Comprehensive Description
North American Flora tarafından sağlandı
Eremosis obtusa Gleason, sp. now
Stems shrubby, slender, thinly and loosely white-tomentose, becoming tardily glabrate
in age; leaf-blades thin, oblong-elliptic, 5-7 cm. long, 2-3.5 cm. wide, the upper gradually
smaller, abruptly narrowed to an acute, cuspidate tip, entire, or rarely denticulate with low
callous teeth, acute at base, dark green, finely pubescent, and resinous above, dull-green and
loosely cinereous-tomentose beneath, the lateral veins curved-ascending, the veinlets obscure;
petioles 4-S mm. long; inflorescence compact, short-pyramidal, 7-9 cm. wide, the branches
tomentose; heads crowded, 1-flowered, sessile or with peduncles 1-2 mm. long; involucre
narrowly campanulate, 6 mm. high; scales thin but not scarious, brown or purple, at least at
the tip, the outer ovate, obtuse or rounded, tomentose, the middle and inner prolonged,
gradually narrowed to an obtuse or rounded tip, glabrous or nearly so on the back, prominently
ciliate, resinous near the apex; achenes glabrous or nearly so, resinous, brown, 2 mm. long;
pappus white, 7 mm. long, the outer series filiform, irregular, much shorter; corolla-tube
glandular, the lobes puberulent.
Tvpe collected at Minas de Rafael, San Luis Potosi. July 1911, Pur pits 4S11 (herb. X. V. Bot. Gard.)
Distribution': Known only from the type locality.
- bibliyografik atıf
- Per Axel, Rydberg. 1922. CARDUALES; AMBROSIACEAE, CARDUACEAE. North American flora. vol 33(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY