Tanım: Seed-bearing organ on gymnosperm plants. A type of fruit, usually woody, ovoid to globular, including scales, bracts, or bracteoles arranged around a central axis, especially in conifers and cycads.
Tanım: Holarctic coniferous and boreo-subarctic birch forests on oligotrophic and leached soils in the boreal zone and at high-altitudes of mountains in the nemoral zone of Eurasia
Tanım: Supramontane to subalpine low heath on calcareous skeletal soils, rocky outcrops, lapies and boulders of the Alps, the Apennines and the Dinarides
Tanım: an inflorescence with a monopodial growth habit, composed at flowering stage of indeterminate, first order inflorescence axes and sessile, unisexual flowers each subtended by conspicuous inflorescence bracts