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Rubroboletus satanas (Smotl. ex Antonín & Janda) Janda & Kříž 2016

Associations ( İngilizce )

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In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / mycorrhiza / ectomycorrhiza
fruitbody of Boletus satanas is ectomycorrhizal with live root of Helianthemum nummularium
Remarks: Other: uncertain

Foodplant / mycorrhiza / ectomycorrhiza
fruitbody of Boletus satanas is ectomycorrhizal with live root of Quercus
Other: minor host/prey

Foodplant / mycorrhiza / ectomycorrhiza
fruitbody of Boletus satanas is ectomycorrhizal with live root of Fagus
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / mycorrhiza / ectomycorrhiza
fruitbody of Boletus satanas is ectomycorrhizal with live root of Fagus sylvatica

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Boletus satanas ( Asturyasça )

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Boletus satanas
Carauterístiques micolóxiques
Symbol question.svg
Convex cap icon.svg
El sombreru ye convexu
No gills icon.png
Láminas: Non aplicable
Bare stipe icon.png
El pie ta desnudu
Olive spore print icon.png
Espores de color aceituna
Mycorrhizal ecology icon.png
Poisonous toxicity icon.png
Comestibilidá: venenosa[editar datos en Wikidata]

Boletus satanas, o boletu de Satanás,[2] ye un fungu basidiomiceto de la familia Boletaceae,[1] qu'habita en montes de caducifolios de les rexones templaes d'Europa y Norteamérica, preferentemente en suelos caliares. El cuerpu granible apruz de branu a seronda. Ye un fungu venenosu en crudu, provocando trestornos gastrointestinales, ente que cocíu ye indixestu. L'epítetu específicu "satanas" significa "satánicu". Son especies bien próximes el B. torosus, el B. splendidus y el B. rhodopurpureus que tampoco tienen valor como comestible, resultando indixestos o llixeramente tóxicos.[2]


La cogorda del Boletus satanas tien un sombreru que puede llegar a midir hasta 25 ó 30 cm de diámetru, bien gruesu y compactu, con una cutícula que va del blancu abuxáu al verde oliváceo bien pálidu. La so forma pasa de ser cuasi esférica colos marxes endolcaos y de testura llixeramente aterciopelada, a abrir y tomar una forma convexa y testura llisa nel maduror. Los poros na zona inferior del sombreru son d'un color amarellentáu nes fases tempranes, pasando dempués al anaranxáu, tomando finalmente un tonu coloráu. El pie del cuerpu granible mide ente 5 y 12 cm de llongura por ente 4 y 10 cm d'anchu, ye curtiu y tien un aspeutu gordosu. En fases tempranes, el pie ye amarellentáu na parte cimera, colloráu na parte central y pardu acoloratáu na base. En fases más madures toma color acoloratáu na so totalidá y enllórdiase d'azul al tactu, principalmente na parte inferior. La so carne ye compacta y blanca o amarellentada. Al cortala toma un tonu abuxáu y dempués azuláu. El so golor ye desagradable y el so sabor duce. El so esporada ye de color verde oliváceo.[2]

Posibilidaes de tracamundiu

Ye posible confundilo con especies cercanes como B. rhodoxantus o con exemplares xuveniles de B. calopus. Nenguna d'estos dos especies ye comestible.[2]


  1. 1,0 1,1 «Boletus satanas» (n'inglés), Catalogue of Life (2010 Annual Checklist), Sistema Integráu d'Información Taxonómica (ITIS), http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2010/browse/tree/id/5948657
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 Grünert, H.; Grünert, R. (1984). Guíes de Naturaleza Blume: Cogordes (t. orixinal:"Pilze"). Blume, 208. ISBN 84-87535-11-9.

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wikipedia AST

Boletus satanas: Brief Summary ( Asturyasça )

wikipedia AST tarafından sağlandı

Boletus satanas, o boletu de Satanás, ye un fungu basidiomiceto de la familia Boletaceae, qu'habita en montes de caducifolios de les rexones templaes d'Europa y Norteamérica, preferentemente en suelos caliares. El cuerpu granible apruz de branu a seronda. Ye un fungu venenosu en crudu, provocando trestornos gastrointestinales, ente que cocíu ye indixestu. L'epítetu específicu "satanas" significa "satánicu". Son especies bien próximes el B. torosus, el B. splendidus y el B. rhodopurpureus que tampoco tienen valor como comestible, resultando indixestos o llixeramente tóxicos.

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Satans-Röhrling ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı

Der Satans-Röhrling (Rubroboletus satanas,[1] Synonym: Boletus satanas), auch Satanspilz genannt, ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie der Dickröhrlingsverwandten (Boletaceae). Er ist ein Giftpilz.


Gruppenfoto: Fruchtkörper in verschiedenen Altersstadien

Der kompakte Hut kann bis zu 35 cm breit werden. Zuerst halbkugelig, dann polsterförmig ausgebreitet, ist er im Alter unregelmäßig verbogen. Jung ist der Hut kalkweiß bis weißgrau, älter tendiert er mehr ins Ocker-, Lederfarbene und manchmal leicht ins Grünliche. Die Huthaut ist fein filzig-haarig bewachsen, verkahlt später und wird dann oft schwach klebrig-schmierig; sie blaut bei Berührung nicht. Die Röhren sind erst blassgelb und laufen schließlich grüngelb und schwach blaugrün an. Die Poren sind nur bei jungen Pilzen gelblich, aber sehr bald rötlich überhaucht und bereits vor der vollen Reife ganz rot. Der Stiel wird 5 bis 12 cm lang und ist dabei oft sehr knollig-bauchig (4 bis 10 cm); meist ist er breiter als lang und jung sogar fast kugelig. Er ist von einem deutlich roten Netz auf gelbem Grund überzogen, das zuletzt düster blutrot wird, engmaschig, sechseckig ist und manchmal bis zur gelblichen Basiszone reicht. Das Fleisch ist weißlich, gelb bis hellocker, wird bei Bruch nur mäßig blau und verfärbt sich sehr selten rötlich. Der Geruch ist jung schwach und wird erst später und nach längerem Liegen aasartig.

Ökologie und Verbreitung

Der Satans-Röhrling kommt in der gesamten gemäßigten Zone vor, doch weist er in Europa eine deutlich südliche Verbreitung auf. Er wächst als Mykorrhizapilz in Laubwäldern, bevorzugt auf kalkhaltigen Böden, und erscheint dort etwa von Juni bis September.


Der Satans-Röhrling kann insbesondere mit anderen rotporigen Dickröhrlingen verwechselt werden. Der Blasshütige Purpur-Röhrling (R. rhodoxanthus) ist durch ein karminrotes Stielnetz und leuchtend gelbes, nur im Hut blauendes Fleisch gekennzeichnet. In höheren Lagen ist mit dem Weinroten Purpur-Röhrling (R. rubrosanguineus) ein weiterer Doppelgänger anzutreffen. Er besitzt in der Regel einen schmaleren Stiel und im Alter eine weinrote Hutfarbe. Auch der ungenießbare Schönfuß-Röhrling (Caloboletus calopus) kann dem Satans-Röhrling ähneln. Die Röhrenmündungen der Fruchtkörper sind jedoch bis auf die Varietät ruforubraporus gelb und nicht rot gefärbt. Darüber hinaus halten Pilzsammler oft die essbaren Hexen-Röhrlinge wie zum Beispiel den Netzstieligen (Suillellus luridus) oder den Flockenstieligen Hexen-Röhrling (Neoboletus luridiformis) für den Satans-Röhrling. Diese bilden jedoch braunhütige Fruchtkörper aus, auch mit Oliv- oder Rottönen. Sie sind weniger massiv und dickfleischig und haben keinen so starken Farbkontrast zwischen blutroter Unterseite und bleichem Hut. Die Stieloberfläche unterscheidet sich ebenfalls. Sie ist beim Flockenstieligen Hexen-Röhrling netzlos, mit roten Flöckchen bedeckt, der Netzstielige hat ein deutlicheres, grobmaschigeres Stielnetz als der Satans-Röhrling, auf orangebraunem Grund. Darüber hinaus blaut ihr Fleisch bei Kontakt mit Luftsauerstoff schnell und deutlich.


Der Satans-Röhrling ist giftig, er enthält das Glycoprotein Bolesatin, das schwere Magen- und Darmbeschwerden verursacht,[2] insbesondere einen schnell einsetzenden Brechdurchfall.[3] Tödliche Vergiftungen durch Röhrlinge sind nicht bekannt geworden.




  1. Kuan Zhao, Gang Wu, Zhu L. Yang: A new genus, Rubroboletus, to accommodate Boletus sinicus and its allies. In: Phytotaxa. Band 188, Nr. 2, 2014, S. 61–77, doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.188.2.1.
  2. Jiri Patocka: Bolesatine – a toxic protein from the mushroom Rubroboletus satanas
  3. Helmut Schubothe: Pilzvergiftungen. In: Ludwig Heilmeyer (Hrsg.): Lehrbuch der Inneren Medizin. Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Göttingen/Heidelberg 1955; 2. Auflage ebenda 1961, S. 1214 f., hier: S. 1214 (Satanspilzvergiftung).


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Satans-Röhrling: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı

Der Satans-Röhrling (Rubroboletus satanas, Synonym: Boletus satanas), auch Satanspilz genannt, ist eine Pilzart aus der Familie der Dickröhrlingsverwandten (Boletaceae). Er ist ein Giftpilz.

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Boletus satanas ( Arnavutça )

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Boletus satanas ( Boleti i Satanit )


Gjysmë sferike, pastaj konvekse, me trup të madh (10-30 cm), e trashë dhe kompakte, e bardhë-gri që shkon drejt ngjyrës së verdhë.


Të verdhë ose të verdhë-gjelbër.


Të imët, të verdhë, pastaj bëhen të kuq, bëhen blu të gjelbër po të preken.


E shkurtër, vezake e fryrë, e verdhë, më shpesh e kuqe në pjesën e mesme, e zbukuruar me një rrjetë të imët të kuqe.


Sfungjeror me ngjyrë të verdhë krem, që bëhet blu menjëherë në ajër, shije të ëmbël, pastaj të hidhur.


Me ngjyrë gjelbëroshe në masë.


Në vende të thata të djellëzuara të pyjeve me fletorë, dushqe e ahe, në toka gëlqerore sidomos nën lirishte e shqopishte. Gjendet në terrene gëlqerore.


Në verë, i rrallë.


Helmues por jo i rrezikshëm, provokon shqetësime gastro-intestinale për disa ditë.


Kjo specie shpesh ngatërrohet me lloje të tjera të grupit si B. luridus, por B. satanas është një kërpudhë që dallohet me lehtësi nga kapelja e zbehtë, e bardhme ose pak gjelbëroshe dhe nga tuli i bardhëm. Tek speciet e afërta tuli është i verdhë.



  1. ^ Murat Xhulaj. KERPUDHAT.
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Boletus satanas: Brief Summary ( Arnavutça )

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Boletus satanas ( Boleti i Satanit )

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Boloe do Diåle ( Valonca )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı
On boloe do Diåle

Li boloe do Diåle, c' est èn epweznant tchampion del famile des boletîs. Il est pacô lomé "tchapea d' macrale", [1] mins ciste alomåcion la pout esse riwaiteye come èn emacralé mot.

No e sincieus latén : Boletus satanas

C' est l' pus gros boloe ki crexhe e l' Urope.

Sourdants & pî-notes

  1. Motî da Stasse a « tchapea-d’-macrale ».
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Boloe do Diåle: Brief Summary ( Valonca )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı
 src= On boloe do Diåle

Li boloe do Diåle, c' est èn epweznant tchampion del famile des boletîs. Il est pacô lomé "tchapea d' macrale", mins ciste alomåcion la pout esse riwaiteye come èn emacralé mot.

No e sincieus latén : Boletus satanas

C' est l' pus gros boloe ki crexhe e l' Urope.

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Diôbli pãpk ( Kaşupça )

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Diôbli pãpk

Diôbli pãpk (Boletus satanas Lenz.) - to je grzib z rodzëznë bòrzónowatëch (Boletaceae). Ten pòtrus mòże czedës rosł na Kaszëbach w lasach kòl Cechòléw.

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Mulone ( Korsikaca )

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U mulone Boletus satanas.JPG Boletus satanas Classificazione scentifica Regnu Fungi Divisione Basidiomycota Classa Basidiomycetes Ordine Boletales Famiglia Boletaceae Generu Boletus Boletus-satanas-3.jpg

U Mulone (o Mulonu) (Boletus satanas) hè un tipu di fungu tossicu chì face parte di a famiglia di i Boletaceae. Hè urighjinariu di l' Europa suttana, sin'à a Turchia. A carne di u mulone hè soda, compatta è bianchiccia. Torna subitu russiccia quand'ell'hè tagliata, è ancu viulina o turchina dopu. 'Ssu cambiamentu di culore dopu à a tagliatura hè caratteristicu si 'ssa spezia di fungu. U cappellu di u mulone hè largu 10 à 30 cm. Hè carnosu è di forma emisferica. A carne hè spessa è molla. U pede di u mulone hè pangrossu, essendu largu sin'à 15 cm. E spore sò fusiforme è brune.

Si trova di vaghjimu in e liccete è in e faiete.

U mulone hè un fungu indighjestu è vilenosu.

Si pò cunfonde incù dui altre spezie di boletru:

  • Boletus erythropus
  • Boletus luridus

In Corsica

U mulone hè assai cumunu in Corsica. Hè ancu chjamatu u mulu (Dizz. U Muntese) o u tignone (I funghi, Adecec 2001).

Da vede dinù


  • Ciavatti, Petru (dir. redazzione) Dizziunariu U Muntese, 1984, Albiana


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Mulone: Brief Summary ( Korsikaca )

wikipedia emerging languages tarafından sağlandı

U Mulone (o Mulonu) (Boletus satanas) hè un tipu di fungu tossicu chì face parte di a famiglia di i Boletaceae. Hè urighjinariu di l' Europa suttana, sin'à a Turchia. A carne di u mulone hè soda, compatta è bianchiccia. Torna subitu russiccia quand'ell'hè tagliata, è ancu viulina o turchina dopu. 'Ssu cambiamentu di culore dopu à a tagliatura hè caratteristicu si 'ssa spezia di fungu. U cappellu di u mulone hè largu 10 à 30 cm. Hè carnosu è di forma emisferica. A carne hè spessa è molla. U pede di u mulone hè pangrossu, essendu largu sin'à 15 cm. E spore sò fusiforme è brune.

Si trova di vaghjimu in e liccete è in e faiete.

U mulone hè un fungu indighjestu è vilenosu.

Si pò cunfonde incù dui altre spezie di boletru:

Boletus erythropus Boletus luridus
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Porzein dla stregna ( Eml )

wikipedia emerging_languages tarafından sağlandı
?Porzein dla stregna; Devil's bolete o Satan's mushroom (en.) Boletus satanas.JPG
Classìfica sientìfica Regn: Fungi
Divisiòn: Basidiomycota
Class: Homobasidiomycetes
Urdin: Boletales
Famèia: Boletaceae
Gèner: Boletus
Specie: B. satanas
Nòm binomial Boletus satanas

El Porzein dla stregna es un Porzein tossiche avent'le gambo ad colore rossi e gialle e l'è capel bianca. Es un fung appartenent alli Basidiomiceti e alla familia ad porzein. Viv prenzipalmente tli loghi caldi dei boschi esposti a sud. E' presente tla Europa e nel America du nord. S'è un fungho vlenoso, e thè fa vomitar e andà all'ospedel. tè fa venì el mal de panza. A un odorvramente disgustoso com de feci e da cadavere. In alcune parti dla Cecoslovacchia dla Italia e dla'Merica è magnet a tavula.

Porzein dla stregna

Boletus satanas è stet scoperta da un tedesco da nom Harald Othmar Lenz nel 1831 en Grécia, attiret dall'udur che puzza.

Descrizion dla specie


10-30 (40) cm di diametro, carnos, emisferico, poi convesso-appiattito, biancastre, bianco-verdastro o bianco-grigiastro, glabro e liscio, con piccole screpolature al centro; diventa bruno quando manipolato. Tle'esemplare vecchio adiventa gnoccoso, osi storce.

B.satanas - dettaglio di pori e reticolo


Piccoli, rotond, rosse-sangue o rosse-arancione verso el margine, viranti nel verdastro alla pressione.


Giallognoli o giallo-verdastri, corti, al tocco virano nel blu.


Oval o globose, tozze, compatte, ingrosset alla base, color giallognolo (giallo rosso) o giallo-arancio; tla parte alta (l'attaccatura al cappello) ricoperto da un fine reticolo a piccole maglie di colore rosso-vivo; la parte centrale e inferiore è a superficie rossa con reticolo concolore. La parte sott terra ,quella che lo collega al micelio è giallo-brunastro. Il colore si vede raramente in quanto spessissimo è sporco di terra.


Soda, compatta, biancastra, assumente rapidamente al taglio una tinta rossiccia che dapprima vira nel viola oppure nel blu tenue, successivamente nel grigio

  • Odore: sgradevole ma alla lunga nauseante. Di "cadavere".
  • Sapore: inizialmente gradevole e dolciastro, come di "noce", poi piuttosto sgradevole. Più accentuato negli esemplari più vetusti.


Fusiformi, bruno-olivastre in massa.

Dov vive

Cresce generalmente su suoli calcarei, sotto latifoglie, dalla primavera all'estate e, talvolta, anche nella prima metà dell'autunno. MOLTO RARO.

Se è da magnè

Molto velenoso, provoca mal de panza persistenti.

Dal Boletus satanas è stata estratta una potente glico-proteina tossica, la Bolesatina, un inibitore della sintesi proteica a livello ribosomale (meccanismo: nucleoside trifosfato fosfatasi), idrolizzando il GTP nonché l'ATP. El Porzein dla stregna slè vlenoso.


Secondo voci non confermate, in alcune zone della Sicilia e della Francia viene consumato senza problemi dopo opportuna preparazione (bollitura, salamoia e/o essiccazione); si raccomanda tuttavia di non cimentarsi in pericolosi esperimenti gastronomici in quanto questo trattamento richiede un'elevata esperienza. Il fine ultimo è quello di distruggere integralmente il peptide Bolesatina che rende tossica detta specie.Pericolosissimo consumarlo da vecchio,infatti la carne esausta accumula sostanze tossiche e lo rende maggiormente resistente alla bollitura. È il fungo più grande del continente europeo.

Specie simili

  • Boletus calopus, da cui si distingue principalmente per il sapore dolciastro (molto amaro nel B. calopus), per il gambo obeso E per i pori gialli.
  • In alcune sue forme particolari, di rado, può essere confuso con il Boletus erythropus che però ha il cappello di colore marrone-bruno e la carne virante al verde/azzurro invece che al viola e poi lentamente al blu/azzurro. I meno esperti potrebbero essere tratti in inganno, oltre che dalla forma del carpoforo, anche dal colore del cappello dell' erythtropus che a volte si presenta leggermente decolorato e quindi vagamente simile a quello del satanas.
  • Boletus luridus, stesso discorso del B. erythropus.
  • Boletus splendidus,con gambo rosso chiaro, cappello grigio topo nel giovane e con aloni roseii nel vecchio. TOSSICO.


Dal latino satanas, di satana, cioè velenoso, malefico.

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Porzein dla stregna: Brief Summary ( Eml )

wikipedia emerging_languages tarafından sağlandı

El Porzein dla stregna es un Porzein tossiche avent'le gambo ad colore rossi e gialle e l'è capel bianca. Es un fung appartenent alli Basidiomiceti e alla familia ad porzein. Viv prenzipalmente tli loghi caldi dei boschi esposti a sud. E' presente tla Europa e nel America du nord. S'è un fungho vlenoso, e thè fa vomitar e andà all'ospedel. tè fa venì el mal de panza. A un odorvramente disgustoso com de feci e da cadavere. In alcune parti dla Cecoslovacchia dla Italia e dla'Merica è magnet a tavula.

 src= Porzein dla stregna

Boletus satanas è stet scoperta da un tedesco da nom Harald Othmar Lenz nel 1831 en Grécia, attiret dall'udur che puzza.

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Rubroboletus satanas ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Rubroboletus satanas, commonly known as Satan's bolete or the Devil's bolete, is a basidiomycete fungus of the bolete family (Boletaceae) and one of its most infamous members. It was known as Boletus satanas before its transfer to the new genus Rubroboletus in 2014, based on molecular phylogenetic data. Found in broad-leaved and mixed woodland in the warmer regions of Europe, it is classified as a poisonous mushroom, known to cause gastrointestinal symptoms of diarrhea and violent vomiting. However, reports of poisoning are rare, due to its striking appearance and at times putrid smell, which discourage casual experimentation.

The squat, brightly coloured fruiting bodies are often massive and imposing, with a pale, dull-coloured velvety cap up to 30 cm (12 in), extraordinarily 40 cm (16 in), very rarely 50 cm (20 in) across, yellow to orange-red pores and a bulbous red-patterned stem. The flesh turns blue when cut or bruised, and overripe fruit bodies often emit an unpleasant smell reminiscent of carrion. It is arguably the largest bolete found in Europe.

Taxonomy and phylogeny

Originally known as Boletus satanas, the Satan's bolete was described by German mycologist Harald Othmar Lenz in 1831. Lenz was aware of several reports of adverse reactions from people who had consumed this fungus and apparently felt himself ill from its "emanations" while describing it, hence giving it its sinister epithet.[2] The Greek word σατανᾶς (satanas, meaning Satan), is derived from the Hebrew śāṭān (שטן).[3] American mycologist Harry D. Thiers concluded that material from North America matches the species description,[4] however, genetic testing has since confirmed that western North American collections represent Rubroboletus eastwoodiae, a different species.

Genetic analysis published in 2013 revealed that B. satanas and several other red-pored boletes, are part of the "/dupainii" clade (named after B. dupainii), and are distantly nested from the core group of Boletus (including B. edulis and relatives) within the Boletineae. This indicated that B. satanas and its relatives belonged to a distinct genus.[5] The species was hence transferred to the new genus Rubroboletus in 2014, along with several allied red-pored, blue-staining bolete species.[6] Genetic testing on several species of the genus revealed that R. satanas is most closely related to R. pulchrotinctus, a morphologically similar but much rarer species occurring in the Mediterranean regions[7]

Common names

Both Rubroboletus satanas and Suillellus luridus are known as ayimantari ('bear mushroom') in eastern Turkey.[8]


The compact cap can reach an impressive 30 cm (12 in), extraordinarily 40 cm (16 in), very rarely 50 cm (20 in) in diameter. At first it is hemispherical with an inrolled margin, but becomes convex at maturity as the fruit body expands, while in older specimens the margin might be slightly undulating. When young, the pileus is greyish white to silvery-white or buff, but older specimens tend to develop olivaceous, ochraceous or brownish tinges. The surface of the cap is finely tomentose, becoming smooth at maturity and is often slightly viscid in wet weather. The cuticle is tightly attached to the flesh and does not peel.[9][10]

View of stipe and pore surface

The free to slightly adnate tubes are up to 3 mm (18 in) long, pale yellow or greenish yellow and bluing when cut. The pores (tube mouths) are rounded, yellow to orange at first, but soon turning red from the point of their attachment to the stem outwards, eventually becoming entirely purplish red or carmine-red at full maturity and instantly bluing when touched or bruised. The stipe is 5–15 cm (2–6 in), extraordinarily 20 cm (8 in), very rarely 25 cm (10 in) long, distinctly bulbous (4–12 cm or 1.6–4.7 in, extraordinarily 16 cm or 6.3 in, very rarely 20 cm or 7.9 in), and often wider than its length, becoming more ventricose as the fungus expands but remaining bulbous at the base. Its colour is golden-yellow to orange at the apex, becoming increasingly pinkish-red to reddish-orange further down and deep carmine-red to purple-red towards the base. It is decorated in a fine, yellowish to reddish hexagonal net, sometimes confined to the upper half of the stipe. The flesh is thick, spongy and whitish, but may be yellow to straw-coloured in immature specimens and is sometimes reddish at the stem base. It slowly turns a faded blue colour when cut, bluing more intensely around the apex and above the tubes. The smell is weak and pleasantly musky in young fruit bodies, but becomes increasingly putrid in older specimens, reminiscent of carrion.[11] Young specimens have a reportedly pleasant, nutty taste.[12] The spore print is olivaceous green.[13]

The spores are fusiform (spindle-shaped) when viewed under a microscope and measure 10–16 × 4.5–7.5 μm. The cap cuticle is composed of interwoven septate hyphae, which are often finely incrusted.[14][15]

Similar species

Satan's bolete can be confused with a number of other species:

  • Rubroboletus rhodoxanthus is found predominantly on acidic soil, develops pinkish tinges of the cap, has a more or less cylindrical or clavate stipe with a very dense, well-developed net and lemon-yellow flesh that distinctly stains blue only in the cap when longitudinally sliced.
  • Rubroboletus legaliae is also acidophilous, has pinkish tinges on the cap, flesh that stains more extensively blue when cut and narrower spores, measuring 9–15 × 4–6 μm.
  • Rubroboletus pulchrotinctus has a variable cap colour often featuring a pinkish band at the margin; has a dull-coloured stipe without deep red tinges, pores that remain yellow or orange even in mature fruit bodies, and somewhat narrower spores, measuring 12–15 × 4.5–6 μm.
  • Rubroboletus rubrosanguineus is associated with spruce (Picea) or fir (Abies), has pinkish tinges on the cap and smaller spores, measuring 10–14.5 × 4–6 μm.
  • Caloboletus calopus is usually associated with coniferous trees, has pores that remain persistently yellow even in overripe fruit bodies, has a more slender, cylindrical or clavate stipe and narrower spores, measuring 11–16 × 4–5.5 μm.

Distribution and habitat

Rubroboletus satanas is widely distributed throughout the temperate zone, but is rare in most of its reported localities. In Europe, it mostly occurs in the southern regions and is rare or absent in northern countries. It fruits in the summer and early autumn in warm, broad-leaved and mixed forests, forming ectomycorrhizal associations with oak (Quercus) and sweet chestnut (Castanea), with a preference for calcareous (chalky) soils. Other frequently reported hosts are hornbeam (Carpinus), beech (Fagus) and lime (Tilia).[14][11]

In the United Kingdom, this striking bolete is found only in the south of England.[3] It is rare in Scandinavia, occurring primarily on a few islands in the Baltic Sea where conditions are favourable, with highly calcareous soil.[3] In the eastern Mediterranean region, it has been reported from the Bar'am Forest in the Upper Galilee region of northern Israel,[16] as well as the island of Cyprus, where it is found in association with the narrow-endemic golden oak (Quercus alnifolia).[7] It has further been documented in the Black Sea and eastern Anatolia regions of Turkey,[8][17] as well as Crimea and Ukraine,[18] with its distribution possibly extending as far south as Iran.[19]

In the past, R. satanas had been reported from the coastal areas of California and the southeastern US,[20] however, these sightings are instead of the closely related species Rubroboletus eastwoodiae.


Illustration by artist Albin Schmalfuß, 1897

Satan's bolete is poisonous, especially if eaten raw. The symptoms, which are predominantly gastrointestinal in nature, include nausea, abdominal pain, violent vomiting and bloody diarrhea that can last up to six hours.[21][22][23][24] A 2012 study on mushroom poisonings in Switzerland by Katharina M. Schenk-Jaeger and colleagues, found Rubroboletus satanas to have caused severe gastrointestinal symptoms, including recurrent vomiting and bloody diarrhea.[25]

The toxic enzyme bolesatine has been isolated from fruiting bodies of R. satanas and implicated in the poisonings.[26] Bolesatine is a protein synthesis inhibitor and, when given to mice, causes massive thrombosis.[27] At lower concentrations, bolesatine is a mitogen, inducing cell division in human T lymphocytes.[28] Muscarine has also been isolated from the fungus, but the quantities are believed to be far too small to account for its toxic effects.[29] More recent studies have associated the poisoning caused by R. satanas with hyperprocalcitonemia,[30] and classified it as a distinct syndrome among fungal poisonings.[31]

Controversially, English mycologist John Ramsbottom reported in 1953 that R. satanas is consumed in certain parts of Italy and the former Czechoslovakia.[2] In those regions, the fungus is reportedly eaten following prolonged boiling that may neutralise the toxins, though this has never been proven scientifically. Similar reports exist from the San Francisco Bay Area of the United States,[4] but probably involve a different fungus misidentified as R. satanas. Ramsbottom speculated that there may be a regional variation in its toxicity, and conceded that the fungus may not be as poisonous as widely reported.[2] Nevertheless, R. satanas is rarely sampled casually, not least because of the putrid smell of its mature fruiting bodies, which in addition to their bright colours and blue staining, make the fungus unappealing for human consumption.[29]


  1. ^ "GSD Species Synonymy: Rubroboletus satanas (Lenz) Kuan Zhao & Zhu L. Yang". Species Fungorum. CAB International. Retrieved 2015-09-07.
  2. ^ a b c Ramsbottom J (1953). Mushrooms & Toadstools. Collins. pp. 53–54. ISBN 1-870630-09-2.
  3. ^ a b c Nilson S, Persson O (1977). Fungi of Northern Europe 1: Larger Fungi (Excluding Gill-Fungi). Penguin. p. 104. ISBN 0-14-063005-8.
  4. ^ a b Thiers HD (1975). California Mushrooms – A Field Guide to the Boletes. New York: Hafner Press. p. 58. ISBN 0-02-853410-7.
  5. ^ Nuhn ME, Binder M, Taylor AFS, Halling RE, Hibbett DS (2013). "Phylogenetic overview of the Boletineae". Fungal Biology. 117 (7–8): 479–511. doi:10.1016/j.funbio.2013.04.008. PMID 23931115.
  6. ^ Zhao K, Wu G, Yang ZL. "A new genus, Rubroboletus, to accommodate Boletus sinicus and its allies". Phytotaxa. 188 (2): 61–77. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.188.2.1.
  7. ^ a b Loizides M, Bellanger JM, Assyov B, Moreau PA, Richard F (2019). "Present status and future of boletoid fungi (Boletaceae) on the island of Cyprus: cryptic and threatened diversity unraveled by 10-year study". Fungal Ecology. 41 (13): 65–81. doi:10.1016/j.funeco.2019.03.008. S2CID 181958289.
  8. ^ a b Demirel K, Uzun Y, Kaya A (2004). "Some Poisonous Fungi of East Anatolia" (PDF). Turk J Bot. 28: 215–19. Retrieved 2008-02-08.
  9. ^ Courtecuisse R, Duhem B (1995). Mushrooms & Toadstools of Britain & Europe. London, UK: Harper-Collins.
  10. ^ Estadès A, Lannoy G (2004). "Les bolets européens". Bulletin Mycologique et Botanique Dauphiné-Savoie (in French). 44 (3): 3–79.
  11. ^ a b Galli R. (2007). I Boleti. Atlante pratico-monographico per la determinazione dei boleti (in Italian) (3rd ed.). Milano, Italy: Dalla Natura.
  12. ^ Zeitlmayr L (1976). Wild Mushrooms:An Illustrated Handbook. Garden City Press, Hertfordshire. p. 102. ISBN 0-584-10324-7.
  13. ^ Kibby G (2016). British Boletes: with key to species (7th ed.).
  14. ^ a b Muñoz JA. (2005). Fungi Europaei 2: Boletus s.l. Italy: Edizioni Candusso. ISBN 978-88-901057-6-0.
  15. ^ Breitenbach J, Kränzlin F (1991). Pilze der Schweiz 3(1). Röhrlinge und Blätterpilze (in German). Luzern, Switzerland: Verlag Mykologia. ISBN 978-3-85604-030-7.
  16. ^ Avizohar-Hershenzon Z, Binyamini N (1972). "Boletaceae of Israel: I. Boletus sect. Luridi". Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 59 (1): 25–30. doi:10.1016/s0007-1536(72)80037-8.
  17. ^ Sesli E (2007). "Preliminary checklist of macromycetes of the East and Middle Black Sea Regions of Turkey" (PDF). Mycotaxon. 99: 71–74.
  18. ^ Akulov, O.Yu; Pryidiuk, M.P. (2007). "] The preliminary checklist of boletoid fungi of Ukraine". Pagine di Micologia. 27 (117–144).
  19. ^ Asef Shayan, M.R. (2010). Qarch-ha-ye Sammi-ye Iran قارچهای سمی ایران [Poisonous mushrooms of Iran] (in Persian). Iran shenasi. p. 214. ISBN 978-964-2725-29-8.
  20. ^ Ammirati JA, Traquair JA, Horgen PA (1985). Poisonous Mushrooms of the Northern United States and Canada;. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 241–42. ISBN 0-8166-1407-5.
  21. ^ North, Pamela (1967). Poisonous Plants and Fungi in colour. Blandford Press & Pharmacological Society of Great Britain.
  22. ^ Brensinsky A, Besl H. (1990). A colour atlas of poisonous fungi. Wolfe Publishing Ltd, London. 295 p.
  23. ^ Spoerke DG, Rumack BH (eds). (1994). Handbook of mushroom poisoning: diagnosis and treatment. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
  24. ^ Berger KJ, Guss DA. (2005). Mycotoxins revisited: Part I. J Emerg Med 28:53.
  25. ^ Schenk-Jaeger KM, Rauber-Lüthy C, Bodmer M, Kupferschmidt H, Kullak-Ublick GA, Ceschi A (2012). "Mushroom poisoning: a study on circumstances of exposure and patterns of toxicity". European Journal of Internal Medicine. 23 (4): e85–e91. doi:10.1016/j.ejim.2012.03.014. PMID 22560399.
  26. ^ Kretz O, Creppy EE, Dirheimer G (1991). "Characterization of bolesatine, a toxic protein from the mushroom Boletus satanas Lenz and its effects on kidney cells". Toxicology. 66 (2): 213–24. doi:10.1016/0300-483X(91)90220-U. PMID 1707561.
  27. ^ Ennamany R, Bingen A, Creppy EE, Kretz O, Gut JP, Dubuisson L, Balabaud C, Sage PB, Kirn A (1998). "Aspirin (R) and heparin prevent hepatic blood stasis and thrombosis induced by the toxic glycoprotein Bolesatine in mice". Human & Experimental Toxicology. 17 (11): 620–624. doi:10.1191/096032798678908017. PMID 9865419.
  28. ^ Licastro F, Morini MC, Kretz O, Dirheimer G, Creppy EE; Stirpe F. (1993). "Mitogenic activity and immunological properties of bolesatine, a lectin isolated from the mushroom Boletus satanas Lenz". International Journal of Biochemistry. 25 (5): 789–792.
  29. ^ a b Benjamin, Denis R. (1995). Mushrooms: poisons and panaceas — a handbook for naturalists, mycologists and physicians. New York: WH Freeman and Company. p. 359. ISBN 0-7167-2600-9.
  30. ^ Merlet A, Dauchy FA, Dupon M. (2012). Hyperprocalcitonemia due to mushroom poisoning. Clin Infect Dis. 54: 307–308.
  31. ^ White J, Weinstein SA, De Haro L, Bédry R, Schaper A, Rumack BH, Zilker T. (2018). Mushroom poisoning: a proposed new clinical classification. Toxicon. doi: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2018.11.007

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Rubroboletus satanas: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

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Rubroboletus satanas, commonly known as Satan's bolete or the Devil's bolete, is a basidiomycete fungus of the bolete family (Boletaceae) and one of its most infamous members. It was known as Boletus satanas before its transfer to the new genus Rubroboletus in 2014, based on molecular phylogenetic data. Found in broad-leaved and mixed woodland in the warmer regions of Europe, it is classified as a poisonous mushroom, known to cause gastrointestinal symptoms of diarrhea and violent vomiting. However, reports of poisoning are rare, due to its striking appearance and at times putrid smell, which discourage casual experimentation.

The squat, brightly coloured fruiting bodies are often massive and imposing, with a pale, dull-coloured velvety cap up to 30 cm (12 in), extraordinarily 40 cm (16 in), very rarely 50 cm (20 in) across, yellow to orange-red pores and a bulbous red-patterned stem. The flesh turns blue when cut or bruised, and overripe fruit bodies often emit an unpleasant smell reminiscent of carrion. It is arguably the largest bolete found in Europe.

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Satanboleto ( Esperanto )

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La satanboleto (Satanus boletus) estas nemanĝebla, venena, mikoriza fungo. La fungaj venenoj malkombiniĝas je kuirado, alta temperaturo.

La sporprodukta tavolo estas flaveta, ties apertura ĉirkaŭo estas ruĝa tiel oni povas vidi la subajn tavolojn ruĝa. La ĉapelo de la fungo estas blanka.

Se oni manĝas ĝin - ne bone antaŭpreparite- ĝi povas kaŭzi vomadon, lakson. Ĝi estas malofta en la naturo.

Vidu ankaŭ

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Satanboleto: Brief Summary ( Esperanto )

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La satanboleto (Satanus boletus) estas nemanĝebla, venena, mikoriza fungo. La fungaj venenoj malkombiniĝas je kuirado, alta temperaturo.

La sporprodukta tavolo estas flaveta, ties apertura ĉirkaŭo estas ruĝa tiel oni povas vidi la subajn tavolojn ruĝa. La ĉapelo de la fungo estas blanka.

Se oni manĝas ĝin - ne bone antaŭpreparite- ĝi povas kaŭzi vomadon, lakson. Ĝi estas malofta en la naturo.

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Boletus satanas ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

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Boletus satanas, o boleto de Satanás,[2]​ es un hongo basidiomiceto de la familia Boletaceae,[1]​ que habita en bosques de caducifolios de las regiones templadas de Europa y Norteamérica, preferentemente en suelos calizos. El cuerpo fructífero aflora de verano a otoño. Es un hongo venenoso en crudo, provocando trastornos gastrointestinales, mientras que cocido es indigesto. El epíteto específico "satanas" significa "satánico". Son especies muy próximas el B. torosus, el B. splendidus y el B. rhodopurpureus que tampoco tienen valor como comestible, resultando indigestos o ligeramente tóxicos.[2]


Rubroboletus satanas found in Dresden.jpg

La seta del Boletus satanas tiene un sombrero que puede llegar a medir hasta 25 o 30 cm de diámetro, muy grueso y compacto, con una cutícula que va del blanco grisáceo al verde oliváceo muy pálido. Su forma pasa de ser casi esférica con los márgenes enrollados y de textura ligeramente aterciopelada, a abrirse y tomar una forma convexa y textura lisa en la madurez. Los poros en la zona inferior del sombrero son de un color amarillento en las fases tempranas, pasando después al anaranjado, tomando finalmente un tono rojo. El pie del cuerpo fructífero mide entre 5 y 12 cm de largo por entre 4 y 10 cm de ancho, es corto y tiene un aspecto rechoncho. En fases tempranas, el pie es amarillento en la parte superior, rojo en la parte central y pardo rojizo en la base. En fases más maduras toma color rojizo en su totalidad y se mancha de azul al tacto, principalmente en la parte inferior. Su carne es compacta y blanca o amarillenta. Al cortarla toma un tono grisáceo y después azulado. Su olor es desagradable y su sabor dulce. Su esporada es de color verde oliváceo.[2]

Posibilidades de confusión

Es posible confundirlo con especies cercanas como B. rhodoxantus o con ejemplares juveniles de B. calopus. Ninguna de estas dos especies es comestible.[2]


  1. a b «Boletus satanas». Catalogue of Life (2010 Annual Checklist) (en inglés). Sistema Integrado de Información Taxonómica (ITIS).
  2. a b c d Grünert, H.; Grünert, R. (1984). Guías de Naturaleza Blume: Setas (t. original:"Pilze"). Barcelona: Blume. p. 208. ISBN 84-87535-11-9.

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Boletus satanas: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Boletus satanas, o boleto de Satanás,​ es un hongo basidiomiceto de la familia Boletaceae,​ que habita en bosques de caducifolios de las regiones templadas de Europa y Norteamérica, preferentemente en suelos calizos. El cuerpo fructífero aflora de verano a otoño. Es un hongo venenoso en crudo, provocando trastornos gastrointestinales, mientras que cocido es indigesto. El epíteto específico "satanas" significa "satánico". Son especies muy próximas el B. torosus, el B. splendidus y el B. rhodopurpureus que tampoco tienen valor como comestible, resultando indigestos o ligeramente tóxicos.​

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Satan onddo ( Baskça )

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Oharra: ez fidatu soilik orri honetan ematen diren datuez perretxiko bat identifikatzeko orduan. Inolako zalantzarik izanez gero, kontsultatu aditu batekin.

Satan onddoa (Boletus satanas) bere izen deigarriak ongi adierazten duen bezala pozoitsua izateagatik oso ezaguna den onddoa da.[1] Halere, ez dago pozoitsuenen taldearen barnean. Berau jateak urdaileko ondoeza, botaka egitea eta beherakoak sor ditzake, ondorio hauek onddo hau jan eta denbora gutxira agertzen direlarik.


  1. Euskal Herriko perretxiko eta onddoak, Fernado Pedro Pérez, 2013, 2014, 2017, Kultura Saila, Eusko Jaurlaritza
    Bizkaiko Perretxiko eta Onddoak, Fernando Pedro Pérez, 2012ko Abendua, A.D.E.V.E, Argazkiak:Fernando Pedro Pérez, Maite Legarra, Xabier Leizaola, Jon Urkijo, Nerea Aurtenetxe.
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Satan onddo: Brief Summary ( Baskça )

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Satan onddoa (Boletus satanas) bere izen deigarriak ongi adierazten duen bezala pozoitsua izateagatik oso ezaguna den onddoa da. Halere, ez dago pozoitsuenen taldearen barnean. Berau jateak urdaileko ondoeza, botaka egitea eta beherakoak sor ditzake, ondorio hauek onddo hau jan eta denbora gutxira agertzen direlarik.

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Bolet Satan ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Rubroboletus satanas

Rubroboletus satanas (auparavant Boletus satanas[2] avant son transfert en 2014, dans le nouveau genre Rubroboletus — le latin rubro faisant référence à la rougeur du pied et des tubes — à la suite de nombreuses études phylogénétiques effectuées sur le genre Boletus s.l.), en français le Bolet satan, est une espèce de champignons (Fungi) basidiomycètes, toxique et rare, de la famille des Boletaceae.


Le Bolet satan est le plus gros des Bolets d'Europe, son chapeau généralement de 10 à 25 cm de diamètre peut atteindre voire dépasser 30 cm. Blanc pur au départ, il ressemble alors à une boule de neige, il s'étale ensuite en un large dôme aplati et tourne au grisâtre aux reflets verdâtres. Il est le seul bolet à chapeau blanchâtre sans nuance de rose, avec des pores rouge vif, et le pied le plus gros et le plus arrondi qui soit. Il dégage une odeur forte, devenant de plus en plus écœurante avec l'âge, et sa chair blanchâtre est peu bleuissante et facilement véreuse. Le pied court et renflé fait 5 à 15 cm de long pour 4 à 12 cm de large, et est rouge au milieu avec les deux extrémités plus jaunes. Les pores sont au départ orangés, et virent au rouge vif avec l'âge[3].


Appréciant les sols calcaires, il apparaît en été et au début de l’automne dans les régions méridionales dans les bois de feuillus, sous les hêtres, les chênes, ou les charmes. Assez rare, surtout dans les régions du nord, le bolet ne pousse que pendant les périodes chaudes et ensoleillées.


Malgré son nom, le Bolet satan n'est pas réellement dangereux pour un adulte en bonne santé, mais sa consommation entraînera nausées, diarrhées et vomissements et sa toxicité apparaît variable selon les individus. Même cuite, sa chair reste nocive, des intoxications sévères ayant été observées chez des personnes qui ont consommé des sujets jeunes et bien cuits. Ces intoxications sont extrêmement rares, son aspect caractéristique, son odeur repoussante et le fait qu'il devienne très rapidement véreux dissuadant de la consommer[4].

Confusions possibles

Voir aussi

Notes et références
  1. a b c d e f g h et i BioLib, consulté le 11 octobre 2021
  2. Espèce décrite en 1831 par Harald Othmar Lenz (de).
  3. Albert Leclair et Henri Essette, Les Bolets, P. Lechevalier, 1969, p. 55.
  4. René Charles Azéma, « Les champignons catalans », Terra Nostra, no 47,‎ 1982, p. 360-363.

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Bolet Satan: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Rubroboletus satanas

Rubroboletus satanas (auparavant Boletus satanas avant son transfert en 2014, dans le nouveau genre Rubroboletus — le latin rubro faisant référence à la rougeur du pied et des tubes — à la suite de nombreuses études phylogénétiques effectuées sur le genre Boletus s.l.), en français le Bolet satan, est une espèce de champignons (Fungi) basidiomycètes, toxique et rare, de la famille des Boletaceae.

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Ludara ( Hırvatça )

wikipedia hr Croatian tarafından sağlandı
Suillellus satanas
Vidi predložak mikomorfokvir koji generira sljedeći popis
Mikološke karakteristike src= pore na himeniju src= klobuk je konveksan  src= himenij je prirastao  src= stručak je gol  src= otisak spora je maslinastozelen  src= ekologija je mikorizalna  src= jestivost: otrovna

Ludara (vražji vrganj, lat. Rubroboletus satanas, sinonimi: Suillellus satanas, Boletus satanas) otrovna je gljiva. Ističe se kontrastom crvena stručka i bjelkasta klobuka. Jedna je od najvećih gljiva iz porodice Boletaceae (vrganjevke) u Europi.


Pogled na stručak i površinu pora

Klobuk je kompaktan i može biti širine od 5 do čak 30 cm. U početku je zatvoren prema stručku, a poslije je nepravilno otvoren. Sivkastobijel, često s okerzelenkastim ili smeđastim daškom. Ispod klobuka se nalaze cjevčice koje su u početku žute, a potom postaju crvene kao krv. Stručak je visok od 5 do 12 cm, a debeo od 5 do 10 cm, zadebljan pri dnu, ispod klobuka žut, prema dolje sve crveniji. Na njemu je vidljiv više ili manje izražen crvenkast, mrežast crtež. Meso je bjelkastožuto, kad se slomi ili prereže poprima nijanse plave boje. Miris je gljive vrlo neugodan. Otrusina je maslinastosmeđa.


Može se zamijeniti drugim vrganjevkama s crvenim rupicama: lažna ludara ''Boletus legaliae'' ima po klobuku crvene i maslinaste primjese, purpurnožuti vrganj ''Boletus rhodoxanthus'' ima klobuk više-manje ružičasto obojen; vučji vrganj ''Boletus lupinus'' nema mrežicu na stručku, a klobuk mu je također s crvenim i ružičastim obojenjima. Od svih navedenih vrsta ludara se razlikuje i svojim vrlo neugodnim mirisom.


Ludara se najviše nalazi na području južne Europe. Raste u bjelogoričnim šumama ispod breze, hrasta i graba. Javlja se ljeti i početkom jeseni. Na sjeveru je Europe rijetka budući da voli toplo, sunčano vrijeme.


Ludara je otrovna sirova i kuhana, uzrokuje povraćanja koja mogu potrajati i do šest sati. Na sreću, lako se prepoznaje, a vrlo rijetko ima smrtonosan ishod.


  • Boletus crataegi Smotl. 1952
  • Boletus satanas Lenz 1831
  • Boletus satanas f. crataegi Smotl. ex Antonín & Janda 2007
  • Rubroboletus satanas (Lenz) Kuan Zhao & Zhu L. Yang 2014
  • Rubroboletus satanas f. crataegi Smotl. ex Mikšík 2015

* Rubroboletus satanas f. satanas (Lenz) Kuan Zhao & Zhu L. Yang 2014

  • Suillellus satanas (Lenz) Blanco-Dios 2015
  • Suillellus satanas f. crataegi Smotl. ex Blanco-Dios 2015
  • Suillellus satanas var. satanas (Lenz) Blanco-Dios 2015
  • Suillellus satanas f. satanas (Lenz) Blanco-Dios 2015
  • Suillus satanas (Lenz) Kuntze 1898
  • Tubiporus satanas (Lenz) Maire 1937

Narodni nazivi

Ludara, bljutavka, luda gljiva, svinjača, vražji vrganj, vražja gljiva, sotona.

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Ludara: Brief Summary ( Hırvatça )

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Ludara (vražji vrganj, lat. Rubroboletus satanas, sinonimi: Suillellus satanas, Boletus satanas) otrovna je gljiva. Ističe se kontrastom crvena stručka i bjelkasta klobuka. Jedna je od najvećih gljiva iz porodice Boletaceae (vrganjevke) u Europi.

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Rubroboletus satanas ( İtalyanca )

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Caratteristiche morfologiche
Rubroboletus satanas Cappello convesso icona.svg
Cappello convesso Pores icon.png
Imenio pori Adnate gills icon2.svg
Lamelle adnate Olive spore print icon.png
Sporata oliva Bare stipe icon.png
Velo nudo Virante icona.svg
Carne virante Mycorrhizal ecology icon.png
Micorrizico Velenoso icona.png

Il Rubroboletus satanas (Lenz) Kuan Zhao & Zhu L. Yang, 2014, chiamato comunemente porcino malefico per il rischio di confusione con l'edule Boletus edulis, è un fungo tossico della famiglia delle Boletaceae. È conosciuto anche col binomio obsoleto di Boletus satanas.[1]


Dal latino satanas, di Satana, cioè velenoso, malefico.

Descrizione della specie


10-30 (40) cm di diametro, carnoso, emisferico, poi convesso-appiattito, biancastro, bianco-verdastro o bianco-grigiastro, glabro e liscio, con piccole screpolature al centro; diventa bruno-bluastro quando manipolato. Nell'esemplare vecchio diventa gnoccoso, si storce.


Piccoli, rotondi, rosso-sangue o rosso-arancione verso il margine, viranti nel verdastro alla pressione.


Giallognoli o giallo-verdastri, corti, al tocco virano nel blu.


Ovale o globoso, tozzo, compatto, ingrossato alla base, color giallognolo (giallo rosso) o giallo-arancio; nella parte alta (l'attaccatura al cappello) ricoperto da un fine reticolo a piccole maglie di colore rosso-vivo; la parte centrale e inferiore è a superficie rossa con reticolo concolore. La parte sotto terra, quella che lo collega, ed è parte integrante, al micelio è giallo-brunastro. Il colore si vede raramente in quanto spessissimo è sporco di terra.


Soda, compatta, biancastra, assumente rapidamente al taglio una tinta rossiccia che dapprima vira nel viola oppure nel blu tenue, successivamente nel grigio

B.satanas - dettaglio di pori e reticolo
  • Odore: sgradevole ma alla lunga nauseante. Di "cadavere".
  • Sapore: inizialmente gradevole e dolciastro, come di "noce", poi piuttosto sgradevole. Più accentuato negli esemplari più vecchi.

Caratteri microscopici


Fusiformi, bruno-olivastre in massa.

Distribuzione e habitat

Cresce generalmente su suoli calcarei, sotto latifoglie, dalla primavera all'estate e, talvolta, anche nella prima metà dell'autunno.

Si sviluppa in zone prevalentemente esposta a sud, non molto elevate. Vive in simbiosi anche con il castagno ed è facile trovarlo in gruppi più o meno numerosi.[2]


Molto velenoso, provoca vomiti persistenti.

Dal Rubroboletus satanas è stata estratta una potente glico-proteina tossica, la Bolesatina, un inibitore della sintesi proteica a livello ribosomale (meccanismo: nucleoside trifosfato fosfatasi), idrolizzando il GTP nonché l'ATP.


Sinonimi e binomi obsoleti

  • Boletus satanas Lenz, Schwämme Mitteldeutschl.: 67 (1831)
  • Suillus satanas (Lenz) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. (Leipzig) 3(2): 536 (1898)
  • Tubiporus satanas (Lenz) Maire, Publ. Inst. Bot. Barcelona 3(no. 4): 45 (1937)
  • Rubroboletus satanas (Lenz) Kuan Zhao & Zhu L. Yang, Phytotaxa 188(2): 70 (2014) f. satanas
  • Suillellus satanas (Lenz) Blanco-Dios, Index Fungorum 211: 2 (2015) f. satanas
  • Suillellus satanas (Lenz) Blanco-Dios, Index Fungorum 211: 2 (2015) var. satanas
  • Suillellus satanas (Lenz) Blanco-Dios, Index Fungorum 211: 2 (2015)
  • Boletus crataegi Smotl., C.C.H. 29(1-3): 32 (1952)
  • Boletus satanas f. crataegi Smotl. ex Antonín & Janda, Acta Musei Moraviae, Sci. biolog. 92: 212 (2007)
  • Rubroboletus satanas f. crataegi (Smotl. ex Antonín & Janda) Janda & Kříž, Czech Mycol. 68(1): 109 (2016)
  • Suillellus satanas f. crataegi Smotl. ex Blanco-Dios, Index Fungorum 211: 2 (2015)
  • Rubroboletus satanas f. crataegi Smotl. ex Mikšík, Index Fungorum 260: 1 (2015)

Specie simili

  • Boletus calopus, da cui si distingue principalmente per il sapore dolciastro (molto amaro nel B. calopus), per il gambo obeso e per i pori rossi.
  • In alcune sue forme particolari, di rado, può essere confuso con il Boletus erythropus che però ha il cappello di colore marrone-bruno e la carne virante al verde/azzurro invece che al viola e poi lentamente al blu/azzurro. I meno esperti potrebbero essere tratti in inganno, oltre che dalla forma del carpoforo, anche dal colore del cappello dell'erythtropus che a volte si presenta leggermente decolorato e quindi vagamente simile a quello del satanas.
  • Boletus luridus, stesso discorso del B. erythropus.
  • Boletus splendidus, con gambo rosso chiaro, cappello grigio topo nel giovane e con aloni roseii nel vecchio.
  • "Boletus pulchrotinctus"


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Rubroboletus satanas: Brief Summary ( İtalyanca )

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Il Rubroboletus satanas (Lenz) Kuan Zhao & Zhu L. Yang, 2014, chiamato comunemente porcino malefico per il rischio di confusione con l'edule Boletus edulis, è un fungo tossico della famiglia delle Boletaceae. È conosciuto anche col binomio obsoleto di Boletus satanas.

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Šėtoninis baravykas ( Litvanca )

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Šėtoninis baravykas (lot. Boletus satanas) – baravykinių (Boletaceae) šeimos, baravykų (Boletus) genties grybų rūšis.

  • Augimo vieta

Lapuočių miškai, ypač kalkingi ąžuolynai su liepomis, lazdynais.

  • Augimo laikas

Vasara, ruduo.

  • Pagrindiniai požymiai

Kotas į apačią gumbiškai išsipūtęs, su raudonu tinkleliu.

Vaisiakūniai stambūs, mėsingi. Kepurėlė užauga iki 30 cm skersmens, o kotas iki 10 cm storio. Kepurėlės paviršius matinis, blyškiai pilkas, be rausvo ar rožinio atspalvio, paspaudus patamsėja – pasidaro žalsvai pilkas. Vamzdeliai gelsvi, iki 3 cm ilgio, o poros švelniai raudonos, karmino raudonumo, paspaudus – žalsvai melsvos. Kotas labai storas, jaunas – beveik apvalus, prie vamzdelių odiškai geltonas, žemiau – karmino raudonumo, pasipuošęs tokio pat raudonumo tinkleliu. Trama šviesi, beveik balta, perlaužus ar perpjovus truputį mėlynuoja, riešuto skonio, specifinio kvapo. Sporos 10–16×5–6,5 μm.

Būdingi požymiai: kepurėlė pilka, trama šiek tiek mėlynuoja.

Auga grupelėmis, pavieniui. Nevalgomas, silpnai nuodingas. Rastas Vilniaus apylinkėse ir Smalininkuose, Jurbarko rajone. Taip pat rastas Joniškio rajone, Beržininkuose ir Rokiškio rajone, Juodupėje.


Bendras paplitimas: Europa, Amerika, Azija (Japonija).


Lietuvos grybų atlasas, Vincentas Urbonas, Kaunas, LUTUTĖ, 2007, ISBN 978-9955-692-59-1, 55 psl.



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Šėtoninis baravykas: Brief Summary ( Litvanca )

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Šėtoninis baravykas (lot. Boletus satanas) – baravykinių (Boletaceae) šeimos, baravykų (Boletus) genties grybų rūšis.

Augimo vieta

Lapuočių miškai, ypač kalkingi ąžuolynai su liepomis, lazdynais.

Augimo laikas

Vasara, ruduo.

Pagrindiniai požymiai

Kotas į apačią gumbiškai išsipūtęs, su raudonu tinkleliu.

Vaisiakūniai stambūs, mėsingi. Kepurėlė užauga iki 30 cm skersmens, o kotas iki 10 cm storio. Kepurėlės paviršius matinis, blyškiai pilkas, be rausvo ar rožinio atspalvio, paspaudus patamsėja – pasidaro žalsvai pilkas. Vamzdeliai gelsvi, iki 3 cm ilgio, o poros švelniai raudonos, karmino raudonumo, paspaudus – žalsvai melsvos. Kotas labai storas, jaunas – beveik apvalus, prie vamzdelių odiškai geltonas, žemiau – karmino raudonumo, pasipuošęs tokio pat raudonumo tinkleliu. Trama šviesi, beveik balta, perlaužus ar perpjovus truputį mėlynuoja, riešuto skonio, specifinio kvapo. Sporos 10–16×5–6,5 μm.

Būdingi požymiai: kepurėlė pilka, trama šiek tiek mėlynuoja.

Auga grupelėmis, pavieniui. Nevalgomas, silpnai nuodingas. Rastas Vilniaus apylinkėse ir Smalininkuose, Jurbarko rajone. Taip pat rastas Joniškio rajone, Beržininkuose ir Rokiškio rajone, Juodupėje.

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Velna beka ( Letonca )

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Velna beka (Rubroboletus satanas) ir Latvijā ļoti reta beku dzimtas sēne, kuras augļķermeņi ir vāji indīgi. Citi sēnes latīniskie nosaukumi - Boletus satanas, Tubiporus satanas un Suillus satanas. Retuma dēļ Latvijā aizsargājama.

Sēnes apraksts

Velna bekas kātiņa joslas, tīklojuma un atveru detaļas, uzņemts Pjemontā, Itālijā
  • Cepurīte: krāsa sudrabpelēka līdz zaļganbrūnai, paretam okera krāsā, gaiša. Diametrs līdz 20 cm, forma sākumā pusapaļa, vēlāk polsterveida, bieza. Virsma mitrā laikā mazliet lipīga, ar nenovelkamu, reizēm plaisājošu virsmiziņu. Mīkstums blīvs, bālgans, griezumu vietāsvispirms sārtojas, tad kļūst zilgans, ar nepatīkamu smaržu, vecām sēnēm ar maitas smaku, garša saldena.
  • Stobriņi: sākumā dzelteni, vēlāk zaļgandzelteni līdz zaļganbrūniem, iespiedumu vietās kļūst zaļganzili, viegli atdalāmi no mīkstuma. Atveres karmīnsarkanas, retāk sarkanbrūnas vai violeti sarkanas, vecumā kļūst olīvzaļas.
  • Kātiņš: dzeltens vai no brūna/pelēcīga apakšā līdz oranžam/dzeltenam augšdaļā, vidū plata karmīnsarkana josla, vidū stipri paresnināts, gandrīz olveida, daļēji ar smalku sarkanu tīklveida zīmējumu. Garums un resnums 4-12 cm. Griezuma vietā sārtojas.
  • Sporas: elipsoīdas-vārpstveida, iedzeltenas vai dzeltenbrūnas, 10-16/5-7 µm.
  • Bazīdijas: 25-40/9-13 µm.
  • Cistīdas: bezkrāsainas līdz dzeltenīgām, vālesveida vai ar smailām galotnēm, 27-64/6-16 µm. Koncentrējas tuvāk atverēm.[1][2]

Augšanas apstākļi

Mikorizas sēne. Aug galvenokārt no augusta līdz septembrim, retos lapu koku mežos, vai zem atsevišķi augošiem kokiem,[3] kaļķainās augsnēs, saules sildītās vietās. Īpaši aug zem dižskābaržiem un ozoliem. Augļķermenis visai izturīgs pret sausumu.[4] Sastopama galvenokārt Dienvideiropā.[5]

Līdzīgas sugas

Sēne nedaudz līdzīga parastajai raganbekai, kurai mīkstums citrondzeltens, iespiedumu vietās zili melns.

Barības vērtība

Visi mūsdienu avoti atzīst sēni par indīgu, taču priekšstati par indīguma pakāpi mainās. Jau prof. Ļebedeva 1937. gadā rakstīja, ka agrāk šo sēni uzskatījuši par ļoti indīgu, kas pēc literatūras datiem ne visai apstiprinoties.[6] I. Dāniele norāda, ka ar šo sēni var dabūt tikai gremošanas traucējumus un tā, būdama vāji indīga, pielīdzināma nosacīti ēdamajām sēnēm.[7] Austrumvācijā sēņu noteicējs 1978. gadā rakstīja, ka svaiga šī sēne ir stipri indīga, ceptā veidā tā izraisa gremošanas traucējumus tad, ja apēsta lielākā daudzumā. Lielā daudzumā velna beka Latvijā nekad nav atrasta, tautā par viņu nereti sauc parasto raganbeku.[8]

Skatīt arī


  1. V. Lūkins, Bekas, 47. lpp., Rīga, "Liesma", 1978.
  2. Sēnes.lv
  3. A. Balodis, Rokasgrāmata sēņotājiem, 104. lpp., Rīga, "Liesma", 1974.
  4. Š. Evansa, Dž. Kibijs, Sēnes, 187. lpp., “Zvaigzne ABC”, ISBN 9984-37-648-6.
  5. T. Lessoe, Sēnes, 191. lpp., “Zvaigzne ABC”, ISBN 9984-22-283-7.
  6. Л. Лебедева, Грибы, 77. lpp., “Госторгиздат”, Ленинград-Москва, 1937.
  7. Botāniķe par indīgajām sēnēm
  8. Velna beka - E.Vimba

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Velna beka: Brief Summary ( Letonca )

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Velna beka (Rubroboletus satanas) ir Latvijā ļoti reta beku dzimtas sēne, kuras augļķermeņi ir vāji indīgi. Citi sēnes latīniskie nosaukumi - Boletus satanas, Tubiporus satanas un Suillus satanas. Retuma dēļ Latvijā aizsargājama.

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Boletus satanas ( Pms )

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Drapò piemontèis.png Vos an lenga piemontèisa Për amprende a dovré 'l sistema dle parlà locaj ch'a varda sì.

Capel fin a 25 (o 30) cm, sliss peui vlutà, biancastr monet con tonalità grisastre, vërdastr, oliva, bistr, rosastre. Tùboj giàun peui vërdastr, a ven-o pòch bleu. Përtus giàun peui ross sangh, pì groson o giaunastr al bòrd, a ven-o bleu. Gamba àuta fin a 15 cm e larga fin a 12 cm, sférica peui clavà, giaunastra o giàuna an su, rossa an mes, giaunastra o vërdastra monet an bass, con retìcol motobin fin, ross sangh. Carn ëspëssa, biancastra o giàunastra, a ven pòch bleuva, dossastra. Odor a man a man nausiant.


A chërs vzin ai bòsch, ant ij tajiss ëd latifeuje. A l'ha pì car la càud.


WHMIS Class D-1.svg A venta mai mangé un bolè trovà se un a l'é nen un bon conossidor dij bolè!

Arferiment bibliogràfich për chi a veul fé dj'arserche pì ancreuse

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Boletus satanas: Brief Summary ( Pms )

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Capel fin a 25 (o 30) cm, sliss peui vlutà, biancastr monet con tonalità grisastre, vërdastr, oliva, bistr, rosastre. Tùboj giàun peui vërdastr, a ven-o pòch bleu. Përtus giàun peui ross sangh, pì groson o giaunastr al bòrd, a ven-o bleu. Gamba àuta fin a 15 cm e larga fin a 12 cm, sférica peui clavà, giaunastra o giàuna an su, rossa an mes, giaunastra o vërdastra monet an bass, con retìcol motobin fin, ross sangh. Carn ëspëssa, biancastra o giàunastra, a ven pòch bleuva, dossastra. Odor a man a man nausiant.


A chërs vzin ai bòsch, ant ij tajiss ëd latifeuje. A l'ha pì car la càud.


WHMIS Class D-1.svg A venta mai mangé un bolè trovà se un a l'é nen un bon conossidor dij bolè!

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Hríb satanský ( Slovakça )

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Hríb satanský (Boletus satanas) ľudovo nazývaný satan je jedovatá huba čeľade hríbovité (Boletaceae).

Dužina je s nenápadnou chuťou i vôňou. Len v starobe páchne. Surový hríb satanský pri nedostačujúcej tepelnej úprave spôsobuje zvracanie. Je červeno sfarbený, červenejší ako hríb dubový alebo iné huby. Je podobný s hríbom úhľadným. Ten má ale pokožku klobúka s hnedými odtieňmi, zatiaľ čo hríb satanský má klobúk sivý, striebristý, prípadne špinavoolivový. Rastie zriedkavo pod listnatými stromami.

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Hríb satanský: Brief Summary ( Slovakça )

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Hríb satanský (Boletus satanas) ľudovo nazývaný satan je jedovatá huba čeľade hríbovité (Boletaceae).

Dužina je s nenápadnou chuťou i vôňou. Len v starobe páchne. Surový hríb satanský pri nedostačujúcej tepelnej úprave spôsobuje zvracanie. Je červeno sfarbený, červenejší ako hríb dubový alebo iné huby. Je podobný s hríbom úhľadným. Ten má ale pokožku klobúka s hnedými odtieňmi, zatiaľ čo hríb satanský má klobúk sivý, striebristý, prípadne špinavoolivový. Rastie zriedkavo pod listnatými stromami.

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Vražji goban ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

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Vražji goban (znanstveno ime Rubroboletus satanas) je gliva, ki spada med gobane. Je eden redkih strupenih gobanov. Klobuk ima v premeru od 8-20 cm in je bel. Trosovnica je pri mladih gobah rumena, kasneje pa postane rdeča. Meso ima neznačilen vonj in okus. Ob zaužitju povzroča prebavne motnje, ki se pojavijo relativno hitro.

Sklici in opombe

  1. Zhao K; Wu G; Yang ZL. (2014). "A new genus, Rubroboletus, to accommodate Boletus sinicus and its allies". Phytotaxa 188 (2): 61–77. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.188.2.1.
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Vražji goban: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

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Vražji goban (znanstveno ime Rubroboletus satanas) je gliva, ki spada med gobane. Je eden redkih strupenih gobanov. Klobuk ima v premeru od 8-20 cm in je bel. Trosovnica je pri mladih gobah rumena, kasneje pa postane rdeča. Meso ima neznačilen vonj in okus. Ob zaužitju povzroča prebavne motnje, ki se pojavijo relativno hitro.

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