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Patagobia Schmidt & De Freina 2011

Description ( İngilizce )

Zookeys tarafından sağlandı
Male (female unknown). Head – vestiture dark brown to black, setae long; antenna bipectinate, ciliate ventrally; longest posterior rami 1.5–3.0 ? segment length, longest anterior rami 1.1–3.0 ? segment length; rami longest over middle third of antenna, decreasing in length toward base and apex; eye elliptical, 1.2–1.5 ? as high as wide; labial palp short, not extending beyond vestiture of frons; haustellum reduced and poorly sclerotized, presumably nonfunctional. Thorax – vestiture of vertex and ventrum of thorax black brown; tegulae entirely black brown or black brown edged with yellowish brown; patagia yellowish brown or rarely black brown; leg vestiture brownish ochre, dorsum of femur yellow or red, co-varying with hindwing and abdomen ground colour; apex of prothoracic tibia with two subequal, blunt, triangular projections; mesotibia with two apical and two subapical spurs, length of apical spurs 1.5 ? and supapical spurs 0.6 ? tibial width at apex; two metatibial spurs, posterior spur slightly longer than anterior; metepisternum lacking microtymbals. Forewings – forewing length 12.9–13.2 mm (mean 13.1 mm; n = 4), length:width ratio averaging 2.1; ground colour pale ochre yellow but with broad, sometimes entirely confluent dark-brown transverse bands (Fig. 4c); pattern elements consisting of dark basal area and sinuous, diffuse dark-brown transverse lines (Fig. 4a) discal spot indistinct dorsally, but well defined ventrally; ventrally with bands obsolete except for marginal band. Hindwing – ground colour pinkish red or rarely yellow (Fig. 4d), with broad dark-brown marginal and costal band; well-defined brown, crescentic discal spot; similar ventrally but with discal spot better defined. Abdomen – Vestiture brownish black and pinkish red or yellow subdorsdally, ventrally with segmental margins yellowish ochre; abdomen entirely dark brown in melanic specimens (Fig. 4c). Coremata between sternites 7–8 in shallow pockets, scent scales approximately 0.5 ? as long as sternite length. Genitalia – highly simplified, with large, triangular, dorsoventrally flattened uncus characteristic of subtribe; uncus 1.5 ? longer than width of base, broadly joined to wide, band-like tegumen; dorsal margin of tegumen caudally recurved; valve simple and digitate, lacking processes or claspers, 1.5 ? as long as uncus-tegumen complex; vinculum semicircular, saccus v-shaped, similar in length to uncus; aedeagus large, 5–6 ? longer than wide, 2 ? as long as width of genital capsule, curving dorsad slightly; coecum 1/10 length of aedeagus, directed slightly ventrad; vesica extremely large, diameter when inflated 2 ? that of genital capsule; vesica directed right-laterad, globose, finely spiculate, with poorly differentiated basal chamber and large apical chamber (Fig. 11b).
telif hakkı
B. Christian Schmidt, Josef J. De Freina
bibliyografik atıf
Schmidt B, Freina J (2011) Generic placement of the Neotropical species of “ Phragmatobia” (Erebidae, Arctiinae), with a remarkable matrivorous species from the Peruvian Andes ZooKeys 149: 69–88
B. Christian Schmidt
Josef J. De Freina
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