
Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology tarafından sağlandı
Clypeomorus petrosa petrosa (Wood)

?Strombus tuberculatus Linnaeus, 1767:1213, no. 514 [type: not found, see Dodge, 1956:289; type-locality: “In Mare Mediterraneo”; not Strombus tuberculatus Born, 1778; nomen dubium].

Strombus petrosus Wood, 1828:13, 34 [cited as Cerithium on p. 34], pl. 4: fig. 9 [holotype: BMNH, no number; type-locality: “East Indies,” here restricted to Suva, Viti Levu, Fiji].

Cerithium janellii Hombron and Jacquinot, 1852, pl. 24: figs. 19–22 [holotype: MNHNP, no number; type-locality: “Vavao”]; 1854:104.

Cerithium petrosum (Wood).—Sowerby, 1855:871, pl. 182: figs. 171–172; 1865, pl. 7: fig. 43a,b.—Fischer and Vignal in P.H. Fischer, 1901:111.—Kobelt, 1890:83–84, pl. 16: figs. 2–3.

Cerithium variegatum Quoy and Gaimard.—Sowerby, 1865: pl. 7: figs. 41a,b,c [not Cerithium variegatum Quoy and Gaimard, 1834: is Clypeomorus petrosa (Wood, 1828)].

Clypeomorus tuberculatus (Linnaeus).—Cernohorsky, 1972: 70, pl. 16: fig. 2 [not Strombus tuberculatus Linnaeus, 1767: is Clypeomorus petrosa (Wood, 1828)].

Cerithium bifasciatum Sowerby.—Dance, 1974:66, text fig. [not Cerithium bifasciatum Sowerby, 1855: is Clypeomorus petrosa (Wood, 1828)].

Cerithium petrosus (Wood).—Shirai, 1977:275 [not Clypeomorus petrosa (Wood, 1828): is Clypeomorus bifasciata (Sowerby, 1855)].

DESCRIPTION.—Shell (Figure 32; Table 17): Adult shell obese, angular in outline, with moderately elongate teleoconch comprising 9 or 10 inflated, nodulose whorls having an apical angle of 38 degrees. Shell reaching 30.5 mm in length. Outline of shell pupiform due to concave aspect of early whorls and inflation of later whorls. Whorls sculptured with three major nodulose spiral cords and numerous smooth fine spiral striae. Inflated penultimate whorl has a fourth nodulose spiral cord at base of whorl adjacent to suture. Nodes frequently spinose on penultimate and body whorls and drawn out spirally. Nodes aligned to form about 14 axial ribs on penultimate whorl. Former varices present forming larger axial ribs, the largest being on body whorl. Early whorls each with 3 beaded spiral cords and distinct axial riblets formed by alignment of beads. Postnuclear whorls each with 3 smooth spiral cords. Protoconch unknown. Body whorl large, inflated, sculptured with numerous fine spiral threads and 8 or 9 beaded spiral cords, the most prominent being on the upper portion of the whorl. Base of body whorl moderately constricted; slight siphonal fasciole present. Large angular dorsal varix on body whorls about 45 degrees left of the plane of the aperture when shell viewed anteriorly. Suture distinct, slightly wavy. Aperture ovate, a little less than one-fourth the length of the shell. Anterior siphonal canal short, distinct, moderately reflexed, and with directed axis. Anal canal distinct, deeply incised, and bordered by parietal columellar plait that extends well into shell aperture. Columella concave with slight columellar parietal callus. Outer lip thin, slightly thickened at edge, and moderately crenulate. Parietal part of outer lip extends slightly onto penultimate whorl. Plane of outer lip in line with shell axis. Bottom portion of outer lip pendant, curving around to siphonal canal and when the shell is viewed anteriorly, appears to extend slightly over siphonal opening. Shell color normally white, sometimes cream, light yellow or brown. Nodes usually dark brown or black, presenting overall pattern of dashed spiral lines and spots. Shell occasionally pigmented with alternating, thick bands of brown and white. Aperture and columella white; darker spots on shell surface showing through inner wall of aperture. Periostracum light brown, usually eroded on earlier whorls. Operculum thin, tan, ovate, corneous, paucispiral with nucleus near inner edge. Attachment scar on lower third of obverse of operculum has raised spiral threads originating from nucleus.

Radula (Figure 33b,d; Table 18): Radular ribbon short, about one-sixth the length of the shell and comprising about 80 rows of teeth. Shell length/radula length index 5.32. Rachidian tooth (Figure 33e) pentagonal, about 75 μm wide. Basal plate of rachidian tooth pointed at base and with slight lateral depression midway on each side. Sides of rachidian tooth convex, top straight or slightly convex. Cutting edge with large, chisel-shaped central cusp flanked by 1 or 2 tiny blunt denticles on each side. Lateral tooth (Figure 33c) rhomboidal with long twisted lateral extension that inserts onto basal radular membrane. Basal plate of lateral tooth with large, medianly placed butress, directed downward. Cutting edge of lateral tooth with large, chisel-shaped median cusp flanked on inner side by single small pointed denticle and on outer side by 2 (sometimes 3), small pointed denticles. Slight flange on basal plate is directly adjacent to cutting edge of lateral tooth. Marginal teeth (Figure 33b,d,f) long, curving, slightly swollen in center of tooth shaft, and pointed where attached to radular membrane. Tips of marginal teeth sharply curved and spatulate. Inner marginal tooth with two small blunt inner denticles and a large spoon-shaped central cusp and single, tiny, pointed, outer denticle that is nearly fused to large cusp. Outer marginal tooth same, only lacking outer denticle.

Animal (Figure 34): Head-foot tan and covered wtih tiny white dots and larger black blotches. Mantle edge bifurcated into outer smooth fold and inner papillate one. Papillae at dorsal mantle edge numerous, moderately long. Right side of foot has deep ciliated groove that runs from exhalant siphon to sole of foot. No ovipositor seen. Pallial complex as described in Clypeomorus bifasciata. Pair of salivary glands present, two thirds of which lie anterior to nerve ring. Midesophagus enlarges to form large crop. Pallial oviduct differs from that of Clypeomorus bifasciata in having a heavily ciliated worm-like ridge (Figure 34A, r) along the edge of the lateral lamina, which is fused to the mantle wall. It is particularly well developed adjacent to the opening of the spermatophore bursa (Figure 34A, sbo). The sperm gutter (Figure 34A,B, sg) is wide and spaceous at its distal end (Figure 34A, sbo) but becomes shallow in the midportion of the edge of the medial lamina and opens into a deep duct (Figure 34A,C, osr) that leads into the seminal receptacle (Figure 34A,D, sr). This arrangement differs from that of Clypeomorus bifasciata, C. brevis, and C. batillariaeformis. A duct (Figure 34A, d) lies on the inner surface of the seminal receptacle, opening into the oviducal groove (Figure 34A,B ovd). The spermatophore bursa opening (Figure 34A, sbo) is wide and spaceous at the distal end of the medial lamina but narrows and becomes a tube leading into a spaceous spermatophore bursa located in the proximal portion of the lamina (Figure 34A,C,D, sb). The spermatophore bursa (Figure 34A–D, sb) opens into the seminal receptacle (Figure 34A,C,osr). Under the seminal receptacle (Figure 34A,D, sr) on the proximal side of the medial lamina, there is a small duct (Figure 34A, d) that leads into the proximal oviducal groove, presumably the site of fertilization. Males not observed.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—SOUTHEAST ASIA: NE coast, E of St. John's Id, Singapore (USNM 660811); Koh Tao Id, Gulf of Siam, Thailand (USNM 405956). GUAM: Atn'n beach (USNM 670052); Apra Bay (USNM 232943). RYUKYU ISLANDS: Chinen, Okinawa (LACM 272270). QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA: Murray Id, Torres Strait (AMS); Stover Bay, Somerset, Cape York Peninsula (AMS); Lizard Id (USNM 794872, 794874); Hope Ids, S of Cooktown (AMS); Low Ids, Port Douglas (AMS, USNM 704070, 770612); Russell Id (USNM 623082); Michaelmas Cay, NE of Cairns (AMS); Green Id (AMS); Geoffrey Bay, Magnetic Ids, off Townsville (AMS); Palm Ids, N of Townsville (AMS); Hollbourne Id, N of Bowen (AMS); Lindeman Id, Cumberland Group (AMS); Hook Id, Whitsunday Group (AMS); Hayman Id, Whitsunday Group (USNM 704905); Mackay (AMS); Yeppon (AMS); Facing Id, N of Gladstone (AMS); N Keppel Id, off Rockhampton (AMS); Girt Id, Keppel Bay (WAM 886–76); Shelly Beach, Caloundra (AMS). NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA: Wooli, SE of Grafton (AMS); Wodgodga (AMS); Angousie (AMS); Minnie Wakers (AMS).

BISMARK ARCHIPELAGO: Duke of York Ids, New Britain (AMS); Mongop, S of Kavieng, New Ireland (AMS); Kuia Id, Lusancay Ids, Trobriand Group (AMS). SOLOMON ISLANDS: Choiseul Id (ANSP 185356); Lunga, Guadalcanal (AMNH 129751); Laulasi Id, S of Aoki, W coast of Malaita Id (AMS). SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS: Santa Cruz Id (AMS); Vanikoro Id (AMS); Reef Id (AMS). NEW HEBRIDES: N end, Black Beach, Tana (USNM 692455, 692574); Palikulo Bay, Espirito Santo (USNM 686275, 686276); Killi Killi, Little Malo (USNM 686297, 686307); Vir, NE of Santa Maria Id, Banks Group (USNM 686249); lagoon of Efate (AMS); Efate Id (AMS, USNM 787650); NW Efate (USNM 787727); Pointe d'Arbel, Efate (USNM 787504, 787508); Takara, NE part of Efate Id (LACM77-42); SE coast of Santos Id (USNM 787214). LOYALTY ISLANDS: We, Lifu (USNM 784177); Lifu (USNM 423311). NEW CALEDONIA: Hienghene (USNM 666088); N end, Kouebuni Id (USNM 693757); SE end, Nau Id (USNM 693802, 693803); Redika Id, 18 mi (29 km) SE Nouméa (USNM 724131); Pt Magnin, near Nouméa (USNM 724089); N part of Nouméa (USNM 801417); Touaurou (USNM 724611, 784362, 784391, 784402); San Gabriel, 8 km S of Touaurou (USNM 784358); S of Yate, Touaurou (USNM 801415); Yate (ANSP 238300); Baie de Prony (USNM 724817).

FIJI: (USNM 76677); W side of Mali pass, N coast, Vanua Levu (USNM 694856); Rambi Id, Georgia Cave, W coast of Vanua Levu (USNM 695394); N side of Verevere Id, N coast of Vanua Levu (USNM 694995); SW side of Ovatoa, Vanua Levu (USNM 694758); S of Waikama, Ngau (USNM 686685); S of Harold Bay, Ngau (USNM 686624, 686642); W side of Waya Id, Kandavu (USNM 692242); Yawiavu Point, S tip, Kandavu (USNM 697062); Daumba Reef, S coast of Viti Levu (USNM 794734); Nandi Bay, Viti Levu (ANSP 255355); W side Malake Id, Viti Levu (USNM 694569); Cuvu Id, Nandronga, Viti Levu (USNM 616871); Yakuilau Id, off Nandi Bay, Viti Levu (USNM 658772); Suva, Viti Levu (USNM 532090); Leleuvia Id, Mbau, Viti Levu (USNM 666406); w side Malake Id, Viti Levu (USNM 694500); Makuluva, Viti Levu (USNM 531854); NW side Ovalau Id (USNM 694256); Felialupo Road, W side of Savai (USNM 675953); NE side Wakaya Id (USNM 666353, 666294); Matruku (USNM 686517); N side of Totoya Id (USNM 686547). SAMOA: Pago Pago, Tutuila (USNM 574040) Airport Reef, Tutuila (USNM 699472, 699474, 699475); Leone Bay, Tutuila (USNM 699337); Asili area, Tutuila (USNM 699355); Fagasa Bay, Tutuila (USNM 699385); Vatia Cove, Tutuila (USNM 699277); Fagaitua Bay, Tutuila (USNM 704691); Fagaalu, Tutuila (USNM 699021, 699025); W side of Ofu, Manua Ids, Tutuila (USNM 699422); Mulinuu Point, Upolu (USNM 698820); Apra (USNM 573865, 573878). WALLIS AND FUTUNA: Pointe d'Alo to Sigave bay, Futuna, Horn Ids (USNM 676656); NW of Mira, Alofi, Horn Ids (USNM 676657); E side of Anse de Sigave, Futuna, Horn Ids (USNM 676498); N coast of Faioa, Wallis Id (USNM 676243); shore of Faioa, Wallis Id (USNM 676100). RAPA: (USNM, no number).
bibliyografik atıf
Houbrick, Richard S. 1985. "Genus Clypeomorus Jousseaume (Cerithiidae: Prosobranchia)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-131. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.403