
Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology tarafından sağlandı
Octopus robustus Brock, 1887


TYPE LOCALITY.—Australia, New South Wales, Port Jackson (as “Sydney-Docks”) (33°50′S, 151°17′E), no depth data.

TYPE.—Holotype: ZMUG, male, 28 mm ML.
bibliyografik atıf
Voss, N. A. and Sweeney, M. J. 1998. "Systematics and Biogeography of cephalopods. Volume II." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 277-599. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.586.277

Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology tarafından sağlandı
Hapalochlaena fasciata (Hoyle, 1886)

Octopus pictus fasciata Hoyle, 1886:94, pl. 8: fig. 3.

Octopus robustus Brock, 1887:317.

DIAGNOSIS.—Animals small (to 150 mm TL; to 45 mm ML). Mantle broadly ovoid; head wide but narrower than mantle, demarked from mantle by moderate constriction; eyes small, not projecting above surface of head. Funnel large, slender, bluntly tapered; funnel organ W-shaped. Arms short (2–3 times ML in mature animals), stout at base, tapering to fine tips. Arm lengths subequal, arm order usually IV = III = II > I. Suckers deeply set in flesh of arms, of moderate size, without sucker enlargement. Right arm III of males hectocotylized, shorter than opposite arm; ligula flat, narrow, medium-sized (LLI 7–12); ligula groove shallow and indistinctly marked, with poorly defined transverse ridges; calamus long, pointed; hectocotylized arm with 32–43 suckers. Web shallow. Ink sac present; apparently normal-sized and functional in newly hatched juveniles, subadults, and adults. Gill lamellae 5–7 per outer demibranch. Mature female with large eggs (capsule 6–9 mm long, 2–3 mm wide), joined by long, twisted egg stalks, forming festoons; festoons not attached to substrate (carried loose in ventral web and arms).

Integumental sculpture consists of pattern of fine, scattered tubercles and tuberculated ridges on mantle and head dorsum. Ventral surface smoother. Row of 3 to 4 small papillae in subocular region. Large papilla forms prominent posterior point on mantle. In life, background color of resting animals uniform light grey to beige. Maculae, blue lines, and rings not visible on resting animals. When stimulated, animals become uniform dark charcoal or slate grey; maculae in form of streaks or diagonals on mantle and head dorsum, and ovoid patches on dorsal brachial crown, arm bases, and outer surfaces of all arms become darker. Vivid, iridescent, peacock-blue lines pulsate within each dark macula on dorsal mantle and head; blue rings in form of single discrete rings or clusters of several coalesced rings present within each macula on head, web, and arms. Background color of animals preserved in ethyl alcohol beige with brown maculae; lines and rings appear purplish to dark blue.

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION.—Hoyle, 1886:94, pl. 8: fig. 3, as Octopus pictus fasciata.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Australia, New South Wales, Port Jackson (33°50′S, 151°17′E), 6–15 fm (11–28 m).

TYPE.—Holotype: BMNH 1889.4.24.37, female, 45 mm ML. Specimen in good condition, preserved in ethyl alcohol.

DISTRIBUTION AND BIOLOGY.—Eastern Australia, from southern New South Wales to southern Queensland. An inshore species, living on reefs or rocky areas and common intertidally in rock pools or subtidally in mollusc shells, bottles, or cans, at depths of 0–30 m. A wider western Pacific distribution needs verification.

Aspects of the biology of H. fasciata, including the morphology and brooding of eggs and hatching and behavior of juveniles, were described by Dew (1959) and by Tranter and Augustine (1973) (under the name H. maculosa).
bibliyografik atıf
Voss, N. A. and Sweeney, M. J. 1998. "Systematics and Biogeography of cephalopods. Volume II." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 277-599. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.586.277

Chobotnice pruhovaná ( Çekçe )

wikipedia CZ tarafından sağlandı

Chobotnice pruhovaná (Hapalochlaena fasciata, syn. Octopus pictus fasciata) je druhem chobotnice, který společně s chobotnicí kroužkovanou (Hapalochlaena lunulata), chobotnicí skvrnitou (Hapalochlaena maculosa) a chobotnicí druhu Hapalochlaena nierstraszi tvoří rod Hapalochlaena (některé druhy, které by do tohoto rodu patřily, ještě nebyly vědecky popsány). Vyskytuje se ve vodách Tichého oceánu, v oblastech mezi jihem austrlského spolkového státu Queensland až po jih státu Nový Jižní Wales. Vyskytuje se na mělčinách při pobřeží či na sklanatých březích. Má hnědé zbarvení a při rozrušení se na těle objeví výrazné modré znaky. Chobotnice pruhovaná je drobným druhem a měří 4,5 cm, navzdory tomu je nicméně kvůli silnému jedu společně s ostatními členy rodu jedním z nejnebezpečnějších mořských tvorů. Ve slinných žlázách těchto chobotnic vytvářejí bakterie rodů Bacillus, Pseudomonas a Vibrio jed tetrodotoxin, který brání přenosu nervových impulsů do svalů a jež chobotnice vylučuje při kousnutí. Chobotnice jej využívá k lovu své kořisti, jako jsou krabi nebo menší druhy ryb, nicméně toxin je nebezpečný i pro člověka. Otrava se u lidí projevuje nevolností, paralýzou a respiračním selháním, samotné poranění radulou chobotnice ale nemusí být bolestivé. Nebezpečí představuje zejména pro menší děti, které mohou mít nutkání s chobotnicí manipulovat kvůli atraktivnímu zbarvení. Protijed neexistuje, jediná pomoc spočívá v podpoře dýchání a srdeční činnosti až do vypršení účinků jedu. Druh nicméně není agresivní a místo útoku volí raději únik do bezpečí.

Pohlavní dospělosti je dosaženo ve čtyřech měsících, později se chobotnice začínají pářit. Samice chobotnice pruhované klade okolo 50 vajec, která několik týdnů stále obklopuje svými rameny, po vylíhnutí v blízkosti matky zůstávají několik dní i mláďata. Ta měří maximálně čtyři milimetry, ale vyvíjejí se rychle. Po vyklubání se z vajíček si s sebou nesou žloutek, který jim několik hodiny poskytuje zásobu živin, ale již za několik dní jsou schopna lovit (nevyhýbají se ani kanibalismu). Brzy po vylíhnutí mláďat samice uhyne; samci zahynou už po spáření.



  • Animal Species: Blue-lined Octopus [online]. Australian Museum, rev. 23.4. 2010 [cit. 2018-07-11]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  • SHEPHERD, Scoresby; EDGAR, Graham. Ecology of Australian temperate reefs : the unique South. Collingwood: Csiro Publishing, 2013. 521 s. ISBN 9781486300099. S. 227.
  • BioLib.cz – Hapalochlaena fasciata (chobotnice pruhovaná) [online]. BioLib.cz. Dostupné online.

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Chobotnice pruhovaná: Brief Summary ( Çekçe )

wikipedia CZ tarafından sağlandı

Chobotnice pruhovaná (Hapalochlaena fasciata, syn. Octopus pictus fasciata) je druhem chobotnice, který společně s chobotnicí kroužkovanou (Hapalochlaena lunulata), chobotnicí skvrnitou (Hapalochlaena maculosa) a chobotnicí druhu Hapalochlaena nierstraszi tvoří rod Hapalochlaena (některé druhy, které by do tohoto rodu patřily, ještě nebyly vědecky popsány). Vyskytuje se ve vodách Tichého oceánu, v oblastech mezi jihem austrlského spolkového státu Queensland až po jih státu Nový Jižní Wales. Vyskytuje se na mělčinách při pobřeží či na sklanatých březích. Má hnědé zbarvení a při rozrušení se na těle objeví výrazné modré znaky. Chobotnice pruhovaná je drobným druhem a měří 4,5 cm, navzdory tomu je nicméně kvůli silnému jedu společně s ostatními členy rodu jedním z nejnebezpečnějších mořských tvorů. Ve slinných žlázách těchto chobotnic vytvářejí bakterie rodů Bacillus, Pseudomonas a Vibrio jed tetrodotoxin, který brání přenosu nervových impulsů do svalů a jež chobotnice vylučuje při kousnutí. Chobotnice jej využívá k lovu své kořisti, jako jsou krabi nebo menší druhy ryb, nicméně toxin je nebezpečný i pro člověka. Otrava se u lidí projevuje nevolností, paralýzou a respiračním selháním, samotné poranění radulou chobotnice ale nemusí být bolestivé. Nebezpečí představuje zejména pro menší děti, které mohou mít nutkání s chobotnicí manipulovat kvůli atraktivnímu zbarvení. Protijed neexistuje, jediná pomoc spočívá v podpoře dýchání a srdeční činnosti až do vypršení účinků jedu. Druh nicméně není agresivní a místo útoku volí raději únik do bezpečí.

Pohlavní dospělosti je dosaženo ve čtyřech měsících, později se chobotnice začínají pářit. Samice chobotnice pruhované klade okolo 50 vajec, která několik týdnů stále obklopuje svými rameny, po vylíhnutí v blízkosti matky zůstávají několik dní i mláďata. Ta měří maximálně čtyři milimetry, ale vyvíjejí se rychle. Po vyklubání se z vajíček si s sebou nesou žloutek, který jim několik hodiny poskytuje zásobu živin, ale již za několik dní jsou schopna lovit (nevyhýbají se ani kanibalismu). Brzy po vylíhnutí mláďat samice uhyne; samci zahynou už po spáření.

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Blue-lined octopus ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

The blue-lined octopus (Hapalochlaena fasciata) is one of four species[2] of highly venomous blue-ringed octopuses. It can be found in Pacific Ocean waters that stretch from Australia to Japan.[2] It is most commonly found around intertidal rocky shores and coastal waters to a depth of 15 metres (49 ft) between southern Queensland and southern New South Wales. It is relatively small, with a mantle up to 45 millimetres (1.8 in) in length. In its relaxed state, it is a mottled yellow-brown with dark blue or black streaks covering the whole body apart from the underside of its arms, but its vibrant blue markings appear as a warning to predators when it feels threatened.[3] Along with its other closely related species, the blue-lined octopus is regarded as one of the most dangerous animals in the sea, and its venom can be fatal to humans.[2]


Blue-lined octopuses tend to swim around shallow areas of coral reefs and tide pools.[4] They often hide in crevices of reefs, empty seashells, and other ocean resources they can find to conceal their identity.[4] They are diurnal creatures, hunting crabs and small fish during the day.[4] They do not use their venom (known as tetrodotoxin) to kill their prey, but instead trap it inside their arms and pierce them with its parrot-like beak.[4]


Blue-lined octopuses can be very lethal to humans. Their saliva contain a special neurotoxin called tetrodotoxin.[5] However, the species is more likely to flee and find shelter in an encounter due to their extremely shy nature.[3] Nonetheless, there have been at least three reported human deaths from the blue-lined octopus.[6] It poses most danger to those who pick up the octopus and physically touch it.[3]

If a human is to be attacked by the octopus, the injection may not be felt at first due to the small injection apparatus of the octopus.[3] After some time, symptoms of the injection include loss of feeling in the tongue/lips, muscle weakness/paralyzation, respiratory failure, unconsciousness, and eventually death.[3] The tetrodotoxin in blue-lined octopuses is so lethal that it has been estimated that the venom from a single 25-gram octopus can kill about ten 75-kilogram humans.[5]


The blue-lined octopuses start reproducing at a year old.[4] Males seek out female companions and then pounce on them. If they are successful, the female octopus will lay 50 to 100 eggs 30 days after the encounter.[4] During the 30 days, the female octopus hides her eggs under her arms and does not leave her hiding spot until the eggs hatch.[4] After laying her eggs, the female octopus dies.[4]


  1. ^ "Hapalochlaena fasciata". Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Retrieved 26 May 2021.
  2. ^ a b c Kim, Kwun, Bae, Park, Hey, Hyuck, Hanna, Jinsoon (March 2018). "First reliable record of he blue-lined octopus, Hapalochlaena fasciata (Hoyle, 1886) (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae), from Jeju Island, Korea". Journal of Asia-Pacific. 11: 21–24.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  3. ^ a b c d e "Blue-lined Octopus". The Australian Museum. Retrieved 21 January 2021.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h Pacific, Aquarium of the. "Greater Blue-ringed Octopus". www.aquariumofpacific.org. Retrieved 27 January 2021.
  5. ^ a b Townsend, Altvater, Thomas, Schuyler, Nette, Kathy, Jens, Michael, Qatar, Geoffrey (March 2012). "Death in the octopus' garden: fatal blue-lined octopus envenomations of adult green sea turtles". Marine Biology. 159 (3): 689–695. doi:10.1007/s00227-011-1846-9. PMC 3873062. PMID 24391271. S2CID 253740032 – via Gale Academic Offline.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  6. ^ Allan, Brownyn (2019). "Blue Ringed octopus". Australian Institute of Marine Science. Archived from the original on 17 September 2010. Retrieved 27 January 2021.
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Blue-lined octopus: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

The blue-lined octopus (Hapalochlaena fasciata) is one of four species of highly venomous blue-ringed octopuses. It can be found in Pacific Ocean waters that stretch from Australia to Japan. It is most commonly found around intertidal rocky shores and coastal waters to a depth of 15 metres (49 ft) between southern Queensland and southern New South Wales. It is relatively small, with a mantle up to 45 millimetres (1.8 in) in length. In its relaxed state, it is a mottled yellow-brown with dark blue or black streaks covering the whole body apart from the underside of its arms, but its vibrant blue markings appear as a warning to predators when it feels threatened. Along with its other closely related species, the blue-lined octopus is regarded as one of the most dangerous animals in the sea, and its venom can be fatal to humans.

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Hapalochlaena fasciata ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Hapalochlaena fasciata es una especie de molusco cefalópodo de la familia Octopodidae.[1]​ Su cuerpo mide unos 5 cm y sus tentáculos alcanzan los 10 cm.[2]​ Se distribuye en aguas subtropicales de Australia oriental, encontrándose principalmente en arrecifes rocosos y zonas de intermarea.[2]​ Como todas las especies de su género, se trata de un molusco venenoso.[2]


  1. Sistema Integrado de Información Taxonómica. «Hapalochlaena fasciata (TSN 556206)» (en inglés).
  2. a b c Norman, Mark (2000). Guía de Cefalópodos del Mundo. Elche, España: Grupo M&G Difusión. p. 320. ISBN 84-95223-06-6.

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Hapalochlaena fasciata: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Hapalochlaena fasciata es una especie de molusco cefalópodo de la familia Octopodidae.​ Su cuerpo mide unos 5 cm y sus tentáculos alcanzan los 10 cm.​ Se distribuye en aguas subtropicales de Australia oriental, encontrándose principalmente en arrecifes rocosos y zonas de intermarea.​ Como todas las especies de su género, se trata de un molusco venenoso.​

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Hapalochlaena fasciata ( Fransızca )

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Hapalochaena fasciata

Hapalochlaena maculosa est un céphalopode de la famille des Octopodidae.


La longueur de son manteau peut atteindre jusqu'à 45 mm. Elle est jaune foncé avec des stries bleu foncé ou noires couvrant tout son corps en dehors de la face interne de ses bras.

Habitat et répartition

On la trouve le plus souvent autour de la zone intertidale des rivages rocheux et des eaux côtières jusqu'à une profondeur de 15 mètres entre le sud du Queensland et le sud de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud en Australie.


Elle fait partie du genre Hapalochlaena qui est, malgré sa petite taille, l'un des seuls genres de céphalopodes capables de tuer un humain. Son venin, d’origine salivaire, contient une neurotoxine qui agit en quelques minutes et provoque une détresse respiratoire grave. Cette neurotoxine, initialement appelée « maculotoxine », a depuis été identifiée à la tétrodotoxine[1]. Traitement : immobilisation, désinfection, glaçage, évacuation vers un centre médical. La victime pouvant présenter à tout moment un arrêt respiratoire terminal, les secouristes doivent être capables d’effectuer une respiration artificielle.

Références taxinomiques


  1. Jérome Seyer[le lien externe a été retiré], « Les poulpes venimeux », Société de Médecine des milieux naturels et des pathologies liées à la faune et la flore, avril 2009 (consulté le 24 juillet 2010)
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Hapalochlaena fasciata: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Hapalochaena fasciata

Hapalochlaena maculosa est un céphalopode de la famille des Octopodidae.

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Hapalochlaena fasciata ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

Il polpo dalle linee blu (Hapalochlaena fasciata Hoyle, 1886), è un mollusco cefalopode della famiglia Octopodidae, diffuso nelle coste dell'Australia orientale.

Come gli altri membri del suo genere, noti in inglese come "blue-ringed octopus" (polpi dagli anelli blu), è una specie famosa per il suo veleno, una neurotossina mortale, considerata fatale anche per un uomo adulto e in salute.


Il piccolo H. fasciata si fa trovare spesso nei letti di alghe
Mimetismo perfetto di H. fasciata; se disturbato illumina linee ed anelli blu

H. fasciata è uno dei polpi più piccoli; da adulto raggiunge solamente i 15 cm di lunghezza. Il corpo (mantello) raggiunge solitamente i 5 cm, e le braccia arrivano a 10 cm[1].

H. fasciata è identificabile da un motivo di linee blu iridescenti sul mantello e da motivi con anelli blu sulle braccia. Nelle altre specie dello stesso genere gli anelli blu sono presenti anche sul mantello, che non presenta linee[1].

Distribuzione e habitat

Il polpo dalle linee blu vive nelle acque subtropicali al largo dell'Australia orientale, a sud della Grande Barriera Corallina (dove è sostituito da H. lunulata). È molto comune nel mare di Sydney[1].

H. fasciata è una specie costiera che si trova nelle scogliere rocciose intertidali e nei letti di alghe in acque costiere poco profonde. Possono essere trovati da pozze intertidali ad aree di almeno 30 m di profondità. Talvolta si trova ad usare come rifugio bottiglie scartate o gasteropodi vuoti e gusci di bivalvi[1].


Il polpo dalle linee blu si nutre principalmente di notte, ma può anche essere attivo durante il giorno, soprattutto nelle pozze rocciose[1].


Sebbene il potente veleno dei polpi dagli anelli blu abbia causato alcune vittime umane (circa tre casi), sono creature molto timide e non aggressive che preferiscono nascondersi sotto le sporgenze e nelle fessure. Gli incontri con gli umani di solito portano il polpo a nascondersi rapidamente in cerca di riparo. È solo quando l'animale viene raccolto che è probabile che morda e che inietti il suo veleno paralizzante[1].


Come negli altri polpi, la sua dieta consiste principalmente di crostacei e piccoli pesci. H. fasciata ha un veleno estremamente potente prodotto da batteri nelle loro ghiandole salivari che usano per paralizzare la loro preda. Usano il loro becco o radula per creare una ferita nella loro preda e vi inseriscono la saliva paralizzante[1].


Diversamente da molte altre specie di polpi, la femmina H. fasciata porta le uova tra le braccia finché non si schiudono. I giovani quando nascono sono ben sviluppati e adottano rapidamente uno stile di vita bentonico. Fin dal primo giorno i piccoli possiedono già i segni blu iridescenti che pubblicizzano la loro natura pericolosa, poiché la tossina viene trasmessa alla generazione successiva nelle uova[1].


La saliva dei polpi dagli anelli blu contiene una potente tossina, la tetrodotossina. Questa sostanza chimica agisce per paralizzare prede o predatori bloccando i nervi dalla trasmissione di messaggi. Negli esseri umani la tossina agisce provocando insufficienza respiratoria mentre le vittime rimangono pienamente coscienti. I polpi dagli anelli blu sono stati responsabili di almeno tre decessi umani e numerosi altri gravi casi, seppur non mortali. In Australia la maggior parte dei decessi è stata effettivamente attribuita a H. maculosa e H. lunulata[1].

I polpi dagli anelli blu, tuttavia, sono creature timide ed evitano di mordere le persone. È solo quando vengono maneggiati, molestati o schiacciati che possono talvolta mordere. Il morso di H. fasciata potrebbe non essere sentito, ma in pochi minuti i sintomi includono intorpidimento delle labbra e della lingua, difficoltà di respirazione, seguita da paralisi completa dei muscoli respiratori[1].

L'uso rapido della respirazione bocca a bocca ha salvato la vita a più di 10 vittime di morsi documentate[1].


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k (EN) Opening Hours 10am-5pmFree General Entry Address 1 William StreetSydney NSW 2010 Australia Phone +61 2 9320 6000 www australian museum Copyright © 2021 The Australian Museum ABN 85 407 224 698 View Museum News, Southern Blue-lined Octopus, su The Australian Museum. URL consultato il 14 giugno 2021.

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Hapalochlaena fasciata: Brief Summary ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

Il polpo dalle linee blu (Hapalochlaena fasciata Hoyle, 1886), è un mollusco cefalopode della famiglia Octopodidae, diffuso nelle coste dell'Australia orientale.

Come gli altri membri del suo genere, noti in inglese come "blue-ringed octopus" (polpi dagli anelli blu), è una specie famosa per il suo veleno, una neurotossina mortale, considerata fatale anche per un uomo adulto e in salute.

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Hapalochlaena fasciata ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı

Hapalochlaena fasciata is een van de drie (of misschien vier) soorten blauwgeringde octopussen. De soort komt voor aan de rotskusten van zuidelijk Australië tussen het zuiden van Queensland en het zuiden van Nieuw-Zuid-Wales op diepten tot 15 meter. Volwassen exemplaren hebben een mantellengte van 45 mm. De soort is uiterst giftig.

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Hapalochlaena fasciata: Brief Summary ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı

Hapalochlaena fasciata is een van de drie (of misschien vier) soorten blauwgeringde octopussen. De soort komt voor aan de rotskusten van zuidelijk Australië tussen het zuiden van Queensland en het zuiden van Nieuw-Zuid-Wales op diepten tot 15 meter. Volwassen exemplaren hebben een mantellengte van 45 mm. De soort is uiterst giftig.

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Bạch tuộc viền xanh ( Vietnamca )

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Bài viết này cần thêm chú thích nguồn gốc để kiểm chứng thông tin. Mời bạn giúp hoàn thiện bài viết này bằng cách bổ sung chú thích tới các nguồn đáng tin cậy. Các nội dung không có nguồn có thể bị nghi ngờ và xóa bỏ.

Bạch tuộc viền xanh, tên khoa học Hapalochlaena fasciata, là một trong 3 (hoặc có thể là 4) loài bạch tuộc của chi Hapalochlaena. Nó thường được tìm thấy xung quanh bờ triền đá và vùng nước ven biển có độ sâu 15 mét (49 ft) giữa miền Nam Queensland và miền nam New South Wales. Nó có thể phát triển đến chiều dài 45 mm (1.8 in).

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wikipedia VI

Bạch tuộc viền xanh: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Bạch tuộc viền xanh, tên khoa học Hapalochlaena fasciata, là một trong 3 (hoặc có thể là 4) loài bạch tuộc của chi Hapalochlaena. Nó thường được tìm thấy xung quanh bờ triền đá và vùng nước ven biển có độ sâu 15 mét (49 ft) giữa miền Nam Queensland và miền nam New South Wales. Nó có thể phát triển đến chiều dài 45 mm (1.8 in).

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藍紋章魚 ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı
二名法 Haplochlaena cf. fasciata
Hoyle, 1886

藍紋章魚学名Haplochlaena fasciata)为章魚科豹紋蛸屬下的一个种。



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藍紋章魚: Brief Summary ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı

藍紋章魚(学名:Haplochlaena fasciata)为章魚科豹紋蛸屬下的一个种。

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파란선문어 ( Korece )

wikipedia 한국어 위키백과 tarafından sağlandı

파란선문어문어목 문어과의 연체동물이다. 그것은 퀸즐랜드주 남부와 뉴사우스웨일스주 남부의 15m 깊이 조간대 바위 해안과 연안 해역에서 가장 흔하게 발견된다. 몸집은 상대적으로 작으며 외투막은 최대 45mm이다. 성체의 몸길이는 4.5 ~ 5.5cm이다. 작은 크기의 문어이지만, 침샘 등에 '테트로도톡신'으로 불리는 독을 함유하고 있을 뿐더러 그 독성은 청산가리의 10배에 가하므로 맨손으로 만질 시에 매우 치명적이다.

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