
Trophic Strategy ( İngilizce )

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Feeds mainly on insects (Ref. 13497).
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Mike S. Christensen
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Morphology ( İngilizce )

Fishbase tarafından sağlandı
Dorsal spines (total): 3; Dorsal soft rays (total): 8; Analspines: 3; Analsoft rays: 5
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Mike S. Christensen
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Migration ( İngilizce )

Fishbase tarafından sağlandı
Potamodromous. Migrating within streams, migratory in rivers, e.g. Saliminus, Moxostoma, Labeo. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.
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Susan M. Luna
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Diseases and Parasites ( İngilizce )

Fishbase tarafından sağlandı
Bacterial Infections (general). Bacterial diseases
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Allan Palacio
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Diagnostic Description ( İngilizce )

Fishbase tarafından sağlandı
Distinguished from other species of the genus in having a red dorsal fin with a black blotch at the tip, red pectoral, pelvic and anal fins, red caudal fin with white margin and a black submarginal stripe along each lobe, and 8 scale rows between dorsal-fin origin and lateral line (Ref. 27732). Large individuals silvery or golden yellow in life with its dorsal fin red and caudal fin orange or blood-red (Ref. 2091).
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Mike S. Christensen
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Diseases and Parasites ( İngilizce )

Fishbase tarafından sağlandı
White spot Disease. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
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Diseases and Parasites ( İngilizce )

Fishbase tarafından sağlandı
Ulcerative Rhabdovirus Syndrome. Viral diseases
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Mike S. Christensen
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Biology ( İngilizce )

Fishbase tarafından sağlandı
Found in rivers, streams, canals and ditches (Ref. 12693). Occurs in medium to large-sized rivers and enters flooded fields (Ref. 12975). In east Kalimantan, Indonesia a temperature range of 20.4-33.7°C was recorded for this species (Ref. 6129). Largely herbivorous, consuming aquatic macrophytes and submerged land plants, as well as filamentous algae and occasionally insects (Ref. 12693). Also feeds on small fishes (Ref. 12693), worms and crustaceans (Ref. 7020). Usually marketed fresh (Ref. 12693).
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Susan M. Luna
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Importance ( İngilizce )

Fishbase tarafından sağlandı
fisheries: subsistence fisheries; aquaculture: commercial; aquarium: commercial; bait: occasionally
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Susan M. Luna
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Tinfoil barb ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Barbonymus schwanenfeldii Bleeker.jpg
A school of tinfoil barbs in an aquarium

The tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii) is a tropical Southeast Asian freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae. This species was originally described as Barbus schwanenfeldii by Pieter Bleeker in 1853, and has also been placed in the genera Barbodes and Puntius. The specific epithet is frequently misspelled schwanefeldii.

Nowadays it is usually placed in the genus Barbonymus, which was only established in 1999. It is the genus' type species, and indeed seems to represent a quite distinct lineage of large "barbs". It is not very similar to the barbels which are the core of the genus Barbus, and though closer to these than to some African barbs, they seem to be closer still to the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and to Cyclocheilichthys than to either of the aforementioned.

It is distinguishable from other species of the genus in having a red dorsal fin with a black blotch at the tip, red pectoral, pelvic and anal fins, red caudal fin with white margin and a black submarginal stripe along each lobe, and 8 scale rows between dorsal-fin origin and lateral line. Large individuals are silvery or golden yellow while alive with its dorsal fin red and caudal fin orange or blood-red. It grows up to 14 inches (35 cm) in length. Tinfoil barbs have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years.

Originating in the Mekong and Chao Phraya basins of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnamand Sumatra, Borneo, and Malayan peninsula, the tinfoil barb is found in rivers, streams, canals, and ditches. It also enters flooded fields. Its natural habitat is in water with a 6.5–7.0 pH, a water hardness of up to 10 dGH, and a temperature range of 72–77 °F (22–25 °C). In Indonesia, a temperature range of 20.4 °C to 33.7 °C was recorded for this species. It is largely herbivorous, consuming aquatic macrophytes and submerged land plants, as well as filamentous algae and occasionally insects. It also feeds on small fishes, worms, and crustaceans.

The tinfoil barb is commercially important in the aquarium hobby trade, as well as commercial aquaculture, subsistence farming, and occasionally as bait. It is usually marketed fresh.

There are no obvious distinguishing characteristics used to determine the sex of the fish. They reproduce by egg scattering of several thousand eggs per spawning. They are not often bred in captivity for the aquarium trade due to their large size.

In the aquarium

The tinfoil barb is a schooling species that prefers to be placed with a number of its own species. It prefers living in water with strong currents similar to those found in their native streams. It is also recommended that they be kept with fish of similar size or larger. Many unwary buy young specimens and find out too late how large the tinfoil barb can grow. The tinfoil barb is often seen in large aquaria as companions to large cichlids e.g. the oscar cichlid, Astronotus ocellatus. The tinfoil barb is an active, peaceful species that spends most of its time in the mid-level and bottom of the water. A greedy eater, it will attempt to fill its mouth with as much food as possible during feedings. In captivity, it will eat almost anything provided to it.

See also


  1. ^ Allen, D. (2012). "Barbonymus schwanenfeldii". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2012: e.T181160A1705016. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2012-1.RLTS.T181160A1705016.en. Retrieved 15 December 2017
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wikipedia EN

Tinfoil barb: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı
Barbonymus schwanenfeldii Bleeker.jpg A school of tinfoil barbs in an aquarium

The tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii) is a tropical Southeast Asian freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae. This species was originally described as Barbus schwanenfeldii by Pieter Bleeker in 1853, and has also been placed in the genera Barbodes and Puntius. The specific epithet is frequently misspelled schwanefeldii.

Nowadays it is usually placed in the genus Barbonymus, which was only established in 1999. It is the genus' type species, and indeed seems to represent a quite distinct lineage of large "barbs". It is not very similar to the barbels which are the core of the genus Barbus, and though closer to these than to some African barbs, they seem to be closer still to the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and to Cyclocheilichthys than to either of the aforementioned.

It is distinguishable from other species of the genus in having a red dorsal fin with a black blotch at the tip, red pectoral, pelvic and anal fins, red caudal fin with white margin and a black submarginal stripe along each lobe, and 8 scale rows between dorsal-fin origin and lateral line. Large individuals are silvery or golden yellow while alive with its dorsal fin red and caudal fin orange or blood-red. It grows up to 14 inches (35 cm) in length. Tinfoil barbs have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years.

Originating in the Mekong and Chao Phraya basins of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnamand Sumatra, Borneo, and Malayan peninsula, the tinfoil barb is found in rivers, streams, canals, and ditches. It also enters flooded fields. Its natural habitat is in water with a 6.5–7.0 pH, a water hardness of up to 10 dGH, and a temperature range of 72–77 °F (22–25 °C). In Indonesia, a temperature range of 20.4 °C to 33.7 °C was recorded for this species. It is largely herbivorous, consuming aquatic macrophytes and submerged land plants, as well as filamentous algae and occasionally insects. It also feeds on small fishes, worms, and crustaceans.

The tinfoil barb is commercially important in the aquarium hobby trade, as well as commercial aquaculture, subsistence farming, and occasionally as bait. It is usually marketed fresh.

There are no obvious distinguishing characteristics used to determine the sex of the fish. They reproduce by egg scattering of several thousand eggs per spawning. They are not often bred in captivity for the aquarium trade due to their large size.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Barbonymus schwanenfeldii ( Baskça )

wikipedia EU tarafından sağlandı

Barbonymus schwanenfeldii Barbonymus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Cyprinidae familian.



  1. (Ingelesez) FishBase

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Barbonymus schwanenfeldii: Brief Summary ( Baskça )

wikipedia EU tarafından sağlandı

Barbonymus schwanenfeldii Barbonymus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Cyprinidae familian.

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wikipedia EU

Tengadak ( Endonezce )

wikipedia ID tarafından sağlandı

Tengadak, kapiat, atau lempam (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii) adalah sejenis ikan air tawar anggota suku Cyprinidae (kerabat ikan mas). Ikan ini menyebar luas di Asia Tenggara daratan dan Indonesia bagian barat. Nama-nama lokalnya di pelbagai daerah, di antaranya, tengadak, tengadak merah (Klm.); kepiat, kapiat, kapiek, kepiyek (Jambi); lempam, lampam, lampam jawa (Mly.); lampan (Lamp.)[2][3]. Dalam bahasa Inggris ikan ini dikenal sebagai Tinfoil Barb.


Pelat identifikasi menurut Bleeker, 1860

Ikan karper berukuran sedang, panjang standar (SL, standard length) mencapai 340 mm. Profil badannya bundar telur memanjang apabila dilihat dari samping, dan memipih tegak dilihat dari depan; dengan garis tengkuk yang melengkung hingga awal sirip dorsal. Sisik-sisik relatif berukuran besar. Tinggi tubuh 2,3-2,4 kalinya sebanding dengan panjang standar; sementara panjang kepalanya 3,5-4 kalinya sebanding dengan panjng standar. Moncongnya menumpul; dua pasang sungut terdapat di atas dan di sudut mulutnya, di rahang atas.[3]

Sekelompok tengadak di akuarium

Sirip dorsal (punggung) dengan III jari-jari keras (duri) dan 8 jari-jari lunak; sirip anal (dubur) III, 5; sirip pektoral (dada) I, 14-15; dan sirip ventral (perut) II, 8. Sisik-sisik dengan gurat sisi berjumlah 35-36. Diantarai oleh 8 deret sisik vertikal, awal sirip dorsal kira-kira sejajar dengan gurat sisi ke-11. Awal sirip dorsal ini dipisahkan oleh 13 sisik dari kepala belakang. Duri ke-III sirip dorsal besar dan kuat, dengan gerigi kuat di sisi belakangnya. Batang ekor dikelilingi oleh 16 sisik. Sirip kaudal (ekor) berbelah dalam, ujung-ujungnya meruncing, lebih panjang dibandingkan kepala.[3]

Punggungnya kehijauan; sisi sampingnya keperakan hingga putih di bagian perut; sisik-sisik di arah punggung dengan pangkal berwarna gelap keunguan. Sirip-sirip dorsal dan kaudal berwarna merah indah; bagian muka sirip dorsal dan tepi atas serta tepi bawah sirip kaudal dengan pita ungu kehitaman. Sirip-sirip yang lain kemerah-jambuan.[2]

Agihan dan kebiasaan

Tengadak menyebar mulai dari Thailand di utara, Semenanjung Malaya, Sumatera, dan Kalimantan. Catatan dan spesimina diperoleh dari Padang, Solok Danau Singkarak, Padang Panjang, Payakumbuh, Danau Maninjau, Sijunjung, Sungai Kuantan atau Sungai Indragiri, Taluk, Rengat, Sungai Kampar, Langkat, Serdang (Sungai Ular), Jambi, Palembang, Sungai Musi, Muara Kumpeh, Benakat, Sungai Pengabuan (Lampung); Sungai Kapuas, Pontianak, Sungai Baram, Danau Seriang, Sungai Mahakam, Samarinda, Kota Bangun, dll.[3]

Habitat ikan ini adalah sungai-sungai besar dan kecil, kanal-kanal dan parit. Tengadak lebih banyak memakan tumbuhan, yakni makrofita akuatik dan tumbuhan darat yang terendam air. Kadang-kadang tengadak memangsa ikan-ikan kecil.[4] Pengamatan di Sungai Musi mendapatkan bahwa makanan ikan lampam terutama terdiri dari detritus; ditambah lagi ganggang chlorophyceae, cacing, tumbuhan air, serangga, diatom, cyanophyceae, krustasea, protozoa, rotifera, desmidiaceae dan lain-lain[5]. Tengadak biasanya hidup di sungai dengan suhu antara 22 °C - 25 °C dan dengan kisaran pH antara 6.5 hingga 7.[6].

Masa reproduksi ikan kapiek (di Sungai Rangau, Riau) diperkirakan terjadi pada musim hujan (September-Februari). Ikan ini biasanya memijah pada aliran sungai yang tenang dan banyak tanaman air, pada saat permukaan air mulai naik.[7] Fekunditasnya berkisar antara 1.393-7.826 butir, dengan rata-rata 5.096 butir, telur per ekor induk ikan[5].


Ditangkap dengan jala, jaring, bubu, atau pancing, tengadak merupakan ikan konsumsi yang cukup penting di daerah sebarannya. Umumnya tengadak dijual segar di pasar-pasar lokal; kadang-kadang diasinkan.

Ikan ini juga digemari sebagai ikan pancingan (sport).

Jenis yang serupa

Tengadak (atas) dan hampal (bawah)

Belingka (Barbonymus belinka) memiliki ciri-ciri meristik yang mirip. Perbedaannya, pada belingka terdapat 9 deret (tengadak: 8 deret) sisik yang memisahkan pangkal sirip dorsal dengan gurat sisi; dan sejumlah (36-)37-38 sisik gurat sisi (tengadak: 35-36 sisik). Warna tubuh belingka cenderung kebiruan, sementara tengadak cenderung hijau zaitun.[8] Pangkal sirip dorsal dipisahkan oleh 16 sisik (tengadak: 13 sisik) dari kepala bagian belakang; dan pangkal sirip ini kira-kira setentang sisik ke-13 (tengadak: sisik ke-11) pada gurat sisi[9].

Dari segi pewarnaan, hampal dan brek juga memiliki pola warna sirip yang serupa dengan tengadak. Hanya, ketiga jenis ikan ini memiliki bentuk tubuh yang berlainan. Lagipula, pada masing-masing sisi sirip kaudal tengadak sebelah luar terdapat pita warna putih yang agak lebar, yang tidak dipunyai hampal dan brek.

Catatan taksonomis

Ketika menerbitkan deskripsi ikan tengadak untuk pertama kalinya, Pieter Bleeker menuliskan namanya sebagai Barbus Schwanenfeldi[1]. Belakangan Bleeker menyadari bahwa ia salah ketik, dan kemudian merevisinya menjadi Barbus Schwanefeldi; karena nama ini didasarkan pada nama seorang kolektor ikan, H.W. Schwanefeld[10]. Selama hampir satu setengah abad kemudian, epitet spesifik schwanefeldii inilah yang dipakai, hingga kemudian Maurice Kottelat merevisi pandangan ini dan mengembalikannya kepada ejaan schwanenfeldii, yang walaupun ‘salah ketik’ namun lebih berhak dipakai menurut International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN, Kode Internasional Tatanama Zoologi) edisi 1985[11].

Catatan kaki

  1. ^ a b Bleeker, P. 1853. Nieuwe tientallen diagnostische beschrijvingen van nieuwe of weinig bekende vischsoorten van Sumatra. Natuurkundig tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië / uitgegeven door de Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indië. Deel V: 517-8. Batavia:Lange &co, 1853.
  2. ^ a b Bleeker, P. 1860. Ichthyologiae Archipelagi Indici Prodromus vol II Cyprini: 323. Bataviae: Typis Langei &soc. (terj. Ingg.)
  3. ^ a b c d Weber, M. and L.F. de Beaufort. 1916. The Fishes of The Indo-Australian Archipelago III: 178-9. E.J. Brill. Leiden.
  4. ^ Rainboth, W.J. 1996. Fishes of the Cambodian Mekong. FAO Species Identification Field Guide for Fishery Purposes. p. 95. FAO, Rome. ISBN 92-5-103743-4
  5. ^ a b Setiawan, B. 2007. Biologi reproduksi dan kebiasaan makan ikan lampam (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii) di Sungai Musi, Sumatera Selatan. Skripsi pada Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. (tidak diterbitkan)
  6. ^ Imani, A. 2014. Dinamika Komunitas Plankton di Kolam Pendederan Ikan Tengadak (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii). Skripsi pada Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Institut Pertanian Bogor. (tidak diterbitkan)
  7. ^ Yustina & Arnentis. 2002. Aspek Reproduksi Ikan Kapiek (Puntius schwanefeldi Bleeker) di Sungai Rangau – Riau, Sumatra. Jurnal Matematika dan Sains 7(1): 5 – 14, April 2002
  8. ^ Bleeker, P. 1860. op. cit.: 321, 323
  9. ^ Weber, M. and L.F. de Beaufort. 1916. op. cit.: 171
  10. ^ Bleeker, P. 1854. Overzigt de ichthyologische fauna van Sumatra, met beschrijving van eenige nieuwe soorten. Natuurkundig tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië / uitgegeven door de Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indië. Deel VII: 66 & 51. Batavia:Lange &co, 1854.
  11. ^ Kottelat, M. 1999. Nomenclature of the genera Barbodes, Cyclocheilichthys, Rasbora and Chonerhinos (Teleostei: Cyprinidae and Tetraodontidae), with comments on the definition of the first reviser. Raff. Bull. Zool. 47(2): 591-600.

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wikipedia ID

Tengadak: Brief Summary ( Endonezce )

wikipedia ID tarafından sağlandı

Tengadak, kapiat, atau lempam (Barbonymus schwanenfeldii) adalah sejenis ikan air tawar anggota suku Cyprinidae (kerabat ikan mas). Ikan ini menyebar luas di Asia Tenggara daratan dan Indonesia bagian barat. Nama-nama lokalnya di pelbagai daerah, di antaranya, tengadak, tengadak merah (Klm.); kepiat, kapiat, kapiek, kepiyek (Jambi); lempam, lampam, lampam jawa (Mly.); lampan (Lamp.). Dalam bahasa Inggris ikan ini dikenal sebagai Tinfoil Barb.

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Barbonymus schwanenfeldii ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

Barbonymus schwanenfeldii (Bleeker, 1854) è un pesce di acqua dolce appartenente alla famiglia Cyprinidae.

Distribuzione e habitat

Proviene dai ruscelli di Borneo, Sumatra e Malaysia[2].


Il corpo, compresso lateralmente e alto, ha una forma simile a un rombo. La colorazione è grigia, le pinne sono rosse e non molto ampie. La pinna caudale è biforcuta. Misura fino a 35 cm, ma di solito non supera i 20[2].



È oviparo e la fecondazione è esterna. Non ci sono cure nei confronti delle uova[3].


È onnivoro, ma nonostante si nutra anche di pesci più piccoli la sua dieta è composta soprattutto da piante acquatiche[2].


Pesce allevato e riprodotto in acquario.


  1. ^ (EN) Lumbantobing, D. & Allen, D.J. 2020, Barbonymus schwanenfeldii, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ a b c (EN) Barbonymus schwanenfeldii, su FishBase. URL consultato il 10/06/2012.
  3. ^ Riproduzione, su fishbase.org. URL consultato il 7 aprile 2014.

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Barbonymus schwanenfeldii: Brief Summary ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

Barbonymus schwanenfeldii (Bleeker, 1854) è un pesce di acqua dolce appartenente alla famiglia Cyprinidae.

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wikipedia IT

Ikan Lampam ( Malayca )

wikipedia MS tarafından sağlandı

Barbonymus schwanenfeldii Bleeker.jpg
Sekawanan ikan Lampam dalam akuarium.

Ikan Lampam atau nama saintifiknya Puntius Schwenfeldii merupakan ikan air tawar.

Ia merupakan ikan yang penting secara komersial dan dijual di sebagai ikan akuarium.[2].


  1. ^ Allen, D. (2012). "Barbonymus schwanenfeldii". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2012: e.T181160A1705016. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2012-1.RLTS.T181160A1705016.en. Retrieved 15 December 2017
  2. ^ Maklumat Ikan/Produk Ikan

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wikipedia MS

Ikan Lampam: Brief Summary ( Malayca )

wikipedia MS tarafından sağlandı
Barbonymus schwanenfeldii Bleeker.jpg  src= Sekawanan ikan Lampam dalam akuarium.

Ikan Lampam atau nama saintifiknya Puntius Schwenfeldii merupakan ikan air tawar.

Ia merupakan ikan yang penting secara komersial dan dijual di sebagai ikan akuarium..

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wikipedia MS