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Animal / parasitoid / endoparasitoid
larva of Compsilura concinnata is endoparasitoid of larva of Eriogaster lanestris

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Eriogaster lanestris ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

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Eriogaster lanestris és una papallona nocturna de la família Lasiocampidae.

Es troba a la major part d'Europa i de la Zona Paleàrtica fins a la regió del riu Amur.

La seva envergadura alar és 30-40 mm. Els adults volen durant març i abril, depenent de la seva ubicació.

Les larves s'alimenten d'aranyoner i Crataegus, però també de bedoll. Les pupes poden romandre sense descloure per anys; en un estudi, les darreres eclosions es van produir després de 10 anys.



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Eriogaster lanestris: Brief Summary ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı

Eriogaster lanestris és una papallona nocturna de la família Lasiocampidae.

Es troba a la major part d'Europa i de la Zona Paleàrtica fins a la regió del riu Amur.

La seva envergadura alar és 30-40 mm. Els adults volen durant març i abril, depenent de la seva ubicació.

Les larves s'alimenten d'aranyoner i Crataegus, però també de bedoll. Les pupes poden romandre sense descloure per anys; en un estudi, les darreres eclosions es van produir després de 10 anys.

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Wylun bach ( Galce )

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Gwyfyn sy'n perthyn i urdd y Lepidoptera yw wylun bach, sy'n enw gwrywaidd; yr enw lluosog ydy wyluniau bach; yr enw Saesneg yw Small Eggar, a'r enw gwyddonol yw Eriogaster lanestris.[1][2] Mae i'w ganfod ledled Ewrop.

Oprzędy utworzone przez larwy.JPG

26–30 mm ydy lled yr adenydd agored ac mae'n hedfan rhwng Mawrth ac Ebrill, yn ddibynol ar leoliad.

Prif fwyd y lindys ydy'r fedwen, Prunus spinosa a Crataegus.


Gellir dosbarthu'r pryfaid (neu'r Insecta) sy'n perthyn i'r Urdd a elwir yn Lepidoptera yn ddwy ran: y gloynnod byw a'r gwyfynod. Mae'r dosbarthiad hwn yn cynnyws mwy na 180,000 o rywogaethau mewn tua 128 o deuluoedd.

Wedi deor o'i ŵy mae'r wylun bach yn lindysyn sy'n bwyta llawer o ddail, ac wedyn mae'n troi i fod yn chwiler. Daw allan o'r chwiler ar ôl rhai wythnosau. Mae pedwar cyfnod yng nghylchred bywyd glöynnod byw a gwyfynod: ŵy, lindysyn, chwiler ac oedolyn.

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  1. Gwefan Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru. Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru. Adalwyd ar 29 Chwefror 2012.
  2. Geiriadur enwau a thermau ar Wefan Llên Natur. Adalwyd 13/12/2012.
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Wylun bach: Brief Summary ( Galce )

wikipedia CY tarafından sağlandı

Gwyfyn sy'n perthyn i urdd y Lepidoptera yw wylun bach, sy'n enw gwrywaidd; yr enw lluosog ydy wyluniau bach; yr enw Saesneg yw Small Eggar, a'r enw gwyddonol yw Eriogaster lanestris. Mae i'w ganfod ledled Ewrop.

 src= Siani flewog Oprzędy utworzone przez larwy.JPG

26–30 mm ydy lled yr adenydd agored ac mae'n hedfan rhwng Mawrth ac Ebrill, yn ddibynol ar leoliad.

Prif fwyd y lindys ydy'r fedwen, Prunus spinosa a Crataegus.

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Bourovec březový ( Çekçe )

wikipedia CZ tarafından sağlandı

Bourovec březový (Eriogaster lanestris) je noční motýl z čeledi bourovcovitých, vyskytující se také na území České republiky.


Vyskytuje se na výslunných lesostepních biotopech s křovištními porosty trnek a bříz, často ve středních nadmořských výškách, také na vřesovištích. Sekundárně osidluje ovocné sady a stromořadí.[1][2][3]
Ještě koncem 20. století byl považován za hojný druh,[2][3] od té doby ale jeho počty trvale klesají. V Červené knize bezobratlých ČR (2016) je zařazen jako druh zranitelný.[4]


Sbírkový exemplář
(samec z líce a rubu)
Housenka bourovce březového

Patří k menším bourovcům. Přední křídlo dosahuje délky 15–20 mm, přičemž samice jsou větší než samci. Základní barvou je červenohnědá až hnědá. Na předním křídle se nacházejí dvě bílé skvrny: jedna přibližně v polovině, druhá při kořeni. Skvrna při kořeni křídla má zpravidla hnědý střed. Ve vnější třetině křídla se nachází mírně zvlněná, okrouhlá, bělavá příčka. Zadní křídla jsou o něco světlejší než přední, také přes ně probíhá okrouhlá světlá příčka. Tělo a zadeček jsou tmavší, velmi hustě ochlupené. Obě pohlaví jsou ve zbarvení podobná, odlišují se zejména tykadly, která jsou u samiček jednoduchá, nitkovitá, zatímco u samců hřebenitá.[2][5]

Vajíčka jsou uložena ve snůškách spirálovitě obtáčejících větvičky živných rostlin. Spirály nejsou tak kompaktní jako u bourovců rodu Malacosoma a jsou překryty hnědými chloupky.[1][2][5]

Housenky jsou jemně chlupaté, v mládí černomodré, později černohnědé se dvěma řadami rezavých skvrn na hřbetě. Na bocích článků mají bělavé příčky.[2]

Kukla je uložena v pevném, hnědém, soudkovitém zámotku pergamenového vzhledu.[1][2]


Mladé housenky v hnízdě
Zámotek, ukrývající kuklu

Ve střední Evropě vytváří jednu generaci, jejíž motýli se líhnou brzy na jaře a létají tak už v březnu a dubnu. V noci přilétají k umělým zdrojům světla. Samičky po oplodnění kladou vajíčka v rozvolněném spirálovitém útvaru okolo větvičky živné rostliny, přičemž snůšku kryjí chloupky ze spodiny zadečku.[1][2]

Housenky se líhnou v květnu a ihned po vylíhnutí si upředou společné hnízdo, v němž zprvu žijí. Živnou rostlinou bývá nejčastěji bříza, hloh či trnka, v alejích pak také lípy, švestky či třešně. Housenky se během svého 5 týdnů trvajícího vývoje osamostatňují, v posledních fázích už žijí jednotlivě a jednotlivě se také kuklí na úrovni země, kde si spřádají zámotky.[1][2][3]

Kukla je přezimujícím stádiem. Může dokonce přeležet i více než jednu zimu.[1][3]



  1. a b c d e f ZAHRADNÍK, Jiří. Naši motýli. Praha: Albatros, 1997.
  2. a b c d e f g h PONEC, Jozef. Motýle. 1. vyd. Bratislava: Obzor, 1982. 384 s.
  3. a b c d LULÁK M., KRNÁČ J. Začínáme s entomologií a chovem motýlů. 1. vyd. Karviná: Alfa Consulting, 1999. 352 s. ISBN 8023839721.
  4. Eriogaster lanestris – AOPK ČR. portal.nature.cz [online]. [cit. 2019-02-13]. Dostupné online.
  5. a b Lepiforum. www.lepiforum.de [online]. [cit. 2019-02-13]. Dostupné online. (německy)

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Bourovec březový: Brief Summary ( Çekçe )

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Bourovec březový (Eriogaster lanestris) je noční motýl z čeledi bourovcovitých, vyskytující se také na území České republiky.

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Frühlings-Wollafter ( Almanca )

wikipedia DE tarafından sağlandı
Raupe des Frühlings-Wollafters
Raupen mit Gespinst

Der Frühlings-Wollafter (Eriogaster lanestris) ist ein Schmetterling (Nachtfalter) aus der Familie der Glucken (Lasiocampidae).


Die Falter erreichen eine Flügelspannweite von 30 bis 35 Millimetern. Die Grundfarbe der Vorderflügel ist dunkel rotbraun. Am Flügelansatz und nahe der Flügelmitte befinden sich zwei leuchtend weiße Flecken, wobei der Fleck am Flügelansatz bei den Männchen meist U- oder ringförmig und etwas größer als bei den Weibchen ausgebildet ist. Das hintere Flügeldrittel ist durch eine weiße, leicht gewellte und manchmal etwas undeutliche Querlinie abgetrennt und ist weiß gestäubt. Die Hinterflügel sind ebenfalls dunkel rotbraun und haben einen weißen Rand. Die Weibchen haben einen mit dichtem, grauem Haar bedeckten Afterbusch („Wollafter“). Beide Geschlechter haben um den Flügelansatz einen dichten Pelz aus graubraunen Haaren, der sich über den Kopf, die Flügelbasis, und an der Unterseite über die Beine ausbreitet.[1]

Die Raupen werden ca. 45 Millimeter lang und sind schwarz gefärbt. Sie haben lange, weiße, am Ansatz leicht rötliche Haare, besonders auf den Seiten und vereinzelt am Rücken und paarweise angeordnete, rostrote, kurze Haarbüschel beiderseits des Rückens. An den Seiten tragen sie manchmal gelblich weiße Punkte oder längliche Flecken.[1]

Ähnliche Arten


Die nachtaktiven Tiere kommen in fast ganz Europa außer dem hohen Norden und Teilen des Mittelmeergebietes vor. Östlich reicht ihre Verbreitung bis an den Amur.[2] Sie leben an Waldrändern und im verbuschten Gelände, aber auch in Alleen und Parks. Sie waren in ganz Mitteleuropa weit verbreitet, sind aber mittlerweile vielerorts verschwunden und gefährdet.[1]


Flug- und Raupenzeiten

Die Falter fliegen in einer Generation temperaturabhängig von Mitte März bis Mitte April. Die Raupen findet man von Mai bis Juli.[3]

Nahrung der Raupen

Die Raupen ernähren sich von verschiedenen Laubbaum- und Straucharten, besonders von Hänge-Birke (Betula pendula) und Schlehe (Prunus spinosa), aber auch von Eberesche (Sorbus aucuparia), Salweide (Salix caprea) und Eingriffeligem Weißdorn (Crataegus monogyna).[1]


Die Weibchen legen ihre Eier entlang von dünnen Ästchen und überdecken sie mit den langen Haaren ihres Afterbusches, um sie vor Fressfeinden zu schützen. Die Raupen leben zwischen Mai und Juni gemeinsam in einem großen, weißen Gespinst, das meist sackförmig von der Pflanze hängt. Sie fressen in Gemeinschaft und ziehen sich danach in ihre Behausung zurück. Erst am Ende ihrer Entwicklung werden sie Einzelgänger. Sie verpuppen sich am Boden in einem braunen ovalen Kokon. Auffällig an diesem sind zwei symmetrische Löcher, die als Atemöffnungen dienen. Die Falter schlüpfen nach einer Überwinterung bereits sehr früh im Jahr, die Tiere überliegen aber auch gelegentlich und schlüpfen dann erst nach bis zu sieben Jahren.[1]



  1. a b c d e Heiko Bellmann: Der neue Kosmos-Schmetterlingsführer. Schmetterlinge, Raupen und Futterpflanzen. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-440-09330-1, S. 70f.
  2. Hans-Josef Weidemann, Jochen Köhler: Nachtfalter. Spinner und Schwärmer. Naturbuch-Verlag, Augsburg 1996, ISBN 3-89440-128-1, S. 110f.
  3. Manfred Koch: Wir bestimmen Schmetterlinge. Band 2: Bären, Spinner, Schwärmer und Bohrer Deutschlands. 2., erweiterte Auflage. Neumann, Radebeul/Berlin 1964, , S. 94f.


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Frühlings-Wollafter: Brief Summary ( Almanca )

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 src= Raupe des Frühlings-Wollafters  src= Raupen mit Gespinst

Der Frühlings-Wollafter (Eriogaster lanestris) ist ein Schmetterling (Nachtfalter) aus der Familie der Glucken (Lasiocampidae).

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Eriogaster lanestris ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Eriogaster lanestris, commonly known as the small eggar, is a moth of the family Lasiocampidae that is found across the Palearctic. Unlike many other members of the Lasiocampidae, the small eggar is a social insect. Historically, only eusocial insects like ants, bees, and termites were thought to exhibit complex social organization and communication systems. However, research since the late 20th century has found that E. lanestris, among a number of other phylogenetically related moth and butterfly species, demonstrates social behaviors as well. Larvae spend nearly their entire development in colonies of about 200 individuals, and this grouped social structure offers a number of benefits, from thermoregulation to increased foraging success.[1]

The small eggar population has been in decline since the 1970s. Landscaping practices like hedgerow cutting and intensive mowing destroy habitats and damage cocoons during pupation, leading to scattered populations and increased rarity.[2]


Small eggar moths have a wingspan of 30–40 millimeters, and females are generally larger than males. Male and female adults have a gray-brown to reddish coloration with white spotting on their upper wings, however males tend to have darker, grayer coloration than females. Additionally, males antennae are bipectinate, or feather-like.[3] Both sexes have setae on their bodies, but females have an extra grayish tuft of hair at the base of their abdominal region.[2] Larvae are black and hairy, developing red coloration during the later larval stages. They can reach lengths of approximately 50 mm and often have yellow coloration along the sides of their bodies throughout development.[1][3]

Geographic range

Western palearctic region

E. lanestris is found in scattered, patchy populations across the palearctic region, with most of its documentation in England, Ireland, and Wales. Due to its preference for warm, dry weather, the small eggar has a more limited range, as it cannot function properly in the cold conditions found in the northern palearctic. The moth is only active from spring to mid-summer in the temperate region of the U.K. and Ireland.[4]


Larval colonies, egg masses, and cocoons are all found on small trees, bushes, and hedgerows. Host plants of the small eggar include blackthorn (Prunus spinosa), hawthorn (Cretaegus), and birch (Betula pendula). E. lanestris prefers these plants due to their branching and twigging structure suitable for oviposition and larval tent construction (see below), along with the food resources they offer. These species are commonly planted in hedge formations along roads, or around residential or agricultural land.[4]

Prunus spinosa (blackthorn)

Food resources

The small eggar only feeds during its larval stages of development, consuming leaves of blackthorn, hawthorn, and birch. Due to their high water and nitrogen content, young leaves, rather than more mature ones, are preferred by caterpillars. Caterpillars hatch around the time of leaf emergence in order to maximize feeding while leaves are still young and nutritious.[5] The small eggar is a central-place forager, meaning it returns to the same nesting site after each foraging trip. This allows colonies of larval E. lanestris to communicate where the best feeding sites are located. However, as colonies develop, the closest food resources become too mature or are depleted, so caterpillars must venture further and further from their central site to feed.[6]

Social behavior

E. lanestris is a highly social insect, particularly during its larval stages. Hence, small eggar larvae are categorized as gregarious caterpillars.[6] Living in large groups may make larval colonies more apparent to visually-oriented predators, however this social structure has also allowed the small eggar to evolve a number of advantageous behaviors.

Synchronous foraging

One benefit of the grouping behavior found in E. lanestris is increased foraging efficiency, which they achieve by foraging together in a large group. Colonies of caterpillars feed several times a day, leaving their tent as a group in search of food. The exact mechanism by which larvae determine feeding times is unknown, but it likely has to do with the ability of the silk tent to transmit vibrations throughout the structure. As caterpillars mobilize to leave the tent, others are alerted by the vibrations that it is time to feed, facilitating the movement of the entire colony, allowing for synchronous foraging.[7] Unlike many nocturnal foragers, E. lanestris feeds both during the day and at night, so it runs the risk of detection by visually-oriented predators during daytime foraging forays. However, by leaving the security of the tent en masse instead of solitarily, caterpillars are able to minimize their individual risk of predation and cooperate to locate and reach the best feeding sites.[4]

Trail-based communication

E. lanestris' central-place foraging strategy in which they leave and return to the same site during each foraging outing, allows caterpillars to communicate about the best nearby food sources, turning their nest into an information center. Caterpillars lay down a silk trail when they move outside of the tent, creating a network of trails that lead back to their home base. Larvae can differentiate between new and old trails, preferring newer trails that lead to higher-yielding feeding sites. During a synchronous foraging bout, larvae that are unsuccessful at first return to the tent and pick up fresh trails that were marked by a successful feeder. In addition to indicating the best feeding sites, silk trails allow caterpillars to better grip the substrate over which they are traveling, which further increases foraging efficiency and success.[8]


A mass of early instar larvae

Another advantage provided by the small eggar's sociality is their enhanced ability to control the temperature of their immediate surroundings, or thermoregulate. E. lanestris is an ectothermic organism, meaning it relies on its surroundings to regulate its body temperature. Caterpillars must maintain an adequate body temperature in order to move, metabolize, and develop properly. Caterpillars have an optimal temperature range of 30–35 °C, and when they hatch in early spring, ambient temperatures are usually below this threshold. Small individual caterpillars have a low capacity to capture and retain heat, however when 200 individuals group together, their effective mass increases significantly, allowing them to collectively retain more heat. The layered tent structure functions to further insulate caterpillars within the inner chambers. On sunny days when air temperatures may be lower than ideal, caterpillars congregate on the outer surfaces of the tent in direct sunlight. Their black, furry bodies act to absorb radiation and their grouping serves to more effectively prevent heat loss. Additionally, when caterpillars return to the tent after feeding, they enter into a resting and digestion phase. Their metabolisms generate heat energy, which can raise the internal tent temperature as much as 3 °C. As caterpillars enter later larval stages, seasonal temperatures may get too high, so caterpillars are often found on the shaded side of their tent, away from direct sun.[5]

Life history


Female moths lay masses of about 325 eggs on twigs and small branches of the host plant. Each batch of eggs covers approximately 4 cm of area.[3] The eggs all hatch within the span of a few days, save for a relatively small proportion of the egg mass, yielding a larval colony averaging 200 individuals.[9]

Larval development

Larvae mature through five stages, called instars, over the course of six to seven weeks. During early larval development (instars 1–3), larvae are small and black in coloration, and during late development (instars 4–5), larvae develop urticarial hairs and red coloration. In their fifth instar, larvae lose many of their social behaviors and colonies disband as individuals prepare for pupation.[9]

Silk tent of E. lanestris

Larval tents

E. lanestris eggs hatch in April and May, and following their emergence, caterpillars immediately construct tents out of silk at their hatching site, or nearby on the same bush. They live in these tents as colonies of approximately 200 of their full siblings during their development. They continually repair and expand the same structure throughout larval development. The tent consists of layers of silk fibers that form air pockets which serve to insulate the nest and provide resting spaces for caterpillars inside. Tent structures are severely damaged by heavy rains, which cause their silk layers to stick together, removing air pockets. Dried silk also becomes brittle and fragile, making it susceptible to breaking and tearing. Additionally, small eggars’ tents are bright white and not well-concealed, so they are easily located and damaged by predators like birds. Maintaining the integrity of the tent is essential to larval colonies’ survival, and they do not abandon the tent until just before pupation.[10]


Pupation occurs in early July. Caterpillars form hard, brown, rounded cocoons, which are usually found concealed in low, dense vegetation of hedgerows and bushes, as well is in grass and brush. Pupa overwinter in their cocoons and typically hatch the following spring, however they have been known to remain in pupation for several years when conditions are less than ideal.[2]

Adulthood and reproduction

Adult moths emerge from their cocoons in March and early April. Adults live for about a week, during which they mate. E. lanestris moths do not feed as adults, so they must rely on their larval nutrition for survival and reproduction during their final life stage.[4] When females deposit eggs on the branches of their host plants, they secrete a protective cover of fluids and anal tuft hairs that hardens into a solid shell.[3] Little is known about the mating behavior of the small eggar moths, however mating behaviors of closely related moths, like the tent moths of the genus Malacosoma, have been studied. In these other tent moths, and likely in E. lanestris as well, males reach sexual maturity faster than females. Moths copulate by joining ends and facing in opposite directions.[11]


E. lanestris is preyed on by different organisms throughout its development. During early larval stages, caterpillars are primarily attacked by spiders, ants, beetles, and other insects. As they grow in size, they are more appealing to larger vertebrates. Birds prey on adult moths and have also been known to attack the tents in which larval colonies live and develop, which causes severe structural damage. Field studies have revealed low rates of parasitism among small eggars.[9]

Predator defense

5th instar setae and red coloration

As larvae, E. lanestris exhibits a number of characteristics in their behavior, as well as their anatomy, that provide them protection from predators. These predator defense mechanisms include larvae's synchronous foraging behavior, which decreases individual risk of predation when they leave the safety of their tent. By traveling in large groups, individual caterpillars become more difficult to be singled out by predators. Additionally, the development of red coloring and setae containing a chemical irritant during later instars allows for additional protection from predation. Red coloration serves as a warning sign to birds and other visual predators, and rash-inducing setae function to deter predators upon contact.[12][6]

Interactions with humans


The small eggar is covered in setae, which can cause dermatitis in humans upon contact. These tiny hairs have a tube-like structure that becomes embedded in exposed skin, delivering a chemical irritant. Reactions vary in severity, but typically present as an itchy rash that spreads from the area of contact and can develop red bumps and papules. The rash usually clears up after about a week.

Cases of small eggar-related dermatitis have resulted from direct handling of caterpillars as well as indirect exposure to setae. Adult moths have fewer setae on their bodies and therefore pose less of a risk of dermatological reaction to humans.[12]

Crop pests

E. lanestris is often found on fruit trees including apple, pear, damson, and plum trees. Infestation of these crop trees does not generally result in damage to the fruits they produce, however, larvae can cause considerable damage to the trees' leaves, resulting in significant defoliation. In general, E. lanestris occupies these trees less than its other host plants, and it is not considered a pest of high importance.[3]


Since the 1970s, the small eggar population has been declining in its native habitat in Britain, Wales, and Ireland. Once abundant, the population now exists in scattered colonies across its range. In Britain, the small eggar is considered nationally scarce. The moth's decreased abundance is attributed mainly to hedgerow trimming and intensive roadside mowing that directly harm the insect or destroy its host plants.[2]

Reference list

  1. ^ a b "Colony survivorship of social caterpillars in the field: A case study of the small eggar moth (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae)" (PDF).
  2. ^ a b c d "Small Eggar". Archived from the original on 2017-10-03. Retrieved 2017-10-02.
  3. ^ a b c d e Alford, David V. (19 April 2016). Pests of Fruit Crops: A Colour Handbook, Second Edition. ISBN 9781482254211.
  4. ^ a b c d Ruf, Claudia; Fiedler, Konrad (2002). "Plasticity in Foraging Patterns of Larval Colonies of the Small Eggar Moth, Eriogaster lanestris (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae)". Oecologia. 131 (4): 626–634. doi:10.1007/s00442-002-0914-8. JSTOR 4223299. PMID 28547559. S2CID 7917301.
  5. ^ a b "Thermal gains through collective metabolic heat production in social caterpillars of Eriogaster lanestris". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  6. ^ a b c Fitzgerald, T. D.; Peterson, S. C. (1988). "Cooperative Foraging and Communication in Caterpillars". BioScience. 38 (1): 20–25. doi:10.2307/1310642. JSTOR 1310642.
  7. ^ Ruf, Claudia; Fiedler, Konrad (December 2002). "Tent-based thermoregulation in social caterpillars of Eriogaster lanestris (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae): behavioral mechanisms and physical features of the tent". Journal of Thermal Biology. 27 (6): 493–501. doi:10.1016/S0306-4565(02)00022-0.
  8. ^ "Trail based communication in social caterpillars of Eriogaster lanestris (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae)". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  9. ^ a b c "Colony survivorship of social caterpillars in the field: A case study of the small eggar moth (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae)" (PDF).
  10. ^ Pincebourde, Sylvain; Casas, Jérôme (2006). "Multitrophic Biophysical Budgets: Thermal Ecology of an Intimate Herbivore Insect-Plant Interaction". Ecological Monographs. 76 (2): 175–194. doi:10.1890/0012-9615(2006)076[0175:mbbteo]2.0.co;2. JSTOR 27646036.
  11. ^ Fitzgerald, T.D (1995). The Tent Caterpillars. Cornell University Press. p. 274. ISBN 9780801424564. eclosion.
  12. ^ a b Hellier, F. F.; Warin, R. P. (6 May 1967). "Caterpillar dermatitis". BMJ. 2 (5548): 346–348. doi:10.1136/bmj.2.5548.346. PMC 1841743. PMID 6023131.
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Eriogaster lanestris: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Eriogaster lanestris, commonly known as the small eggar, is a moth of the family Lasiocampidae that is found across the Palearctic. Unlike many other members of the Lasiocampidae, the small eggar is a social insect. Historically, only eusocial insects like ants, bees, and termites were thought to exhibit complex social organization and communication systems. However, research since the late 20th century has found that E. lanestris, among a number of other phylogenetically related moth and butterfly species, demonstrates social behaviors as well. Larvae spend nearly their entire development in colonies of about 200 individuals, and this grouped social structure offers a number of benefits, from thermoregulation to increased foraging success.

The small eggar population has been in decline since the 1970s. Landscaping practices like hedgerow cutting and intensive mowing destroy habitats and damage cocoons during pupation, leading to scattered populations and increased rarity.

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Kasekedrik ( Estonyaca )

wikipedia ET tarafından sağlandı

Kasekedrik (Eriogaster lanestris) on kasekedriku perekonda ja kedriklaste sugukonda kuuluv liblikaliik.

Liigi areaal haarab suurt osa Euroopast ja parasvöötme Aasiat.

Kasekedriku röövikud teevad kollektiivselt puudele suuri võrgendeid.


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Kasekedrik: Brief Summary ( Estonyaca )

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Kasekedrik (Eriogaster lanestris) on kasekedriku perekonda ja kedriklaste sugukonda kuuluv liblikaliik.

Liigi areaal haarab suurt osa Euroopast ja parasvöötme Aasiat.

Kasekedriku röövikud teevad kollektiivselt puudele suuri võrgendeid.

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Koivukehrääjä ( Fince )

wikipedia FI tarafından sağlandı

Koivukehrääjä (Eriogaster lanestris) on keskikokoinen, keväinen yöperhoslaji.

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Koivukehrääjä on keskikokoinen, roteva ja pyöreäsiipinen perhonen. Etusiipien pohjaväri on harmahtavan punaruskea, kuten myös ruumiin karvoitus. Etusiiven poikki kulkee vaalea poikkiviiru, joka ei erityisemmin mutkittele. Poikkiviiru on koiraalla leveämpi ja reunoiltaan tarkkarajaisempi. Siiven keskellä on laaja, vaalea keskitäplä ja tyvessä vaalea, kolmiomainen täplä. Takasiivet ovat selvästi etusiipiä pienemmät, vaaleamman ruskeat, ja myös niissä erottuu vaalea poikkiviiru. Koiraan tuntosarvet ovat selvästi kaksoiskampamaiset. Naaras on ruumiiltaan koirasta tukevampi, ja sen takaruumiin kärjessä on harmaista karvoista muodostuva pyöreä tupsu. Siipiväli on koiraalla 29–38 mm ja naaraalla 39–45 mm.[1][2][3]

Levinneisyys ja lentoaika

Koivukehrääjää tavataan suuressa osassa Keski-Eurooppaa. Idässä sen levinneisyys ulottuu Venäjän poikki Itä-Aasiaan. Se on kaikkialla esiintymisessään paikoittainen.[3] Suomessa koivukehrääjän levinneisyysalue on erikoinen. Maan eteläosissa sitä tavataan lounaisrannikolla sekä Itä-Suomessa. Pohjoisempana sitä tavataan Etelä-Pohjanmalta Kainuuseen ulottuvan linjan pohjoispuolella Pohjois-Lappiin saakka. Näiden väliin, maan keskiosiin jäävältä vyöhykkeeltä havainnot puuttuvat. Aikuiset perhoset lentävät huhtikuun alusta toukokuun alkupuolelle[4], etelämpänä Euroopassa jo helmi-maaliskuussa[2].

Elinympäristö ja elintavat

Koivukehrääjää tavataan lämpimillä, pensaikkoisilla paikoilla, kuten metsänreunustoilla, puutarhoissa, puistoissa ja teiden varsilla. Suomessa lajia tavataan useimmin soiden läheisyydessä. Perhoset aloittavat lentonsa varhain illalla, joskus jopa iltapäivällä. Molemmat sukupuolet tulevat valolle, joskin naaraat hieman harvemmin.[3]

Naaras munii 200–300 munaa oksille noin 50 mm pitkiin ryhmiin, jotka kiertävät oksaa spiraalimaisesti. Munarykelmä peittyy naaraan takaruumiin kärkitupsusta irronneiden karvojen alle. Naaras kuolee pian munimisen jälkeen ja sen saattaa löytää maasta läheltä munarykelmää. Toukat kuoriutuvat hiukan myöhemmin ja rakentavat heti tuottamastaan valkoisesta seitistä yhteisen toukkapesän, jonka voi nähdä kymmenien metrien päähän. Toukat ovat sosiaalisia ja tulevat yhdessä ulos toukkapesästä ruokailemaan 3–6 kertaa päivässä. Toukat viihtyvät auringonpaisteessa, eivätkä yritä erityisemmin piilotella. Viimeisen nahanluonnin jälkeen toukat kuitenkin erakoituvat, mutteivät silloinkaan yleensä poistu muutamaa kymmentä metriä kauemmaksi aikaisemmasta pesäpaikasta. Toukat ovat täysikasvuisia heinäkuun alussa ja koteloituvat maahan, karikkeen joukkoon kovan, sylinterimäisen ja ruskean kotelokopan sisään. Kotelo talvehtii varsin usein kaksi kertaa, joskus useammankin, mutta kotelovaiheen tiedetään kestäneen jopa 14 vuotta.[3]


Toukka on polyfagi, joka syö pääasiassa koivuja (Betula), mutta harvakseltaan myös muita lehtipuita.


  1. http://www2.nrm.se/en/svenska_fjarilar/e/eriogaster_lanestris.html
  2. a b http://www.ukmoths.org.uk/show.php?bf=1633
  3. a b c d Nationalnyckeln till Sverges flora och fauna. Fjärilar: Ädelspinnare–tofsspinnare Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae–Lymantriidae. ISBN 978-91-88506-58-0 s. 114–120
  4. http://www.insects.fi/Lepidoptera/Lasiocampidae/Eriogaster/lanestris/Eriogaster%20lanestris.htm

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Koivukehrääjä: Brief Summary ( Fince )

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Koivukehrääjä (Eriogaster lanestris) on keskikokoinen, keväinen yöperhoslaji.

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Bombyx laineux ( Fransızca )

wikipedia FR tarafından sağlandı

Eriogaster lanestris

Eriogaster lanestris est un lépidoptère appartenant à la famille des Lasiocampidae. Il est appelé Bombyx laineux sous sa forme imago (papillon) ou Laineuse du cerisier sous sa forme chenille. C'est l'espèce type du genre Eriogaster.


  • Envergure du mâle : de 13 à 15 mm.


  • Période de vol : de mars à mai. Alimentation de la chenille : plantes-hôtes : diverses espèces de feuillus.

Répartition et habitat


Eurasiatique : de l’Europe à la région du fleuve Amour.


Forêts de feuillus, vergers.


L'espèce Eriogaster lanestris a été décrite par le naturaliste suédois Carl von Linné en 1758, sous le nom initial de Phalaena lanestris[1].


  • Phalaena lanestris Linnaeus, 1758 protonyme

Notes et références

  1. Phalaena lanestris Linnaeus, 1758; Syst. Nat. (Edn 10) 1 : 499

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Bombyx laineux: Brief Summary ( Fransızca )

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Eriogaster lanestris

Eriogaster lanestris est un lépidoptère appartenant à la famille des Lasiocampidae. Il est appelé Bombyx laineux sous sa forme imago (papillon) ou Laineuse du cerisier sous sa forme chenille. C'est l'espèce type du genre Eriogaster.

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Pūkapilvis verpikas ( Litvanca )

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Binomas Eriogaster lanestris

Pūkapilvis verpikas (lot. Eriogaster lanestris) – verpikų (Lasiocampidae) šeimos drugys. Skraido balandžio mėn. pamiškėse, proskynose, aukštapelkių pakraščiuose. Vikšrai gyvena tankiame šilkinių siūlų lizde, kuris būna beržų, liepų, gluosnių šakučių gale. Lietuvoje reta rūšis. Vikiteka

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Pūkapilvis verpikas: Brief Summary ( Litvanca )

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Pūkapilvis verpikas (lot. Eriogaster lanestris) – verpikų (Lasiocampidae) šeimos drugys. Skraido balandžio mėn. pamiškėse, proskynose, aukštapelkių pakraščiuose. Vikšrai gyvena tankiame šilkinių siūlų lizde, kuris būna beržų, liepų, gluosnių šakučių gale. Lietuvoje reta rūšis. Vikiteka

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Wolspinner ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

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De wolspinner (Eriogaster lanestris) is een nachtvlinder uit de familie Lasiocampidae, de spinners. De voorvleugellengte bedraagt tussen de 15 en 21 millimeter. De soort komt verspreid van Europa tot het stroomgebied van de Amoer voor. Hij overwintert als pop, vaak meerdere jaren.


De wolspinner heeft als waardplanten sleedoorn en meidoorn. De rupsen leven in een groep in en rond spinsels.

Voorkomen in Nederland en België

De wolspinner is in Nederland uitgestorven, hij is voor het laatst in 1957 waargenomen. In België het een zeer zeldzame en achteruitgaande soort uit de zuidelijke provincies. De vlinder kent één generatie die vliegt in maart en april, soms zijn er ook waarnemingen uit het najaar.

Externe links

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • Waring, P. en M. Townsend (2006) Nachtvlinders, veldgids met alle in Nederland en België voorkomende soorten, Baarn: Tirion.
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Wolspinner: Brief Summary ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı

De wolspinner (Eriogaster lanestris) is een nachtvlinder uit de familie Lasiocampidae, de spinners. De voorvleugellengte bedraagt tussen de 15 en 21 millimeter. De soort komt verspreid van Europa tot het stroomgebied van de Amoer voor. Hij overwintert als pop, vaak meerdere jaren.

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Bjørkespinner ( Norveççe )

wikipedia NO tarafından sağlandı

Bjørkespinner (Eriogaster lanestris) er en sommerfugl som tilhører familien ekte spinnere (Lasiocampidae). Hos denne arten legger man mest merke til larvene, som lever selskapelig i store silkespinn. Bjørkespinneren har gått sterkt tilbake de siste årene og har forsvunnet fra mange områder.

Bjørkespinner-larver på silkespinn


Em middelsstor (vingespenn 29 – 45 mm), tettbygd, brun spinner. Vingene er ganske små sammenlignet med kroppen, sparsomt skjellkledte og delvis gjennomsiktige. Antennene er kraftige og fjærformede hos hannen, tynne og kamformede hos hunnen. Hos begge kjønn er bakkroppen tykk og sylindrisk, og ender i en hårdusk. Hos hunnen er disse hårene tette og ullaktige (analull). Forvingen er trekantet, brun, med et lyst tverrbånd ca. 2/3 ut i vingen. Den har en rund, lys flekk litt innenfor dette båndet og en lys flekk ved roten. Bakvingen er litt blekere enn forvingen, med et uklart, lyst tverrbånd omtrent midtveis ute. Larven er svart, på ryggsiden av hvert kroppsledd har den et par puter av tette, brunrøde hår. Disse putene er vanligvis kantet med gulhvitt. I tillegg er den sparsomt kledt med lange, lyse, oppstående hår. Larven forpupper seg i en tett, hard, oval, brun kokong.


Larvene lever i Norge helst på bjørk (Betula spp.), men kan også forekomme på mange andre busker og løvtrær. Larvene lever selskapelig og spinner store, hvite telt av silke som kan være synlige på lang avstand. De veksler mellom å sitte på teltet og sole seg, og å krype ut for å spise. De legger ut et spor av silke fra teltet til greinene de spiser på, og følger dette når de skal hjem. Når larvene er nesten utvokste, skiller de lag og fullfører utviklingen enkeltvis. De spinner seg inn i en kokong og kan ligge over i denne flere år før den voksne spinneren klekkes. Dette skjer i mars – mai, ofte ganske tidlig. De voksne spinnerne kan ikke ta næring til seg, flyr bare for å parre seg og legge egg, og lever bare en kort tid. Hunnen legger 200 – 350 egg samlet i en tett spiral rundt en kvist, og dekker dem deretter med analullen fra bakkroppsspissen. Den dør like etter at den er ferdig med dette og kanofte finnes død like ved eggsamlingen. Disse eggsamlingene er ca. 5 cm lange og ullhårete, og er ganske lette å se før trærnes blader springer ut.

En art i tilbakegang

Bjørkespinneren var tidligere vidtutbredt og nokså vanlig, og store masseforekomster har blitt registrert flere ganger. Det ser ut til at den har gått sterkt tilbake i de siste ti-årene, og den finnes i Norge i dag trolig bare på Østlandet. Tidligere hadde den blant annet bestander i Rogaland fram til slutten av 1980-tallet. Den ser også ut til å ha gått sterkt tilbake i resten av Europa.


Bjørkespinneren finnes spredt over det meste av Mellom- og Nord-Europa, østover gjennom Russland til Stillehavet.


  • Nettsiden Svenska Fjärilar, med bildegalleri: [1]
  • Nettsiden Norges sommerfugler: [2]

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Bjørkespinner: Brief Summary ( Norveççe )

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Bjørkespinner (Eriogaster lanestris) er en sommerfugl som tilhører familien ekte spinnere (Lasiocampidae). Hos denne arten legger man mest merke til larvene, som lever selskapelig i store silkespinn. Bjørkespinneren har gått sterkt tilbake de siste årene og har forsvunnet fra mange områder.

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Barczatka puchowica ( Lehçe )

wikipedia POL tarafından sağlandı

Barczatka puchowica (Eriogaster lanestris) – owad z rzędu motyli. Skrzydła o rozpiętości 32-42 mm, brunatne. Na przednich skrzydłach obwiedziona białymi liniami przepaska.

Owady dorosłe można spotkać w czerwcu. Gąsienice żerują na brzozach i śliwach. Dodatkowymi roślinami żywicielskimi są lipy, wierzby, olsze, leszczyny pospolite, dęby i głogi.

Gąsienice przepoczwarzają się między liśćmi lub w ściółce budując białawe, jajowate oprzędy. Poczwarki zimują niekiedy wielokrotnie.

Zobacz też


  1. Władysław Strojny: Nasze zwierzęta. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne, 1981. ISBN 83-09-00045-6.
  2. Krzysztof Jonko, Motyle Europy (on line)

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Barczatka puchowica: Brief Summary ( Lehçe )

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Barczatka puchowica (Eriogaster lanestris) – owad z rzędu motyli. Skrzydła o rozpiętości 32-42 mm, brunatne. Na przednich skrzydłach obwiedziona białymi liniami przepaska.

Owady dorosłe można spotkać w czerwcu. Gąsienice żerują na brzozach i śliwach. Dodatkowymi roślinami żywicielskimi są lipy, wierzby, olsze, leszczyny pospolite, dęby i głogi.

Gąsienice przepoczwarzają się między liśćmi lub w ściółce budując białawe, jajowate oprzędy. Poczwarki zimują niekiedy wielokrotnie.



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Björkspinnare ( İsveççe )

wikipedia SV tarafından sağlandı

Björkspinnare (Eriogaster lanestris) är en kraftigt byggd gråröd och rundvingad ädelspinnare.


Hanen har ett vingspann på 29 till 38 millimeter och honan 39 till 45 millimeter. Antennerna är bruna och kamtandade, hanens betydligt bredare än honans. Larven är som fullvuxen mellan 45 och 55 millimeter lång med grå eller svart grundfärg med gula tvärränder och sidolinjer. Ryggen har rödbruna fläckar, buken är gulröd och huvudet gråsvart.



Björkspinnare lever i olika typer av buskrika marker, gärna i skogsbryn, på hyggen, igenväxande marker, slånrika betesmarker och liknande. De flyger främst i skymningen, i södra Norden från slutet av mars till början av juni. Längre norrut från början av april till slutet av maj. Honan lägger 200 till 350 ägg på en kvist i en buske eller litet träd några decimeter över marken. Larverna lever tillsammans i en spånad, ofta på björk eller slån men ibland på andra träd eller buskar. De lämnar spånaden tre till sex gånger om dagen för att äta eller sola sig. Vid sista larvstadiet lämnar de boet för att leva ensamma. Den förpuppar sig i en kokong i förnan. Puppan övervintrar oftast två vintrar men ibland i upp till sju. Det finns även observationer av puppor som inte kläckts förrän efter 14 år!

Larver på sin spånad


Björkspinnaren finns i stora deler av Sverige. Vanligast är den i nordöstra Skåne, västra Blekinge och på Öland. Från Norrlands inland saknas sentida observationer förutom i Tornedalen. Den finns även i Danmark, södra Norge och Finland. Populationen kan variera väldigt mycket år från år. Fram till början av 1900-talet fanns det massförekomster vissa år. Den finns även i stora delar av Centraleuropa och vidare österut genom Ryssland till Fjärran östern. I många europeiska länder är den rödlistad, dock ej i Sverige.


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Björkspinnare: Brief Summary ( İsveççe )

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Björkspinnare (Eriogaster lanestris) är en kraftigt byggd gråröd och rundvingad ädelspinnare.

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Eriogaster lanestris ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Eriogaster lanestris là một loài bướm đêm thuộc họ Lasiocampidae. Loài này có ở hầu hết châu Âu ranging to sông Amur.

Sâu bướm
Oprzędy utworzone przez larwy.JPG

Sải cánh dài 30–40 mm. Con trưởng thành bay từ tháng 3 đến tháng 4 tùy theo địa điểm.

Ấu trùng ăn Prunus spinosaCrataegus.

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ 10th edition of Systema Naturae

Tham khảo

 src= Wikimedia Commons có thêm hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Eriogaster lanestris

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Eriogaster lanestris: Brief Summary ( Vietnamca )

wikipedia VI tarafından sağlandı

Eriogaster lanestris là một loài bướm đêm thuộc họ Lasiocampidae. Loài này có ở hầu hết châu Âu ranging to sông Amur.

 src= Sâu bướm Oprzędy utworzone przez larwy.JPG

Sải cánh dài 30–40 mm. Con trưởng thành bay từ tháng 3 đến tháng 4 tùy theo địa điểm.

Ấu trùng ăn Prunus spinosaCrataegus.

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Коконопряд пушистый ( Rusça )

wikipedia русскую Википедию tarafından sağlandı

Коконопряд пушистый[1][2] (лат. Eriogaster lanestris) — вид небольших бабочек из семейства коконопрядов, распространённых по всей Палеарктике.



Самка значительно крупнее самца. Размах крыльев бабочек до 40 мм у самок и до 33 мм у самцов. Основной фон крыльев красно-бурый. Передние крылья с извилистой поперечной белой полосой вблизи наружного края. У основания крыльев и у их середины — по белому пятну. Задние крылья светлее передних, беловатая поперечная полоса посередине более тусклая. Полоска как бы является продолжением полосы передних крыльев. Вершина брюшка самки покрыта подушечкой из буровато-серых волосков, отчего бабочка и получила свое название[1].


Яйца бочонкообразные, размером 1,3×0,8 мм, буровато-серые, бесструктурные, располагаются стоймя неплотной спиралью, длиной 2—4 см, до 1 см в поперечнике, на веточках тополя, осины, ивы. С поверхности яйцекладки прикрыты волосками с брюшка самки настолько густо, что не видно отдельных яичек. В яйцекладке до 350 яичек. В целом яйцекладка напоминает отцветшую серёжку осины.


Гусеница длиной до 5,5 см, вся покрыта густыми волосками, чёрная или синевато-чёрная с двумя рядами тёмно-жёлтых или рыжих бородавочек, идущих по спинке от головы до конца тела; ниже на каждом кольце по три белых точки.


Куколка охряно-жёлтая, длиной до 2,3 см, окукливается под подстилкой в крепком бочонкообразном коконе беловатого или желтоватого цвета, длиной до 2,5 см[3][неавторитетный источник?].

Жизненный цикл

Гусеницы появляются весной, когда распускаются почки на деревьях, живут группами до 250 особей в большом паутинном гнезде, покидая его на время кормёжки[4]. Развитие гусениц длится до июля, после чего они окукливаются в лесной подстилке в плотном коконе и так зимуют, иногда уходя в супердиапаузу до 8 лет. Бабочки появляются с марта по май, изредка встречаются в октябре[1]. На свет прилетают до 22:00. Имаго не питается.


Вид широко распространён в лесостепной и степной зонах Европы, европейской части стран бывшего СССР и в Сибири.

Кормовые растения гусениц

Берёза, ольха, лещина, ива, тополь, осина, шиповник, яблоня, рябина, боярышник, тёрн, слива, липа, бобовник, голубика и другие древесные лиственные породы[5].


  1. 1 2 3 Савковский П. П. Атлас вредителей плодовых и ягодных культур. — Изд. 5-е, доп. и перераб.. — К.: Урожай, 1990. — 96 с., цв. табл., илл. с.
  2. Горбунов П.Ю., Ольшванг В.Н. Бабочки Южного Урала. Справочник-определитель. Сократ, 2008 - 416 с. ISBN: 978-5-88664-303-9
  3. Шелкопряд (коконопряд) пушистый — WikiForest (неопр.). rcfh.ru. Проверено 22 ноября 2017.
  4. Claudia Ruf, Konrad Fiedler. Tent-based thermoregulation in social caterpillars of Eriogaster lanestris (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae): behavioral mechanisms and physical features of the tent (англ.) // Journal of Thermal Biology. — 2002. — Vol. 27, iss. 6. — P. 493—501. — DOI:10.1016/S0306-4565(02)00022-0.
  5. Paolo Mazzei, Daniel Morel, Raniero Panfili. Moths and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa (неопр.). www.leps.it. Проверено 22 ноября 2017.
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Коконопряд пушистый: Brief Summary ( Rusça )

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Коконопряд пушистый (лат. Eriogaster lanestris) — вид небольших бабочек из семейства коконопрядов, распространённых по всей Палеарктике.

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