Oecanthus fultoni, drawing of eggs. (A) egg puncture of previous year healed over in apple bark, (B) recent egg puncture without plug, (C) egg puncture with plug, (D) egg in raspberry, (E) projection of egg cap, (F) egg cap, (G) egg in apple bark. From Fig. 14 in Fulton, B.B. 1915. The tree crickets of New York: life history and bionomics. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.l 42: 3-47.
Oecanthus fultoni, drawing of 5th stage nymph. From Plate III, b in Fulton, B.B. 1915. The tree crickets of New York: life history and bionomics. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.l 42: 3-47.
Oecanthus fultoni, drawing of male. From Plate V, a in Fulton, B.B. 1915. The tree crickets of New York: life history and bionomics. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.l 42: 3-47.
Oecanthus fultoni, drawing of ovipositing female. From Plate II, 2 in Fulton, B.B. 1915. The tree crickets of New York: life history and bionomics. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul.l 42: 3-47.