Juvenile Enoplosus armatus live in sea grass beds. As they mature, they migrate to coastal waters. They are mainly found in rocky reefs and wharves (Marshall 1964).
Aquatic Biomes: reef ; coastal
Enoplosus armatus is found from Indonesia to Southern Australia (Robins 1991).
Biogeographic Regions: australian (Native )
Enoplosus armatus is a carnivorous species. Not much is known about their general feeding habits. They have been seen eating small crustaceans (Stead 1906).
Enoplosus armatus has a small financial value as a food source. The value of E. armatus in the aquarium market is small but growing (Animal World 2000).
Enoplosus armatus has no known negative financial effect on humans.
Enoplosus armatus is not currently threatened by humans.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical
Not much is known about Enoplosus armatus. This is due to the fact that it is hard to catch and therefore hard to study. They rarely take bait and nets seldom catch them because the stay in the protection of rocky shores (Marshall 1964).
Enoplosus armatus was given its common name, Old Wife, by the sailors who were able to catch it. Enoplosus armatus grinds its teeth together when it is caught. The sailors said that it sounded like the grumbling of an "Old Wife" and so they named it accordingly (Animal World 2000).
The body of Enoplosus armatus is deep and compressed, approximately 230 mm in length. The body is silver with black vertical lines of varying width. There are two separate dorsal fins. The middle spines and the anterior rays of the dorsal fins are much larger than the remaining spines and rays. In total, E. armatus has 9 dorsal spines and 14-15 dorsal rays (Fishbase 2000). The dorsal spines are poisonous to humans (Robins 1991). There are 2 sharp spines on the lower angle of the preoperculum. The iris of the eye is bright yellow (Scott 1962).
Other Physical Features: bilateral symmetry
The reproduction of Enoplosus armatus has not been well studied. They spawn in June, July, and August (Fishbase 2000). At this time they leave their schools and form closely associated pairs. They produce pelagic eggs. These are eggs that are lighter than water and therefore float and drift in the water column (Thresher 1984).
Der Doppel-Rückenflosser (Enoplosus armatus) ist eine Art der Barschverwandten (Percomorphaceae). Der Fisch lebt endemisch an der Küste des südlichen Australiens, wo er als „Old Wife“ bekannt ist. Er ist monotypisch in seiner Gattung und der Familie Enoplosidae.
Doppel-Rückenflosser haben einen hochrückigen Körper mit einem relativ kleinen Kopf, ein leicht oberständiges, spitzes Maul und eine zweigeteilte Rückenflosse mit kräftigen Flossenstrahlen. Die erste Rückenflosse wird von acht Hartstrahlen gestützt, die zweite von einem Hart- und 14 bis 15 Weichstrahlen. Die Afterflosse von drei Hart- und 14 bis 15 Weichstrahlen. Die Bauchflossen sind auffallen groß und haben einen starken ersten Flossenstrahl. Doppel-Rückenflosser sind von silbriger Grundfarbe und tragen mehrere senkrechte, unterschiedlich breite Streifen auf Flanken, Flossen und Kopf. Sie haben 26 Wirbel und werden bis zu 50 Zentimeter lang.
Doppel-Rückenflosser leben in kleinen Schwärmen, paarweise oder einzeln über Felsriffen und Seegraswiesen bis in Tiefen von 90 Metern. Noch nicht ausgewachsene Fische leben in Flussmündungen. Die Fische ernähren sich von Krebstieren, Würmern und Algen.
Ein fossiler Verwandter, Enoplosus pygopterus ist aus dem mittleren Eozän der norditalienische Monte-Bolca-Formation, die aus Ablagerungen der Tethys entstand, bekannt[1].
Der Doppel-Rückenflosser (Enoplosus armatus) ist eine Art der Barschverwandten (Percomorphaceae). Der Fisch lebt endemisch an der Küste des südlichen Australiens, wo er als „Old Wife“ bekannt ist. Er ist monotypisch in seiner Gattung und der Familie Enoplosidae.
Enoplosus armatus, commonly referred to as the old wife (plural: old wives), is a species of perciform fish endemic to the temperate coastal waters of Australia.[5] It is the only modern species in the family Enoplosidae.[6]
It has a deep and compressed body and concave forehead. These features are characteristic of typical butterflyfishes.[8] However, the old wife is easily distinguished by its silver-and-black, vertical, zebra-striped coloration, and by its two prominent dorsal fins. The second dorsal fin is very long and sickle-shaped. The fish grows up to 50 cm long.
Its dorsal fins have bony, knife-like spines.[9] These have no obvious venom groove nor gland.[10] Nonetheless, the spines are widely considered to inflict a painful venom.[5]
The name "old wife" refers to the sound it makes when caught, caused by it grinding its teeth.[5][11] Other vernacular names have included "bastard dory", "zebra-fish" (also used for Girella zebra), and "double scalare".[12] It has a similar range and appearance to the Moonlighter (Tilodon sexfasciatus).[13]
The old wife was originally classified in the genus Chaetodon (with the typical butterflyfishes), but it is now classified as the sole modern species of its own family Enoplosidae and genus Enoplosus. Some fossils have also been added to the genus.
The first description of the species, one of the earliest for any Australian fish, was in 1790 by John White in his Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales[11] though some sources give George Shaw (who assisted White in the preparation of his manuscript) as the species authority.[16] White originally named it the long-spined chaetodon (Chætodon armatus) and described it as follows:[15]
Whitish Chaetodon, with seven black stripes on the body. Six spines on the dorsal fin, the third very long. This appears to be a new and very elegant species of the genus Chaetodon. The total length of the specimen was not more than four inches. The colour a silvery white, darker, and of a bluish tinge on the back; the transverse fasciae, or bands, of a deep black; the fins and tail of a pale brown. The third ray or spine of the first dorsal fin is much longer than the rest.
The species was reclassified by Lacépède into its own genus (named from "weapon" in Greek to again reflect the long spines), and was moved by Cuvier from Chaetodontidae into its own separate family within Percoidei.[17]
In 1836, Agassiz identified closely related fossils at Monte Bolca (an important fossil site in Europe) as Enoplosus pygopterus (named for its smaller fins).[17][18] Exceptionally well-preserved fossils show the basic body plan and even the zebra pattern of colouring have not changed significantly over the last 50 million years.[14]
Enoplosus armatus, commonly referred to as the old wife (plural: old wives), is a species of perciform fish endemic to the temperate coastal waters of Australia. It is the only modern species in the family Enoplosidae.
Old wives are commonly found in pairs or large schools.It has a deep and compressed body and concave forehead. These features are characteristic of typical butterflyfishes. However, the old wife is easily distinguished by its silver-and-black, vertical, zebra-striped coloration, and by its two prominent dorsal fins. The second dorsal fin is very long and sickle-shaped. The fish grows up to 50 cm long.
The second dorsal fin is longer and sickle-shaped.Its dorsal fins have bony, knife-like spines. These have no obvious venom groove nor gland. Nonetheless, the spines are widely considered to inflict a painful venom.
The name "old wife" refers to the sound it makes when caught, caused by it grinding its teeth. Other vernacular names have included "bastard dory", "zebra-fish" (also used for Girella zebra), and "double scalare". It has a similar range and appearance to the Moonlighter (Tilodon sexfasciatus).
La vieja esposa es la especie Enoplosus armatus, la única del género Enoplosus que a su vez es el único de la familia Enoplosidae, un pez marino endémico de Australia distribuido por su costa sur tanto del océano Índico como del océano Pacífico.[2]
Su pesca para consumo carece de importancia comercial, aunque es una especie usada en acuariología marina.[2]
La longitud máxima descrita es de unos 50 cm.[2] En la aleta dorsal tienen 9 poderosas espinas y unos 15 radios blandos, mientras que en la aleta anal tiene tres espinas y unos 15 radios blandos.[2] El color del cuerpo de los adultos está entre plata y marrón con unas características barras verticales negras.[3]
Viven en el mar en aguas templadas y de poca profundidad, asociados a arrecifes, a una profundidad de menos de 90 metros.[4] Los juveniles viven en los estuarios de río,[3] mientras que los adultos se pueden encontrar tanto es estuarios como en los fondos rocosos o coralinos así como en praderas de algas,[4] donde viven formando grandes bancos, por parejas o bien solitarios.[3]
La vieja esposa es la especie Enoplosus armatus, la única del género Enoplosus que a su vez es el único de la familia Enoplosidae, un pez marino endémico de Australia distribuido por su costa sur tanto del océano Índico como del océano Pacífico.
Su pesca para consumo carece de importancia comercial, aunque es una especie usada en acuariología marina.
Enoplosus armatus Enoplosus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Enoplosidae familian sailkatzen da. Espezie monotipikoa da, hau da, bere genero eta familiako kide bakarra.
Enoplosus armatus Enoplosus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Enoplosidae familian sailkatzen da. Espezie monotipikoa da, hau da, bere genero eta familiako kide bakarra.
Sirppiahven (Enoplosus armatus) on Indonesiassa ja Australiassa tavattava ahvenkaloihin kuuluva kalalaji. Se on ainoa laji sirppiahventen heimossa (Enoplosidae)
Kooltaan sirppiahven kasvaa 23–50 cm pitkäksi. Ruumiinmuodoltaan kala on korkea ja litteä. Kalalla on kaksi korkeaa selkäevää, joista takimmainen on sirpinmuotoinen. Selkäevissä on myös myrkyllisiä piikkejä. Vatsaevät ovat sirppiahvenella hyvin kookkaat. Suu on lajilla pieni ja myös hampaat ovat pienikokoiset. Väritykseltään sirppiahven on pohjaväriltään harmaa ja ruumiissa on mustia pystyraitoja tyypillisesti 7 tai 8 kappaletta. Nuoret sirppiahvenet ovat pitkulaisempia ja väritykseltään laikukkaita.[1][2][3][4][5]
Sirppiahvenia tavataan Indonesian rannikon läheisyydessä ja eteläisestä Australiasta. Ne elävät matalissa vesissä korkeintaan noin 100 metrin syvyydessä merenpinnasta. Nuoret kalat voivat elää jokien suistoissa ja aikuiset yksilöt ovat mereisiä. Tyypillistä elinympäristöä ovat koralliriutat ja meriheiniä kasvavat alueet. Sirppiahvenet liikkuvat tyypillisesti kookkaissa parvissa, mutta myös yksitellen ja erityisesti lisääntymisaikaan pareittain. Kutuaika kestää heinäkuulta elokuulle. Lajin ravintoa ovat äyriäiset ja madot.[1][2][3][4][3][5]
Sirppiahvenia pidetään toisinaan akvaarioissa, mutta niiden arvo akvaariokaupassa on pientä. Niiden pitäminen akvaarioissa on kuitenkin yleistymässä. Se on myös hyvä ruokakala, mutta ei kaupallisesti kovin merkittävä.[4][3]
Sirppiahven (Enoplosus armatus) on Indonesiassa ja Australiassa tavattava ahvenkaloihin kuuluva kalalaji. Se on ainoa laji sirppiahventen heimossa (Enoplosidae)
La famiglia Enoplosidae comprende una sola specie di pesce d'acqua salata, Enoplosus armatus, appartenente all'ordine Perciformes.
Sono diffusi nelle acque costiere australiane, e si trovano fino ad una profondità massima di 90 metri. I giovani vivono negli estuari, gli adulti dalle barriere coralline alle costiere rocciose.
Il muso è allungato, con grandi occhi. La fronte è molto alta, il dorso presenta due gibbosità alla radice delle due pinne dorsali, per poi scendere verso il peduncolo caudale. La coda è alta e a delta, le due pinne dorsali sono alte, la seconda è più lunga, terminante al peduncolo caudale. La pinna anale è speculare alla seconda dorsale. Le pinne ventrali sono grosse e alte. Le pettorali sono piccole. La livrea presenta un fondo bianco-argenteo tendente al bruno con numerose fasce verticali nero-brune. Le pinne anali sono brune, la coda trasparente con i margini bruni, le altre pinne seguono l'andamento del corpo.
Raggiunge una lunghezza di 50 cm.
La deposizione avviene tra giugno e novembre.
Si nutre di vermi e crostacei.
È saltuariamente pescato dai pescatori locali, è commestibile ma non è oggetto di grande interesse commerciale.
Anche se non molto conosciuto come ospite di acquari pubblici e privati, gli esemplari giovanili sono talvolta catturati per l'allevamento.
La famiglia Enoplosidae comprende una sola specie di pesce d'acqua salata, Enoplosus armatus, appartenente all'ordine Perciformes.
Enoplosus armatus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van enoplosiden (Enoplosidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1790 door White.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesEnoplosus armatus[2] är en fiskart som först beskrevs av White 1790. Enoplosus armatus är ensam i släktet Enoplosus och i familjen Enoplosidae.[3][4] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[3]
Arten förekommer bara i havet kring Australien. Den når en längd av upp till 50 cm och den simmar mellan vattenytan och ett djup av 90 meter. Individerna kan simma ensam, i par eller i grupper. Det vetenskapliga släktnamnet är bildat av det grekiska ordet enoplos, -os, -on (med vapen).[4]
Enoplosus armatus är en fiskart som först beskrevs av White 1790. Enoplosus armatus är ensam i släktet Enoplosus och i familjen Enoplosidae. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.
Arten förekommer bara i havet kring Australien. Den når en längd av upp till 50 cm och den simmar mellan vattenytan och ett djup av 90 meter. Individerna kan simma ensam, i par eller i grupper. Det vetenskapliga släktnamnet är bildat av det grekiska ordet enoplos, -os, -on (med vapen).
Австралийский колючепёр[1] (лат. Enoplosus armatus) — вид морских лучепёрых рыб из монотипического рода Enoplosus монотипического семейства эноплосовых, или австралийских колючепёров[2] (Enoplosidae) отряда окунеобразных.
Длина тела до 50 см. Высокое тело сильно уплощено с боков. Окраска серебристая с коричневыми или чёрными широкими и узкими вертикальными полосами. Радужка глаз ярко-жёлтая. Брюшные плавники очень крупные, с одним сильным колючим лучом каждый, окрашены в коричневый или чёрный цвет. В спинных плавниках всего 9 колючих и 14—15 мягких лучей, первые лучи второго очень удлинены, из-за чего он намного выше первого, в анальном плавнике 3 колючих и 14—15 мягких лучей. Наружные кости головы не колючие, есть надчелюстная кость. На нижней части предкрышки два колючих шипа. Позвонков 26. Будучи пойманным издаёт урчащие звуки.
Обитает в умеренных морских и солоноватых водах у берегов южной Австралии. Населяет прибрежные скалистые рифы, заросли водорослей и лиманы. Встречается на глубине до 90 м.
Австралийские колючепёры ведут стайный образ жизни, живя в основном большими стаями, хотя иногда встречаются и одиночные особи. О питании этих рыб известно очень мало, наблюдали как они поедали мелких ракообразных. Нерестятся с июня по август. В это время австралийские колючепёры покидают свои стаи и образовывают отдельные пары, которые размножаются в уединении. Икра пелагическая, икринки легче воды, поэтому они плавают у самой поверхности и дрейфуют по течению. Молодь держится в лиманах и в зарослях водорослей. С наступлением половозрелости они мигрируют в открытые прибрежные воды.
Промыслового значения практически не имеет, содержится в морских аквариумах.
Австралийский колючепёр (лат. Enoplosus armatus) — вид морских лучепёрых рыб из монотипического рода Enoplosus монотипического семейства эноплосовых, или австралийских колючепёров (Enoplosidae) отряда окунеобразных.
盔姥鱸(學名:Enoplosus armatus)為姥鱸科(Enoplosidae)姥鲈属的唯一一种,属輻鰭魚綱日鱸目日鱸亞目[1]。分布於澳洲半鹹水、海域,深度可達90公尺,為特有種。[2]
盔姥鱸體略呈菱形,壓縮而側扁,額頭凹陷,吻突出,背鰭2個,背鰭與臀鰭呈鐮刀狀,尾鰭截形,體色為銀灰色,全身相間黑色寬橫紋,猶如斑馬花紋,背鰭硬棘9枚;背鰭軟條14-15枚;臀鰭硬棘3枚;臀鰭軟條14- 15枚;脊椎骨26個,體長可達50公分。[4],當被捕獲時會發出「Old wife」的聲音,這也是牠英文名字的由來,這是由於它磨牙造成的。
本魚最早紀錄於1790年由約翰懷特(John White)在他的新南威爾士航行期刊中登載,為澳大利亞最早的魚類紀錄。
該魚種被Lacépède重新分類為獨立的屬(在希臘語中以“武器”命名,再次反映其背鰭上的長棘),並由Cuvier從蝴蝶魚科移動到鱸亞目內的獨立一科。[6]1836年,阿加西在Monte Bolca(歐洲一個重要的化石遺址)發現了與灰姥鱸相似的化石,稱為Enoplosus pygopterus,化石顯示其在形態甚至斑馬條紋在過去的5千萬年中也沒有顯著變化。[7] [5]
日鲈亚目 Centrarchoidei太陽魚科 Centrarchidae
倭太陽魚科 Elassomatidae
鳜科 Sinipercidae
姥鱸科 Enoplosidae
盔姥鱸(學名:Enoplosus armatus)為姥鱸科(Enoplosidae)姥鲈属的唯一一种,属輻鰭魚綱日鱸目日鱸亞目。分布於澳洲半鹹水、海域,深度可達90公尺,為特有種。
이노플로수스 아르마투스(Enoplosus armatus)는 검정우럭목에 속하는 조기어류 물고기의 일종이다. 이노플로수스과(Enoplosidae), 이노플로수스속(Enoplosus )의 유일종이다. 오스트레일리아 온대 해안의 토착종이다. 1790년 분류 초기에는 나비고기속(Chaetodon, 현재 나비고기목의 나비고기과)으로 분류하였다.[1]
다음은 베탕쿠르(Betancur) 등의 연구에 기초한 계통 분류이다.[2][3]
검정우럭목 검정우럭아목 페르키크티스아목 페르칼라테스아목이노플로수스 아르마투스(Enoplosus armatus)는 검정우럭목에 속하는 조기어류 물고기의 일종이다. 이노플로수스과(Enoplosidae), 이노플로수스속(Enoplosus )의 유일종이다. 오스트레일리아 온대 해안의 토착종이다. 1790년 분류 초기에는 나비고기속(Chaetodon, 현재 나비고기목의 나비고기과)으로 분류하였다.