Helix (Pomatia) aperta L., S. France, showing epiphragm.
Helix (Campylaea) zonata Stud., Piedmont.
Helix (Iberus) strigata Mull., Florence.
Helix (Obbina) rota Brod., Philippines.
Helix (Camatena) cicatricosa Mull., China.
Helix (Helocophanta) sowerbiana Fisch., Madagascar, showing embryonic shell.
Helix citrina (Linnaeus).
Helice trachiforme : Helix epistylium. Helice macrostome : Helix vittata; Helice sinuee : Helix simata
Helix Mackenzii (Adams).
Eyes of Helix pomatia L., retracted within the tentacle.
Specimen of Helix rosacea Mull., Cape of Good Hope, into which a piece of grass has by some means become introduced. The animal has protected itself by covering the grass with a shelly layer.
Helix stuartia (Sowerby).
Helix transitucida (Linnaeus).
Helix undulata (Ferussac).
Helix waltoni (Reeve).
dorsal view of shell
apical view of shell
ventral view of shell
basal view of shell