1982, 10. Mrz. Wildwachsende Beeren.Heidelbeere (Vaccinium myrtillus)
1964, 25. Dez. Beeren.Heidelbeeren (Vaccinium myrtillus)
2011-11-20 Lower Austria, district Wiener Neustadt-Land - mixed forest (605 msm Quadrant 8363/1).German names: Kuhrhrling + Heidelbeere(Plus leaves of
Betula pendula and needles = leaves of
Pinus sylvestris.)See also remarks here for the geology of this region, and
here for synonymy.
2011-08-27 Upper Austria, district Freistadt - Tanner Moor/ raised bog (930 msm Quadrant 7455/3).German names: Heidelbeere + Preiselbeere + Moor-Birke
Riofrio De Riaza, Castille and Leon, Spain
2011-08-27 Upper Austria, district Freistadt - Tanner Moor/ raised bog (930 msm Quadrant 7455/3).German names: Moor-Nebelbeere + HeidelbeereAlso, on the ground, some Sphagnum species, and Vaccinium vitis-idaea.
Moncayo: Aragn.(Espaa)Familia: ERICACEAEDistribucin: N de Amrica, Asia y Europa. En la Pennsula Ibrica se encuentra por el N del territorio y en los Sistemas Central e Ibrico. En Aragn aparece en el Prepirineo en el Pirineo y en el Sistema Ibrico.Hbitat: Bosques montanos de hayedos, abetales y pinares, matorrales subalpinos y crestones del piso alpino.Preferencia edfica: Acidfila. Aparece tambin sobre calizas muy decalcificadas.Rango altitudinal: ( 900 ) 1100- 2780 ( 2950 ) mFloracin: ( Abril ) Mayo - Junio ( Agosto )Fructificacin: Julio - Septiembre ( Octubre )Forma Biolgica: Camfito sufruticosoExtractado del Atlas de la Flora de Aragn (Herbario de Jaca)
2011-11-20 Lower Austria, district Wiener Neustadt-Land - mixed forest (450 msm Quadrant 8263/4).Here on this place transition there's a transition from alkaline (not necessarily chalky) soil to acidic (silicate) soil: the place obviously is already acidic, as the blueberry indicates.
See also remarks here, about the geology of the region.Species on display here:- Vaccinium myrtillus (only the occasional one, not dominating here)- Fagus sylvatica - leaves (fairly common)- Quercus petraea - leaves (relatively rare)- Pinus sylvestris - needles, twigs and cones (very common, obviously planted)- Oxalis acetosella (background; not yet common there)- some Hieracium (front-left; possibly Hieracium murorum)
Ridge, England, United Kingdom
2011-11-20 Lower Austria, district Wiener Neustadt-Land - mixed forest (605 msm Quadrant 8363/1).German names: Kuhrhrling + Heidelbeere(Plus leaves of
Betula pendula and needles = leaves of
Pinus sylvestris.)See also remarks here for the geology of this region.Concerning ID of the mushroom: both specimen already were in a stage of severe decay, but nevertheless they really could only be
S. bovinus.Synonymy:
Agaricus bovinus, Boletus bovinus, Ixocomus bovinus, Mariaella bovina (
Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum).
2011-08-27 Upper Austria, district Freistadt - Tanner Moor/ raised bog (930 msm Quadrant 7455/3).German names: Preiselbeere + HeidelbeereWith some Sphagnum and Polytrichum formosum.
2011-04-16 Lower Austria, district Wien-Umgebung (mixed forest; 430 msm Quadrant 7862/1).German names: (Abies) Weiss-Tanne, (Vaccinium) Heidelbeere, (Polytrichum) HaarmtzenmoosI cannot safely identify the moss species but it is most likely Polytrichum formosum.Both Polytrichum and Vaccinium indicate silicate soil with acid soil: as told by Manfred A. Fischer, the ground here lies upon so-called 'Greifensteiner Decken', a silicate sandstone.
Bromberg, Lower Austria, Austria