloids: lobeline and nicotine. The effects of nicotine and lobeline are quite similar, with psychoactive effects at small dosages and with unpleasant effects including vomiting, muscle paralysis, and trembling at higher dosages. For this reason, H. longiflora (and its various synonyms) is often referenced for both its toxicity and its ethnobotanical uses.

When uprooting this weed, it is important to wear gloves: the sap is an irritant which can be absorbed through the skin, and a small amount of sap in the eyes can cause blindness.

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Hippobroma longiflora ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Revienta caballos,[1][2]ciega ojo[1]​ o quibey de Cuba,[2]Hippobroma es un género monotípico de plantas perteneciente a la familia Campanulaceae. Su única especie: Hippobroma longiflora (L.) G.Don, Gen. Hist. 3: 717 (1834),[3]​ es originaria de Jamaica y se ha extendido por todo el mundo,[4]​ naturalizándose en los trópicos americanos y en Oceanía.[5]

Vista de la planta


Son hierbas perennes erectas o decumbentes, con un tamaño de 30–50 (–90) cm de alto. Hojas elípticas a oblanceoladas, mayormente (5–) 10–20 cm de largo y (1–) 2–5 cm de ancho, gruesa e irregularmente repando-dentadas con 15–20 dientes grandes así como también calloso-denticuladas con 4–6 veces más dientes pequeños. Flores solitarias en las axilas de las hojas, pedicelos ca 0.4–0.8 cm de largo, con un par de bractéolas basales, filiformes y 2–4 mm de largo; hipanto obcónico, 6–10 mm de largo, lobos del cáliz más o menos lineares, márgenes calloso-denticulados; corola hipocrateriforme, blanca a blanca con los nervios verde pálidos, tubo 5–13.5 cm de largo, lobos subiguales, 1.3–2.7 cm de largo; filamentos glabros, connados distalmente, anteras connadas, ligeramente encorvadas, las anteras más cortas ca 3 mm de largo, con fascículos de tricomas densos en el ápice y las más largas ca 5–6 mm de largo, blanco-barbadas en el ápice. Cápsulas 1.2–2 cm de largo, 4/5 o más ínferas, biloculadas, loculicidas apicalmente; semillas foveolado-reticuladas.[6]


Es notable por tener principios activos de dos alcaloides: lobelina y nicotina. Los efectos de la nicotina y lobelina son bastante similares, con efectos psicoactivos, a dosis pequeñas y con efectos desagradables como vómitos, parálisis muscular y temblor en dosis más altas.[7]​ Por esta razón, H.longiflora (y sus varios sinónimos) hace referencia en cuanto a su toxicidad en sus usos de etnobotánica.

Al retirar esta maleza, es importante usar guantes: la savia es un irritante que puede ser absorbido por la piel, y una pequeña cantidad de savia en los ojos puede causar ceguera.


Hippobroma longiflora fue descrita por (L.) G.Don y publicado en A General History of the Dichlamydeous Plants 3: 717. 1834.[6]

  • Lobelia longiflora L., Sp. Pl.: 930 (1753).
  • Rapuntium longiflorum (L.) Mill., Gard. Dict. ed. 8: n. 7 (1768).
  • Isotoma longiflora (L.) C.Presl, Prodr. Monogr. Lobel.: 42 (1836).
  • Laurentia longiflora (L.) Peterm., Pflanzenreich: 444 (1845).
  • Solenopsis longiflora (L.) M.R.Almeida, Fl. Maharashtra 3A: 155 (2001).
  • Isotoma runcinata Hassk., Bonplandia (Hannover) 7: 181 (1859).
  • Laurentia longiflora var. runcinata (Hassk.) E.Wimm., Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 56: 337 (1948).
  • Isotoma longiflora var. runcinata (Hassk.) Panigrahi, P.Daniel & M.V.Viswan., Indian J. Forest. 4: 151 (1981).[4]


  1. a b Echeverry Echeverry, R. (2011). Plantas nativas en el jardín botánico Alejandro Von Humboldt de la Universidad de Tolima-Ibagué. Ibagué:Universidad de Tolima. ISBN 978-958-9243-77-0.
  2. a b Colmeiro, Miguel: «Diccionario de los diversos nombres vulgares de muchas plantas usuales ó notables del antiguo y nuevo mundo», Madrid, 1871.
  3. Especies en The International Plant Names Index
  4. a b «Hippobroma longiflora». Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Consultado el 5 de enero de 2010.
  5. USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. «Hippobroma Longiflora information from GPRS/GRIN». Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN) [Online Database]. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Archivado desde el original el 19 de noviembre de 2004. Consultado el 7 de diciembre de 2007.
  6. a b «Hippobroma longiflora». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 22 de mayo de 2013.
  7. Baldwin, Roger E. (1979) [1979]. Hawaii's Poisonous Plants (1 edición). Hilo, Hawaii: The Petroglyph Press, Ltd. pp. 26-27. ISBN 0-912180-34-X. |fechaacceso= requiere |url= (ayuda)

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Hippobroma longiflora: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Revienta caballos,​​ ciega ojo​ o quibey de Cuba,​ Hippobroma es un género monotípico de plantas perteneciente a la familia Campanulaceae. Su única especie: Hippobroma longiflora (L.) G.Don, Gen. Hist. 3: 717 (1834),​ es originaria de Jamaica y se ha extendido por todo el mundo,​ naturalizándose en los trópicos americanos y en Oceanía.​

 src= Vista de la planta
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Hippobroma longiflora ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Le Lastron blanc ou Étoile de Bethléem (Hippobroma longiflora) est une plante des régions tropicales et subtropicales appartenant à la famille des Campanulacées et au genre Hippobroma. Cette plante est aussi appelée Mort aux vaches ou Mort aux cabris.


  • Laurentia longiflora (L.) C. Presl
  • Isotoma longiflora (L.) Peterm.
Laurentia longiflora


Originaire des Grandes Antilles, dispersée dans toutes les régions tropicales[2].


Confusions à éviter


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Hippobroma longiflora: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

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Le Lastron blanc ou Étoile de Bethléem (Hippobroma longiflora) est une plante des régions tropicales et subtropicales appartenant à la famille des Campanulacées et au genre Hippobroma. Cette plante est aussi appelée Mort aux vaches ou Mort aux cabris.

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Ki tolod ( Endonezce )

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Ki tolod (Isotoma longiflora) adalah tumbuhan obat berupa terna tegak yang tingginya mencapai 60 cm. Tumbuhan ini juga disebut ki tolod, daun tolod (Sunda), kendali, sangkobak (Jawa). Walaupun tumbuhan ini memiliki sifat anti-radang, namun sayangnya, getah tumbuhan ini beracun.


Ki tolod adalah terna tegak yang mencapai 60 cm, bercabang dari pangkalnya, serta bergetah putih dengan rasa tajam yang beracun.[1] Daunnya tunggal, duduk, helaian daunnya berbentuk lanset, dengan ujungnya yang runcing, dan pangkalnya yang menyempit. Tepi daunnya bergerigi sampai melekuk, dengan panjang daun 5-17 cm, dan berwarna hijau. Bunganya tunggal, tegak, bertangkai panjang, keluar dari ketiak daun, mahkotanya berbentuk bintang, dan berwarna putih.[1] Buahnya termasuk buah kotak, berbentuk lonceng, merunduk, merekah menjadi dua ruang, dengan biji yang banyak. Perbanyakannya dapat dengan biji, setek batang, atau anakan.[1]


  1. ^ a b c Dalimartha 2008, hlm. 89-90.
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Ki tolod: Brief Summary ( Endonezce )

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Ki tolod (Isotoma longiflora) adalah tumbuhan obat berupa terna tegak yang tingginya mencapai 60 cm. Tumbuhan ini juga disebut ki tolod, daun tolod (Sunda), kendali, sangkobak (Jawa). Walaupun tumbuhan ini memiliki sifat anti-radang, namun sayangnya, getah tumbuhan ini beracun.

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Hippobroma longiflora ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

La Hippobroma longiflora (L.) G.Don, 1834) è una pianta erbacea perenne, dai fiori bianchi, appartenente alla famiglia delle Campanulaceae.[1] È anche l'unica specie del genere Hippobroma G.Don, 1834.[2][3]


La specie di questa voce è un'erba perenne. Le foglie hanno delle forme lanceolate con bordi dentati. L'infiorescenza è formata da larghi fiori, frangranti, solitari in posizione ascellare. I pedicelli sono corti con due bratteole alla base. La corolla è bianca, tubolare nella parte prossimale. I lobi sono tutti uguali. I filamenti sono adnati alla corolla. Le antere terminano con un ciuffo di peli rigidi. I frutti sono delle capsule deiscenti apicalmente tramite due valvole.[4]


  • Impollinazione: l'impollinazione avviene tramite insetti (impollinazione entomogama con api e farfalle anche notturne). In queste piante è presente un particolare meccanismo a "pistone": le antere formano un tubo nel quale viene rilasciato il polline raccolto successivamente dai peli dallo stilo che nel frattempo si accresce e porta il polline verso l'esterno.[5]
  • Riproduzione: la fecondazione avviene fondamentalmente tramite l'impollinazione dei fiori (vedi sopra).
  • Dispersione: i semi cadendo a terra (dopo essere stati trasportati per alcuni metri dal vento, essendo molto minuti e leggeri, disseminazione anemocora) sono successivamente dispersi soprattutto da insetti tipo formiche (disseminazione mirmecoria).

Distribuzione e habitat

Questa pianta è nativa della Colombia e si trova nell'America centrale, Madagascar, India e Asia sud-orientale (fino alla Nuova Guinea).[2]


La famiglia di appartenenza della Hippobroma longiflora (Campanulaceae) è relativamente numerosa con 89 generi per oltre 2000 specie (sul territorio italiano si contano una dozzina di generi per un totale di circa 100 specie); comprende erbacee ma anche arbusti, distribuiti in tutto il mondo, ma soprattutto nelle zone temperate. Il genere di questa voce appartiene alla sottofamiglia Lobelioideae (una delle cinque sottofamiglie nella quale è stata suddivisa la famiglia Campanulaceae) ed è monospecifico.


Questa entità ha avuto nel tempo diverse nomenclature. L'elenco seguente indica alcuni tra i sinonimi più frequenti:[2]

  • Isotoma longiflora (L.) C.Presl
  • Isotoma longiflora var. runcinata (Hassk.) Panigrahi, P.Daniel & M.V.Viswan.
  • Isotoma runcinata Hassk.
  • Laurentia longiflora (L.) Peterm.
  • Lobelia longiflora L.
  • Rapuntium longiflorum (L.) Mill.
  • Solenopsis longiflora (L.) M.R.Almeida


  1. ^ World Checklist - Royal Botanic Gardens KEW, su powo.science.kew.org. URL consultato il 22 gennaio 2020.
  2. ^ a b c World Checklist - Royal Botanic Gardens KEW, su powo.science.kew.org. URL consultato il 22 gennaio 2021.
  3. ^ (EN) The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the ordines and families of flowering plants: APG IV, in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 181, n. 1, 2016, pp. 1–20.
  4. ^ Kadereit & Jeffrey 2007, pag. 50.
  5. ^ Judd 2007, pag. 516.


  • Kadereit J.W. & Jeffrey C., The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants, Volume VIII. Asterales. Pag 45, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007.
  • Judd S.W. et al, Botanica Sistematica - Un approccio filogenetico, Padova, Piccin Nuova Libraria, 2007, ISBN 978-88-299-1824-9.
  • Strasburger E, Trattato di Botanica. Volume secondo, Roma, Antonio Delfino Editore, 2007, ISBN 88-7287-344-4.

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Hippobroma longiflora: Brief Summary ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

La Hippobroma longiflora (L.) G.Don, 1834) è una pianta erbacea perenne, dai fiori bianchi, appartenente alla famiglia delle Campanulaceae. È anche l'unica specie del genere Hippobroma G.Don, 1834.

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Lỗ danh ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Lỗ danh hay cây mù mắt, cây hoa dài[1] (danh pháp hai phần: Hippobroma longiflora) là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa chuông. Tuy là loài đặc hữu của vùng Caribe, loài này cũng được tìm thấy tại những vùng nhiệt đới châu Mỹchâu Đại Dương.[2]

Loài cây này có chứa hai ancaloit piridin: lobelinnicotin. Những ảnh hưởng do nicotin và lobelin gây ra tương đối giống nhau, với những tác động vào thần kinh với lượng nhỏ và xuất hiện những triệu chứng khó chịu như nôn mửa, liệt cơ, run người với lượng tiếp xúc lớn hơn.[3] Với lý do này, H. longiflora thường được nhắc đến với tính độc và những ứng dụng của nó trong khoa học nghiên cứu về quan hệ giữa thực vật với con người.

Khi dọn cỏ này, nên mang bao tay: nhựa cây là chất độc có thể thấm qua da, và chỉ một lượng rất nhỏ nhựa cây dây vào mắt cũng có thể gây mù.

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ “Hippobroma longiflora (L.) G. Don, 1835”. Truy cập ngày 21 tháng 3 năm 2012.
  2. ^ USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. “Hippobroma Longiflora information from GPRS/GRIN”. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN) [Online Database]. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Truy cập ngày 7 tháng 12 năm 2007.
  3. ^ Baldwin, Roger E. (1979) [1979]. Hawaii's Poisonous Plants (ấn bản 1). Hilo, Hawaii: The Petroglyph Press, Ltd. tr. 26–27. ISBN 0-912180-34-X. ||ngày truy cập= cần |url= (trợ giúp)

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Lỗ danh: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

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Lỗ danh hay cây mù mắt, cây hoa dài (danh pháp hai phần: Hippobroma longiflora) là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Hoa chuông. Tuy là loài đặc hữu của vùng Caribe, loài này cũng được tìm thấy tại những vùng nhiệt đới châu Mỹchâu Đại Dương.

Loài cây này có chứa hai ancaloit piridin: lobelinnicotin. Những ảnh hưởng do nicotin và lobelin gây ra tương đối giống nhau, với những tác động vào thần kinh với lượng nhỏ và xuất hiện những triệu chứng khó chịu như nôn mửa, liệt cơ, run người với lượng tiếp xúc lớn hơn. Với lý do này, H. longiflora thường được nhắc đến với tính độc và những ứng dụng của nó trong khoa học nghiên cứu về quan hệ giữa thực vật với con người.

Khi dọn cỏ này, nên mang bao tay: nhựa cây là chất độc có thể thấm qua da, và chỉ một lượng rất nhỏ nhựa cây dây vào mắt cũng có thể gây mù.

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马醉草 ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı
二名法 Hippobroma longiflora
(L.) G. Don, 1834

马醉草学名Hippobroma longiflora),又名许氏草,为桔梗科许氏草属下的一个种。



  • 洛貝林 Lobeline 中草藥化學圖像數據庫 (香港浸會大學中醫藥學院) (中文)(英文)


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马醉草: Brief Summary ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı

马醉草(学名:Hippobroma longiflora),又名许氏草,为桔梗科许氏草属下的一个种。

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