Description: English: Leishmania major. Fusion of L. amazonensis vacuoles with PVs that shelter L. major promastigotes. Multidimensional imaging of macrophages infected with L. amazonensis-WT for previous 48 hours and superinfected with L. major-DsRed2 metacyclic-enriched promastigotes. L. major-DsRed2 promastigote (red) is sheltered by tight PV, weakly stained with Lysotracker (green), which interacts with large, Lysotracker-positive, L. amazonensis-WT PV. Merged images of Lysotracker and DsRed2 signals show transfer of L. major-DsRed2 promastigote to L. amazonensis PV; time after promastigote addition is shown (h:mm). Images were constructed using ImarisTM blend filter. Bars = 10 um. Date: 8 December 2010. Source: Author: Fernando Real.