Figure 2.Habitus of Synurella odessana sp. n., left side (preserved specimens): A male, 11.5 mm, holotype X42024/Cr-1541-FEFU B female, 9.0 mm, paratype X42025/Cr-1542-FEFU.
Figure 2.Niphargus plurispinosus sp. n.: 1 male, general view; 1a-1b dorso-later thorns; mdb - mandibula and details of mdb-a left incisor and lacina mobilis; mdb-b) two setae between bisserated thorns; mdb-c setae pattern on distal segment of mdb-palp; mdb-d, right incisor and lacina mobilis; mx-1 1st maxilla; mx-2 2nd maxilla; ula upper lip; vela ventral labium; mxp maxilliped: in inner segment os outer segment; ds distal segment of palp; epI-epIII epimeral plate I-III; A-I 1st antenna; A-II antenna; hc head capsula, left lateral view; telson, dorsal view. Not scaled, except of the general view of the male.
Figure 3.Niphargus plurispinosus sp. n.: 1 upper lip 2 right mandible 3 second maxilla 4 labium 5 half maxilliped (without inner portion) 6 3rd uropod (female) 7 3rd uropod (juvenile male) 8–9 telson (one lobe of male) 10 2nd gnathopod 11 4nd pereopod 12 7th pereopod 13 distal segment and 6th pereopod 14 6th pereopod: regeneration of segments behind basis (Photo: I. Hudec). Not drawn to scale.
Figure 4.Synurella odessana sp. n.: male, 11.5 mm, holotype X42024/Cr-1541-FEFU: A gnathopod 1 B gnathopod 2. Scale bars 0.2 mm.
Figure 4.Niphargus plurispinosus sp. n. – “postreproductive” male: 1 gnathopods with detail of deformed gpI (1a) and normal developed gpII (1a) 2 gpII -setae on dactylus 3 telson and regenerated (?) upIII 4 segment setae on flagellum of AI 5 maxillae I: position of three setae on inner portion (Photo: I. Hudec). Not drawn to scale.
Figure 5.Synurella odessana sp. n.: male, 11.5 mm, holotype X42024/Cr-1541-FEFU: A antenna 2 B antenna 1 C upper lip D lower lip E maxilla 2 F maxilla 1 G mandible, left H mandible, right I mandible, palp J maxilliped. Scale bars 0.2 mm.
Figure 5.Niphargus plurispinosus sp. n.: gpI 1st gnathopod; gpII 2nd gnathopod; ppIII–ppIV, ppVI–ppVII 3rd to 7th pereopods; ppV-b – ppVII-b bases of 5th to 7th pp; ppV-d – ppVII-d distal part of 5th to 7th pp; plp 2nd pleopod; upI and up II 1st and 2nd uropod; upIII-f 3rd uropod of female; upIII-m 3rd uropod of male; cxI-cxVII 1st to 7th coxal plate. Remarks: shadow colour was used to emphasise of important character. Not drawn to scale.
Figure 6.Synurella odessana sp. n.: male, 11.5 mm, holotype X42024/Cr-1541-FEFU: A pereopod 3 B pereopod 4 C pereopod 5 D pereopod 6 E pereopod 7. Scale bars 0.2 mm.
Figure 6.Niphargus plurispinosus sp. n. neonate: A general view B head and anterior part C 1st and 2nd uropods D basal segment of 7th pereopod E 2nd pleopod F 3rd uropod G 2nd gnathopod (Photo: I. Hudec). Not drawn to scale.
Figure 7.Synurella odessana sp. n.: female, 9.0 mm, paratype X42025/Cr-1542-FEFU: A urosome B antenna 2 C uropod 3 D telson E gnathopod 1, propodus F gnathopod 2, propodus G lateralia. Scale bars 0.2 mm.
Figure 7.Niphargus plurispinosus sp. n. – male: ontogenetic transformation of upI (6–8), upIII (1–5) with detail of endopodite (3–1, 4a1, 5–1) and presence of black-brownish callus (▼) after extraction and wounding of extremities, or after a bite (4–2) 1, 6 neonate 2–3 juvenile 4, 7 adult 5, 8 postreproductive male 9 gpII of neonate (Photo: I. Hudec). Not drawn to scale.
Figure 8.Variability of telson setae of Niphargus plurispinosus sp. n.: A–E, H juveniles (males and females) F adult male G adult female I postreproductive male J postreproductive female K 3rd uropod of female (Photo: I. Hudec). Not scaled.
Figure 9.Relative abundance (A) and moving activity (B) of Niphargus plurispinosus sp. n. in relation to temperature gradient in the artificial channel of type locality in 2012. Air and water temperatures were measured during collecting of amphipods (around 2.00pm). Notes: F-eggs = females with eggs, F-embryos = females with embryos. Source, 5 m, 10 m = water temperature at various distances from the spring (source).
Figure 3.Synurella odessana sp. n.: male, 11.5 mm, holotype X42024/Cr-1541-FEFU: A head B epimera 1?3 C pleopod 3 D uropod 1 E uropod 2 F uropod 3 G telson. Scale bars 0.2 mm.