Flowering in September.
Oreorchis foliosa var. indica is occurring in SW Sichuan, Taiwan, S Xizang, NW Yunnan of China, Bhutan, N India, Japan, Nepal.
Plants 20-35 cm tall. Pseudobulbs ovoid or subellipsoid, 2-3-noded, persisting and forming a chain of pseudobulbs connected by a short rhizome. Leaf solitary, narrowly elliptic or narrowly elliptic-lanceolate, plicate, 9-14 cm long, 1.4-2.5 cm wide, tapering at base into a petiole-like stalk 2-3 cm, apex acute. Inflorescence 17-35 cm tall, with 2-3-tubular sheaths below middle; rachis 4-9 cm tall, laxly 4-10-flowered; floral bracts oblong-lanceolate. Flowers dark yellow with many purplish brown striations and spots, lip white with purplish red spots; pedicel and ovary 4-7 mm long. Sepals narrowly oblong-obovate, apex acute; lateral sepals falcate. Petals narrowly ovate or narrowly ovate-lanceolate, falcate, apex acute; lip obovate-oblong or broadly oblong, base clawed and conspicuously saccate, 3-lobed above middle or sometimes entire; lateral lobes variable, oblong to ovate, apex obtuse, or absent altogether; mid-lobe subquadrate to suborbicular, margin undulate, apex rounded and irregularly incised; disk without lamellae or calli. Column slightly arcuate, slender, base thickened. Capsule ovoid.
The chromosomal number of Oreorchis foliosa var. indica is 2n = 42 (Mehra and Kashypa, 1981).
Growing in forests, alpine meadows; 2300-3000 m.