Rhamnus caroliniana ye una especie de parrotal de la familia Rhamnaceae.
Rhamnus caroliniana algama un tamañu de 3-5 m d'altor y tien fueyes caduques, ovales colos cantos dentaos y flores con cinco pétalos. N'español, tamién se-y conoz como Espín cerval de Carolina.[1]
Rhamnus caroliniana describióse por Thomas Walter y espublizóse en Flora Caroliniana, secundum . . . 101, nel añu 1788.[2]
Rhamnus: nome xenéricu que deriva d'un antiguu nome griegu pal espín cerval.[3]
caroliniana: epítetu xeográficu qu'alude al so localización en Carolina.
Rhamnus caroliniana ye una especie de parrotal de la familia Rhamnaceae.
Frangula caroliniana, commonly called the Carolina buckthorn,[3] is a deciduous upright shrub or small tree native to the southeastern, south-central, and mid-western parts of the United States, from Texas east to Florida and north as far as Maryland, Ohio, Missouri, and Oklahoma.[4] There is also an isolated population in the State of Nuevo León in northeastern Mexico.[5] It is found in a wide variety of habitats, including barrens, forests, and limestone bluffs.[6]
Frangula caroliniana is usually around 12 to 15 feet (3.7 to 4.6 meters) high, but capable of reaching 40 feet (12 meters) in a shaded location.[7] The most striking characteristic of this plant are its shiny, dark green leaves. The flowers are very small and inconspicuous, pale yellow-green, bell-shaped, appearing in leaf axils in late spring after the leaves. The fruit is a small (1/3 inch or 8.3 mm) round drupe; at first red, but later turning black with juicy flesh. It ripens in late summer.[8]
Despite its common name, the Carolina buckthorn is completely thornless.
Wildlife such as songbirds eat the fruits, which are reported to have medicinal uses.[9]
Frangula caroliniana, commonly called the Carolina buckthorn, is a deciduous upright shrub or small tree native to the southeastern, south-central, and mid-western parts of the United States, from Texas east to Florida and north as far as Maryland, Ohio, Missouri, and Oklahoma. There is also an isolated population in the State of Nuevo León in northeastern Mexico. It is found in a wide variety of habitats, including barrens, forests, and limestone bluffs.
Rhamnus caroliniana es una especie de arbusto de la familia Rhamnaceae. Algunos taxónomos prefieren el sinónimo Frangula caroliniana.
Rhamnus caroliniana alcanza un tamaño de 3-5 m de altura y tiene hojas caducas, ovales con los bordes dentados y flores con cinco pétalos. En español, también se le conoce como Espino cerval de Carolina.[1]
Rhamnus caroliniana fue descrita por Thomas Walter y publicado en Flora Caroliniana, secundum . . . 101, en el año 1788.[2]
Rhamnus: nombre genérico que deriva de un antiguo nombre griego para el espino cerval.[3]
caroliniana: epíteto geográfico que alude a su localización en Carolina.
Rhamnus caroliniana es una especie de arbusto de la familia Rhamnaceae. Algunos taxónomos prefieren el sinónimo Frangula caroliniana.