
Life Cycle ( İngilizce )

Fishbase tarafından sağlandı
Oviparous (Ref. 205).
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Susan M. Luna
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Biology ( İngilizce )

Fishbase tarafından sağlandı
Common in tide pools near reefs and in shallow reef areas. Skin near dorsal and ventral ridge can be inflated, e.g. during territorial display among males (Ref. 557).
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Armi G. Torres
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Importance ( İngilizce )

Fishbase tarafından sağlandı
fisheries: of no interest
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Armi G. Torres
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Comprehensive Description ( İngilizce )

Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology tarafından sağlandı
Canthigaster margaritatus (Rüppell)


ADDUCTOR MANDIBULAE (Figures 161, 162: A 1 α, A 1β, A 2α, A 2β, A 3).—A 1α inserts on the posteroventral face of the maxilla. The ventral fibers arise from the posterodorsolateral preopercle. The dorsal region overlies A 2α (with some fibers arising from the fascia between them), and then passes medial to that muscle to originate from the dorsal metapterygoid. A 1β originates from the ethmoid and the ventral surface of the prefrontal. A ventral extension of this muscle arises from the lateral face of the parasphenoid anterior to the orbit. The fibers insert on the posterodorsal face of the maxilla, medial to A 1α. A 2α originates from the lateral preopercle, metapterygoid, quadrate, and hyomandibular. The muscle becomes tendinous anteriorly, and joins the lateral face of the tendon of A 2. A 2β arises from the anterior faces of the hyomandibular and prootic and the lateral face of the posterior region of the parasphenoid. The joint tendon with A 2α inserts on the medial face of the dentary. A 3 originates from the lateral faces of the quadrate, ectopterygoid, and metapterygoid, and inserts tendinously in the Meckelian fossa.

LEVATOR ARCUS PALATINI (Figures 161, 162: L.A.P.).—A minute muscle, originating from the ventral face of the postorbital process of the frontal and inserting on the posterodorsolateral ridge of the hyomandibular.

DILATATOR OPERCULI (Figure 161: D.O.).—Origin is from the posterolateral frontal (primarily in the gutter formed by the vertical lateral ridge of this bone behind the orbit) and the anterior epiotic. The fibers insert on the posterodorsal face of the interopercle, the anterior opercle, and the dorsal process of the latter bone.

LEVATOR OPERCULI (Figure 161: L.O.).—Origin is from the anterolateral face of the lateral process of the pterotic, the fibers inserting on the posterodorsal face of the opercle.

ADDUCTOR ARCUS PALATINI (Figure 162: A.A.P.).—The muscle originates from the lateral face of the parasphenoid and passes laterally to insert on the dorsomedial faces of the hyomandibular, metapterygoid, and ectopterygoid. Anteriorly, the fibers cross the midline beneath the anterior part of the parasphenoid and the vomer, attaching to the medial faces of the palatines.

ADDUCTOR OPERCULI (Figure 163: AD.OP.).—The muscle arises from the posteroventrolateral face of the pterotic and inserts on the posterodorsomedial face of the opercle.


VALVULUS.—The muscle originates from the anteroventromedial face of the preopercle, and sweeps forward in a dorsoventral curve to grade into the tissues of the mandibular buccal valve. It lies medial to the interopercle.

PROTRACTOR HYOIDEI (Figure 161: PR.HY.).—The muscle is well developed, connecting the anterior elements of the hyoid arch to the posteroventral face of the dentary near the symphysis. The muscle is single anteriorly, and diverges into two halves before attaching to the lateral faces of the anterohyal and ventral branchiostegal rays.

HYOHYOIDEI ABDUCTORES (Figure 161: H.AB.).—The form of the muscle is very similar to that described for Lagocephalus, with the following differences. The large section to the first ray is faintly subdivided into ventrolateral and dorsomedial bundles. A small bundle attaches to the posteromedial face of basibranchial 1, just in front of the section which fuses with its antimere in the midline beneath hypobranchial 3.

HYOHYOIDEI ADDUCTORES (Figure 161: H.AD.).—The form of this muscle is also very similar to that described for Lagocephalus, but differs in the following respects. The posterodorsal bundle attaches to the anteroventral face of the supracleithrum. The posterior wall of the branchial (opercular) chamber is formed by fibers from the posterolateral face of epibranchial 3, which pass out laterally in front of epibranchial 4, and a ventral bundle from the ventromedial face of the cleithrum.

STERNOHYOIDEUS (Figures 161, 163: STH.).—The muscle is cone-shaped, with a fairly wide origin on the anteroventral cleithrum and an aponeurotic insertion on the ventrohyal. The halves fuse in the anterior midline.


PHARYNGOCLAVICULARIS EXTERNUS (Figures 163, 164: PHC.E.).—Origin is from the ventromedial face of the cleithrum, the muscle dividing into three bundles. The anterior one inserts on the junction between basibranchial 2 and hypobranchial 2, the middle part inserts on basibranchial 3 and the posterior section attaches to the ventromedial face of ceratobranchial 5.

PHARYNGOCLAVICULARIS INTERNUS (Figures 163, 164: PHC.I.).—The muscle arises from the anteroventromedial cleithrum. It passes anterodorsally to insert on basibranchial 3 and ceratobranchial 5. In between the two points of insertion, the fibers sweep across the midline to join their antimeres.

OBLIQUUS VENTRALIS III (Figures 163, 164: OBL.V.).—The fibers pass between the anteroventral face of ceratobranchial 3 and the posteroventrolateral tip of the ventral process of hypobranchial 3.

TRANSVERSUS VENTRALIS V (Figure 164: TR.V.).—This is a small muscle which crosses the ventral midline between the anteroventromedial faces of the fifth ceratobranchials. There is no transversus IV, but it may have fused with the fibers of the pharyngoclavicularis internus to form the transverse part.

RECTI VENTRALES I–IV (Figures 163, 164: RECT.V.).—The first muscle consists of two parts. The more medial section links the dorsomedial face of the anterohyal with the anteroventral face of hypobranchial 1. The lateral portion arises from the dorsomedial surface of the anterohyal and sweeps dorsally to attach to the anteroventrolateral flange of ceratobranchial 1. Recti II and III interconnect the hypobranchials of the first and second, and second and third arches, respectively. Rectus IV passes from the anteroventral face of ceratobranchial 4 to the posteroventral tip of the ventral process of hypobranchial 3.

RECTUS COMMUNIS (Figures 163, 164: R.COMM.).—The muscle arises tendinously from the posterior face of the ventrohyal. It passes ventral to basibranchial 1 (lying medial to the basibranchialhypobranchial ligament), where is develops a belly of muscle fibers, before grading into a tendon which attaches to the anteroventrolateral face of ceratobranchial 5.


LEVATORES EXTERNI I–IV (Figure 163: L.EXT.).—The muscles originate from the prootic and pterotic beneath the hyomandibular fossa. The first muscle inserts on the dorsolateral face of epibranchial 1, while the second inserts on the dorsolateral faces of epibranchials 2 and 3. There is no distinct third levator. Levator IV is well developed, and inserts along the entire dorsal surface of epibranchial 4. It continues posteriorly in the wall of the opercular cavity, the fibers attaching to the dorsomedial face of the cleithrum.

LEVATORES INTERNI II, III (Figure 165: L.INT.).—Levator II originates from the posteroventrolateral face of the pterotic, and inserts on the anterodorsal face of infrapharyngobranchial 2. Levator III arises from the dorsolateral prootic and inserts on the anterolateral face of infrapharyngobranchial 3 and the dorsolateral edge of infrapharyngobranchial 2. Levator II passes medial to levator III, and forms an aponeurotic connection with transversus dorsalis II.

OBLIQUUS DORSALIS IV (Figure 165: OBL.D.).—Origin is from the posterior and dorsal faces of epibranchial 4, the fibers passing anteromedially to insert on the posterodorsal face of infrapharyngobranchial 2.

OBLIQUUS POSTERIOR.—The fibers of this muscle are not well separated from the sphincter oesophagi, but pass from the dorsal tip of ceratobranchial 5 to the posteromedial face of epibranchial 4.

TRANSVERSI DORSALES II, IV (Figure 165: TR.D.).—The anterior muscle arises from the midline and attaches to the connective tissue covering infrapharyngobranchial 2 (there is no direct connection) and to the medial face of levator internus II. Transversus IV crosses the dorsal midline directly beneath the posterior portion of transversus II, connecting the medial faces of the fourth epibranchials.

RETRACTOR DORSALIS (Figure 165: D.RETR.).—The muscle originates from the lateral face of the exoccipital and the ventrolateral face of the basioccipital. It inserts on the posterodorsal face of infrapharyngobranchial 2.

ADDUCTORES I–V (Figures 163, 164, 165: AD.).—The muscles pass between the anteromedial faces of the ceratobranchials and epibranchials of the first three arches, the medial faces of these bones of the fourth arch, and from the dorsal tip of ceratobranchial 5 to the posterolateral face of ceratobranchial 4.

SPHINCTER OESOPHAGI (Figures 164, 165: S.O.).—Dorsally, the muscle consists of a bundle of fibers across the midline, joined by a bundle from epibranchial 4. In addition, the muscle sends out a bundle which attaches to the anterior face of ceratobranchial 4. Ventrally, there is a bundle across the midline behind transversus IV. Immediately above this, the fibers are transverse posteriorly, but become increasingly longitudinally oriented anteriorly. This gives rise to a pair of fiber bundles passing forward beneath the basibranchials to attach to the posteroventral face of basibranchial 1. The anterior section of the pharyngoclavicularis internus inserts between the halves.


ABDUCTOR SUPERFICIALIS (Figure 161: ABD.S.).—Origin is from the posterior face of the lateral flange of the cleithrum, the muscle inserting on the anterolateral bases of the principal fin rays.

ABDUCTOR PROFUNDUS.—The fibers arise from the lateral face of the coracoid and the ventrolateral cleithrum. Insertion is on the posterolateral bases of the principal fin rays and on the posterolateral face of the lateral half of the vestigial fin ray.

ARRECTOR VENTRALIS (Figure 161: ARR.V.).—This is a small muscle, originating from the posterolateral face of the cleithrum beneath the lateral flange. It inserts on the lateral extension of the base of the medial half of the vestigial fin ray.

ADDUCTOR SUPERFICIALIS (Figure 153 for Lagocephalus, ADD.S.).—Origin is from the dorsomedial face of the cleithrum, the muscle inserting on the dorsomedial bases of the ventral six rays, and the dorsomedial faces of the next nine rays some distance distal to their bases.

ADDUCTOR PROFUNDUS (as above, but ADD.P.).—The fibers arise from the medial faces of the cleithrum, coracoid, and scapula. Insertion is on the ventromedial bases of the rays. There is no aponeurosis anteriorly on the body of the muscle as there is in Lagocephalus.

ARRECTOR DORSALIS.—The muscle originates from the cleithrum beneath the adductor profundus, and inserts on the base of the medial half of the vestigial fin ray.

CORACORADIALIS.—The muscle is better developed than in the tetraodontids examined. It passes from the posterior process of the coracoid to the distal ventral tip of the fourth radial.

PROTRACTOR PECTORALIS (Figures 161, 163: P.P.).—Origin is from the posterolateral face of the pterotic. The fibers fan out to insert broadly on the dorsal face of the cleithrum and anteroventral supracleithrum.

LEVATOR PECTORALIS.—The muscle arises from the pterotic behind the protractor pectoralis and passes posteroventrally to insert on the dorsomedial face of the cleithrum beneath the supracleithrum.


INCLINATORES DORSALES (Figure 166: INC.).—There are two inclinators to the two posteriormost fin rays, arising in the subdermal fascia and inserting on the posterolateral bases of the rays.

ERECTORES DORSALES (Figures 161, 166: EREC.).—The muscles originate from the lateral faces of the pterygiophores and the neural spines of the seventh to tenth vertebrae. They insert on the anterolateral bases of the rays, partially overlying the depressors anteriorly, and completely covering them posteriorly.

DEPRESSORES DORSALES (Figures 161, 166: DEPR.).—These muscles originate behind and medial to the respective erectors, and insert on the posterolateral bases of the fin rays.

SUPRACARINALIS ANTERIOR (Figures 161, 166: S.ANT.).—Origin is from the supraoccipital and its spine and the exoccipital. The lateral fibers pass posteroventrally to attach to the dorsomedial faces of the bifid neural spines of the first four vertebrae. The dorsomedial fibers pass posteriorly to the anterolateral face of the first pterygiophore of the dorsal fin.

SUPRACARINALIS POSTERIOR (Figures 166, 167: S.POST.).—The fibers arise from the last pterygiophore of the dorsal fin and end on the anterodorsal face of the neural spine of the penultimate vertebra. They attach to the tips of the neural spines of the intervening vertebrae.


INCLINATORES ANALES (Figures 161, 166: INC.).—There are four of these muscles. The first residual one arises in the fascia overlying the obliquus inferioris and attaches to the anteroventral tip of the first anal pterygiophore. The first and last two fin rays receive inclinators inserting on their lateral bases, the fibers arising in the fascia over the ventral body muscles.

ERECTORES ANALES (Figure 166: EREC.)—The muscles originate from the anterolateral faces of the anal pterygiophores, anterolateral to the origins of the depressors, and insert on the anterolateral bases of the fin rays.

DEPRESSORES ANALES (Figures 161, 166: DEPR.).—The fibers arise posteromedial to those of the erectors, and insert on the posterolateral bases of the rays.

INFRACARINALIS ANTERIOR.—The muscle is apparently represented by a bundle of fibers arising from the ventral tip of the cleithrum, and passing into the subdermal tissues as part of the longitudinal cutaneous.

INFRACARINALIS MEDIUS (Figures 161, 166: INF.M.).—The muscle arises from the anteroventral face of the first anal pterygiophore and grades posteriorly into the longitudinal cutaneous together with the anteroventral bundle of the obliquus inferioris. Its posterodorsal surface gives rise to a posterodorsomedial bundle of fibers attaching to the anterior face of the haemal spine of the twelfth vertebra. This bundle is probably derived from the obliquus inferioris, which (in tetraodontids and triodontids) gives rise to a similar bundle.

INFRACARINALIS POSTERIOR (Figures 166, 167: INF.P.).—The fibers arise from the ventrolateral face of the last anal pterygiophore, and insert on the anteroventral face of the haemal spine of the penultimate vertebra. They contact the tips of the haemal spines of the intervening vertebrae.


INTERRADIALIS (Figure 167a: INT.).—The muscle stretches between the fin rays, each ray receiving a more or less distinct slip.

HYPOCHORDAL LONGITUDINALIS (Figure 167a: H.L.).—The muscle originates from the lateral face of the fused lower hypurals and inserts on the bases of rays D 1–4.

FLEXOR DORSALIS (Figure 167b: F.D.).—The muscle is not well developed. It originates from the lateral faces of the neural spines of the second and third last vertebrae, the epural, and the anterodorsal tip of the urostyle, and inserts on the anterolateral bases of rays D 1–3.

FLEXOR DORSALIS SUPERIOR (Figure 167: F.D.S.).—Origin is from the lateral faces of the neural spines and centra of the third to fifth last vertebrae. The fibers sweep posterodorsally, grading into a tendon inserting on the dorsolateral base of ray D 5.

FLEXOR VENTRALIS (Figure 167b: F.V.).—The fibers arise from the lateral faces of the second and third last vertebrae and the ural centrum. The muscle inserts on the bases of rays V 1–5. The section to ray V 5 is fairly well separated from the other part, the two bundles being subequal in size. The fibers to V 1, and some of those to V 2 are partially separated from the main mass of the muscle, lying on the medial side and passing posterodorsally instead of posteroventrally.

FLEXOR VENTRALIS EXTERNUS (Figure 167b: F.V.E.).—The fibers arise from the lateral face of the haemal spine of the penultimate vertebra, and insert on the lateral bases of rays V 1–2.

FLEXOR VENTRALIS INFERIOR (Figure 167: F.V.I.).—Origin is from the lateral faces of the haemal spines of the second to fourth last vertebrae, and the centra of the third and fourth last vertebrae. The muscle inserts on the anterolateral base of ray V 6.

TRANSVERSUS CAUDALIS (Figure 167b: TR.C.).—The fibers arise from the dorsolateral face of the hypural plate, and insert on the anterodorsal faces of rays V 1 and 2.


EPAXIALIS (Figures 161, 167a: FPAX.).—The fibers of this muscle attach variously to the rear of the skull, the centra and neural spines, and the dorsal caudal fin rays. In the posterior region, the dorsal moiety becomes inclined at an increasingly oblique angle to the main section, and gives rise to an aponeurotic sheet which, together with a similar sheet from the obliquus inferioris, forms a superficial aponeurosis to all the caudal fin rays. The main medial portion inserts posteriorly on the bases of rays D 2–5.

OBLIQUUS SUPERIORIS (Figures 161, 167a: OBL.S.).—The muscle is small anteriorly, where it arises from the posterodorsal tip of the cleithrum. It broadens out posteriorly behind the abdominal cavity, attaching to the centra and haemal spines of the caudal vertebrae. Posteriorly, it inserts on the bases of rays V 1–4.

OBLIQUUS INFERIORIS (Figures 161, 166, 167a: OBL.I.).—As in tetraodontids, the muscle has become extensively subdivided. The main mass arises anteriorly from the coracoid and ventrolateral cleithrum. It passes posteriorly, the more dorsal fibers attaching to the anteroventral faces of the postcleithra, and then continuing posterodorsally to fade aponeurotically into the fascia overlying the midlateral septum. The anterodorsal fibers of this section sweep up to attach to the posterolateral base of the first pterygiophore of the dorsal fin. The more ventral fibers pass beneath the tip of the ventral postcleithrum, joining the fibers from the posteroventral face of that bone to attach to the anteroventral tip of the first anal pterygiophore. The posterior section, which is somewhat separated from the obliquus superioris, grades into an aponeurotic sheet joining that of the dorsal moiety of the epaxialis as described above. Anteroventrally, this section passes beneath the posterior region of the main anterior mass, and fades out in the subdermal tissue covering the abdominal cavity, where it contributes to the formation of the longitudinal cutaneous. A small bundle passes posteroventrally to join the dorsal surface of the infracarinalis medius.


The cutaneous muscular system is as for tetraodontids, the anterior longitudinal bundle of the snout region overlying A 1β and attaching to the dorsal face of the palatine.
bibliyografik atıf
Winterbottom, Richard. 1974. "The familial phylogeny of the Tetraodontiformes (Acanthopterygii: Pisces) as evidenced by their comparative myology." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-201. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.155

Canthigaster margaritata ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

wikipedia CA tarafından sağlandı

Canthigaster margaritata és una espècie de peix de la família dels tetraodòntids i de l'ordre dels tetraodontiformes.



A la Polinèsia Francesa és depredat per Cephalopholis miniata.[6]


És un peix marí, de clima tropical i associat als esculls de corall.[4][7]

Distribució geogràfica

Es troba al Mar Roig, l'illa Inhaca (Moçambic),[8] Sri Lanka[9] i les illes Ogasawara.[10][4][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]


És inofensiu per als humans.[4]


  1. Swainson W., 1839. The natural history and classification of fishes, amphibians, & reptiles, or monocardian animals. Londres. Nat. Hist. & Class. v. 2. i-vi + 1-448.
  2. BioLib (anglès)
  3. Rüppell, W. P. E. S., 1828-1830. Atlas zu der Reise im nördlichen Africa. Fische des Rothen Meeres. Frankfurt-am-Main. Atlas zu der Reise im nördlichen Africa. Fische des Rothen Meeres.: 1-141 + 3 pp., col. Pls. 1-35.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 FishBase (anglès)
  5. Randall, J.E., 1986. Red Sea reef fishes. Londres, Immel Publishing. 192 p.
  6. FishBase (anglès)
  7. Wheeler, A., 1977. Das grosse Buch der Fische. Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co. Stuttgart. 356 p.
  8. Smith, J.L.B., 1969. Fishes of Inhaca. p. 131-136. A: W. Macnae i M. Kalk (eds.) A natural history of Inhaca Island, Moçambique. Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg.
  9. Jonklaas, R., 1975. Collecting marine tropicals. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, Estats Units. 224 p.
  10. Randall, J.E., H. Ida, K. Kato, R.L. Pyle i J.L. Earle, 1997. Annotated checklist of inshore fishes of the Ogasawara Islands. Nat. Sci. Mus. Monogr. (11):1-74.
  11. Cornic, A., 1987. Poissons de l'Ile Maurice. Editions de l'Océan Indien, Stanley Rose Hill, Maurici. 335 p.
  12. Kapoor, D., R. Dayal i A.G. Ponniah, 2002. Fish biodiversity of India. National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources Lucknow, Índia. 775 p.
  13. Khalaf, M.A., 2005. Fish fauna of the Jordanian Coast, Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Journal of King AbdulAziz University-Marine Sciences. Vol. 15.
  14. Monkolprasit, S., S. Sontirat, S. Vimollohakarn i T. Songsirikul, 1997. Checklist of Fishes in Thailand. Office of Environmental Policy and Planning, Bangkok, Tailàndia. 353 p.
  15. Pereira, M.A.M., 2000. Preliminary checklist of reef-associated fishes of Mozambique. Maputo, Ministtry for the Coordination of Environmental Affairs (MICOA). 21 pp.
  16. Randall, J.E., 1986. Red Sea reef fishes. Londres, Immel Publishing. 192 p.
  17. Smith, J.L.B. i M.M. Smith, 1963. The fishes of Seychelles. Rhodes University, Grahamstown. 215 p.


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Canthigaster margaritata: Brief Summary ( Katalanca; Valensiyaca )

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Canthigaster margaritata és una espècie de peix de la família dels tetraodòntids i de l'ordre dels tetraodontiformes.

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Canthigaster margaritata ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Canthigaster margaritata, the pearl toby, is a species of "toby" or "sharpnose puffer" (Canthigaster), which is part of the pufferfish family, Tetraodontidae. This reef fish is found in Indo-Pacific waters, including the Red Sea.


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Canthigaster margaritata: Brief Summary ( İngilizce )

wikipedia EN tarafından sağlandı

Canthigaster margaritata, the pearl toby, is a species of "toby" or "sharpnose puffer" (Canthigaster), which is part of the pufferfish family, Tetraodontidae. This reef fish is found in Indo-Pacific waters, including the Red Sea.

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Canthigaster margaritata ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Canthigaster margaritata es una especie de peces de la familia Tetraodontidae en el orden de los Tetraodontiformes.


Los machos pueden llegar alcanzar los 31,2 cm de longitud total.[1][2]


En la Polinesia Francesa es depredado por Cephalopholisminiados .


Es un pez de mar de clima tropical y asociado a los arrecifes de coral.

Distribución geográfica

Se encuentra en el Mar Rojo, la isla Inhaca (Mozambique), y las islas Ogasawara.


Es inofensivo para los humanos


  1. FishBase (en inglés)
  2. Randall, J.E., 1986. Red Sea reef fishes. Londres, Immel Publishing. 192 p.


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Canthigaster margaritata: Brief Summary ( İspanyolca; Kastilyaca )

wikipedia ES tarafından sağlandı

Canthigaster margaritata es una especie de peces de la familia Tetraodontidae en el orden de los Tetraodontiformes.

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Canthigaster margaritata ( Baskça )

wikipedia EU tarafından sağlandı

Canthigaster margaritata Canthigaster generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Tetraodontidae familian sailkatzen da.



  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Canthigaster margaritata FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Canthigaster margaritata: Brief Summary ( Baskça )

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Canthigaster margaritata Canthigaster generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Tetraodontidae familian sailkatzen da.

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Aaltopallokala ( Fince )

wikipedia FI tarafından sağlandı

Aaltopallokala (Canthigaster margaritata) on meressä elävä pallokala.

Ulkonäkö ja koko

Muiden Canthigaster-suvun pallokalojen tapaan aaltopallokalalla on pitkä, suippo nokka. Kala voi kasvaa noin 18 senttimetriä pitkäksi.[2]


Aaltopallokala on peräisin Indopasifiselta merialueelta: sitä on tavattu Punaiseltamereltä, Sri Lankasta ja Mosambikin Inhaca-saarelta sekä Ogasawara-saarelta. Se elää koralliriutoilla.[3]


  1. Canthigaster margaritata IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. (englanniksi)
  2. Fenner B: Sharpnose Puffers, aka Tobies, Subfamily Canthigastrinae WetWeb Media. Viitattu 23.12.2014.
  3. Canthigaster margaritata (peilipalvelin) FishBase. Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (toim.). Viitattu 23.12.2014. (englanniksi)
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Aaltopallokala: Brief Summary ( Fince )

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Aaltopallokala (Canthigaster margaritata) on meressä elävä pallokala.

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Canthigaster margaritata ( İtalyanca )

wikipedia IT tarafından sağlandı

Il pesce cofano (Canthigaster margaritata(Rüppell, 1829)) è un pesce osseo d'acqua salata appartenente alla famiglia Tetraodontidae.

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Canthigaster margaritata ( Felemenkçe; Flemish )

wikipedia NL tarafından sağlandı


Canthigaster margaritata is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van kogelvissen (Tetraodontidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1829 door Rüppell.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Canthigaster margaritata. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 10 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
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珍珠尖鼻魨 ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı
二名法 Canthigaster margaritata
Rüppell, 1829




 src= 維基物種中有關珍珠尖鼻魨的數據

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珍珠尖鼻魨: Brief Summary ( Çince )

wikipedia 中文维基百科 tarafından sağlandı


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