“20. Pyrogorgia, new genus
DIAGNOSIS. Colonies uniplanar and dichotomously branched (often lyrate). Calyces arranged in whorls of up to seven, the appressed calyces facing upward. Well developed operculum present; inner face of operculars bear multiple longitudinal ridges (Figure 10g; but not keeled). Eight marginal scales fold over the bases of the operculars, forming a circumoperculum; distal edges of marginals finely serrate. Polyps protected by eight longitudinal rows of body wall scales, those of the adaxial rows somewhat smaller but completely covering polyp; body wall scales often irregularly arranged on lower half of polyp. Outer surface of body wall scales covered with radiating spinose ridges (Figure 10b–c). Coenenchymal scales in two layers: outer layer composed of spinose platelets, inner layer composed of small tuberculate spheroids (Figure 10h–i).
DISCUSSION. Although the type species was originally placed in Fannyella by Bayer (1998), the lack of ascus body wall scales would argue for a different generic assignment.
DISTRIBUTION. Tierra del Fuego, 384–511 m
ETYMOLOGY. Greek pyros = fire + gorgia, an allusion to Tierra del Fuego. Gender: feminine.
TYPE SPECIES. Fannyella lemnos Bayer, 1998, here designated. The holotype is deposited at the USNM (58392).”
(Bayer and Cairns, 2009)
Pyrogorgia is een geslacht van neteldieren uit de klasse van de Anthozoa (bloemdieren).
Pyrogorgia is een geslacht van neteldieren uit de klasse van de Anthozoa (bloemdieren).