Associated Forest Cover
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Chestnut oak is a major component in 2 forest cover types and an
associated species in 10 others (8). Chestnut Oak (Society of American
Foresters Type 44) is found primarily on dry south- and west-facing slopes,
ridgetops, and rocky outcrops throughout the Appalachian Mountains at
elevations from 450 to 1400 m (1,475 to 4,600 ft). Associated species in this
type vary greatly by region, elevation, topographic position, and soils, and
include other upland oaks (Quercus spp.) and hickories (Carya
spp.); sweet birch (Betula lenta); yellow-poplar (Liriodendron
tulipifera); blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica); sweetgum (Liquidambar
styraciflua); black cherry (Prunus serotina); black walnut
(Juglans nigra); red (Acer rubrum) and sugar (A. saccharum)
maples; eastern redcedar (Juniperus uirginiana); eastern hemlock
(Tsuga canadensis); and red (Pinus resinosa), eastern white
(P. strobus), pitch (P. rigida), Table Mountain (P.
pungens), shortleaf (P. echinata), Virginia (P.
virginiana), and longleaf (P. palustris) pines. A variant
of this type, chestnut oak-northern red oak, is found in disturbed forests in
the Catskills in New York and on Massanutten Mountain in Virginia. The variant
chestnut oak-scarlet oak is identified in the central Appalachians, while the
variants chestnut oak-pitch pine, chestnut oak-eastern white pine-northern red
oak, and chestnut oak-black oak-scarlet oak occur in the southern
White Pine-Chestnut Oak (Type 51) is found in the Appalachian region
from West Virginia to Georgia. It is most common in southwestern Virginia,
eastern Tennessee, and western North Carolina at elevations between 360 and
1100 m (1,200 and 3,600 ft). On the drier sites, common associated species
include scarlet (Quercus coccinea), white (Q. alba), post
(Q. stellata), and black (Q. velutina) oaks;
hickories; blackgum; sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum); red maple; and
pitch, Table Mountain, Virginia, and shortleaf pines. On more mesic sites,
associated species include northern red (Quercus rubra) and white oaks,
black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), yellow-poplar, sugar and red
maples, and black cherry.
Chestnut oak is also an associated species in the following cover types:
Eastern White Pine (Type 21); White Pine-Hemlock (Type 22); Red Maple (Type
108); Bear Oak (Type 43); White Oak-Black Oak-Northern Red Oak (Type 52) and
its variants white oak-black oak-chestnut oak, black oak-scarlet oak-chestnut
oak, and scarlet oak-chestnut oak; White Oak (Type 53); Black Oak (Type 110);
Pitch Pine (Type 45) and its variant pitch pine-chestnut oak; Virginia Pine
(Type 79); and Virginia Pine-Oak (Type 78).
Common shrub associates of chestnut oak include highbush and lowbush
blueberry (Vaccinum corymbosum and V. angustifolium),
dwarf chinkapin oak Quercus prinoides), and mountain-laurel
(Kalmia latifolia).
Before the demise of American chestnut (Castanea dentata),
chestnut oak was an important component of the Appalachian oak-chestnut
forests. Since then, hickory, chestnut oak, northern red oak, and white oak
have replaced American chestnut as these stands have gradually changed to
oak-hickory stands (20).
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Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
The climate throughout most of the range of chestnut oak is humid, with
small superhumid areas in the Appalachian Mountains. The average annual
precipitation varies from 810 mm (32 in) in western New York and southern
Ontario to more than 2030 mm (80 in) in the southern Appalachians; however,
annual precipitation for the majority of the chestnut oak range is between 1020
and 1220 mm (40 and 48 in). Length of growing season varies from 120 days in
New England to 240 days in northern Alabama and Georgia (18).
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Damaging Agents
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Because of its predominance on steep slopes and
dry sites, chestnut oak has a higher incidence of fire damage and associated
decay than other oaks throughout the Appalachians, although its inherent
resistance to heartwood decay is greater than that of white, northern red,
black, or scarlet oak. Chestnut oak is susceptible to most of the diseases of
oaks including oak wilt (Ceratocystis fagacearum). It is particularly
susceptible to the twig-blight fungus Diplodia longispora, a die-back
and branch canker caused by Botryodiplodia spp., and, from Virginia
northward, stem cankers caused by Nectria galligena and Strumella
coryneoidea. The heartrot fungi Spongipellis pachyodon commonly
occurs around dead branch stubs on chestnut oak in the southeast. Sprout rot,
caused primarily by the heart rot fungi Stereum gausapatum, Fistulina
hepatica, and Armillaria mellea, is common in chestnut oak stump
sprouts that originate 5 cm (2 in) or more above the ground line, although the
incidence of this rot is less in chestnut oak than in other oaks. The more
important decay-causing fungi of chestnut oak in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and
Illinois are Inonotus andersonii, Stereum gausapatum, Spongipellis
pachyodon, Wolfiporia cocos, Inonotus dryophilus, Xylobolus frustulatus,
Perenniporia compacta, and Armillaria mellea (3,13).
Chestnut oak and white oak are the two species most preferred by the
gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). Other important defoliators of chestnut
oak are the spring and fall cankerworms (Paleacrita Vernata and
Alsophila pometaria), the forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma
disstria) and the half-wing geometer (Phigalia titea) (1,14,34).
Chestnut oak is more resistant to wood borers than most oaks but is
particularly susceptible to attack by ambrosia beetles, especially the
Columbian timber beetle (Corthylus columbianus) and several species of
the genera Platypus and Xyleborus; these beetles are particularly
damaging to trees that have been weakened by fire or drought. The more
important wood borers that attack chestnut oak are the oak timberworm
(Arrhenodes minutus), the carpenterworm (Prionoxystus robiniae),
and the little carpenterworm (P. macmurtrei).
Chestnut oaks are also susceptible to several gallforming wasps
(Cynipidae), a pit scale (Asterolecanium quercicola), and the
golden oak scale (A. variolosum). These insects may kill twigs and
branches but rarely kill mature trees.
The acorns of chestnut oak are frequently infested with larvae of the
nut weevils Curculio spp. and Conotrachelus spp., the moth
Valentinia glandulella, and the cynipid gall wasps (Cynipidae).
However, one study indicated that chestnut oak acorns may have lower insect
infestation rates than acorns of other oaks (2).
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Flowering and Fruiting
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Chestnut oak is monoecious; the flowers
develop in the spring at the time of bud-break and leaf development. The
staminate flowers are borne on aments (catkins) that originate from buds in the
terminal bud cluster of the previous year's shoots. Development of the aments
begins with the first expansion of these buds, when minimum air temperatures
remain above 10° C (50° F) for more than 10 days. Pistillate flowers
develop on short stalks in the axils of the new leaves from 5 to 10 days after
the aments emerge. Pollination is by wind; pollen dispersal occurs 10 to 20
days after the aments emerge and is controlled largely by weather. Above-normal
temperatures in late April followed by 13 to 20 days of below-normal
temperatures in early May enhance successful pollination and the development of
large acorn crops. The early warm period promotes the development of the
aments, shoot expansion, and pistillate flower development, and the later cool
period delays pollen dispersal to better coincide with pistillate flower
maturation. Uniformly increasing temperatures during this period usually result
in poor pollination and small acorn crops (27,28).
Chestnut oak produces an abundant crop of aments every year, but the
production of pistillate flowers varies considerably from year to year; trees
that produce a large crop of flowers and acorns one year usually produce fewer
flowers the following year.
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Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
No races of chestnut oak are known. Chestnut oak hybridizes with
Quercus alba (Q. x saulii Schneid.); Q. bicolor; Q. robur (Q.
x sargentii Rehd.); and Q. stellata (Q. x bernardiensis W. Wolf)
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Growth and Yield
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Chestnut oak is a mediumsize tree; at maturity
it usually attains a height of 20 to 24 m (65 to 80 ft) and a d.b.h. of 51 to
76 cm (20 to 30 in) depending on site quality. Maximum dimensions are
approximately 30 m (100 ft) in height and 183 cm (72 in) in d.b.h. (4). In
mixed oak stands, the height growth of adjacent dominant and codominant
chestnut, scarlet, northern red, and black oaks is about equal and is greater
than that of white oaks (7,33). White, chestnut, black, and scarlet oaks of
equal site index (height at base age 50 years) have similar height growth
patterns up to about age 60. Beyond this age, white oak maintains a better
height growth rate than the other three species and, at site indexes below
about 18.3 in (60 ft) chestnut oak maintains a height growth intermediate
between that of white oak and the black and scarlet oaks (5). On comparable
sites in West Virginia, diameter growth of chestnut oak is generally greater
than that of white oak, the same as that of scarlet oak, hickory, and beech
(Fagus grandifolia), but less than that of northern red and black oaks,
yellow-poplar, sugar maple, basswood (Tilia americana), black cherry,
and white ash (Fraxinus americana) (30,31).
Sawtimber yield from chestnut oak stands on dry slopes and ridges in the
southern Appalachians is about 98.0 m³/ha (7,000 fbm/acre) at age 80. On
average sites, maximum periodic growth is about 1.4 m³/ha (100 fbm/acre)
per year at age 100 (4).
On the better sites, chestnut oak has good form and maintains a bole
that is relatively clear of branches and sprouts, although many epicormic
sprouts develop if the bole is exposed to sunlight (32).
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Reaction to Competition
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Chestnut oak is intermediate in shade
tolerance. Among the oaks, it is similar in tolerance to white oak, but more
tolerant than northern red, black, or scarlet oak. In closed stands in the
Appalachian region, most chestnut oak reproduction lives only a few years. In
partial shade, however, seedling sprout advance reproduction may persist for
many years. These stems grow slowly and die back and resprout periodically but
are capable of rapid growth if released.
In the Appalachian region, chestnut oak typically occupies intermediate
to poor sites where it is considered to be the physiographic climax. It is
excluded from the more mesic sites by species that grow more rapidly in the
seedling and sapling stages, such as northern red, black, and white oaks;
yellow-poplar; sugar and red maples; and black cherry. The most xeric sites are
typically occupied by species even better adapted to such conditions, such as
scarlet oak, post oak, and pitch pine (8,21,23).
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Rooting Habit
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Chestnut oak seedlings initially develop a deep
tap root but later lose this configuration. Saplings and larger trees have a
root system consisting of 6 to 10 main lateral roots extending 3 to 10 m (10 to
33 ft) from the root crown at depths from near the soil surface to 91 cm (36
in). Numerous secondary roots branch off these main laterals, and a dense mat
of fine roots develops near the soil surface. The root system extends over an
area approximately five times that of the crown area. The roots of chestnut oak
are slightly deeper than those of northern red oak but not as deep as those of
white oak (29).
Chestnut oak seedlings maintain much higher root starch levels during
the growing season than white oak or northern red oak and have a higher
root-to-shoot ratio and a more rapid initial root development rate than
northern red oak. These factors may partially account for the species
adaptability to xeric sites (10,16).
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Seed Production and Dissemination
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Chestnut oak acorns mature in
one growing season and drop from early September to early October, 2 to 5 weeks
before the acorns of other upland oaks. Production of chestnut oak acorns is
erratic, and heavy crops occur only once every 4 or 5 years. In general,
chestnut oak produces fewer acorns than other upland oaks, although occasional
trees can be prolific seed producers (2).
Chestnut oak begins producing seed at about age 20, but stump sprouts as
young as 3 years can produce viable seed, and coppice stands as young as 7 or 8
years can have abundant acorn production. The germinative capacity of sound
acorns is around 90 percent. Dissemination is primarily by gravity and
squirrels (4,22,26).
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Seedling Development
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Chestnut oak acorns have no dormancy and
therefore germinate in the fall. Germination is hypogeal (22). If temperatures
are below 16° C (61° F), however, shoot (but not root) development is
inhibited by an induced epicotyl dormancy. This dormancy is broken by chilling
during the winter, and normal shoot development resumes in the spring (9). Some
acorns germinate at day/night temperatures of 100/20 C (500/350 F), but most
germinate at temperatures at or above 180/10° C or 65°/50° F).
Chestnut oak acorns are much more capable of germinating in dry soil than
acorns of white, black, or northern red oak. This difference may be due to a
thick parenchyma layer in the acorn pericarp that allows them to absorb and
retain more moisture than acorns of other oaks (17).
Germination of chestnut oak acorns is enhanced by a covering of leaf
litter 2 or 3 cm (I in) deep, but a covering of more than about 5 cm (2 in)
results in many etiolated seedlings. Large numbers of seedlings can become
established after good seed years, but such years occur infrequently. Seedling
establishment and survival are greatly reduced by dense herbaceous and shrub
Chestnut oak seedlings grow slowly. In Indiana, the height of seedlings
10 years after establishment averaged 15 cm (6 in) in an uncut forest, 24 cm (9
in) where release cuttings were made, and 146 cm (58 in) in a clearcut. In
contrast to this slow seedling growth, chestnut oak sprouts in the clearcut
were more than 6.4 m (21 ft) tall (4). The seedlings are capable of rapid
growth, however, when growing conditions are near optimal. In one nursery
study, chestnut oak seedlings produced an average of 4.3 growth flushes during
the first growing season and exceeded bear oak and white oak, and equaled or
exceeded northern red oak in height, dry weight, and leaf area. Growth of these
seedlings was highly correlated with initial leaf area, which in turn was
correlated with acorn size (11).
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Soils and Topography
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Chestnut oak is most commonly found on dry upland sites such as
ridgetops and upper slopes with shallow soils, south- and west-facing upper
slopes, and sandy or rocky soils with low moisture-holding capacity of the
orders Ultisols and Inceptisols. Chestnut oak grows from near sea level on the
Coastal Plain of New Jersey and Long Island to elevations of approximately 1400
in (4,600 ft) in the southern Appalachians (4,8).
In the Blue Ridge Mountains of northern Georgia, site index for chestnut
oak ranges from 12 to 25 in (39 to 83 ft), and averages about 20 in (65 ft).
Site index is greater on steep slopes, lower slope positions, and at elevations
below 800 in (2,600 ft) than elsewhere. Other indicators of good chestnut oak
sites are subsoils with more than 15 percent silt, loam or sandy loam surface
soils, and sites where litter decomposes rapidly (15). Chestnut oak growth is
poorest on soils of the Porters (Humic Hapludult) and Ashe (Typic Dystrochrept)
series, intermediate on soils of the Hayesville and Halewood series (Typic
Hapludults), and best on soils of the Tusquitee and Brevard series (Humic and
Typic Hapludults, respectively) (6).
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Special Uses
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
The acorns of chestnut oak, along with those of the other oaks, are an
important food for many wildlife species including deer, turkeys, squirrels,
chipmunks, and mice. Chestnut oak lumber is similar to and marketed as white
oak (12).
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Vegetative Reproduction
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
When tops die back or are damaged,
chestnut oak seedlings and advance reproduction sprout vigorously from dormant
buds at the root collar or on the stem. For stems of advanced reproduction that
have been cut, the number of sprouts per plant and the growth of the sprouts
increase with increasing size of the original stem and root system (25). Stumps
of cut trees up to 60 years of age sprout vigorously, but the percent of stumps
that sprout declines with increasing size for trees more than 46 cm (18 in) in
d.b.h. Incidence of decay is low for stump sprouts that originate within 5 cm
(2 in) of the ground and such sprouts can develop into high-quality trees.
Sprouting frequency and vigor are greater from stumps of trees cut during the
dormant season than from those cut during the growing season (24,35).
It has been estimated that 75 percent of the chestnut oak reproduction
in the southern Appalachians is of sprout origin (4).
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Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Chestnut oak extends from southwestern Maine west through New York to
extreme southern Ontario, southeastern Michigan, southern Indiana and Illinois,
south to northeastern Mississippi, and east to central Alabama and Georgia;
then north to Delaware, mostly west of the Coastal Plain. Its best growth
occurs in the mountains of the Carolinas and Tennessee (18).
-The native range of chestnut
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Brief Summary
Silvics of North America tarafından sağlandı
Fagaceae -- Beech family
Robert A. McQuilkin
Chestnut oak (Quercus prinus), sometimes called rock chestnut
oak, rock oak, or tanbark oak, is commonly found in the Appalachian region on
dry, infertile soils and rocky ridges but reaches best growth on rich
well-drained soils along streams. Good acorn crops on this medium-sized,
long-lived tree are infrequent, but the sweet nuts are eaten by wildlife when
available. Chestnut oak is slow growing and the lumber is cut and sold as white
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