Gwyfyn sy'n perthyn i urdd y Lepidoptera yw crynwr llwyd, sy'n enw gwrywaidd; yr enw lluosog ydy crynwyr llwyd (-ion); yr enw Saesneg yw Lead-coloured Drab, a'r enw gwyddonol yw Orthosia populeti.[1][2]
Gellir dosbarthu'r pryfaid (neu'r Insecta) sy'n perthyn i'r Urdd a elwir yn Lepidoptera yn ddwy ran: y gloynnod byw a'r gwyfynod. Mae'r dosbarthiad hwn yn cynnyws mwy na 180,000 o rywogaethau mewn tua 128 o deuluoedd. Wedi deor o'i ŵy mae'r crynwr llwyd yn lindysyn sydd yn bwyta llawer o ddail, ac wedyn mae'n troi i fod yn chwiler. Daw allan o'r chwiler ar ôl rhai wythnosau. Mae pedwar cyfnod yng nghylchred bywyd glöynnod byw a gwyfynod: ŵy, lindysyn, chwiler ac oedolyn.
Gwyfyn sy'n perthyn i urdd y Lepidoptera yw crynwr llwyd, sy'n enw gwrywaidd; yr enw lluosog ydy crynwyr llwyd (-ion); yr enw Saesneg yw Lead-coloured Drab, a'r enw gwyddonol yw Orthosia populeti.
Gellir dosbarthu'r pryfaid (neu'r Insecta) sy'n perthyn i'r Urdd a elwir yn Lepidoptera yn ddwy ran: y gloynnod byw a'r gwyfynod. Mae'r dosbarthiad hwn yn cynnyws mwy na 180,000 o rywogaethau mewn tua 128 o deuluoedd. Wedi deor o'i ŵy mae'r crynwr llwyd yn lindysyn sydd yn bwyta llawer o ddail, ac wedyn mae'n troi i fod yn chwiler. Daw allan o'r chwiler ar ôl rhai wythnosau. Mae pedwar cyfnod yng nghylchred bywyd glöynnod byw a gwyfynod: ŵy, lindysyn, chwiler ac oedolyn.
Orthosia populeti, the lead-coloured drab, is a moth of the family Noctuidae. It is found in Europe.
The wingspan is 34–40 mm. The length of the forewings is 15–17 mm. Meyrick describes it -Antennae in male bipectinated. Forewings brown-grey, slightly purplish-tinged ; first, median, and second lines somewhat darker, especially on costa ; orbicular and reniform darker, outlined with pale ; subterminal line pale greyish-ochreous, edged anteriorly in middle with two small red-brown or black marks. Hindwings grey. Larva pale green or greenish-whitish ; dorsal, subdorsal, and spiracular lines whitish ; head pale greenish-ochreous, more or less blackmarked.[1] Orthosia populeti is difficult to certainly distinguish from its congener Orthosia incerta See Townsend et al.[2]
The moth flies in one generation from the beginning of March to May [1]. The egg is greyish white with dark grey girdled dots. When full grown the caterpillar is whitish or yellowish green, but always whitish on the back: three white lines on the back, the central one rather broad; head ochreous brown with a blackish spot on each side. The caterpillars mainly feed on aspen.
Orthosia populeti, the lead-coloured drab, is a moth of the family Noctuidae. It is found in Europe.
The wingspan is 34–40 mm. The length of the forewings is 15–17 mm. Meyrick describes it -Antennae in male bipectinated. Forewings brown-grey, slightly purplish-tinged ; first, median, and second lines somewhat darker, especially on costa ; orbicular and reniform darker, outlined with pale ; subterminal line pale greyish-ochreous, edged anteriorly in middle with two small red-brown or black marks. Hindwings grey. Larva pale green or greenish-whitish ; dorsal, subdorsal, and spiracular lines whitish ; head pale greenish-ochreous, more or less blackmarked. Orthosia populeti is difficult to certainly distinguish from its congener Orthosia incerta See Townsend et al.
Figs.3, 3a, 3b larva after last moultThe moth flies in one generation from the beginning of March to May [1]. The egg is greyish white with dark grey girdled dots. When full grown the caterpillar is whitish or yellowish green, but always whitish on the back: three white lines on the back, the central one rather broad; head ochreous brown with a blackish spot on each side. The caterpillars mainly feed on aspen.
De populierenvoorjaarsuil (Orthosia populeti) is een nachtvlinder uit de familie Noctuidae, de uilen. De voorvleugellengte bedraagt tussen de 15 en 17 millimeter. De soort komt verspreid over Europa voor. Hij overwintert als pop.
De populierenvoorjaarsuil heeft als waardplanten allerlei loofbomen, met name populier.
De populierenvoorjaarsuil is in Nederland en België een zeldzame soort, die verspreid over het hele gebied kan worden gezien. De vlinder kent één generatie die vliegt van begin maart tot en met mei.
De populierenvoorjaarsuil (Orthosia populeti) is een nachtvlinder uit de familie Noctuidae, de uilen. De voorvleugellengte bedraagt tussen de 15 en 17 millimeter. De soort komt verspreid over Europa voor. Hij overwintert als pop.
Plettseljefly (Orthosia populeti) er en sommerfugl som tilhører familien nattfly (Noctuidae). Den er utbredt nord til Sør-Trøndelag i Norge.
Et middelsstort (vingespenn 35 – 39 mm), gråbrunt eller rødbrunt nattfly. Hannen har smalt fjærformede antenner. Forvingen er brunlig med lyskantede, mer eller mindre tydelige, nyre- og ringmerker. Nyremerket er ofte mørkt. Langs ytterkanten går det en smal, brunrød bølgelinje. Bakvingen er grå.
Plettseljeflyet lever i løvskog. Larvene lever på osp (Populus tremula) og poppel (Populus spp.). De voksne sommerfuglene flyr om natten i april.
Arten er utbredt i Europa. I Norge finnes den nord til Sør-Trøndelag.
Plettseljefly (Orthosia populeti) er en sommerfugl som tilhører familien nattfly (Noctuidae). Den er utbredt nord til Sør-Trøndelag i Norge.
Orthosia populeti[1] là một loài bướm đêm thuộc họ Noctuidae. Nó được tìm thấy ở châu Âu.
Sải cánh dài 34–40 mm. Chiều dài cánh trước là 15–17 mm. Con trưởng thành bay làm một đợt từ đầu tháng 3 đến tháng 5 [1].
Phương tiện liên quan tới Orthosia populeti tại Wikimedia Commons
Orthosia populeti là một loài bướm đêm thuộc họ Noctuidae. Nó được tìm thấy ở châu Âu.
Sải cánh dài 34–40 mm. Chiều dài cánh trước là 15–17 mm. Con trưởng thành bay làm một đợt từ đầu tháng 3 đến tháng 5 [1].