
Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

North American Flora tarafından sağlandı
Siphocampylus igneus Urban, Symb. Ant. 1: 452. 1900
Siphocampylus Urbanii F. E. Winimer, Repert. Sp. Nov. 22: 214. 1926. (Based on Siphocampylus igneus Urban.)
Stems erect, suffrutescent (?), up to about 4 mra. in diameter, green or stramineous, the whole plant glabrous except in the very young growth, 50 cm. high or more; cauline leaves 50-65, the lower often early deciduous; blades 0.6-1.8 cm. wide, 6-12 cm. long, mostly 7-10 times as long as wide, lustrous, thick-papery or subcoriaceous when dry, elliptic or oblanceolate, acute at tip and tapering to a sharp point, long-attenuate into a broadly margined subpetiolar base, the margins finely and regularly serrate with 4-6 slender incurved teeth per cm.; flowers few-25 in the axils of the little-reduced upper leaves, the inflorescence 10-20 cm. long; pedicels spreading-ascending, sparsely bristly-pubescent, about 0.5 mm. in diameter, about 25 mra. long in fruit, each with a pair of purplish linear bracteoles about 4 mm. long, above the middle of the pedicel; flower 3-4 cm. long, including hypanthium; corolla red, pubescent without and at base within, the tube more or less cylindric, slightly curved, about 22 mm. long, fenestrate at base and cleft dorsally near base, the lobes not curved, the two upper oblong, about 3.5 mra. wide by 13 mm. long, the three lower similar, narrower, linear-subulate, about 2 mm. wide by 15 mm. long; filament-tube about 20-21 mm. long, the distal third glabrous, the basal part white-hairy, the filaments free at base for about a third of their length, strongly white-hairy, free from the coroUa; anther-tube about 7 mra. long, all the anthers densely white-tufted at tip; hypanthiura in anthesis hemispheric or broadly carapanulate, often subacute at base, rather densely shortpubescent with spreading hairs, about as broad as high when pressed, 5-7 mm. across; fruit not seen; calyx-lobes narrowly triangular or subulate, reddish or purplish, pubescent, acute, serrate with prominent slender teeth, about 2 mm. wide at base, 7-12 mm. long; seeds not seen.
Type locality; "Hab. in Sto. Domingo in pinetis mentis Redondo," Eggers 2058. Distribution; Mountains of central Hispaniola (Republica Dominicana).
bibliyografik atıf
Rogers McVaugh. 1943. CAMPANULALES; CAMPANULACEAE; LOBELIOIDEAE. North American flora. vol 32A(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY